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full name. bang sunghoon ( 방성훈 )
» teach, main man + in the entire vicinity of myungdae high, there is only one active student who could truly refer to sunghoon as if he was his friend instead of his teacher, and that student has the name "lee taewoo" written on his nametag. sunghoon isn't entirely sure how the platonically close teacher-student relationship that they have today became to be, and he vividly remembers asking taewoo to refer to him as seonsangnim like a respectful little was supposed to, but the kid and his antics just sort of continued to grow on him. // oi! teach! how's it hanging? // look who's here! my main man!
» dad, busan gangster + the guy is a pretty popular teacher amongst the student body of myungdae high since he's still pretty young and hip, and "bang-seonsaengnim just gets it". he takes good care of his students and just feels like an older male family-figure, and because of this, most students refer to him as "dad" behind his back if he's mentioned in conversation. but even if the nickname isn't said straight to his face, he overhears the students sometimes and is pretty aware of the antics of "his kids". he says it's stupid that it actually makes him happy, though he doesn't really mean it. he does like it. in terms of "busan gangster", such a title was given to him when someone, it's still a mystery who, spread a rumour that sunghoon was part of a gang back in busan. it's not true, but he just leaves it alone so the kids can keep guessing. he blames his semblance and demeanor for this.  // doesn't bang-seonsaengnim feel like a dad? // look, there's dad. // yo, bro. isn't that teacher the busan gangster??? // he looks so scary! he must really be a busan gangster!
» daddy, bangable sunghoon + okay. sunghoon's pretty good-looking and has a few admirers, some more enthusiastic than others like the english teacher who concocted "bangable sunghoon". the admirers think they're being sneaky, but he actually knows what they're talking about. he doesn't really mind, but he likes it better when such things are being said by a particular school nurse preferably in the bedroom ( who will be mentioned much later ). // ughhh, sunghoon is literally daddy. // sunghoon's not just bang sunghoon. he's bangable sunghoon.
» hoon + this is simply a shorter variation of his name. some people call him this sometimes. and by some people, mostly his special school nurse whom he will forever have the hots for. // hoon, check out this cool meme! // goddammit, hoon. i can't focus with your wandering hands...not that i mind. // i love you, hoon.
date of birth. june 14, 1986
birthplace / hometown. geumjeong-gu, busan, s.k. → daegu, south korea
ethnicity. korean
nationality. korean
» korean + native + it's pretty obvious why his native language is korean. i mean, for god's sake, the guy was born and raised in korea. on the topic, sunghoon's tone can be described as deep, booming, rugged, and husky, and because he is indeed a gyeongsang hyung, he has the accent to reflect that though he can switch to standard korean just as easily.
» english + fluent + sunghoon has studied the language since he was young. he even took on studying in america for his last three years of high school and had this growing fascination towards american hip hop which honestly helped out a lot in motivating him to improve his english, but as a result, he sort of sounds like he's going to rap when he does speak the language. his speech is nonetheless very pristine and comprehensible.
» japanese + conversational + sunghoon just learns the language for funsies. he figured it'd be cool to add another language to his arsenal. the thought of visiting japan also lingers in his mind. he hasn't really had the time to commit to learning, but he's taking it at a slow and steady pace for the time being.
» french + basic as hell + this is the language that he chose to take up in high school for his foreign language credit. honestly, looking back on it, he doesn't know or remember how he passed that class, and he only knows how to greet others and ask people if they like apples or bananas and whisper dirty things to certain a school nurse. he hasn't seriously picked the language back up since his high school graduation, but he hasn't forgotten what little he knows either.

