


»  Hunnie Bunny  ⋮ younger sister ⋮ because his sharp eyes remind her those of a bunny's -- and because her favorite animal is a rabbit -- she refers to him as so.
»  Hunnie  ⋮ close friends ⋮ just an easy variation off of his name; his friends claim the nickname to be "cute" and "easier to say than [his] real name."
»  Hunk  ⋮ current classmates, fans ⋮ as both a student that has p.e., and a male idol, he has taken his shirt off on occassions, and he does have a fairly well built body. He isn't yet on the level of how the old members of 2pm were (when they were still active and in their 20s), but he's pretty close.
 J.Hun  ⋮ group mates, classmates, friends ⋮ instead of saying his full name -- which some argue is too much of a mouthful -- they instead shorten it to "j.hun."
 Johnny  ⋮ mother ⋮ not many people know of -- let alone refer to -- Jonghun's English name, except for the woman that gave it to him, aka his mother. But she only calls him by this when speaking upon a serious matter.

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ february 14th, 2025
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Seoul, South Korea
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Gangnam, South Korea

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Korean


»  Korean  ⋮ Native ⋮ grew up in a country where Korean is the most spoken language

»  English  ⋮ Basic ⋮ learned through his school years and during his trainee days

⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ kim taehyung/v [bts]
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ jung jinyoung [b1a4]
⟪ 2ND BACK UP ⟫ lee jaejoon/maru [cclown]
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 67 kg, 177 cm

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ While he seems at an average height currently, he is still a growing boy, which only, progressively, makes it difficult for him to find fitting - yet fashionable - clothes. As stereotypes might have it, he does have a taste and knack for fashion (though it has nothing to do with his uality). He simply enjoys looking good, and looking good helps him feel good about himself.
His usual attired compromises of dark-washes, sometimes ripped, jeans, a patterned or plain t-shirt, a jacket, and shoes depending on the whole attired - plus added accessories, also depending on the whole get-up. Also, being one not to easily feel chilled or hot, he is very much free to wear leather in the summer, and ripped clothes in the winter.
» 1 2 3 4 5 6

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ His skin lighter in comparison to his father's, he still maintains a sort of tanner tone than most Korean ideals. His overall body build in between broad and slim, while his torso is rather thin, his shoulders remain wide. His arms, legs, and midsection are somewhat toned due to forcefully working out and being on a strict diet as a trainee. There is no usual set style for his hair, though a common look is just a simple side-swept or letting it fall a bit above his eyes; his hair color is usually kept at a light-ish brown. However, stylists enjoy playing around with the color oncce further into ASTRAL's debut and various concepts. Jonghun believes that his sharp eyes, resembling those of a feline's [or bunny's, as his younger sister claims], are his most attractive point, along with his small half-smile which presents little dimples.
He has both his ears pierced, usually wearing two black studs. He hopes to one day get a tattoo on his left shoulderblade that runs down to his left arm - once no longer a minor.



» + // open-minded, adaptable, considerate
» +/- // nonchalant, dense
» - 
// secretive, insecure, jealous, compulsive

⟪ NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT ⟫ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in eros ut lacus luctus ornare non ac ex. Etiam congue dui eget sagittis semper. Vestibulum a nisi nisi. Praesent at arcu porttitor, dictum nibh a, aliquam turpis. Phasellus porta nunc a ex posuere ultricies.

⟪ HOW LUCKY WE ARE TO BE ALIVE RIGHT NOW⟫ In rutrum sagittis nulla eget condimentum. Integer et tincidunt ante, et placerat lectus. Nulla placerat magna vitae fringilla bibendum. Mauris a augue commodo, dignissim elit fringilla, rhoncus massa. Ut semper consequat dolor, vel varius nulla egestas laoreet. Vestibulum maximus purus ipsum, sit amet facilisis neque rhoncus at.

⟪ I'M WILLING TO WAIT FOR IT ⟫ Praesent ac lectus varius, dapibus lectus et, malesuada enim. Maecenas aliquet est risus, ac ultrices metus dapibus vitae. Aenean id viverra lorem, vel vestibulum enim. Cras felis lectus, tristique a nisl et, consectetur euismod eros.


⟪ BEGINNING ⟫ As not many had expected -- some people previously viewing their relationship as only means of publicity -- Kim Jongin and Jung Soojung officially tied the knot. The two young lovebirds married at the age of 25, and had their first child together when 28. It was a boy, he held features from both of his parents, having his father's tanner skin tone and mother's sharp eyes. He was given the name Jonghun. Kim Jonghun. Their first son and eldest child.

