replace with fc




⇒ Danny - used by the other Heaven girls, her father, and classmates (in America) - a variation of her English name "Danielle;" being born in America, this was used as her first name, while her Thai name was her middle name.
⇒ Sasi - used by the other Heaven girls - a shortened version of her Thai name, since it's a easier to prounounce/say than her whole first name
⇒ Miss Manga - given to her by the other Heaven girls - since she, basically, lives off of shoujo mangas and manhwas, she has earned the name to fit her "obsession"
⇒ Sassy - given and used by close friends - variation off of the other nickname "Sasi," Sasithorn is a known to be very sarcastic and have somewhat of a sharp tongue
⇒ Canine Buttcheek - by Chanchai (aka love rival) - it is means of being playful with one another. They share an almost sibling-like relationship, so of course, just like siblings, they would call each other unflattering names.


⇒ English - native tongue - was born and raised, for a good portion of her childhood, in America
⇒ Thai - conversational - her mother often spoke Thai to her at home, but Sasithorn cannot read nor write in Thai to save her life
⇒ Korean - fluent (enough) - raised in Korea for most of her adolescence (11 yrs-present day)


⇒ Petite, fair skinned girl. She is a little tanner than the other girls, and only gets darker once exposed to the sunlight for a long time (tanning rather than burning). She has natural brown hair, due to her American half, while she often lightens it a little more to give it a caramel color. Her eyes are appear as black when in regular lighting, but are a hazel color in the sunlight. She has slightly slanted down eyes, and slight naturally round cheeks.


⇒ Comfort and flexibility is key. She wants to be able to wear something that she can wear for a long period of time while also being able to do a 50-meter sprint in (if need be - cause you never know). So you'll usually see her preferred shoe option being sneakers. That doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy wearing flowy dresses or skits, she just prefers shorts or pants over them. Or spandex, yes spandex.
She wears a tanktop under her usual pressed-white button up dress shirt. The first two to three buttons are usually left undone, as her tie/ribbon hangs loosely under the collar. She wears her blazer open or around her waist, sometimes settling with a sweater-vest if the weather is warm enough. Her skirt ends around mid-thigh and wears a pair of black spandex underneath (cause you never know). For footwear she sports some black or white above-the-knee-high socks - along with her signature converse.
⇒ ex: x x x x x x x x


BIRTHDATE: february 15th ; 18 years old
BIRTHPLACE: princeton, new jersey, u.s.a
ETHNICITY: american-thai

FACE CLAIM: sorn (clc)
BACK UP: somi (i.o.i)
HEIGHT: 160 cm
WEIGHT: 54 kg



"once you think you know me, i go and ruin your impression."



⇒ + // observant, loyal, extrovertive, adaptable, ambitious
⇒ +/- // impulsive, straightforward, imaginative, competitive
⇒ - // stubborn, sarcastic, dense, vulgar (to an extent), unpredictable, insecure


⇒ WHOCARES WHOCARES In order to make friends, or acquaintances at least, you should know about them; and thus this mindset brings out Sasi's observant side. She has made most of her friends, up to this point, through knowing of their likes and staying away from their dislikes. She ensures that she doesn't touch upon any sensitive topics (unless they are willing to speak up about it) and/or step on any toes (figuratively and literally). And through her observance, she is also able to read body language fairly well, something that helps her when making a "match." However, at times her initial plans may not work out, forcing her to adapt to the new situation and find a diferent solution. She isn't one to linger for long on a failure, as she knows that to get the job down, she can only continue pushing forward. She is very ambitious in this sense. She has a will and determination to get the job down; and she will not rest until her customer is satisfied, even if it means taking some extreme measures at times. However, that would be an issue to solve later, as she must stay loyal and focused to her current task at hand. It is close to impossible to waver this girl's loyalty to her job, friends, family, and...mangas. If you were to talk against any of these things, she will immediately become defensive and scream, shout, and/or argue until you know not to say such things ever again. But, as long as you do not mention any of the people or things said, then you two will get along alright. She is still known for her loud (almost obnoxiously so at times) and outgoing personality. She may seem shy and timid at first, but she is an extrovert at heart. She just has a small cold chocolate coating on the outside of her heart, once you get through that, then you'll reach her vanilla-strawberry ice cream center.