you seem familiar

faceclaim. jung kiseok / simon dominic ( 정기석 / 사이먼 도미닉 )
height / weight. 179 cm / 67 kg.
appearance. bang sunghoon stared at himself in the mirror as the smug expression that was naturally planted onto his features emitted a tinge of what one could claim to be arrogance. the boldness in his dark brown eyes as well as the poutiness in his lips and the sharpness in his jawline and overall facial structure were mainly to blame. sunghoon's lips turned up into a more apparent smirk, making it immediately clear that he definitely liked what he was seeing. his hair was the same of ebony colour that his momma ( and his momma's momma and his momma's momma's momma... ) gave him, and the sides of his head were shaved into an undercut, leaving a mop hair on the top of his head with fringe covering his forehead. while his hair was naturally straight, it was very typical of him to style it to appear slightly wavy or to style it to emphasize his cow .

most view sunghoon as the type to have tattoos all over his body, but in reality, he had none and really had no interest and/or plans to get any ink done, period. to make up for the lack of ink on his body, both of his ears are pierced on the lobes, and that's honestly the only bodily mutilation that he needs in his life. in terms of overall body, sunghoon's body is nicely toned, but as he scans over himself, he makes a mental note that he needs to hit up the gym more often to build upon what he already has. the only thing that seriously disappoints him about his appearance is his damned height. 179 centimeters. some supreme being from above has kept him from growing one more centimeter, and he doesn't like thinking thinking about it because the thought of being so, so close to the 180 centimeter mark pisses him off to no wit's end. even though he's a grown man, when he goes to the doctor for his yearly check-up, he secretly hopes that he miraculously grew another centimeter. but no. he never does.

sunghoon trives to look good and often wakes up early to get ready. it is very typical for him to come to school each day, without fail, neatly groomed and dressed in some extremely fashion forward ensemble always paired with pristine footwear. for example, unconventially patterned suits ranging from ensembles of forest green with palm leaves to ensembles of black with colourful pinstripes. in the winter time, coats over sweaters and slacks become more prevalent. but no matter what it is that he wears, by the end of the school day, the original outfit that he came into school with is unwinded; the outer layer gets stripped off while dress shirts have the sleeves rolled up. he looks good, but he gets stiff after a while. and it's not like the more rugged look doesn't make him look good, either.


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the positive. insightful, understanding, dependable, jocular.
the neutral. perspicacious, blunt, intellectual, resolute.
the negative. vulgar, libidinous, sarcastic, arrogant, proud.

presenting the great bang sunghoon, a man too cool for school, yet still works at one, and a personal favourite of many for his unconventional teacher attitude. he's a guy who, at first sight, will probably intimidate you because of the way he looks and because of how utterly cool he holds himself. on top of that, when he speaks, his blunt tone almost drips with hubris and makes him just a bit more condescending than he already seems to be to those who don't know him in the slightest. while he surely can be every bit of arrogant and proud ( he often blames his family for the amazing network of genetics that made him turn out this way ), it doesn't subtract from the fact that sunghoon is notable for being someone who the students and his fellow colleagues can place their trust into, making it quite clear that sunghoon is one who is reliable and trustworthy. he keeps his word when he is asked a favour, and he does his job as an educator quite diligently, always providing high quality lectures that showcase his intellect and never bore with him inputting playful and witty comments, and even taking the extra step to counsel and listen well to those who need and ask for it without seeing it as a burden and seeing it more as a necessity. he does have quite the soft spot for the students, though he doesn't like to admit it very much ( his ego is too big ), and he lowkey hopes to be an effective supplement in their development. very firm yet soft in his own way. it's pretty much no wonder why they call him dad. more points concerning bang sunghoon? he's resolute when placed with most situations and isn't really the type to abandon or half things. whether that purposeful side of him is a good or bad thing is subjective. sunghoon is also quite the potty mouth, spewing profanities out of habit, though he does manage to keep it clean around his students ( with the exception of none other than lee taewoo ). not to mention, he does seem like someone with a high appeal and can be quite suggestive and racy when it comes down to a certain school nurse.

