Corona Application || HEBE || JUNE || Main Dancer, Vocalist, Sub-Rapper

replace with fc

Chae minjung



Minnie - pet name that her parents and little brother would call her
Kirby - her friends began to call her Kirby due to the fact she was the smallest in their group and practically always inhales all of the food she eats whenever they were together
✩ Taiga - another name that her friends call her that's based off of one of their favorite animes: Toradora. Since Minjung is the shortest out of all of them and her temper runs short. Plus she is really strict whenever they're cleaning their routine for a performance or competition, it reminds them of how similar Taiga acted in the anime as well. Her hair is blonde most of the time which makes the nickname even more relevant.
✩ Mighty M - Stage name earned during her underground days as a constant winner in dance battles and one of the top contenders in rap battles. Also used when she would teach dance workshops. Based off of her introduction before the battles "The Small but Mighty Minjung".


Korean - Fluent, native tongue
Japanese - Conversational, got into their culture through anime and wanted to learn the language
English - Fluent, family lived in the US for about 5 years.


✩  She naturally has dark brown hair but usually dyes it whatever color she sees fit whether it'd be bleaching her hair blonde or even dying it pink or dark grey. Her slightly pouty lips and pale skin came from her father while her soft facial features and doe-like eyes came from her mother. But with her short height, everyone questions how she's so short when her dad is 6'2 and her mother was 5'6. She has three piercings on each ear. She can never go out unless she at least has some BB cream and mascara on, or eyeliner and a natural lip tint on.


✩ She loves street fashion. Leggings are her favorite thing to wear because of how comfortable they are. Her closet usually consists of black, white, grey, and burgundy clothing. The only colorful articles of clothing she owns are her oversize graphic tees. Every day she wears jerseys of any kind, crop tops, flannels w/ sports bras, or loose v-necks. On a day to day basis she'll always be seen with either a pair of Nike or Adidas shoes. Her go to accessories are her collection of snapbacks, dad hats, or beanies. She tends to wear a lot of hoodies and windbreakers because she finds them perfect for the weather and comfortable enough to dance in. Minjung also won't hesitate to buy clothes from the guy section of the store if she sees something she likes or knows she can pull it off. She has a soft spot for getting to dress up once in a while due to the fact she's always dressed in clothes that are comfortable to dance in 24/7. Heels and makeup are her lowkey weakness and she loves getting to be all girly once in a while because she feels like a princess. 

{ x x x x x x }

Annyeong! *laughs and salutes with two fingers* Chae Minjung-imnida, it's nice to meet ya! Hope you beautiful souls are having a wonderful day. I'll work hard and please take good care of me! 

BIRTHDATE: 6/26/95
BIRTHPLACE: Seoul, South Korea

FACE CLAIM: Twice's Sana
BACK UP: Twice's Tzuyu
HEIGHT: 155 cm
WEIGHT: 45 kg

Let's get to know me.

Small but mighty.

PERSONALITY TRAITS: optimistic, bubbly, humble, playful || perfectionist, independent, blunt, selfless 

Minjung is a very carefree spirit and tends to voice out her opinions without thinking. Ever since she was young, she always had this bright personality to her that immediately drew people's attention towards her. She tends to be a blabber mouth and doesn't hesitate to give her input on things. This can also be a bad side to her because she hates it when someone tries to beat around the bush with her. She will be truthful and upfront with people if she needs to be whether it'd be she's talking to someone she's close with or someone she's just casually talking to. Sometimes she doesn't know her limits or when to stop talking when she's hurt someone. As she grew up, her opinions and comebacks became wittier and sarcastic. As much as she loves to make sarcastic remarks in her conversations, Minjung is also quite the jokester. She loves to friends and family member with pranks or jokes around with them. Her outlook in life is very positive and loves to look on the brighter side of things. She's also very curious about everything that's around her. She gets easily distracted by whatever's going on around her but takes notes of the little details. If she's sitting in a lecture hall or practice room, her eyes begin to wander and she'll ask questions to herself like, 'I wonder how that guy got injured?' or 'The girl in the corner looks lonely, maybe I should talk to her sometime.' or even 'I'm thinking about Chinese for dinner tonight...I should really text Youngjae what he wants after school.'

