Butterfly Murders

"The truth may hurt, but lying kills."
NAME - Shirou Tsukishima
NICK NAMES - Tsuki - short for Tsukishima and Minhyuk and his family call him that

AGE - 17
BIRTHPLACE - sapporo, hokkaido, japan
sapporo, hokkaido, japan

LANGUAGES - japanese and korean (both fluent)
Moozie / 9/10 / English
apperance -
tsukishima didn't really change his uniform. he simply kept his tie loose and his jacket ed. he complained that it was too much work to have to change how he looked everyday when he was fine the way it was.
outside of school, he preferred to keep things casual. a simply shirt or long sleeves with jeans, maybe a fannel if he wanted to spice things up, but that was pretty much it.
face claim - Lee tae hwan
latest?cb=20160417223904&path-prefix=es tumblr_newu4z9dzd1tegbzdo1_500.jpg 38713d860ec9cbdef57d4e02a034f69b.jpg 71289517b5f50f10c5b939c9590193c6.jpg
back up face claim - seo in guk
Seo-In-Guk-18.jpg eec35fd8a53a04d357abe683a13dbc2e.jpg tumblr_o5r0mlyFCy1v9jwjpo3_500.png 8c03c3c5394fb65818ab0389bfd8368f.jpg
personality - 
(+) cool, quiet, observant, calm, smart | (-) sly, mischievous, has no regard for his own life, always bored, lazy
     (+)   Tsukishima wasn't the most social person ever. He preferred to observe people rather than communicate with them. He was a quiet person by nature, never knowing what to say or when it was the right moment to say it. However, he wasn't socially awkward, he just preferred not to talk when he didn't have to. He would rather observe everyone else since their change in expressions were always amusing to him, especially when it was only a few words that changed their expressions with a sour one. He played his game of life smart. Knowing everyone's most embarrassing or crucial secrets, the teachers' routine and schedule; those were simply common knowledge to him. He made sure to remain  at the top so that he wouldn't be bothered or judged by his teachers. He also made sure to gain their full trust.
     (-)   Tsukishima, as you may have already guessed, was constantly bored. He just didn't find most things to interest him. Being naturally gifted caused him to excel without any effort, it was boring. Not having to work hard but still getting the best/desired results didn't really give any satisfaction. However, even if he wasn't naturally gifted, he wouldn't work hard. He didn't like having to work, he liked silence. No one really ever tended to mess with him, but when they did, he enjoyed ever second of it. They would try to threaten him, but he would calmly pull out his black notebook that was full of everyone's secrets and look through it until he found their name(s). Once he finds the name(s) he would look up with a smile that sends chills down their spine(s) and begin to read their secrets out loud. The teachers all trusted him so he was able to slide under their radars and gather more blackmail information. He would do anything he finds interesting and has no regard for his own life. Even jumping off a skyscraper into a net wasn't a big deal for him.

background - Tsuki is nothing special. he comes from a normal family and grew uder normal circumstances. If anything was special about his background, it would be that he has never gotten anything lower than an A in class. Also, he moved from japan to korea when he was 9.
family - shirou akari - 45 - mother | shriou eiji - 46 - father | shirou kei - 14 - sibling
friends - best friend - Han minhyuk - 17
school life - 
     Tsukishima excels in all of his class and has never gotten anything lower than an A in any school work. He only has one friend at school, Han Minhyuk, another student that excels in all his classes. Tsukishima doesn't really care about anything and is constantly bored. His friend, Minhyuk, is the only one who dares to talk to Tsukishima since Minhyuk finds him to be interesting.
   Everyone else tends to avoid having conversation with him due to his cold demeanor. He sits in the very back row on the right. he sits next to a window that he constantly looks out. the teacher doesn't really have a problem with him since he is usually quiet and is the best student.
Tsukishima is currently has the number 1 spot in school while Minhyuk has the number 2 position. the two are almost never messed with, but when they are, tsukishima's arrogant side appears and blackmails the idiotic person who dared mess with them. Everyone also knows about tsukishima and his blackmailing system, which is another reason why he is feared.
Love interest - (last, first)
back up love interest - (last, frist)
age -
year -
class - 

personality - 

relationship - (first meeting, how they get along, etc)

1. how do you know about the 'butterfly murders' from the past?
A: The whole school knows about them as far as i know. it became some sort of a tradition to tell all the incoming students about it.

2. how would you react to have to play the game?
a: i wouldn't care. if anything, it would make my life interesting.

3. would you be willing to help find the killer?
a: Yeah, sounds like something that would keep me amused.
4. how would they react to knowing their teacher played this game before?
a: dont care, it's just more blackmail that I would keep for later use.

5. how would they help to force their teacher to help them?
a: I have blackmail on anyone and everyone that steps foot on my campus.

6. choose between these - loyalty vs survival?
a: loyalty. it makes life more dramatic.

7. choose between these - lies vs truth?
a: truth. why? because the truth may hurt but lying kills.

8. choose between these - friendship vs love?
a: friendship. love just isn't my thing.

9. choose between these - risk vs safe?
a: well it depends on which side Minhyuk is on, I would usually go with risk since it sound interesting.

10. choose between these - slow vs fast?
a: fast. things that go slow irritate me.

11. How do they feel about someone abandoning their friends to save their own life?
a: They don't deserve , but that's not my problem.
likes - music, strumming his guitar, playing the piano, reading, observing people, silence, minhyuk, and ice cream

dislikes - complaints, loud noise, girls, annoying people, slow people

hobbies - playing his guitar/piano, reading books, observing people, collecting blackmail, hanging out with minhyuk

habits - staring at people, ignoring everyone other than minhyuk whenever he is reading, blackmailing those that try to mess with him

trivia - can't swim, can be found in the music room playing piano/ strumming his guitar, minhyuk is his only friend, tsukishima is sort of distant with his family
questions - 

comments - can't wait for your story to start!

scene requests - Tsuki acting cold to the girls


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