there was once a survey conducted around myungdae high. it asked, "if bang-seonsaengnim were to knock on your window at three in the morning and urged that you needed to come with him right away without any context or explanation, would you trust him enough to go with him?" pretty much every person who was asked said yes to the question.
— sunghoon is pretty much the reason why there is a low percentage of students who get stuck with disciplinary action. as expected as the guardian angel of myungdae's kids, he keeps the little s out of trouble, so they can avoid punishment. even when he does catch students doing something questionable ( he is quite familiar with the look in a kid's eyes when they're about to start ), he uses his words instead of his inner authoritarian first, and with how intimidating and blunt he can be, students usually listen the first time.
— at three years old, he took up the piano but quit later on because no matter what, he still at it. sorry for wasting your money, grandma.
— he specializes in calculus but is actually really good at poetry. the poetry club at his high school tried to recruit him, but his prideful self thought it was embarrassing... he still attended the meets whenever he could because deep down, he thought it was interesting.
— sunghoon graduated as valedictorian at his own high school.
— he tried modelling once before in his college years. don't be alarmed if you come across the one picture of him in underwear on the internet, though it's hard to search up anyway. it helped pay for his tuition.
— sunghoon isn't really into social media with the exception of  instagram which he finds that he pours his life into.
— his hobbies include hitting the gym, maintaining his appearance, listening to music ( particularly hip hop/rap/rnb ), lowkey pretending that he's a rapstar, taking pictures, and checking out a certain school nurse whom he forever has the hots for.
— sunghoon spends a loooot of time in the nurse's office. he normally visits during his open periods and lunch if not stuck in the classroom.
— he is usually super punctual, a habit that he received because of his grandmother.
— his ual orientation isn't really something he cares about, but if he were to put a label to it, he'd say he was panual. gender doesn't matter if he loves a person and has dated both men and women.
— sunghoon seems like he doesn't care, but most people know that he actually does.
— he kind of has an irrational fear of people finding out that he's actually some huge ing softie behind his tough guy self. well, not necessarily a fear. he just doesn't want to acknowledge that side of him so much.
— because of his grandmother, he does believe in things like spirits and "the other side" and what-have-you. generally speaking, these types of things don't scare him in the slightest, and he thoroughly enjoys folktales and horror movies, but for some reason, the going on with the fifth floor has him feeling slightly uneasy behind curiosity.
— in terms of food, sunghoon is more of a savoury type over a sweet type, and his love for meat is undeniable. you could win him over with that porkbelly or grade a beef, though if someone did buy/make him sweets, he'd thank them and accept them anyway because it's the effort that counts, and he wouldn't want to waste it.
— he's pretty great at cooking. thank his grandmother for that. she didn't want him to live his life without knowing how to cook rice.
— when he loves someone, he loves every aspect of them, even the farts, and has the desire to make them happy no matter what, and if that includes spontaneously planning a trip to foreign country, cool.
— he doesn't cry easily at all, but if anything triggers manly tears from his eyes, it's probably puppies. when it comes to them, he has no shame. he has plans to adopt a dog soon, but he can't decide between a golden retriever or a shiba inu.
— hot bean water or hot leaf water? sunghoon would choose the hot leaf water over the hot bean water any day of the week, though his preference is more towards good ol' cold water.
— he doesn't drink often, but if you made him choose between soju, beer, and wine, he'd pick the beer.
— ...
— ...