On the other hand, she tends to be very independent. She doesn't like to lean on people too much because she sees herself as a burden and prefers to keep to herself when everyone has their own things to worry about. When it comes to the people she cares about, she always puts them first. Most of the time she's too selfless to look afterself and do the things that she wants. Minjung is also a perfectionist. She needs everything to be perfect, whether it'd be the choreography she makes or how her bedroom looks, she will stop at nothing until it's up to her satisfaction. Minjung will overlook every single tiny detail in whatever she's doing. She overthinks and analyzes everything which causes her to get easily stressed and highly emotional. She'll either immediately close herself off from the people around her or her temper will run short. If she loses her temper, she'll snap at the people around her without realizing it and speak without thinking. She'll bottle things up until it gets too overwhelming for her and she'll have a mental breakdown.


Growing up, her parents were never really in the picture. Her mother was busy working as a designer for a fashion company and her father was a freelance music producer so he was always abroad. When she was younger, that was the only time Minjung ever recalled spending time with her parents. Since she was their first child, they wanted to make sure that she grew up healthily. Once she was mature enough to handle on her own, her parents resumed work and even moved to the United States due to her mother's promotion and her father's connections. They moved to Los Angeles, California when she was ten years old. She got into dancing through the dance club at her school since she wanted to stay out as long as possible since her parents were never home. Minjung realized that she could easily move along to the music and was naturally flexible. The more that she danced, the more she fell in love with the art. Whenever she danced it felt like everything around her disappeared and it was just her and the music. Every time she took a class, time flew by and she felt the happiest she's been in so long. With the money her parents left her, she began to take classes at local dance studios in hopes to get even better. It was her safe haven since no one was ever home and she had the instructors and regular dancers around her to keep her company. Since LA had easy access to different genres of dance, she trained herself to be a versatile dancer.

At the age of fifteen, her mother gave birth to her little brother. The moment she got to hold him in her arms, Minjung knew that she would do anything to protect him and make him happy. During the course of her mother's maternity and father's paternity leave from work, the three of them spent that time to reconnect with each other while looking after her younger sibling. Minjung finally opened up to them and requested that they focused more on being there for him. Her parents never realized how lonely Minjung was when they were gone since she had always kept to herself and was very responsible for looking after herself. Now with her little brother in the picture, her parents made sure to make up for their mistakes after seeing how sincere Minjung was with her request. Minjung had found a liking towards singing with her father as they grew closer and she helped him with his composing once in a while. They moved back to Korea when her brother was six months old so the rest of their relatives can meet the newest member of the family. 

After moving back to Korea, Minjung made sure to continue her dancing. She contiuously took classes at SoulDance and 1Million Dance Studio after classes. There she met three other people: Minhee, Jihoon, and Haru. They were dancers that she had often seen in the dance community and became friends with each other. The four of them soon made their own street team called Playm8. Their name came to be because they're all mates and love to have fun. It was also a play on Jihoon's personality because he's a playboy and loves to firt with other girls so the four of them always joke around saying it's based as Jihoon as their mascot and the girls are the mates, like Playboy. They danced on the streets by doing dance covers of the hottest songs in the K-pop scene and competed in local, underground, and neighborhood dance competitions. Although they don't stick to one practice space, whether it'd be at SoulDance or 1Million, they would usually practice at Minhee's neighborhood where there was an empty studio that her landlord would let them use. Since they're well-known in the community, they would sometimes hold their own workshops at the studio they practice at.