⟪ MIDDLE ⟫ Being the first and only child at the time, Jonghun was spoiled with love from both parents. He was probably the happiest child you would ever meet. He felt dearly loved, and easily learned how to return such love.
However, as Jonghun grew older, their once happy, small family began to crumple. His parents were continuously caught up within their own professions, rarely even speaking to each other [something he never truly realized until later]. He never blamed them for their lack of attention in him now, but he couldn't say that he was too alright with it as well... He just had to make it through, and then everything would return back to normal, right?
Things only further worsened, the only progress went downhill rather than up. His parents were talking more, though, however it seemed more like shouting instead of a covil conversation. Screams and curses too complex for Jonghun's 10 year old mind, resonated within their once-happy home. He longed to intervene. To stop the screams. To stop the fights. But he was only a clueless child, unknowing of the adult world and let alone what his mother and father were shouting about. What was he to do? What could he do?
Age 12. Jonghun was no longer that only child, he now had a baby sister - something he was happy yet simultaneously worried about. Their family was expanding, and with a new kid that meant a companion for him, and a little more light in their small home - right?
The child wasn't Jongin's. Jonghun couldn't quite grasp the situation at the time, but all he could make out of it was that his mother had a child with another man. Another man? Why would his mother need another man when she already had his father? None of this made sense to Jonghun. He kept questioning everything that was occurring, every happening, every decision, every word, fight, shout, yell, scream,..hit. Until finally, his mother left their home with his new sister. A trip, that's what Jonghun believed to be happening. His mother and sister were just taking a short trip to sort things out. Yeah. They'll be back in no time.
Age 15. Light no longer shined through the house. Laughter never again disturbed the silence that blanketed over the home. Jonghun rarely saw much of his father after mother and sister left. Jongin would usually be off at work or cooped up within his once-shared room. Jonghun had attempted, many times before, to speak with his father, only to be brushed away.
Their small home had become even smaller.

⟪ END? ⟫ Age 16, the age of when Jonghun first met Donghyuk. The male radiated. He exerted confidence and a light that Jonghun could only dream of having. The moment the two caught sight of each other, they instantly became intrigued by one another. They were polar opposites, while Jonghun preferred to be a more reclusive person, Donghyuk was naturally the center-of-attention. He pulled Jonghun out of his comfort zone countless of times, he dragged Jonghun into experiences he would never have tried on his own. Some of them being...intimate experiences. The two had a connection, there was no doubt about that, but how to define the connection was a different matter. It wasn't until one day when a female peer from a year above Jonghun, confessed to Donghyuk did Jonghun not only realize his jealousy but also his feelings for his best friend. Jonghun didn't quite understand his romantic feelings for someone of the same gender, but he knew they were there. Donghyuk was going to respond to the female's feelings at the end of the day, however before he could Jonghun pulled him away from class and brought him to a secluded part of the school. He couldn't bear the secret any longer, he needed to tell Donghyuk - and so he did. Jonghun confessed all of his emotions and thoughts to Donghyuk; he awaited quick rejection, but what he got instead was...a kiss.


» Snapbacks/beanies
» Hoodies
» Ballads + R&B
» Fashion
» Caffeine - he desperately needs his cofee in the morning
» Nighttime - is a night owl
» Soft things - e.g. pillows, blankets, pets
» Family - even if there is some tension, he still loves them nonetheless
» Singing
» Piano
» Sleep - his one true love, besides caffeine
» Guys

» Morning - would shoot the sun if he could
» Scream-O music - metal he is alright with, but scream-o is different
» Cleaning - or really chores, for that matter
» Those sad animal abuse commercials
» Narrow-minded people
» Spoilers - you spoil a book, movie, or show, and he will spoil your food
» Sleep deprivation
» Long winded lectures or speeches

» Kicking and moving around in his sleep - it is not highly advised to sleep next to this man
» Unknowingly bobs his head to any rhythm or beat
» Drinking five cups of coffee in the morning, just to get through till noon
» Scrunching up the bridge of his nose when annoyed
» Going silent when in deep thought and/or pissed off
» Staring at something or someone when trying to remember something
» Singing in the shower