hong chaewon. grandmother. eighty-one years old.
— the one special person whom he loves more than 99.9% of the human population is his precious grandmother, with whom he shares an obviously close-knit relationship with. after all, she was the one to play the role of grandmother, mother, and father while wholeheartedly raising him after the death of his parents, due to an unfortunate car accident, when he was around six years of age. of course, the loss of one's parents is an excruciating experience, but chaewon was the one who made sunghoom realize that as long as he celebrates the lives of his parents rather than mourn their deaths, they will live on in him, and even after death, there is still life. and he really cherishes what she did for him during those times because it kept him from dwelling too much about his parents. growing up with chaewon as his guardian, aside from her great wisdom, superb knitting and sewing, and amazing cooking skills, sunghoon often recalls the many stories that have been told to him about the supernatural and things relating to such a topic and notes that his grandmother is a person who very much believes in superstition. it never really bothered him, but he always keeps her advice in mind for future reference, so she rests easy. they would be living together, but she remarried around a decade and a year ago, when sunghoon was nineteen, to a sweet man whom she met at the doctor's office waiting room and went on dates with for a year. since there is someone there for her in his place, he can't complain. and it's not like she lives five hours away. more like fifteen minutes away.
lee taewoo. student/friend/adopted son. seventeen years old.
— if bang sunghoon were to sporadically die any time soon, the cause of his death would most likely be lee taewoo. prior to actually meeting the kid, he had this set opinion that taewoo was a perfect student with a model attitude based off of the innumerable times that sunghoon's students and fellow colleagues praised, and/or even scorned, taewoo for his academic performance and physical appearance. the previous school year was when sunghoon introduced himself as the homeroom teacher for the very class that lee taewoo was situated in. as expected, sunghoon found that taewoo was, for the most part, fitting into the stigma that the people in his surroundings gave him. the kid just did his thing as top notch student. but sunghoon didn't realize that he would need to give it a little time before forming an actual opinion of the kid. a few months went by, and was referring to sunghoon in nicknames rather than as his seonsaengnim, not that sunghoon actually minded, but he would feign annoyance and slight irritation at the beginning for the reason that he could not forget his position as a teacher. on top of that, bang sunghoon knew that he WAS NOT supposed to have any favourites among the students. but the kid and his antics eventually grew more comfortably onto him, and by the end of the year, he was joking with taewoo and cursing around him without much care and acting like his hyung. oh, well. there went the idea of no favourites. sunghoon also made a promise with taewoo that when he graduates from high school he will be allowed to refer to him as hyung. but good lord was the great bang sunghoon not prepared when he walked into this year's class and found out that he'd be the homeroom teacher of the very class that lee taewoo was situated in, again. he was caught off guard but was also pleasantly surprised. he knew that sooner or later, he'd be signing the papers to adopt lee taewoo as his son. jokes aside, sunghoon still isn't sure how their friendly relationship came to be, and he often wonders why a kid like taewoo would want to bother and hang around in a dusty old classroom with a old man in his budding thirties like himself. at the same time, he wonders why a young man in his budding thirties like himself would be hanging out with a kid. but it's whatever.
ma lina. "secret" admirer. twenty-nine years old.
— if there ever was such a thing as a fanclub dedicated solely to teacher bang sunghoon ( there is ), myungdae's very own english teacher, lina ma would be the founder and the president of that club. ever since she laid her eyes on sunghoon when she first started teaching at the school, she's had the biggest crush on him, often getting flustered around him and blushing like mad. she doesn't even realize how obvious she is, but sunghoon finds it pretty endearing although he's not interested in her. the one thing that fascinates him is how flustered she gets when they're in close proximity, yet when he's not around ( or really, when she thinks he's not around ), she gains this sort of confidence to say some pretty lewd things concerning him while gossiping with the rest of the fanclub established among a few other female teachers.


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love interest. tak kyungho ( 탁경호 ) + lee sunghwa / gray ( 이성화 / 그레이 )
backup love interest. park jaebum / jay park ( 박재범 / 재박 )
about. lo and behold, seoul's very own tak kyunghottie- i mean, tak kyungho. if there is one person who is as popular as, or more popular than, bang sunghoon amongst the students and teachers, it's definitely this guy. i mean, have you opened your eyes and looked at the guy? with a godly face and nice body like his and his soft dark hair tousled back like that, the trail of broken hearts that he leaves ( unknowingly ) is bound to be expected. he's on legs. absolute eye candy. his fanclub would agree. legend has it that on april 10th in the year 1988, kyungho had graced the entire universe so intensely with his birth that god and all of the angels cried, and that is percisely why it rained on that very day. so what is this beauty's connection to myungdae high school and the people inside of it? well, my dear friends, since last school year, he is myungdae's school nurse. not school doctor; he doesn't have an md. nurse; he's got a bsn. kyungho is also probably the reason why a bunch of people suddenly started getting "hurt" or feeling "sick" all of the time. but he doesn't think much of it, seeming to only think about his job to take care of others. people with expectations end up only slightly disappointed because they got to get a look at the merchandise, but didn't exactly get to touch it. 

