#Blog 1: 25 Facts About Me

What is your middle name?: It's Far'Ain. Kinda weird right?

What was favourite subject at school?: Addmath and English.

What is your favourite drink?: I like cold drinks. Whether it's milk, juice, soda or can, i like it cold.

What is your favourite song at the moment?: I can’t stop listening to Wonder Girls' Why So Lonely.

What is your favourite food?: I don't have one because i love all types kinds of foood. I love pizza, donuts, breads, cheese, pasta urhhh I CAN'T PICK ONE

What is the last thing you bought?: I bought pizza Lol

Favourite book of all time?: Okay urmmm. This is hard. Give me a sec.The Fifth Wave, i guess.

Favourite Colour?: Black.

Do you have any pets?: Yes. I have 5 cats and my 3 cute little kittens.

Favourite Perfume?: This is going to sound weird but i don't use perfumes ever. Deodoronts yes but no perfumes.

Favourite Holiday?: Last semester holiday! Gosh can't wait for it.

Are you married?: Nope

Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: Yes, a couple of times.

Do you speak any other language?: I'm fluent in Malay, semi fluent in English and let's see what else? I am learning Arabic Language at school as an extra subject ;) and i know wo ai ni Lol

How many siblings do you have?: 4 sibling including me which consists of 3 stupid and immature brothers and me.

What is your favourite shop?: I love book store the most(?) does it count ahahaha.

Favourite restaurant?: Secret Recipe

When was the last time you cried?: 2 days ago

Favourite Blog?: I don't know any.

Favourite Movie?: The Day After Tomorrow, San Andreas, The Fifth Wave, 2012, ALL OF HARRY POTTER'S MOVIES

Favourite TV show?: The Return Of Superman, 3 Meals A Day, Cool Kidz On The Block, Law Of The Jungle

PC or Mac?: Mac

What phone do you have?: I had a Vivo but it's now broken, so i'm using my old phone now. Samsung Y.

How tall are you?: 5ft 2

Can you cook?: Well yes. I could survive on my own nyenyenye


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Is the last thing is the one that we ate yesterday?
"Favourite Movie?: The Day After Tomorrow, San Andreas, The Fifth Wave, 2012"

-- LOL You are definitely a fan of disaster movies. Me too! XD