⇒ TILL WE DIE TILL WE DIE OH Sasi gets easily lost in her thoughts. She has an imaginative mind that tends to run wild at times. She is either usually thinking of her current customer or Mark Tuan some manga/anime she just read/saw/finished. Because her mind and heart are often lost in the clouds, she often needs one of the other Heaven girls or Chai to snap her back to reality.
Sasi claims to have this "Thaituition" ("Thai Intuition" that makes no sense to anyone else but herself, and because of that she is often viewed as crazy which she is) that helps her make decisions. Most choose to wisely not question is anymore, but, either way, because of her "Thaituition" she tends to do/make a lot of her actions purely on impulse. She doesn't thoroughly think out her plans/solutions, nor does she think twice about them, but instead goes based off of instincts and will follow whatever they tell her. And often they tell her to be direct and straightforward with people, when it comes to socializing/speaking with people. This method sometimes works, but usually ends her up in a rather...problematic predicament (much larger than the one she was in before/trying to solve). This going towards grades as well, especially when it comes to the conceptual aspect of physics which requires more thinking.
Ever since a young age, Sasi has had a competitive streak. Whether it came to sports, a simple game of kickball, or making sure no one else looks at Mark Tuan took the last bag of chips, she always had a fighting spirit of refusing to let anyone else win. She would fight to the death if need be.

⇒ BONNIE CLYDE BONNIE CLYDE To go in line with her competitive nature, she is also very stubborn. She refuses to give in or give up (which is usually viewed as a good trait), however with her stubborness comes reluctance in accepting that she's wrong. She will go in a full-out debate to defend her position on a matter, and even blatantly, undoubtedly proven wrong - she will still refuse admitting it. She holds a strong sense of pride in her decision making, due to her observance skills (such pride that sometimes may get out of hand). However, such pridefulness is easily dimintioned through her bouts of insecurity. She may think highly of her mind, but her appearance is a differen matter. Due to her living in a country (or really, countries) where there is a very set and specific body/complexion that a woman should have - she (unwillingly) subconsciously continues to compare herself to that view of "perfection." Being a halfie, and looking more Asian than American, she did not fit the American beauty mold; and being tanner with a Thai complexion as her only accountable trait for being considered Asian, she was never going to fit the Korean beauty mold. So it is not uncommon to see this girl constantly worrying over her appearance, skin, hair, face, etc. There are even times where she stays in the bathroom for a long period of time where she worries over and - to the extreme - cries over her natural looks.
While her competitiveness brings out her stubborn side, her impulsive nature brings her unpredictability to light. Due to her natural urges to act on instinct, it is questionable on what those instincts of hers are. It's not easy to keep track of what's going inside this girl's head, she could be plotting a date or someone's murder- who knows!
Her sarcastic nature coincides with her vulgarity and straightforwardness. She tends to make crude jokes at times, which may be from the influence of hanging out with a majority of teenage hormonal males. She is not afraid to blatantly shout out or speak of topics that some may find uncomfortable discussing (e.g. ing). Despite not having actual first-hand experience in such things.
She is dense in the sense of knowing when someone has an interest in her. She takes pride in her observance skills (which has been mentioned many times before, i'm sorry ; ;), but she lacks observance of her own life - love life, to be more specific. She never believed that anyone would like her ruggish, somewhat violent, rowdy self, so she never imagined anyone would ever take an interest in her; thus, she doesn't think much on such a topic. However, she does continue to daily day-dream about finding her "one true love." But she is still too oblivious to those that attempt to claim that spot, as she has been friends with males for so long that "flirting" seems like another friendly or skeptical (i.e. a prank) gesture.


