♡ youth → 박천사 ← application ♡

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BIRTHNAME : Park, Cheonsa

 작은 천사  — " little angel " — given to her by her parents, she has always been viewed as their "little angel" since birth.

 데빌  — " devil " — given to her by the love interest because seeing well through her facade, he sees her to be quite the opposite of what her name entails.

 사사  — " sasa " — called by her entourage / endlessly "loyal" followers / "friends," it's just a cute meaningless nickname based off of her original name. She finds it irritating to be called by such a ridiculous name, but makes no action of stopping the continuation of it.

 새끼 고양이  — " catling / kitten " — later given to her by the love interest due to her true "feisty" nature resembling that of a cat; also he's caught her sleeping once and thought she looked like a small kitten - though he would never openly admit it.

♔  여동생  — " little sister " — Though only a freshman, she was quickly known through her adorable antics, and thus widely recognized as the school's "little sister." She maintains this cute persona which is the reason for the upperclassmen, mostly, endearingly addressing her as so. If you attend Pledis High, it's not uncommon for this alias to be thrown around when the conversation is focused upon Cheonsa.

DATE OF BIRTH : February 14th, 2001 + 15
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, S.Korea

Korean — Mother-Tongue — Born and raised in South Korea.

English — Basic — Learning in school yet unable to find great care in focusing on the subject.

FACE CLAIM : Kim Yerim [red velvet]
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Jung Yein [lovelyz]
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 159 cm and 50 kg

 " This face was made for showing ": A naturally small face with a soft jawline, she prevents any acne or blemishes with only the highest of quality of products. Her eyes are a little wider than most's, but that only makes it easier for her to use her special attack aka the puppy eyes. Her nose is small and so are her lips, though she often makes her lips stand out through a subtle lipstick/gloss. Her face has that child-like glow to it, while also presents that youthful baby-face cuteness; both of which keeps her crowned as the school's "llttle sister" - a title she holds quite dearly and refuses to give up.

 " Petite and perfect, just like me ": As in her stature is small and lithe. She keeps this thin figure and with her small to not-very-noticeable chest, she almost appears as an eternal middle schooler. Something she does secretly have an insecurity about, though she makes it work to her advantage [e.g. she kindly forces though taller than she to give her a piggy back ride - usual victims are male upperclassmen].

 " Long, straight, and beautiful ": Being born with the natural straight and soft Asian hair, she has been able to maintain such a trait dispite bleaching and dying it. But of course with money and some of the best stylists, anything is possible. She has lightened her hair up to a sort of caramel brown before, but her most "drastic" [and current] hairstyle, at the moment, is bleaching her whole head and dying it blonde. Her hair also stops around shoulder-blade length.






 modest, respectful, cute, patient, boisterous [+]

♔ too kind, insecure, self-conscious, aloof, clingy, gullible  [-]




♔ resourceful, intellectual, observant, independent [+]

♔ calculative, energetic/rowdy [both + and -]

♔ sarcastic, deceptive, cunning, spoiled, stubborn, childish, egotistic, secretive [-]



 I AM THE VERY BEST THAT NO ONE EVER WAS ♔ The perfect little princess - or more like angel, one could say. The beaming ray of sunshine to everyone and everything. She holds this natural boisterous personality that others cannot help but be reeled into. Her upbeat and happy-go-lucky attitude only adds to her cuteness, and though cuteness is not usually viewed as a personality trait, the way she uses it to her advantage speaks otherwise. All of her words and mannerisms are laced with a purposeful sickeningly sweet cuteness. It's her own way of controlling people's views on her. She maintains a reputation of sugary sweetness in order to satisfy all of her needs and materialistic wants. But of course, people who fall victime to her facade aren't aware of such a thing. On the other hand though, she acts very patient and modest - quite contrasting to her upbeat trait, but still valid ones. It also goes along with her persona (as due the most things she does). Her modesty only makes her seem more appealing and "adorable" when people try to compliment her; while her patient and respectful attitude and words towards elders only give the impression of an ideal younger sibling. So while very excitable when with peers, she acts calm with upperclassmen or teacers. It all depends on the person to determine which mask she wears.