✩ Food 
✩ Cats
✩ Anime
✩ The Beach
✩ Coffee/Bubble Tea
✩ R&B, HipHop, & EDM Music
✩ Naps
✩ Stitch from Lilo & Stitch
✩ Poetry



✩ Being rudely woken up from naps, if so she will start cussing to herself in English
✩ Hospitals because there's needles involved
✩ When people about her height
✩ Jihoon
✩ Sleeping in the dark
✩ Small Rooms
✩ When people touch her things or move them without her permission
✩ Writer's block
✩ Strongly dislikes anything horror related because she's a huge scaredy cat


✩ Can't fall asleep unless she's hugging something
✩ Bites her bottom lip when she's nervous or anxious
✩ Talks in a mixture of English and Korean whenever she can't properly express herself or feels many emotions at once
✩ Tends to slap the person next to or nearest to her repeatedly if she's excited 
✩ No matter where she's at, whether it'd be in a supermarket or waiting in line for something, she will begin to dance or do small movements if a good song is playing in the background
✩ Plays with her hair or vapes when she's stressed 
✩ Talks in her sleep 
✩ Constantly hungry/always snacking on something when she can (always carrying snacks like choco pies, small bags of chips, candy, etc in her bags)
✩ Makes a sound of happiness, usually a squeal or laughs to herself while clapping when she gets food or when it's set down in front of her
✩ Carries her lyric book around with her wherever she goes. 



✩ Longboarding/Penny boarding
✩ Must always start her day with coffee or else she'll be cranky for the rest of the day
✩ Learns dances/choreography in her room from her laptop whenever she has freetime
✩ Watching K-Dramas/Animes (especially food animes)
✩ Reading Poetry Books
✩ Kickboxing on the weekends
✩ Playing basketball
✩ Bugging her friends or other members to learn the new choreography she put together {
 x x x x }
✩ Looking up new places to eat with her friends and family 
✩ DJing, Composing, putting mixes/mashups together, or writing lyrics
✩ Planning her next prank on whoever her next victim will be



✩ Favorite color is red
✩ Spirit animal is a panda
✩ Picked up DJing and rapping during her trainee days and through someone very special to her
✩ Street food is her guilty pleasure, especially if it's spicy. She doesn't care if her face is swollen the next day. A green tea face mask and facial massage will fix it right up.
✩ Knows how to cook
✩ Food is always on her mind
✩ Keeps a secret stash of her own snacks in her bedside drawer for whenever she's bored and hungry at the dorms
✩ Plays the ukulele
✩ Even if she loves coffee, she has this odd thing of switching to drinking tea in the winter. Minjung doesn't know why, but she finds it more comforting to drink tea during that time.
✩ Loves to exercise and play sports (basketball and volleyball)
✩ Closet sneakerhead; doesn't like to brag but she has a pretty decent collection of Nikes and Adidas that she's bought over the years
✩ Still kept the first pair of shoes she wore everyday to dance rehearsals back in LA. They're a worn out pair of burgundy Vans and she believes they're her good luck charm. 

✩ Has a pet Munchkin cat named Simba
✩ Loves to do skinship with the people she's closest with (i.e. wrapping her arms around their shoulders, hugging them from the side, leaning her head on their shoulders, etc)
✩ Wants to travel around the world
✩ Wishes to go on variety shows, especially Running Man
✩ Doesn't look like it, but she's a er for romance
✩ Doesn't watch a lot of TV but if she does, it's either Running Man or Show Me the Money
✩ Looks up to BoA and G-Dragon

✩ Very, very, very ticklish; if she sees someone that looks like they'll tickle her, Minjung will immediately retreat back
✩ Doesn't have 20/20 vision; her left eye is worse than her right and is nearsighted. Prefers to wear contacts most of the time because of dancing
✩ Dance Foundation: Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, HipHop (waacking, breaking, locking, popping, housing)
✩ Loves Lilo & Stitch, it's her favorite movie

✩ Hogwarts House: Slytherin; Ilvermorny House: Thunderbird
✩ Personality type: ENFP 

✩ Blood Type: O
✩ Eats a lot but never seems to gain that much weight and usually finishes first because she's a fast eater (i.e. can eat three large bowls of ramen in one sitting)
✩ Can contain her alcohol well despite her small figure; last time she tallied the number of shots she drank, it was around 15-20 before she became drunk


Father - Chae Minjun (55) / Producer, Composer / laid back, funny / 7/10; Although their relationship wasn't close when she was younger, once Eunsoo was born he made sure to stay home more and the two bonded a lot. He would always joke around with her and ask her to show her the new dances that she learned. Ever since she opened up to him and his wife, he made it his mission to fill in the empty gap they left in her adolescent years whenever he could. {fc: Jung Bo Suk}