so you've heard thus far that the guy is pretty hot and flaunts it like he's in a damn twenty-four-seven photoshoot, but what is he like? kyungho's got a cool semblance, and one would expect his personality to mirror, idk, every other good-looking guy with a cold heart, but he is actually reminsecent to that of a gentle soul. he loves his job, knows his responsibilities, and is dedicated to do things right. i mean, yeah, he's super charismatic and all, but if you meet him, you will come to find that the dude is a total dork with a sweet nature, and despite his cool semblance, he actually radiates something like a feeling of warmth that welcomes others into his figurative widely opened arms. aside from his playfulness, empathy, and sincerity, he his quite notable for his terrible jokes that are so bad that they're funny and his love for the internet. 
kyungho's pretty laid back for the most part, save for a few instances, though you probably don't want to be around him when he's worried or anxious or tired or hungry because he gets a little snappy, and his attitude can be misinterpreted as rude. if bang sunghoon is like a dad, tak kyungho is definitely like a mom. i'll tell you, though. if you think that this guy is pure or oblivious to the actions of the girls around him, my dear friend, you'd be dead wrong. he knows that he's a real lady killer, and he'd really dig it, but he's not really into the ladies, it would seem.

tl;dr - a hardworking school nurse from seoul with cool looks and seems like he has a cold heart but is actually sweet and dorky. mom vibes. dude's got a side to him. not interested in women. hella gay.

relationship status. ing dating
story. the story of bang sunghoon and tak kyungho's, for a lack of a better word, togetherness all began at the prepatory faculty meeting held prior to the previous school year after the former school nurse decided to retire a few months prior, leaving behind her legacy as a sweet old woman who always smiled and talked about her beloved plants, sanghee and sunhwa. alongside her retirement was the necessity and search for a qualified replacement, and so came along tak kyungho who seriously wanted to leave the hospital that he worked at in seoul...as well as seoul itself. it started to feel stuffy after having lived there his whole life. he figured that daegu would be a good change in scenery for him and practically jumped at a chance for the job. then, he valiantly drank like a champ with his father in celebratory style when he was deemed by the school board as hired. the day of the prepatory faculty meeting finally came up, and it was where he'd be introduced to his new colleagues for the first time. the meeting was to begin, but while everyone was seated in their spots, there was one chair that lacked a body on it, mainly because a certain someone, bang sunghoon, was running uncharacteristically late. one could blame the rainy weather. the principal and most other teachers seemed to shrug it off because it wasn't like the guy was always running late like this. he's actually usually early. so being lenient would be fine. kyungho does recall a distressed ma lina whispering to the other female teachers about how "sunghoon is never late!" and about "where could he possibly be?" and even when the meeting officially commenced, this "sunghoon" was still yet to show up, not that kyungho really cared at the time.