 I'M MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE ♔ The little sweetheart who can never say no. Oh isnt she just precious? The downfall of her front is her inability to deny a request; in other words: too kind. Such a burden on her being as a whole. Not to mention to appearl to the upperclassmen (especially the females), she must act insecure, unsure of herself, and self-conscious about most if not all of her traits. It gives her the appearance of needing asstiance of guidance in life. It gives people the initiative to take care of her and want to look after the younger female. Her most used moment to put these traits into action is when in the locker rooms. She has a thin and almost shapeless figure, thus she takes the opportunity to compliment other females while degrading herself. From there it's all downhill as a slurr of compliments in order to "make her feel confident" are sent her way. On top of all of this though, there are other traits she must whole-heartedly commit to - that happen to make her inner self cringe the worst. One being aloof. Much like her insecure self, her aloofness gives the impression of needing guidance, as she appears almost scatter-brained or clumsy. The type of trip over her own two feet at any given moment. Another is clinginess. She will purposely hang onto people's arms; get in close and act innocently about it afterwards; and/or come in and take someone's hand into her own. She isn't one to shy away from skinship - no matter the person. It gets tiresome, yes - for both parties - but most find it as an action of endearment, that she needs to hang onto someone to feel safe - and it not only fuel the person's ego, but her facade as well. And the last one, perhaps the worst of all, being gullible. The hardest trait she must force upon herself is the act of believing in everyone and everything she is told. No matter how aware she may be against what she hears, she must go along with it. Why? As said, and like everything else, it's all for how she appears. Being gullible makes her seem easy, and being easy makes it seem she needs protection. She is a lost little angel in need of help.


 IF YOU KNEW WHO I AM ♔ Less than her facade, but she still has good points to her true self. Now, of course to be able to uphold such a reputation and appearance for so long, one must be intelligent. It's one of her prized traits. Much unlikes the gullibleness of her facade, she is more knowledgeable than people tak her for. She holds an "A-" average (which isn't much compared to the geniuses of the school, but she still gets by) and actually quite up to date on the global market and world-wide issues. She isn't the little girl people take for granted day by day. Rather, she is quite independent. She isn't in need of help from others, nor does she look for someone older to guide her around as she follows helplessly. Her observance also aids/adds to her intelligence. She studies those around her in order to conform to their particular "ideal person" based on how they interact with others. Her observant nature serves her well when trying to stay on a person's good side. She is resourceful in the same sense as her observance. She is able to think quickly on her feet if ever facing some sort of..bump in the road. For example, Chan discreetly calling her out on her fake- persona, something that threw her completely off guard, but with others around she couldn't slip easily; she immediately played off his words, by continuing on with her happy-self, despite the judging eyes the bore through her act.

 STRUGGLED TO KEEP HER GUARD UP Calculative. A trait mainly known for its negative connotation, yet it's more of a neutral adjective when referring to Cheonsa. Being calculative is defined as weighing out every word and action to one's advantage, and that is exactly what she does. It helps her, not only, in getting the best possible outcome in her own favor, but also pinning other's words against them for her own satisfaction. It's a cruel mindset, she won't disagree with that, but it is very useful - for her, in the very least. Now, much farther away from her never-halting mind, she has a rowdier personality than one could believe. Sure, her outer facade has a boisterous part to it, but that is a much more watered down version in comparison. Her rowdy and energetic personality turns from one as though on a sugar high to a contemplation if she needs to be admitted into a psych-ward. She's louder, rougher (in mannerisms, words, and actions), and honestly perhaps more obnoxious.