Mother - Chae Eunjae (52) / Fashion Designer / strict, supportive / 5/10; Since her job permits her to always be on the go, Minjung isn't as close to her as she is with her dad. But whenever she is home, Minjung's mother is always on her case to make sure that she's on top of her studies and doing well with everything that's on her plate. Her mother prefers tough love so her daughter would be ready for the real world. {fc: Lee Ah Hyun}

Brother - Chae Eunsoo (5) / N/A / childish, playful / 10/10; He is her light whenever her world goes dark. Eunsoo is the reason that Minjung decided to become an idol. Since he always watched music shows and looked up to his sister, he always told her how she would be able to shine brightly on stage if she ever got the chance to become an idol. The two are really close with each other and Minjung loves to spoil him. They're always playing with each other and teasing each other. Whenever their dad was just relaxing at home, they would plan endless pranks to play on him. {fc: Yoogeun}

Best Friend - Kwon Minhee (21) / Student, Dancer (Playm8) / sassy, confident / 10/10; Minhee and Minjung became friends when the two were paired up for a dance class when Minjung first moved to Korea. It was a freestyle interactive class where they had to improvise accordingly to the moves of their partner and the two easily clicked. Together they're known as Min² and are like two peas in a pod. Since their personalities are similar with Minhee as the more outspoken one, Minjung loves to call Minhee her long lost twin. {fc: Jung Minhee} 

Older Brother Figure - Jung Jihoon (24) / Student, Dancer (Playm8) / flirty, cheeky / 10/10; The two met each other through Minhee when he took the same dance class as them. Jihoon immediately tried to flirt with her and Minjung was easily flustered. Since then, he made it his duty to always tease the girl, but always be there for her as an older brother. He's the one that she loves to have deep conversations with because he has a mature mindset although he loves to get on her nerves 24/7. Most of the time she doesn't know whether she should punch him in the face or hug him for being so experienced with relationships and life as a whole. Because they are also very close to each other, they would occasionally collaborate with each other for choreography. Some of their friends within the dance community would often mistake them for being a couple which Minjung would immediately deny even if everyone ships them. { x x } {fc: Lee Chihoon} 

Best Friend - Cho Haru (20) / Student, Dancer (Playm8) / innocent, quiet / 10/10; Minjung met Haru at one of her dance classes and she went up to compliment her for her skills. She found it adorable how shy Haru got but when she dances she's as confident as Minhee. The two hit it off and she later introduced Haru to Jihoon and Minhee when they wanted to hang out after their dance classes were finished. Minjung looks at her as a younger sister and someone she can just relax with. Since Haru is quiet, the two usually just have a good time hanging out at a cafe with a book in their hands. {fc: Hong Younggi}

Friend - Kim Minsoo (20) / Trainee; BIA Member / funny, caring  / 8/10; Minjung met Minsoo once she became a trainee and easily got along with her. The two were always grouped together as partners or within the same group of trainees, so Minjung naturally gravitated towards her. Although they were all competing and training to debut as soon as possible, she saw Minsoo as someone that she wanted to become friends with and grow closer to. Minsoo is the friend she likes to lean on the most because she's the first friend she made when she first became a trainee. {fc: Moonbyul}

✩ Older Brother Figure - Zico (23) / Idol / sarcastic, playful / 8/10; The two met through Jihoon and he had become one of her mentors in the underground scene for rapping. She took up on his offer since she needed help with her training anyways. They would often speak to each other through FaceTime and hang out whenever he was free. Just like Jihoon, he would be one of the figures that would often give her advice or help cheer her up when training gets the best of her. He dotes on her like an older brother and he and Jihoon deemed her as their lovechild. 

Close Friend - Amber Liu (23) / Idol / carefree, funny / 9/10; Minjung met Amber when she bumped into her when looking for an empty studio to practice in. The two immediately got along when Amber approached her warmly and found out that she had stayed in the US for a while. She immediately adopted her into her English speaking line which included Ailee, Eric Nam, and Henry. The two love to pull pranks on Ailee and Eric or tease them about having a secret relationship behind their back. If Amber is known as a llama and Ailee is known as a goldfish, Minjung is known as a panda for always eating and her love of sleep.