» Singing/humming
» Playing the piano and making a composition of random notes
» Singing covers of old songs
» Going on walks in the park
» Checking out the pet shops and watching at all the puppies and kittens

» Used to have a youtube account: @jhunsound - mostly uploading covers
» Holds a high tolerance for alcohol, yet dislikes the taste
» Is no longer a
» Can cook basic foods decently enough, if given a recipe
» Had - or might still have - a small crush on Mr. Oh Sehun
» Used to write fanfiction until getting into high school and erasing all signs of such a past
» If he wasn't going to be a singer, he would probably be a lawyer
» He has refused to ever have his heart swayed again - until D.O's boy came along
» Holds his father at a high standard
» He has a secret snapchat: @kimhunter25
» He is homoual - only his ex-boyfriend [ofc] and mother know [and the few hundreds of classmates from his old school]
» He has an deathly fear of being looked upon with disgust by friends and, especially, family
» He sometimes stays in the bathroom for a longer time when feeling insecure




»  Father , Kim Jongin/Kai ⋮ 45 ⋮ Dance Instructor ⋮ reserved, stern, patient, mysterious ⋮ Though they live together, they rarely ever have contact with one another. Besides having nonsense "conversations" - if they can even be referred as such - that are along the lines of "how was your day?" "fine." And those talks are the ones on the longer side. It just seemed that ever since mom left, Jonghun noticed how much more secluded his father turned to be, how much longer he worked as though the only method of coping was to just dance. Jonghun couldn't blame his father, however, because ever since mother and sister left, their home did seem much larger and significantly quieter.


»  Mother , Jung Soojung/Krystal ⋮ 45 ⋮ Actress, Model ⋮ protective, open-minded, professional, maternal ⋮ Jonghun holds no grudge against his mother, not for having an affair nor leaving him and his father. Even if he tried, he knew he could not be angered by his mother for too long; he loved her dearly, after all, she is still his only mother. And although Jonghun lives with his father since the divorce, he has maintained a closer relationship to his mother. He visits her every other weekend - mostly to see his younger sister - and feels able to freely open up about himself and his issues. She is the only other person that knows of his uality; and being from the states, Soojung is a little more open-minded about these situations.


»  Younger Half-Sister , Jung Sooyeon/Alissa ⋮ 5 ⋮ fc - aleyna yilmaz ⋮ pre-schooler ⋮ sweet, loving, excitable, giggly ⋮ Jonghun's adorable little ray of sunshine. Whenever he sees Sooyeon, his faith in humanity is always restored, and his mind and heart are suddenly at peace. The younger female is such a happy, cheerful little child, that Jonghun can't help but spoil the girl with love and adoration. They share an amazing sibling relationship, despite living miles apart. She enjoys spending her days with him as much as he enjoys cuddling the little bundle of joy to death.




»  Close friend , Sehun's Girl ⋮ 16 ⋮ Astral Idol ⋮ *** ⋮ Both being the youngest of the group, they came to be able to easily relate to one another. Jonghun does not belittle her with remarks of her age, height, or "cute" appearance, but instead they share a close understanding of what it's like to be seen as a child. Though they are not completely similar, their shared situation was enough for the two to have a bond.


»  Good friend , Ahn Hana ⋮ 17 ⋮ fc - park chorong ⋮ high school student ⋮ kind, spunky, aggresive, stubborn ⋮ The first and pratically only friend Jonghun has made and kept since transferring to his new high school. Though that is perhaps she transferred in a year after Jonghun and is the only one not aware of his uality. Though being good friends, he has kept such a fact from her due to concerns of losing her as a companion. But, because of this crucial little detail, little does he know that she's developed secret feelings for him due to his kind personality.




»  Group Mates , Xiumin's Girl ⋮ 19 ⋮ Astral Idol ⋮ *** ⋮ Not much is to be said, they share a pretty normal noona-dongsaeng relationship. The older female, like most of the other members, treat him as a child which does, as always, anger him. But besides that, the two get along pretty well, there are no qualms.


»  Group Mates , Luhan's Boy ⋮ 21 ⋮ Astral Idol ⋮ *** ⋮ The older the member, the more likely they are to look down upon Jonghun [even if he may be taller]. Especially in the eyes of the oldest members, Jonghun is seen as nothing more than a minor that needs to be protected and kept away from and alcohol. Luhan's boy is no different in showing concern over the "innocence" of the younger.