 HURRICANE CAME AND DEVISTATION RAINED ♔ 'She wasn't always like this. But they forced her to change. It was their fault, they are to blame!' - Cheonsa's inner thoughts.
Her most prominent trait is perhaps her
deceptive personality, which would only make sense with how she acts on the outside. She is a fake, she won't deny it. How she appears to others nowis nothing more than what the people want to see. An image. A model. A mannequine. She has people so easily wrapped around her finger with her misleading act. But, then again, isn't she doing a favor to the people as she is giving them the poster-girl image they so greatly look up to. To go hand in hand with it all, she takes great pride in her cunning abilities. Having been able to fool everyone - well mostly everyone - for some time now only feeds not only her egotistic self but as well as belief that she could play anyone she so desired. With the mass amount of attention she receives on a daily basis, it has quickly become an equivalent to breathing for her. She feeds off the attention and adoration. Her confidence swells as the lines between self-confidence and egotism frequently blur.
There are three traits that could be clumped into the same category.
Spoiledstubborn, and childish. All traits that could and probably would be found in a three year old. She not only looks young, but she acts the part much more than one can stand. She whines, cries, throws tantrums if need-be, all done if she does not get her way. She isn't far from acting irrational. Even if it's "wrong" to act a certain way, or she herself is in the wrong, she will refuse to listen to "such nonsense" and continue fighting for her own words and needs. Everything must be how she sees fit afterall. She is the princess; and the princess refuses to accomadate based on someone else's needs.
Her sarcasm fits well with her rowdiness. She has a razorblade tongue that could easily puncture the pride of a strong, confident grown man/woman. Her words are venemous, something that would be highly unexpected of "angel Cheonsa," and for that reason she forcefully hides her urges to call out others. Hiding her sarcastic side if one of the many difficulties of maintaining an innocent front. Sarcasm flows easily past her lips, and needing to keep that hidden away in a dark part of her being is similar to keeping a fish from swimming. It's painful and almost impossible.
Lies. Images. Reputations. This is what her life revolves around now. A web of stories and lies that slip so fluidly past her clenched teeth. She hides such a dark part of her from even her parents as well. No one should know about this Cheonsa. Or else she wouldn' be wanted anymore. She must keep it all hidden under piles and piles of untruthful words, smiles, laughter - none of it is real. And no one can know her little white


 I'LL BE NEEDING STITCHES ♔ Birthed from a merge and agreement of two powerful companies with hands in every fashion, hotel, resort, etc. well-known enough. Her mother and father were forced into an arranged marriage in order to solidify this new agreement. Fortunately for her parents, they quickly learned to accept their fate and went along with plan for their futures; and soon such a "forced love" no longer felt as a burden as they two came to good terms with one another. Which - as years passed - blossomed into actual love. Their marriage was officialized when Jiyoon was 19, and their only child was born 2 years after.
Cheonsa's childhood could be described as better than easy. She was the only child of two doting parents, while also living the luxurious life of wealth. She grew up taking most things for granted, as anything and everything she wanted was easily given to her with a snap of her fingers. It wasn't until she entered a public middle school did a grim reminder wash over her.
She was, evidentally, the "popular" girl of the school. Having people flood around her in hopes of becoming part of her possy/friend group, after all there are benefits with being close to the rich kid. Yet, Cheonsa wasn't aware that she was being used. Not until she accidentally overheard her "friends" speaking about her well-developed home and luxuries, and how they could use it to their disposal as long as they kept on the "little spoiled princess'" good side. Little princess, huh? It was a slap across the face. A wake up call not only for how foolish she's been, but also of how naive she was to let people she thought truly liked her play her as a puppet. Of course, she did the only rational thing she could thinkof at the time: confront them. That didn't end well either. Her "friends" owned up to their words, calling her out for being a spoiled, attention-seeking pampered princess. How they gave her what she wanted - friends - and thus deserved the luxuries in return. After that, she secluded herself for the rest of her middle school career.
A princess. She was a princess. No. She is a princess. If that's how people view her, then she better play the part right. She convinced her parents to enroll her into the prestigious Pledis High, a school of the brightest and wealthiest of children - the perfect place for her to start playing her own little game.