✩ Friends - Ailee, Eric Nam, & Henry Lau (27, 27, 26) / Idol / varies / 7/10; Through Amber, Minjung met the English Line and they all got along with each other. Ailee is like her hyper, child-like older sister that loves to give her makeovers and go shopping with. Eric is her innocent older brother that she loves to pull pranks on because his reactions never fail to amuse her. Henry is her laidback older brother that she likes to bug and annoy just for the sake of knowing he's usually up to nothing or procrastinating on his work. She'd usually drag him along with Eric in the streets of Hongdae and Myeongdong to hang around or call up everyone else in their line to have a jam session as Henry and Amber play their guitars, Eric and Ailee are singing, and Minjung plays with her ukulele. 

 Friends - WINNER & Block B (varies) / Idol / varies / 7/10; Because she's so close to Zico and Mino, she eventually met the rest of their members. They love to joke around with her and treat her as "one of the guys". They're not afraid to play rough with her whether it'd be placing bets on who could hold their plank longer or playing a game of basketball. But even if she is seen as one of the guys, they're still pretty protective of her.




Stage Name : JUNE; Decided June as her stage name because of how it was her favorite season and her bright carefree and spunky personality reminds others of summer. She shines as bright as the sun on a summer solstice.
Sub-unit : HEBE
Position : Main Dancer, Vocalist, Sub-Rapper
Back-up POSITION : Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Persona : Cheeky Jokester; Known to be playful on and off stage. When she's performing, she always loves to look for the camera and does gestures towards it. She loves to joke around and members as well as do fan service for all her fans and supporters. 
Talent twins : 
     ✩ Vocal twin - AOA's Seolhyun
     ✩ Dance twin - Sorah Yang x x x x [Minzy]
     ✩ Rap twin - Twice's Dahyun
     ✩ Speak twin - Lee Hi
TRaining year : 5 years
Training life : 
Minjung became a trainee when she was sixteen. She was scouted by SM during one of Playm8's street performances and was told that she had what they were looking for. She was unsure about it at first since she had Playm8 and school, but her friends encouraged her to try it out and she did. Later that week she auditioned for SM where she passed and immediately got into training. SM's training was intense since the company was one of the Big 3 and had many trainees. It was an eye opener for Minjung and it woke up the competitive drive within her. She worked hard day and night, never wanting to fall behind from the rest. Even if she was really good at dancing, she would be one of the last ones to leave because of her perfecitionist attitude, Minjung had to make sure everything was perfect. She got along with other trainees and tried her best to stay out of drama that would pop up here and there. Since singing was her weakness when she first joined, Minjung used any chance she got to improve her singing and ask for critiques on what she could improve on. Due to Zico and Mino being her mentors, rap came easily to her and she got praised here and there by her coaches. She still has a lot to improve on with composing and lyrics, which is why she had made it one of her hobbies so she can constantly improve and get better. But even as a trainee, Minjung tried her best to keep up with Playm8 because without them, she wouldn't have been where she was at that moment.

Past Experience(s): 

✩ Minjung trained as a dancer in LA from when she was ten to fifteen. She danced at well-known studios like Movement Lifestyle, Millenium Dance Complex, and IDA Hollywood (International Dance Academy). She was on the junior competitive team for IDA and captain of her school's dance team. { x x x } (Minjung's baby dance twin: Bailey Sok) 
✩ Playm8 got the chance to be dancers in a commercial for a clothing brand.
✩ Appeared in the MV for Jackpot by Block B because Zico invited her to be in it
✩ Founder and main choreographer for Playm8. Once she became a trainee and became more busier, she made Minhee as her successor. 