it wasn't until kyungho stood up to introduce himself at the request of the principal, approximately four minutes later, that our sunghoon showed up soaking wet from the rain and apologized for his tardiness, mumbling things about the heavy rain and how he was stuck in his taxi cab because of the insane traffic. ma lina jumped up from her seat situated on the other side of the room to hand him her handkerchief, sitting back down in glee after he accepted it. kyungho did initially wonder if they were an item, but it was pretty obvious that it was just an unrequited love on lina's side. once sunghoon finally took a seat in his designated chair, there was direct eye contact established between him and kyungho, and something just sort of clicked. a definite mutual attraction. a smirk emerged onto sunghoon's features as he winked at kyungho, causing the latter to become slightly flushed and give a small smile in return. if you were to ask either one of them about what was talked about at that meeting, they couldn't tell you because for the rest of that meeting, they kept glancing over at each other and were basically undressing each other with their eyes. towards the end of the meeting, kyungho already made plans in his head to make conversation with the hunk he'd been eyeing, but those plans would have to wait because the moment he stood up, he was bombarded by a bunch of his new colleagues ( that were sadly not sunghoon ). it's not that he really minded. he was just a man on a mission, and his new colleagues were holding him back. while chatting up with the physics teacher and the soccer coach, kyungho noticed sunghoon leaned against a table with his hands in his pocket and staring him down with that smirk planted on his face and watched as sunghoon pushed himself off the desk, mouthed that he needed to go, said his goodbyes to the principal, and left.

the two did not meet again until school officially began. to say that kyungho was not looking forward to seeing sunghoon would have been a lie, and to say that kyungho was totally not secretly looking for the guy since the morning assembly would have been an even bigger lie. and how about sunghoon? he totally had the hots for that new school nurse and also wanted to check tak kyunghottie out see him again but was left busy with a bunch of his teacher responsibilities and wasn't able to break away from those responsibilities until lunch when he finally stopped by the nurse's office. but some kid who went a little too hardcore during soccer practice beat him there, and when kyungho was done patching the kid up and sent him with an ice pack to the back room to rest on a bed, he turned around to see none other than bang sunghoon leaning against the door frame watching him. finally having the moment to talk to each other, they took the liberty to properly introduce themselves and spent the rest of the lunch break talking. for the next five months, the two of them got to know more about each other as friends who ate lunch in the nurse's office and hung out on the weekends whenever they could. sure, they were pretty much eye ing all the time, and friends don't each other with their eyes like that, but they didn't mind not getting together right away. and finally, one lunch period five months later, the day that they'd stop being friends came, and bang sunghoon casually asked kyungho on a date. needless to say, they totally banged after that first date.

so now, they've been dating for quite a while now, nearing a year in a few months, and are going on strong. sunghoon's grandmother is their number one fan and always knits matching sweaters and scarves for them, and kyungho's father always sends bottles of his favourite wine to sunghoon while kyungho's mother likes sending him pictures of kyungho when he was a baby. obviously, their families are more than supportive of their relationship. they're grown men afterall. their first "i love you" was said at their fourth month mark as a couple; sunghoon initiated it after they woke up from a nap they had together. and the two of them practically live together even though they really don't. they just visit and stay over at each other's places a lot. even though they've been dating for quite a while, there are only a select few who even know about the relationship: their families, friends outside of work, and taewoo. it's not that they're secretive about it or anything like that. they just don't care to tell anyone. they just let people find out on their own. and the thought of their co-workers knowing brings upon indifference. then again, they actually think the whole situation would be hilarious. imagine finding out that two of the most beloved male teachers of the school were super ing gay for each other. whoops.

but no matter what, they are together forever. if they wanted, they could run off to the united states and get married or whatever.

actual conversations.
— number one.
"hey, kyung. you wanna know who loves you the most?"
"my grandma. she called to say that she knitted you another sweater, and she's coming later for dinner so that she can deliver it."

— number two.
"okay. we're at work. stop being hot."
"no can do. it comes naturally. sorry."

— number three.
"i bet that you'd look adorable grasping at the sheets on my bed."
"you've already seen it. i'm going to sleep."
"you're cute when you're cranky and sleepy, but you're even cuter when you're begging and calling me daddy."
"...no matter how much you compliment me, i am still going to sleep."

— number four.
"hey! hey, sunghoon!"
"ask me if i want a protein shake. just do it."
"okay...? do you want a protein shake?"
"no thanks...this is where you ask why."
"because you're the only one i need to give me strength!"
— number five.
"sunghooooon, wanna know when the best time to get high is?"
"it's when i'm weed you."