 I CAN TREAT YOU BETTER THAN HE CAN ♔ Upon entering high school, she almost immediately earned her seat as the "little princess" of the class - and then the school. She would only be seen smiling or laughing joyfully, acting in a vomit-worthy cutesy manner that somehow still ended up capturing the hearts of others (no matter how cringey). Her plan was running smoothly - this rush of having everyone at her disposal, this is what her "ex-friends" must've felt when they played her. The advantages of knowing everyone and everything, of being with the in-crowd and those of high status. She wasn't aware of her actions making her no better than those that used her, but such a silly thought didn't matter anyway. All she cared for was attention, love, and power - that's the kind of person she was seen as after all.



♔ clothes :: she makes sure to stay up to date with the latest trends
♔ cute objects, stationary, etc :: she truly does like cute things, but ist also adds to her child-like facade
♔ spicy food :: she wouldn't tell anyone, since eating 50 hot wings could be an immediate turn off to anyone (especially since it does not fit well with her image)
♔ springs :: the weather feels just right to her
♔ singing :: a true passion of hers
♔ listening to music :: her preferred genre being ballads or r&b
♔ her family :: family before anything
♔ money :: since there are obvious perks to being wealthy
♔ anything with an angel wing pattern :: no reason really, she just thinks it's cute
♔ yoon jeonghan :: he is a literal angel from heaven


♔ animals :: whether wild or domesticated, she dislikes them; mitsu happened to be an exception
♔ sweets :: she still pretends to enjoy it for the sake of her image
♔ summer :: it's too hot for her liking
♔ sour food :: it's just not of her taste
♔ burning her tongue on hot food :: for obvious reasons
♔ tea :: she's more of a coffee person
♔ making mistakes :: everything must be proper, there is no room for error
♔ being called out on her facade :: only one person has been able to do that (lee chan), and it pisses her the off - not only because someone was able to see past her mask, but because that means she made a mistake


♔ unknowingly shaking her leg when bored or anxious
♔ looking elsewhere when in deep thought
♔ fiddling with the hem of her skirt or shirt when nervous

♔ dozing off in class
♔ pursing her lips when bored
♔ looking at the clock frequently - when in class


♔ shopping :: whether it be window shopping, trying on clothes, or actually buying outfits, she finds a joy in it all
♔ singing :: *check the likes list
♔ hanging out with her minions friends ::
 usually after school or on weekends
♔ lazing around with mitsu (her cat) when having nothing better to do and procrastinating on homework
♔ cooking :: believe it or not, Cheonsa is actually not too shabby of a cook; she has learned to cook just for her own personal interest
♔ yoga :: she finds it a nice form of relaxation, and it also helps build strength and flexibility
♔ swimming :: more along the lines of relaxing in the home pool


♔ someone telling her she can't do anything :: she dislikes being bossed around
♔ a controlled life or decision :: as said previously, she dislikes confinement and being "bossed around"
♔ when people question her motives :: people like *coughs* lee chan *coughs*
♔ rejection :: it's rare for her to offer something, and she doesn't take a rejection of said offer very well
♔ overthinking things :: everyone overthinks words, actions, people, etc. and as one would know, it's very annoying when the worst possible outcome comes into mind


♔ fear of being disliked :: her life practically revolves around attention
♔ arachnophobia :: fear of spiders
♔ athazagoraphobia :: fear of being forgotten *same as being disliked
♔ agrizoophobia :: fear of wild animals
♔ fear of losing her singing voice
 :: afterall, singing is her current passion
♔ fear of being used :: not again, not ever again -


has great flexibility from yoga (+ a strong core strength) :: is able to easily lift her leg up high in the air or bend backwards
♔ took up a ballet class when younger :: quit within 4 days
♔ addresses mitsu as "furry free-loader" :: there's no point in asking her why
♔ formed her "cute facade" upon entering high school
♔ stalks admires yoon jeonghan from afar :: i.e. always on the look out for him
♔ she used to play video games a lot when in elementary and middle school :: but immediately gave it up, deeming such a hobby "not cute"
♔ favorite movie is/are all the pooh bear movies :: don't judge her
♔ favorite show was teen titans and pokemon


♔ hanging out with her friends :: which is a variety of things, such as going out to eat, window shopping, catching a movie, not doing homework, etc.
♔ going to the school's sound studio and practicing her singing
♔ taking a stroll alone through the nearby park :: if there's still light out