LONG AGO, ALL FOUR NATIONS LIVED TOGETHER IN HARMONY Born on the early morning of February 15th, 1998, in Princeton, New Jersey. She descended from the uterus of her lovely mother, being conceived with the help of her equally lovely father. At the time of her birth, she was their first and only child - so she took all of their affection and attention being simultaneously the younger and oldest child.

⇒ THEN EVERYTHING CHANGED WHEN THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED Growing up, Sasithorn lived a pretty average life. She attended school in Princeton and used most of her childhood learning/growing accustomed of the surrounding town. She wasn't an overly bright student, but she was quick on her feet - making her an excellent candidate for kickball during recess, as well as having her gain the attention of those young boys. So, needless to say, she had more guy friends than she did girl friends - something she never knew she longed for until reaching middle school.

⇒ A HUNDRED YEARS PASS AND MY BROTHER AND I FOUND THE NEW AVATAR Middle school was the time bodies changed, emotions and acne developed, and friendships started to break apart. Sasi was no exception. When her body began to...fill out, that's when her elementary school friends - aka all her guy friends - started to keep their distance; since, for some strange reason, having co-ed groups of friends was no longer socially acceptable. Once reaching a certain age, guys and girls could no longer be friends - they could only be "dating" or "flirting." So when all of her male friends disappeared, Sasi was forced into a time of seclusion, not knowing the first thing about relating to or making friends with fellow females (despite being one). Which is how she entered the world of shoujo mangas, finding comfort in their cliche sappy stories. She first came across the stories when randomly scrolling through the internet and suddenly getting one of those side-bar advertisements; curious, she clicked on it, and from there the rest is history.
Though, her lonely middle school life in the states did not last long once her father had a job transfer to a country a day ahead of the United States - more specifically known as South Korea.

 [SHE] HAS A LOT TO LEARN BEFORE [SHE] CAN SAVE ANYONE Sasi was only 11 years old (12 in Asia) once taking her first step in the foreign land. She was no longer the only child at this point, already having two twin siblings born a month prior to the sudden move. With the new babies in the house, her mother had to prioritize to their needs while her father continued to provide for the family. Thus, leaving Sasi to fend for herself. She had met a young boy that happened to be Thai as well (*check her love rival sect), immediately taken by him  (not romantically, but in a more...interested way, perhaps? she doesn't see too many Thai people around in Korea) and almost grateful that she was able to come across someone like her. Though she tried to not rely on him so much, as she did not want to pose as a nuisance; however, it seemed inevitable as the language barrier left her in a tough situation  more than once, and, fortunately, the male was able to get her out of such sticky predicaments. Through this, the two grew closer and formed an unbreakable friendship. Thus, finding her first friend in Korea.

 I BELIEVE [SASI] CAN SAVE THE WORLD Due to Chai's (aka the Thai boy that she first befriended) outgoing and friendly aura, she was easily able to meet other people and gain other companions. Once solidifying a good relationship with people, of course you start learning more about them, and in Sasi's case - she learned more about their love lifes rather than anything else. Perhaps it was due to her intrigue in love (ever since she became addicted to lovey-dovey mangas) or her strangely wide range of knowledge on the topic (once again due to reading mangas and perhaps some love books) that she easily attracted people looking for answers to love. She was soon deemed the "love expert without a love life" in her friend group.
A few months or so after being given that "title," she was called in by a student she had only seen before yet didn't know. It turned out that she was a member of Heaven girls - a famous love-maker club only known through the students. It appeared that one of Sasi's friend-acquaintance-like companions was also a friend-acquaintance-like to one of the Heaven girls, and they had given some insight of Sasi's "abilities." Seeing Sasi as a possible valued addition to the club, the Heaven girls offered her a spot, something she was momentarily wary on until Chai's constant encouragement to take chances rang in her memory. With a slightly injured lip (from biting on it when in thought), she accepted the offer. From there, she began her career as an official matchmaker, and her life with  her very first female friends. (side note: sorry, I forgot to mention that up to this point, all of Sasi's friends/acquaintances have still been male).