— number six.
"i love you."
"my plant is dead, isn't it?"

— number seven.
"look at this great meme that i found on my phone."
", is that a frog on a unicycle?"

— number eight.
"i'm sorry for not responding to your texts from yesterday and the day before. that wedding of my cousin kept me too damn busy, and by the time i got back to daegu last night, i was way too tired to charge it right away. kyungho, i didn't mean to make you worried."
"go awayyyy. don't talk to me, ."
"...wanna ?"
"...yeah. i do."

— number nine.
"hoon, i think i'm pregnant."
"ha! april fool's! i totally got you!"
"kyungho. we are both men."

— number ten.
"i'll tell you, working at the hospital was interesting."
"how so?"
"in one room, there's a woman bringing a life into this world. in another room, there's a college boy trying to explain to the doctor how he got a stuck up his ."
"sounds fun."

— number eleven.
"it'd be great to get out of korea this summer. i want to go to hawaii or new york or something."
"where do you want to go the most?"
"new york city, i guess."
"okay, let's go."
"haha, yeah, whatever."
[ an hour later ]
"kyung, start packing up. we've got a flight in two days."
"what? what do you mean? a flight? where?"
"where else? new york city. you said 'yeah, whatever'."
"i was just kidding, sunghoon."
"but i wasn't."
"oh my god, sunghoon."
"love you."

— number twelve.
"you seem out of it. what's up?"
"hoon... i miss him."
"what the , kyungho? who?"
[ kyungho whips out his phone to show sunghoon a picture ]
"dat boiiiii!!!"
"goddammit. again with the frog on the unicycle."


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 [ taewoo isn't paying attention when his teacher walks in with two cans of soda in hand until sunghoon plops himself down in the seat in front of taewoo and sets one of the cans in front of him, cracking the other open and drinking from it.
"hey, kid. let me join your posse or whatever it is."
"up for an interview, teach?"
"sure, whatever." ]
how are you doing in school, what are your grades?
"are you being serious right now? kid, i am literally your teacher, the one person who makes your grades." sunghoon's face contorted into something that seemed to reflect disgust, and he stared down in an incredulous manner at the face of expectancy that was planted on none other than his very own all-too-friendly student, lee taewoo. "you're ing with me."

taewoo broke into laughter before replying apologetically, "sorry, main man. i just thought i should follow protocol regardless."

"protocol my ..." he muttered to himself, not caring if taewoo heard him or not. "and by the way, you've got nothing on my shiny gpa."
how did you hear of this group?
sunghoon leaned back into his chair to make himself more comfortable, chuckled, and inquired back, "how could i not when you kept yapping about it to me during break, taewoo? you're a great kid, and i like you, but you seriously kept me away from-" he quickly stopped himself before spilling any details about his love life with nurse tak kyunghottie and mentailly cursed at himself, only hoping that there wasn't a twinge of pink emerging onto his face.

"from what, teach?"

"no. nothing. forget it."

"nurse tak?"

of course taewoo knew. he did catch the two of them making out in the nurse's office a few weeks ago when he was looking for a bandage to patch up some papercut that he got while studying. how could sunghoon forget? he groaned.

"lee taewoo. i can invite you to shut your mouth, or i can invite you to your grave. which is it you want?" 


"i am chill."

what made you want to join this group?
sunghoon's expression presents amusement towards the question. "i could ask you why you'd want to go up there. you don't even like-"

"shh, i know. don't mention it. it's just that someone needs to solve the mystery, and who is more qualified than myself?" taewoo replies with a prideful stance. "okay! now, answer my question."

a sigh escapes from sunghoon's mouth before holding up two fingers. "two reasons." he puts down a finger before continuing. "the first reason is curiosity. my grandmother always told me not to with this type of , but i'll admit that i've always wondered what the deal was with this fifth floor ." he holds the second finger back up. "the second reason, and my primary reason, is that you need adult supervision. you know that i trust you and that most people trust you, but you think i'm actually going to let some students, and especially you, up there by yourselves? oh ho ho, you'd bet not. it doesn't sit right with me. you could end up like those kids in the rumours. i- anyone wouldn't like that."