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grandmother — Park ChungAe (68) / retired / stern, intelligent, observant, decisive, patient / fc - kim mikyung / 7 out of 10

♔ Cheonsa's grandmother is not a bad person, much rather she has her priorities in line. Her grandmother is a woman willing to do just about anything to ensure the prosperity of the family company. Though the company was under her husband's name and ruling, she was the brains of the operation - and for that Cheonsa holds a high regard for her grandmother. Out of everyone, the person she would want to disappoint the least is her grandmother. Now don't misunderstand, while ChungAe is a strong-willed business woman, she does hold some care for her family. She sees Cheonsa as a potential new candidate to take over the business after her father, and because of that she has attempted to force Cheonsa into the business world - something that, although she understands will make her grandmother proud, has been pushing her away from such a life.

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father — Park Myungsoo (40) / ceo of Park Industries / fatherly, loving, kind, supportive / fc - jo jung suk / 12 out of 10

♔ There is no doubt that Cheonsa is "daddy's little girl." From birth to present day, she was the most spoiled with endless love and gifts by her father - and being an only child served no help in halting such affection. Whenever in need of something or requesting a favor, she immediately goes straight to ask her father for permission; and much like the daddy's girl she is, there are little to no situations in which he says no. It's almost impossible for him to deny his little angel, after all. And in the rare cases of Cheonsa ever in a state of sadness or frustration (in front of her parents that is), her father is always there to cheer her up and somehow can easily calm her down with a simple hug.

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 mother — Park Jiyoon (36) / housewife / maternal, compassionate, patient, gentle, somewhat childish / fc - park jiyeon aka gummy / 10 out of 10

♔ Less of a mother but much rather a best friend. Cheonsa cares for her mother deeply, and vice-versa. She feels free to discuss mostly anything with her mother, whether it be about her crushes to latest fashion trends (so not particularly deep conversations, but still casual talk). While she still does hide some things from her mother, her mother perhaps knows her the best out of everyone on this earth (until Chan came along). When Cheosa and her mother often go out, she and her mother are often mistaken more as sisters rather than mother and daughter -- with the help of her mother's youthful appearance. And even to uphold such a view, the two often bicker like siblings. Cheonsa definitely gets her child-like energy from her mother, and when the two ever get into a disagreement - let's just say the household becomes a tantrum war-zone.

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 family pet — mitsu (3 months) / sleeping and getting pats / lovable, sneaky, loyal / 9 out of 10

♔ The little kitten that followed Cheonsa home one day after school. Honestly speaking, Cheonsa saw the animal as a nuisance. She isn't one for animals, whether wild or domesticated. Sure, it was "cute," she guesses, but it wasn't enough for Cheonsa to still see the thing as a flee-carrying free-loader. And the fact that no matter how many times she shoved it away, it would only walk back to her as though expecting that her stubborn will would break. Sad to say, that on her part, it did. Little by little she grew a fondness for the small furry..thing. She still continued to tell herself that she disliked it, but having someone follow her around so loyally reminded her of her high status. So finally, after many months, she finally took the little furball in (of course first getting it its necessary shots and such) and claimed it as her own.




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♔ one-sided love — Yoon Jeonghan (18) / student of Pledis / supportive, gentlemanly, considerate, emphathetic / ? out of 10

♔ Admiration from afar - that's the best description of their "relationship." Cheonsa holds this high respect for the older male, and through that she becomes a nervous wreck at the mere mention of his name. Ever since she heard him sing, she fell hopelessly in love with his voice and the fact that he looked like an angel to her. Her name is angel, he's an angel, that have to be perfect together, right? But she's just a freshman, and he's a highly acclaimed singer of the senior class. So for now, she can only dream and look on from the sidelines. 




 I am what's in style : From the latest trends to the newest fashions, Cheonsa is able to freely revel in all of the life of luxury. Designer outfits from dresses to shoes to shirts to blouses, she has it all and isn't afraid to display every piece of it. One of the branches that work for her family's industry is actually a famous fashion line. So of course she would use such a thing to her advantage.


