Personal Message

"I am weird, but proud of it!"

About Me

Hey you, yeah hi! :D :P I see you are taking the time to read my lame o stories and about my even lamer life. Well, since you are taking the time to do that I guess I should tell yoy my name. My name is Kris and I will most likely be the one to approach you, bombarding you with questions about your life if you are the new kid at school or if you are sitting alone in a corner. I am weird, but proud of it! I love to interact with people and I'm not the best reader or writer, but I love to do both if something catches my eye or I have an inspiration! You can always ask me for help of you need it (when it comes to ideas or writing) and I accept all friend requests. Assuming I'll get at least some comments on my soon to be stories, I will always try my best to reply. I am busy a lot of the time, but I will always try to make time to reply to you! Feel free to ask any questions and constructive criticism is helpful, but if you spend your time hating on others, no mind will be paid toward you. I look forward to sharing my weird stories with you, kiddos! Anyway, i know I'm a dork and i talk a lot, but thx for taking the time to read my personal message and about me post anyway! :D :P :*