"and what i mean to say is that i actually care about you turd nuggets."

what will you do once you visit the fifth floor?
sunghoon snorts and crosses his arms. "i'm watching over you little s and making sure that no one gets hurt or strangles each other. you know, the usual."
what do you think will happen once you visit?
although it is not very evident on his facial expression, there is anxiety planted in sunghoon's stomach as he takes a moment to imagine every possible outcome as a result of going up to the fifth floor, good and bad. the rumours definitely sounded like no joke, and really, anything could be up there. it was extremely concerning to him, and sunghoon could not help but feel worry towards the kids. "nothing is what i'm hoping, taewoo. you just solve your mystery, and we get out of there."

sunghoon wouldn't admit it out loud for the world to hear, ( he cherishes his pride too much for that ) but if something happened to taewoo and "his kids", he didn't think he could live with himself. he really hoped that his feelings weren't seeping onto his face, so he took to yawning deliberately, praying that it convincingly mimicked nonchalance and indifference and that taewoo wouldn't notice.

and finally, what should this group be named?
at the question, sunghoon perks up. my time has come, he thinks. 

"bang sunghoon's little s." sunghoon winks and points at taewoo, absorbed in his own pride.
"what? no."

"then, bang sunghoon's ghosthunter crew...what's that face? you're too cool for my group name suggestions or something?"
[ the interview trails off as they jokingly fight over group name suggestions like children. taewoo proceeds to call sunghoon an old man with no style while sunghoon threatens to take his soda away and fail him on the next test. taewoo gasps at such a threat before he retaliates with the threat of telling the english teacher that sunghoon was totally checking her out earlier. you'd think that it'd end right here, but oh boy would you be dead wrong. ] 

name. risa
comments / questions. yoooo~ so i applied as a teacher bc *shrug* why the hell not? tbh i wasn't sure if i should write up bang sunghoon's character or tak kyungho's character for this because i didn't know which idea i liked more: a dad teacher just looking after his little s or a mom school nurse who is super protective of the students and their safety, but ofc as you can surely tell i ended up choosing dad teacher lmao. and either way they were going to be mentioned as together and boyfriends, so i'm not mourning any loss. ugh, i just hope that this application is okay because 90% of the time, i was filling this out in the middle of the night with no sleep, and i don't even know what i'm typing down half the time. good god i need to stop making a mess of myself like this. and i kept procrastinating because i . but ohhh wellll~ anyway, thanks for your time and consideration. see you on the flipside maybe.
scene requests. 
— if i'm honest, i can't see him as the type to just die ( that might be me being biased and clingy over my son character ), but if he does die, my only request is that it is because he is saving someone else, may it be taewoo or whoever else.
— wait. actually. i give you permission to do whatever. destroy him and then destroy kyungho. because honestly, the more i think about it, it'd be realistic if he were to be driven mad if the students around him kept dying. bUT THESE ARE JUST SUGGESTIONS HAHAHAHA. hahaha... 
— put taewoo in a dilemna on the fifth floor, and i can assure you, bang sunghoon will be freaking out more than he ever has in his life. 
— possibly scenes where he and kyungho are having a moment at work and are about to make out or something, but taewoo keeps ing lmaooo. i'm a er for romance even if this is a horror fic. *shrug*
— dude, what if sunghoon and kyunghottie's relationship got exposed, though??? like??? woahwoahwoah??? 
— kyungho probably freaking out when sunghoon tells him he's going up to the fifth floor. 


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mooncastles #1
lmao sorry ya dont even know me but i got a lil excited
i just cannot believe no one did this before HONESLy
mooncastles #2


parksoyeons #3