 Now what is that style : Her preferred outfit is quite parallel to her [outer] personality. She usually displays herself in dresses with tights or stockings and a nice pair of shoes to bring the outfit together. It also isn't uncommon for her to be wearing a skirt with a nice blouse and some short-heeled shoes. It's rare for her to be seen wearing many accessories, aside from a bow in her hair, but anything concerning jewelry she does not deal with unless concerning a formal occassion. Also, she rarely wears pants, shorts is a different matter, but long pants such as jeans or sweats seem unflattering and tampering to her cute outlook. In summary, the best way to describe her style would be cute or playful.





Cheonsa lives in a wealthy neighborhood just near the school's campus. She has thought about moving into one of the dorms, but opted against the idea due to her lack of care for dealing with people after a whole day of standing them. Her home, like many homes along the street, is rather large and extravagant - one fitting for a princess, one could say. It contains a modern flare while also mantaining a hominess/coziness to it. The home in total has 1 master bedroom with a personal bathroom (for her parents), 2 medium sized rooms with both having their own bathrooms (one room occupied by Cheonsa), 3 guest rooms, 2 bathrooms for general use, 1 living room, 1 dining room, 1 kitchen, 2 home offices, and a home theatre basement (which is later used as a small "date"-esque place for chan and cheonsa).

Amazing modern facadeTerrace and contemporary furnitureOutdoor living area in South African modern mansionLiving room with spiral staircaseDining room with white table and purple chairsAmazing modern bedroomBeautiful modern bathroom
outside ; inner outside ; pool ; outer porch ; dining table ; medium sized room ; bathroom
Contemporary home office3-Modern-bedroom-design-platform-bed.jpgISppkm3u56rkzs0000000000.jpghome3.jpg
home office ; master bedroom ; guest bedroom ; home theatre


PLOTLINE :The Pampered Princess


i.e. The ever-adorable, ever-precious baby of the school. Born into the right kind of family of wealth and luxury to fulfill all of her dreams and wishes, she is indeed a true princess. Not a disney princess per se, but still a princess. She lives life as royalty. Living in a home of butlers and those that are willing to wait on her hand and foot, her life is nothing less than perfection. She has the easy life, and she isn't afraid to carelessly flaunt it about.


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School life & questions :


"Oh, a lot of people have been asking that.." Smiles nervously. "Is it wrong to say I don't have an ambition in life yet? Well- I mean- I don't have a certain goal I'm looking towards. Not like the musicians planning on becoming world reknown artists or idols, or the athletes aiming to be professionals, I'm just..treading lightly in different territories, as they say." Nods my head, giving a little more of a confident smile. "I still like to believe I have time to figure out what I want to do in life."


 "I do admit to have gotten in through my family's high social status and large sums of money; I will not lie about having worked as hard as those that don't have the priveleges I am able to indulge in.. but I will still prove my worth in this school. My family did send me here for a reason, and I will show my gratitude by trying everything within my ability to succeed." My eyes fall to my lap as a somewhat saddened smile tweaks up the corners of my mouth. "I do hold a great respect for those that have achieved so much and are able to freely strive no matter the limits they are born with."

What do you think about pledis high and the socialite/high-class lifestyle of all of the students? are you apart of that lifestyle? : 

"I dislike it. I really really dislike it." furrows my brows, forming a little frown on my lips. "It keeps from people being friends with others! I want to be friends with everyone, but yet I'm still not able to with there being such barriers placed just because of social status! It's wrong, I tell you!" Almost shouting now until I finally catch myself. "U-U-Uh...I'm sorry for my outburst there...it's just...why must we be confined to only those that are so alike to us. Sure, you have things in common, but life isn't about uniformed people - it's about individuality. And we must all experience that.."

How long have you been attending pledis high? And what are your best subjects in school? : 

"Oh! This is my first year! I'm quite excited to be attending such a great school" nods my head twice to emphasize my words "Though concerning best subjects..uhhh..." turns head away and adorns a subtle sheepish smile "I'm not horrible academically, but compared to the very bright students, I would not be considered the brightest of bulbs..." nervously fiddles with my fingers "My best subject though would perhaps be choir or singing, if that counts? However, there are still those that accel much more in the category in comparison to myself."