LIKES: ( side note: my internet crapped out when i was finished with this part, so i apologize if it is shorter than intended ; ; cause i could not remember what i wrote )

⇒ shoujo manga/manhwa -- the main source of supply to feed her obsession of romance
⇒ anime
⇒ studio ghibli movies/characters
⇒ caffeine -- the only way she is able to stay up till 5 am (binge reading manga) while waking up two hours later to go to school (and stay away for at least three of her classes)
⇒ fencing -- she used to fence in the states, but once coming to Korea, she found it harder to find and attend a fencing club consistently; but she still enjoys watching and reading about the sport
⇒ tennis -- currently her means of exercise; she is on the varsity female tennis team at school
⇒ dogs -- though she will absolutely easily swoon over any cute critter, dogs are her absolute favorite animal (doesn't matter the type of dog, she will give them all belly rubs)
⇒ unhealthy snacks -- she prefers savory things over sugary/sweet
⇒ english class -- she does fairly well in the class (being fluent in the language), and all the teacher isn't too bad


⇒ horror or gore mangas/manhwas -- has a weak stomach and is easily frightened by graphic pictures (even if they are just drawn)
⇒ centipedes -- ever since she saw the "human centipede" (which has permanently scarred her for life), she was never able to look at the multiple legged critter ever again
⇒ science -- especially physics; she is able to do the math, but it's the conceptual questions that easily throw her off
⇒ spring -- has a horrible allergy to pollen; so during spring the spring season she will almost always be seen wearing a facemask and popping allergy meds
⇒ people criticizing her love for mangas/manhwas
⇒ song worms(?) -- you know that catchy song the just refuses to leave your head and instead only keeps replaying itself, yeah that is what Sasithorn dislikes
⇒ falling off her skateboard or tripping over something on her rollerskates
⇒ gaining weight -- she has some body image insecurities, and being one with not a naturally fast metabolism, she inwardly is always criticizing herself on how she looks



⇒ will start spouting curse words in a mix of thaiglish (thai + english) -- when greatly furious
⇒ purses or bites her lips -- when in deep thought or working intently on something
⇒ falling asleep anywhere and everywhere -- when extremely tired and the caffeine just won't work
⇒ in her sleep -- the only way she found out about this was through a sleep over with her friend
⇒ start speaking quickly in english -- when nervous
⇒ forgetting that her headphones aren't plugged into her computer, and her music blasts out loud for all to hear when it start playing


⇒ tennis -- *as mentioned before in her likes
⇒ dancing -- though she is not very good at it, she enjoys moving around her limbs and body to the beat/rhythm of catchy songs
⇒ watching cooking videos -- not that she plans to really make anything, but she just finds it relaxing and a way to pass time
⇒ listening to music -- you can always see headphones resting around this girl's neck - when it's not on her head that is
⇒ reading manga/manhwa -- especially shoujo/romance centered comics
⇒ making monster foods/drinks -- when bored, she will find snacks or drinks laying around and mix them together (then give them to the other Heaven girls to drink)


⇒ ambidexterous -- she writes with her left hand, but has a stronger right-handed forehand (in tennis)
⇒ wants a pet, but is unable to get one due to her mother being allergic to dog and cat dander
⇒ her best subject is english, while her second best(s) are math and history -- physics (or science in general) just doesn't work for her
⇒ is currently in love with the 'hamilton' soundtrack -- you will often find this girl randomly singing along to the songs (and at times pretending she is a schuyler sister)
⇒ secretly volunteers at a pet shelter -- it's a secret since her parents rather have her studying rather than wasting time working or reading manga (both of which she does anyways)
⇒ she often imagines the perfect date or love-at-first sight scenerios -- helping other students plan out dates or ways to approach their center-of-affection (aka crush)
⇒ she often dreams of finding her "prince charming"
⇒ she can play the bass fairly well -- she took up the instrument once coming to korea
⇒ her favorite quote: "put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig" - cr1tikal, youtuber
⇒ becomes easier friends with males than with females -- this is due, mostly, to her athletic ability and playful/vulgar nature

RELATIONSHIPS: only name the one who is important !!


