Need help from you! Deal or no deal part two, Tao's pov.

Ok, so I'm not necessarly at a writer's block at the moment, but I am at a stand still. I don't usually receive feedback or comments on my stories which is honestly pretty discouraging to be honest. If it wasn't for my love of writing or the millions of ideas circling around in my head that I need to get out, then I probably would have stop posting long ago tbh. Between writing the rough draft, editing, etc. it can be quite time consuming and draining and I'm pretty sure other writers on here can contest to that. 

I've been hesitant about posting because sometimes it feels like being on stage at your concert and singing your heart out... on an deserted island. Like what sense would that make? lol Even when you really love what you do, the motivation sometimes is hard to maintain. Anyways, this isn't necessarily about that so excuse my rant, I am reaching out to my subs, friends, etc. for help with pt. 2 of my very first story on here Deal or no deal. 

So I have a dilemma... 

Part 2. is going to be from Tao pov. verses the reader this time, I've already decided that. What I need a little help on is whether or not I should continue their storyline in highschool or... while their in college. I already have how I want either to go, I just can't decide where I should continue with the trio. I just need a few pointers from you guys if you can please. 

Thanks for any feedback...

-Lena Monet.




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college storyline! it would really help with the maturing of their relationships :3