Perfect - far from it


I was reading a 'confessions' page where people were talking about what their significant other would have to deal with if they were to date them. So it got me thinking what would be mine?

- I am really not a touchy feely person, but it doesn't mean I don't want you to touch me. It's a fine balance that you would have to get right.

- I am not a very out going person because I guess you could says I am quite shy. If there is more than one person around I'll probably shut up and just listen. To make this worse. I guess you could say I am clueless and dense when it comes to social cues. 

I am not angry... I was actually enjoying myself.

- you will have to deal with my biases. Yes I think my bias is perfect, but it doesn't mean he's perfect for me! (let's be completely honest, fame isn't my style.) They will have to deal with the fact that I will obsess over a great picture. But if I am dating you, I chose you for a reason!

-Kpop. Need I say more? He will have to accept the fact Kpop will be played at all occasions. Feeling happy? Kpop. Feeling sad? Kpop. Celebrating? Kpop. I think you get the idea. Not to mention the fact that dates will be interrupted at certain times so that I can watch the comeback of my favorite group.

Going to be late for date, Big Bang is coming back and I will need time to die internally first. Will be there as soon as I finish dying. 

What are your quirks? What would your significant other need to deal with?


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meemow123 #1
Lol ... Kpop everything
after you finish dying lmao xD
I might have said before Im too young O.O but heehee .. I think think about getting in a relationship.
Patience, honesty and trust are the best qualities for me ... Anybody who can put up with me xD
something ... Theres that saying perfection is just a view of opinion ... The perfect guy/girl of your imagination might be far from the guy/girl you get together with in the end.
As always ... Heehee
My future guy better get ready to;
- go camping as I more of an outdoor person
-be prepared not to get any instant texts or msgs as I am soooo far behind with this generation and technology (even though I'm 19)
-be prepared to hear/see me dying over my bias and Kpop
-be prepared to head bang to metal music as I am obsessed with metal and rock
-be prepared to deal with my mood swings (I sometimes am the most outgoing person you'll ever meet or the biggest you'll ever meet, and it's mostly the latter since I am more than half the time depressed af)
-be prepared to not hear sweet talk from me as I am not the romantic type at all. AT. ALL. I don't do PDA and neither am I the type to say 'I love you' and all the cheesy stuff
-be prepared to deal with my abnormally loud and obnoxious laughter... I laugh so fricking loud for a female... and sneeze too O.o
- he better be ing grateful that I'm not gonna drag his to go shopping coz I hate shopping with a passion... unless it's for books... then he better be ready to shop the entire day for books
-better have a musical side as I love listening to music and playing instruments
-hopefully he won't drink or smoke :/
-but most of all, he has to be the one who's gonna stick with me through the thick and thin no matter how the going gets and be loyal. I'm not usually one who likes to lean onto people coz I feel as if I am a burden to them, so he's gonna have to understand that too, but there will be times when I'm gonna need encouragement and hopefully he'll be there... and yes, although I like to be independent and I want my partner to feel independent, I want him to also know that I'm gonna be there for him.
Cute, I really liked the stuff about kpop, it is honestly so true
Hayaley #4
I have to have 'me' time so I don't like an over-clingy guy. It might actually work better for our relationship if he has a busy schedule. I know that's like the opposite of what most people want in a relationship. He would have to respect my 'me' time or be willing to leave me alone when I want to write. I'm a workaholic. So that could be an issue too.
Princess_lee #5
Well, my significant other and I had been friends for five years before dating. Now, I'm the type of person who would hug and hold hands and occasionally kiss the cheeks of my girl friends, but even though he's my boyfriend, I somehow can't do these things without feeling that other people might feel uncomfortable (he's the type of person that feels all right to do PDA). Also, I don't stop talking, so he let me do all the talking and he'll listen to me even though sometimes he doesn't understand my accent. And when it comes to K-Pop, I made him listen to it, but he wants his song to be something he understand. In addition, he gets a bit jealous when I fangirl over my oppas, so I have to reassure him that he's the one I pick and will always be my choice.
The bottom ones are the same for me too XD
I do not say "I love you" a lot and I get fussy at verbal (or very direct) displays of affection, like tone it down. So they'd have to just know that I love them without needing to hear it all the time. I also have a slight fear of loss of freedom and honestly, it just gets in the way sometime. Time will be spend sort of on my premises (even tho that's kinda bad). I ... also really love talking and learning so they'd have to be able to stimulate me mentally. XD I'm just a really horrible person at love, they'd have to get used to a lot of things. I mean, I can make a compromise, but I'm not good at it when it comes to things like this. XD