»  Group Mates , Kris's Boy ⋮ 22 ⋮ Astral Idol ⋮ *** ⋮ While, Kris's boy being the leader, Jonghun holds a certain high respect for the older male, he can't help but every so often mentally curse Kris's boy for having fatally good looks - probably inherited from Kris himself. At times Jonghun finds himself, unwillingly, turning a faint pink at the sight of the male leader, thus forcing him to keep his distance from the elder.


»  Group Mates , Suho's Girl ⋮ 19 ⋮ Astral Idol ⋮ *** ⋮ The two don't hold any kind of closeness, nor do they make many interactions. They seem to be pretty neutral with one another, with Jonghun showing his respects to the older and the female simply returning the greeting with a smile. There isn't much to be said about the two. But if he wants a sort of peaceful silence, he always knows he can go to Suho's girl for that.


»  Group Mates , Lay's Girl ⋮ 19 ⋮ Astral Idol ⋮ *** ⋮ If Jonghun was straight and open for a relationship, Lay's girl is the person he would with go after. Just like with Kris's boy [aside from the blushing aspect], Jonghun holds high respects for the female and sees her as a trustworthy companion. Though she still treats him as a kid in some ways, he is able to brush it off much easier with this girl. He hopes to one day perform a duet with her.


»  Group Mates , Baekhyun's Boy ⋮ 18 ⋮ Astral Idol ⋮ *** ⋮ Jonghun holds a certain, personal, unexplainable [to others] hatred for Baekhyun's boy. It is nothing that the older did, but rather of his personality. Jonghun knows it's wrong, he knows he is not the same person as the one that hurt him, but he can't help but hold a grudge against the innocent older male. And because of that, the two have lacked any progress in becoming close.


»  Group Mates , Chen's Boy ⋮ 18 ⋮ Astral Idol ⋮ *** ⋮ Being only a year older and a pretty laid-back character, Jonghun finds some comfort with Chen's boy. They seem a little more than acquaintances but not yet close enough to be considered friends. While the older does show this "i'm-older-so-you're-a-baby" mindset, Chen's boy presents it much more in a teasing/joking way that Jonghun can't help but openly defy and retort against every time Chen's boy tries to force Jonghun into calling him hyung.


»  Group Mates , Park Miya/Chanyeol's Girl ⋮ 17 ⋮ Astral Idol ⋮ *** ⋮ With the two being close enough to the same age, Jonghun would hope that Miya and he would form some kind of friendship, like how he did with Sehun's girl. Yet there seems to be this sort of..."tension" that prevents the two from forming any sort of bond; and though Jonghun does want to befriend her one day, he understands well enough when he is not wanted.


»  Group Mates , D.O's Boy ⋮ 19 ⋮ Astral Idol ⋮ *** ⋮ Jonghun holds a secret admiration for the older boy, for reasons unknown which only confuses the younger and beats at his head everyday. The two don't share any particular close relation, let alone having but talked less than two sentences to each other. Yet, still, Jonghun finds himself, subconsciously, looking out for the older male.


»  Group Mates , Zitao's Girl ⋮ 19 ⋮ Astral Idol ⋮ *** ⋮ Both being singers, they grew to be a little fond of one another's presence. They would do vocal warm ups together or even, freely, chorusing to random songs that come up on the radio. Though similar to the situation with Chen's boy, Jonghun wouldn't yet consider them friends, but he sees them getting close.




»  First love , Seo Donghyuk ⋮ 18 ⋮ fc - kim jiwon/bobby ⋮ high school student ⋮ carefree, amiable, outgoing ⋮ Donghyuk was the person that helped Jonghun realize his true uality. Yet he was not only Jonghun's first love, but he was also his first boyfriend, first kiss, first time. With Donghyuk, Jonghun felt he could be himself and not care of the constant disapproving stares received. He was desperately, hopelessly in love with Donghyuk - until the man broke his heart and left without a word. Jonghun wasn't entirely sure of what happened or why, but he knew that a large part of him died that day. The only person that accepted and appreciated him..was now gone from his life, without even a reason.



"It has been a life-long dream of mine to perform for others. With my parents both being former performs, and nonetheless from SM entertainment, I knew that I wanted to follow in their tracks and, at least, become an SM trainee. While my father's passion was in dance, I gained my mother's ability in, primarily, singing. And, in secret, I began to develop that ability on my own. Now, I hope to share my voice and talents, just like my parents."