⇒ father - Keith Knightly (52) / lawyer / hardworking, placid, protective, discreetly kind
Sasithorn used to be closer to her father when they lived back in America. But upon the family moving to Korea, it only seems her father has become busier in trying to provide for the family. Sasi understands her father's busy schedule, and does not resent him in anyway for it, but would still prefer that she was able to go back to the old days where they could hang out - or at least hold a conversation longer than two minutes.


⇒ mother - Hathai Wattanapanit Knightly (49) / stay-at-home mother / motherly, strict, protective, loving, understanding
The ruler of the house and the only reason why all of hell hasn't broken loose in their home. Her mother works hard to take care of the youngest twins, and because of that she had to give up working in order to care for the family while Sasi's father is constantly away. Sasi admires her mother more than anyone else, the way she is able to keep composure while the twins are rowdy and while Sasi is asking for help with either homework or finding something. Sasi loves her mother dearly, and only wishes she could show her how much she means to her.


⇒ younger brother - Eric Klahan Knightly (6) / professional drooler and future boi / naive, flirtatious, affectionate, friendly
Out of the twins, Eric is probably Sasi's favorite. He is the most sharing and kind of the siblings, he is willing to give up one of his toys to another if they want it. Though that could all just be part of his devious plan to win over people's hearts. He isn't one to shy away from skinship, and has (on more than one occassion) kissed the cheek or lips of other children and Sasi. Though it's because of Eric's overly affectionate ways that make him appear so cute and lovable; and Sasi is one of the people that have fallen victim to his "cunning" actions.


⇒ younger sister - Ariel Kanya Knightly (6) / professional whiner and future world-dominator / skeptical, introvertive, clingy, possessive
Sasi sees a lot of herself in her younger sister. Though Sasi still thinks as Eric as her favorite, that doesn't mean she doesn't love Ariel. Sasi is one of the few people that Ariel can trust and cling to. Ariel holds a special place in Sasi's heart, as she feels she can relate greatly to Ariel's introvertive and secluded ways - as she (Sasi) was much like that when younger (especially middle school). Though Sasi is aware that under that quiet demeanor is a sinister and manipulative ruler just waiting to come out and take over the world - and when she does, Sasi will loyally remain right beside her.


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face claim : ten (nct u)
back up face claim : bambam (got7)

age : 18
OCCUPATION : student

Personality :

⇒ "That unreasonably protective poop face." - Sasi, 2kforever
⇒ Chanchai, or better known as Chai, is your average school kid. He does alright in classes and isn't too athletic when it comes to sports. But something he does accel in is music, more specificly danicng. He is known as the school's dancing machine, and from that has garnered attention from the student population.
⇒ He is actually a pretty humble character. He gives off that vibe of friendliness, yet prefers to only have a small group of close friends. 
Though not the best when it comes to grades, he is still fairly liked by the teachers as a respectable kid (to most at least).
⇒ He holds a protectiveness over the friends he does have, though. He cares deeply for people and will always ensure their happiness. He is a kind boy, and Sasi only refers to him as a "poop face" for endearment purposes (while he refers back to Sasi as "canine buttcheek").
⇒ summary: kind, considerate, protective, playful, easygoing

interaction with your character: 

⇒ The two not only hold similarities in ethnical origins, but also living in the same area. Yep, the two are actually neighbors. Chai was actually the very first friend Sasi made when she arrived in Korea. He helped her adjust to the new school system and the language barrier. Soon enough the two grew close, becoming almost like inseperable siblings; and because of this, Chai holds a protective "brotherly" feeling for Sasi. He is the first to know of all of Sasi's issues and secrets, and so upon hearing of her new affection towards a teacher, nonetheless, he immediately goes straight into his overly-possessivenessprotectiveness. It is not that he holds any romantic feelings for Sasi - and even if he did, it would not be the main reason of his defensive nature - it's just the fact that it's a much older male (and a TEACHER, at that) that he doesn't like; as he believes that such a relationship is wrong and that Mr. Tuan is only playing with Sasi's heart.
⇒ So he's basically a for the two.