"Hmm.." silently traces abstract upon my thigh as I ponder that question "I know quite a few people, but  I don't think I know know them yet, if that makes sense? Though I hope to get better acquainted with everyone as the year progresses! New people means new friends, and new friends means new adventures!" excitedly throws my arms up in the air as I happily exclaim my last few words; but my excitement quickly comes to a halt as I recall a certain guy, and suddenly my joyful look immediately drops - though almost instantly I pick up on my crest-fallen expression and replace it with a smile "Though..I think there are maybe two people I know of? Or at least, have heard a bit more about? They're both in the music and arts program and are both males, I believe, hmm...one of them is an upperclassman and the other..apart of my grade." tries to maintain an appearance of aloofness and oblivion "Um..the older one is named Jeonghan, he looks like an angel ~" sighs almost dreamily, though soon snaps out of it "-I mean! If I recall that correctly" sheepishly chuckles "And the one in my grade is named...Lee Chan, right? His alias is Dino, if I'm correct. Though aside from their names and maybe their faces, I'm not too close to either yet."  wavse my hands in front of me, acting as though embarrassed of my lack of knowledge.


"I am apart of the singing program. My instrument is my voice, though I admit it's not that well developed yet.." gazes down to my hands and quietly fiddles with my fingers for a second "I am trying very hard though, to become better, and with the help and support of my peers and teachers, I can tell that I'm growing each and every day ~ " picks my head back up and sports a bright grin across my lips. blinks at the second question asked; my eyes habitually roam over the ceiling for a moment as one  my fingers tap upon my chin "Hmm.. well, this might be not a surprise, but I really enjoy sad ballads or very calming soulful music. I can't honestly explain why, but it's just the feelings that are present and displayed in the lyrics and soothing rhythm.. there's something about the slow tempo, or raw emotion vocalized so..so clearly. It's truly breath taking.." unknowing to myself, a small smile graces my lips "Oh! Also, I think my voice is best suited for slow songs, which might be another reason for such a music style to be my preference." emits a quiet, sheepish giggle.


singing [main]: oh seunghee [clc] — though Cheonsa's voice isn't as powerful as the other aspiring singers apart of the music and arts program, her voice carries a much gentler tone filled with emotions rather than high vocal range. She is unable to hit the higher notes, but instead can reach slightly lowers/softer tones. To put it a little simpler, perhaps, she isn't quite a soprano but she isn't quite a mezzo-soprano either.

singing [back-up]: chonnasorn sajakul [clc]

♔ ooc side note: I know Seunghee and Sorn are able to reach high notes, but let's just say that's the only ability of Cheonsa's talent twin that she can't do -- I greatly apologize if my jumble of words aren't making much sense

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80



LOVE INTEREST : lee, chan / dino
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : yoon jeonghan


 PUT IT ON REPLAY ♔ likeable, gregarious, inventive, adventurous, optimistic, honest 
I DON'T THINK ABOUT IT ♔ impatient, irresponsible, impulsive, interfering, obnoxious, nosy


ONCE UPON A TIME ♔ It all started at orientation for the freshmen class. Everyone was nervous - scared, more like it - of course; but with the new and "improved" Cheonsa, she was out to take the first step and become known from the first day. She reached out to the first person she saw, and coincidentally it happened to be the cute Lee Chan. She walked up to the boy, almost taken by his soft features and nice small eyes, but upon greeting him with her brightest of smiles, he simply looked her up and down with a gaze of judgement before walking away. Leaving the girl dumbfounded at his quick rejection. She however forced herself not to dwell on such a matter before going onto the next person.