"Oh..uhhh....well... /sheepishly rubs the back of my nape/..that depends on the definition of "getting along." Being one of the youngest, and there being so many of us, I haven't truly become close with all of the members. We all seem to be respectable of one another, though there is definitely some tension between others, at least that is how it seems from my point.
I'm sorry, I got off topic a little. To answer the question blatantly, no, I haven't gotten along with all of the members yet. Being a minor, I'm still viewed as a child, being heavily doted on, and honestly it's a little tiring. I hope with time, though, things will loosen up and I will either accept my, unfortunate /stating in a light-hearted tone, following it with a playful sigh/, fate or I won't be treated like a kid anymore?"


"Popular. Yes. It's an somewhat unexpected coincidence that all the exo children would choose to pursue in music. I'm still a little bewildered by how...well(?) this all turned out. I mean, hypothetically speaking, yes, it could've been expected with all parents having dabbled in music, but children don't all follow the same path of their parents. So seeing all the children of the past exo members join SM, nonetheless, it is sure to gain some attention.
Now whether we are able to keep said attention, while also living up to standards set by our parents, is a completely different story - that is still waiting to be written."

D.O's boy

⟪ AGE ⟫ 19
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Baekhyun's Boy ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Luhan's Boy



Jonghun promised to never find himself the least bit infatuated with anyone ever again, yet he can't help but look towards D.O's boy with...admiration? Perhaps it's the fact that D.O's boy is able to rap well while also sing, something that Jonghun is unable to do, that captivates the younger? But even so, so many other members can do that as well, which only further confuses Jonghun on why he seems so hung up on D.O's boy. The two share nothing closer than a hyung-dongsaeng relationship. The longest conversation they've had was when D.O's boy asked Jonghun if he wanted some water after a long dance practice. Yet, Jonghun can't help but have his eyes roam around the room and search for D.O's boy through the crowd. While Jonghun seems to be the only one making such a fuss over the situation, D.O's boy seems to remain oblivious - or uncaring - to the entire thing.


The two formally met when the group was officially formed. Sure, they may have seen each other every once in a while as trainees; but it wasn't  until they actually came face-to-face did they became aware of each other's presence - mostly Jonghun becoming aware of D.O's boy's. From there the two saw one another more often- and the rest of the story is yet to be told.


» The two share a room
In a large crowd, or after practice, the first person Jonghun looks for is D.O's boy
» He has tried to cook food for D.O's boy countless times, only to chicken out in the last minute
» Jonghun alway tries to, discreetly, sit the closest to D.O's boy - whether it be the van, during interviews, etc
» D.O's boy usually only responds to Jonghun with a smile - which seems to be enough for him
» In the back of his mind, Jonghun is already aware of his slim chances, to which only makes tears well up in his eyes
» Just being close, even in silence, seems enough for Jonghun

⟪ LAST COMMENTS ⟫ I've done a lot of rping, but this is my first time applying for an apply fic, so I hope I did it well??? If there are any concerns over it, I'll make sure to fix them quickly.
+ finding a face claim was probably one of the hardest things to do
i kept switching back and forth between some until i finally settled on taehyung, who - even though known as daehyun and baek's love child - somewhat resembled krystal and kai's love baby to me?

»  THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HOW IT TURNED OUT  || One of Jonghun's classmates from his previous high school spills a rumor to the press about Jonghun's uality. Getting Jonghun caught within the scandal of whether to be honest or keep his idol facade clean.

»  - I MEAN BONDING TIME  || The group playing a "clean" game of truth or dare on one of their free days.

»  CAUGHT UP IN THE MOMENT  || Miya and Jonghun getting stuck either alone or near one another, and there being an evident, heavy awkward tension/atmosphere around the two

 SHOW YOUR "TRUE" COLORS  || ASTRAL guest starring on variety shows

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ stargazers | #000066


⟪ POSITION ⟫ main vocalist

⟪ STAGE NAME ⟫ Hunter

⟪ SINGING ⟫ tvxq's changmin/max | shinee's jonghyun

⟪ DANCING ⟫ bts' seokjin

⟪ RAPPING ⟫ exo's chen

⟪ ACTING ⟫ lee jongsuk

⟪ INSTRUMENTS ⟫ voice, violin, cello, piano, and triangle

⟪ OTHERS ⟫ has perfect pitch



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