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int



AGE : 23
OCCUPATION : English Teacher


⇒ traits: friendly, amiable, helpful, easily embarrassed, indecisive, cautious, compassionate, playful

⇒ The easily-likeable English teacher. Due to his young age and attractive face, he is a hot topic around the female students. He is an easy-going teacher, being more understanding of the students' busy lives and situations than the older teachers. But, even though aware of the female students' affections, he is very clear of the line between work and personal life - and would rather not mix the two.

⇒ based off of the manga character: Satsuki Shishio 


⇒ It wasn't her fault. She didn't want to fall in love with this man (but she would be lieing if she said she didn't find older men a bit more attractive). But she wasn't looking to be like the other female students trying to capture his attention; but after one look at the man, she immediately fell victim to him.

⇒ It was her second year of highschool when she first laid eyes on this beautiful specimen. At first she only thought of it as a small puppy love, but as the her year with him as her teacher progressed, she realilzed the rapid thumping of her heart whenever she saw or talked with him, would not cease.

⇒ Even after that year, she often found herself looking for him. She would go up and try to strike a conversation with him at any chance she gets. She has contimplated asking him out many times, but always thought against it.

⇒ They maintained a fairly close student-teacher relationship as time passed. They were able to freely converse and joke around with one another; close enough for Sasithorn to know a bit about his personal life, and comfortable enough for Sasi to talk with Mark about personal or academic issues.

⇒ But, one day after school, when Sasi was visiting the school library to check out a book for a research project, she found Mark sleeping on one of the window sills with a book face-down and opened on his lap. Sasi stared at the man for a moment, taken by his peaceful sleeping face, getting so lost in every facial feature that by the time her eyes gazed down to his lips she didn't realize that she had been closing the distance between the two. And before she knew it, her lips were on his. She reveled in the softness, and spark that coursed through her body, but the kiss lasted for a short moment before she thought she felt him move and begin to wake up. She quickly stepped back and ran behind the bookshelves, with a deep blush decorating her complexion. Little did she know that he had been awake the whole time, and was sporting the same dark hue across his cheeks.

⇒ Sasi had acted as though that day hadn't happened, and instead continued to keep her secret affections - well - as secret. But little by little, Mark began to see the younger female in a different light - and unknowingly his heart would begin racing at the mere thought of her.

STATUS: Student-Teacher (/coughscoughs sorrynotsorry /smacked)
ENDING: Sasithorn on her graduation day, and Mark waiting for the ceremony to be over before being the one to formally ask her out.
Then the two starting a steady romantic relationship.


hamilton ⇔ a.burr

LAST COMMENT: this is my first time applying as a female, though I have (or attempted to) rped as a girl before, but idk...
I hope everything makes sense? If there are any concerns just tell me o/
+ also sorry if the spacing between extra placed pictures is weird...there is supposed to be a dotted border, but for some reason it's not showing up?
+ don't mind the different ethnicity of the twins (sasi's siblings), it was hard to find fraternal thai twins orz


⇒ the Heaven girls hanging out with one another; perhaps telling being playful with one another or having a sleepover?

⇒ the Heaven girls each interacting with their love interest

⇒ Sasi and Mr. Mark Tuan's "kiss" scene

⇒ Chai acting as a "" (ex: holding Sasi close to him and glaring at Mark when he passed by the two in the hallway)

⇒ Sasi casually staying/sleeping over at Chai's house (as the two hold a close enough relationship that his parents already see Sasi as a daughter)

⇒ Mark becoming almost jealous of seeing Sasi and Chai being so close (literally and metaphorically)

PASSWORD: "you're the one I want to want me" - jason derulo, want to want me ;





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Sasi's review is there sweetie ^^