✩ [Pre debut] Visited Mino at YG from time to time and would often be questioned if she was his mystery girlfriend - proven false
✩ Her father gets into a plagiarism scandal and she gets dragged into it once she debuts. People start to question if she used her dad to get into the company and if she knew that her father "plagiarized" the song. 
✩ Media outlet finds out her connections with Mino and Zico and puts her into the spotlight for "using them" in order to become a trainee
✩ Mino and her are spotted together by the Han River with her wearing his hoodie to hide her face and are questioned if they are together. 


replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

Song Mino

Zico - Block B


✩  He's a natural flirt, but once you look passed his flirty ways, he's actually a really sweet guy. Most of the time he's smooth with his words, but it's not all just sweet nothings. When he promises to do something, he will pull through. He loves to joke around and tends to be childish. But when he needs to, he will be mature and give his two cents in on what he thinks. When it comes to kids, he'll become a big softie. But when you manage to get on his nerves or piss him off, he'll be stubborn and quickly loses his temper. He gets jealous easily, but not to the extent of being controlling or obsessive, just the right amount to show just how much he cares.


✩ The two met when she came to one of the underground events he was performing at when Jihoon dragged the crew out to relax after a long day of practicing. Since she had attended alongside Playm8, it was a given that the four of them would start a dance cypher as he and other underground rappers performed. Minjung had caught his eye and after her turn was over and she glanced at the stage, he met her gaze and smirked. She had thought right off the bat that Mino was extremely attractive. Throughout the night, the two kept exchanging glances and flirty smiles at each other. When the event ended, Jihoon introduced Playm8 to his friend Zico and Zico introduced Playm8 to his friends. When their group intermixed, Mino immediately began to flirt with her and Minjung went along with it since she thought he was just playing with her and she was probably never going to see her again. The two exchanged numbers before she left and she thought that he wasn't actually going to contact her again. He proved her wrong when he indeed texted her and the two began to constantly message each other. They grew closer and continued their flirtationship. 

The two spent even more time with each other when WINNER went on a hiatus to prepare for their next album. They would often meet up at the club where they first met before hours opened because he was friends with the owner. He would teach her how to rap after he found out she had a natural flow to her and her diction was quite good after she playfully rapped one of his songs. He even told Zico about it and he had sent one of his videos that she recorded of her to him and that's how the two became her mentors. In return, she would teach him pieces that she's choreographed. They would goof around and he would usually help her with her composing when her evaluations would approach. 

They are each other's support systems. When his temper gets riled up, she knows how to calm him. When she gets too reckless with everything and tends to forget about herself, he's the one to put her in check. Minjung likes to think of him as her big teddy bear and loves to cuddle with him even though he can get on her nerves. When he's with her, his dorky personality tends to come out and his smoothness of being a flirt doesn't work on her. They know that they can be their own selves around each other and there's just something about the way they click that makes him want to be the perfect gentleman for her. Minjung was surprised at how sensitive and softhearted he can get because of his arrogant image, but she just finds him more attractive than he already is. He doesn't know how to say no to her because all he wants to do is be the best man he can be and give her the world that she deserves. 

STATUS: Dating, not yet official 

✩ Major dork when it comes to Minjung
✩ Wants to spoil her, but she doesn't want him to
✩ Wants to show her off to the world, but can't because of Winner and his solo activities + her preparations to debut
✩ Sees Minjung as the woman he wants to marry
✩ Known each other for about two years 
✩ Doesn't know it, but s know how whipped he is
✩ Currently saving up to buy her a promise ring and that's how he's going to officially make her his 

✩ Always goes tough on her when it comes to teaching her how to rap
✩ He and Zico are the best of friends


MiniiPandaa ✩ Jade

LAST COMMENT: Let me know if there's anything that I need to fix! :) So excited to see where this story goes~ haha


✩ Eunsoo sneaking out of the house and showing up to her dorm because he misses her

✩ Mino asking her out 

✩ The girls sneaking out of the dorm to get street food from the local night market and have fun together 

✩ Playm8, especially Jihoon, asking to meet the members of the group and Minjung always trying to keep Jihoon in check when they do meet each other

✩ Minhee and Haru steal Minjung for a day and have a girl's day together 

✩ Corona members feature on Running Man and Minjung is on the same team as Haha and Jongkook


Yo, Lee Hi is slaying the game, I swear. I freaking love her right now, she's perfect ; ^ ; 




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penenglish31 #1
An Example is up!!
It is WIP but got enough information that basic need :)
If you want to fill your app before review :)