 PRINCESS MEETS HER PRINCE ♔ The year went on as usual. Friend groups had already began to solidify and Cheonsa had slowly claimed her spot as top of the freshmen food chain. She was the perfect poster girl in the eyes of the other freshmen. She was cute, kind, friendly, anything you would want in a friend. But she couldn't fool everybody. The only person that never fell for her personality, Lee Chan, was still very much present in her life. Unfortunately, much more than she would have wished. He occupied a space in most of her classes, with an addition of being her seatmate in half of them. And to have topped it  off, his unspoken opinion of her hasn't changed; through that, a heavy loom of tension surrounds the two - and it's quite clear to those around them. Though what kind of tension surrounds them and the reason leaves people guessing.

 THEY FELL MADLY IN LOVE ♔ She doesn't know how, she doesn't know why - but she is already well aware of his note on her fake image; and if weren't clear enough, he had only justified it when she attempted - emphasis on the "attempt" - to reconcile and work with him. Only to be stared at with a quiet whisper, enough for her to hear him clearly, of "I don't trust liars." Her world slowly came crashing down after that moment. She needed to rethink her approach to this new persona of hers as it made her wonder: "Do other people know of it?" No. Impossible. It has to be just him. But that only means she must create an extra guard around herself whenever near the male.

 LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER ♔ Countless number of times they were forced to work with one another. And countless amount o times they bickered and grumbled silently at one another. There was no hope for the two seeing eye to eye; yet, would it be weird if Cheonsa found the little banter back and forth--fun? While she believed to have been keeping up a stronger front when with him, she had only been letting her guard slowly slip. Letting out the Cheonsa that hides behind the pink flowers and mass amount of stuffed animals. She found..herself with him. Though that seems to, also, be aware to one of them.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  classmates ; one-sided enemies ; mutual dislike

Cheonsa: "Lee Chan. You're a pain in the and an insufferable piece of that doesn't know when to shut up. But-"
Chan: "-But you love me"
Cheonsa: "Yes, I love you. Wait- what?"
( A wide smirk grows upon Chan's lips as he has finally caught the little "princess." His arms fold haughtily over his chest as he knows she can't get out of this one now, not with her cheeks already burning an obvious red. )
Cheonsa: "No! No! I-I don't l-love you! I h-hate you! I absolutely detest your existence, I--"
( Chan halts her speech as he presses a finger to her lips. )
Chan: "I love you too."
( Cheonsa's mouth falls agape at his words, her face redder than before as her legs give out and she falls to the ground. He soon crouches down in front of her. She blankly looks at him for a minute before non-threateningly shooting a glare. )
Cheonsa: "You better take responsibility.." 
( He blinks for a moment before beaming brightly; he leans in a claims her lips in a short chaste kiss. )
Chan: "I will."
( *Insert Cheonsa fainting afterwards* )

hamilton : a.burr

LAST WORDS : i did this based on someone that would be so perfect that they're horrible, if that makes sense? i hope everything is filled out correctly and thoroughly; if you need me to expand any further or change anything, please do let me know. i wasn't entirely sure where i was going with this character, it's the first time i made someone so... peppy? cute? so i hoped it all turned out alright.
and sorry for the blast of pink btw, i wanted to make the layout a little more cute and bubbly (?) to fit cheonsa.
also, she does have a large amount of "friends" though they serve no purpose in her life except to feed her status of popularity and act as her clueless loyal minions.
p.p.s. the questions done in first pov are written with Cheonsa's facade in place -- so little of those actions or answers would be of her true self, as she's always putting on an act.
p.p.p.s. sorry for the short background, if you need more detail i can add to it - but i was sort of in a rush at the end of writing the personality ;;


Cheonsa is being set up for an arranged marriage by her grandmother, unless she has a romantic partner already. Not wanting to be forcefully wed to some man she doesn't even know, she quickly thinks up a plan of having a fake boyriend to bring home to her grandmother - which is where the LI comes in. She bribes threatens convinces him into being her pretend boyfriend so she may get her grandmother to leave her alone.
The chosen applicants and their partners going on little dates -- depending on their LI and character's relationship
 [I'm not entirely sure of how the plot is working out, but if Seventeen are famous yet still in school just to finish up their academics then] : Seventeen and the chosen applicants are forced to go on this group "date"/adventure/scavenger hunt/bonding time at an amusement park

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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