― 임하얀 & 이수 ARE IN THIS LITTLE TOWN。〘 0/2 〙

this will eventually be a description.
✧ im hayan, age 30.
✧ i'm basing her off of sumire from kimi wa petto and my personal fear of infertility.
✧ hayan's story is about healing, regaining self-confidence, and redefining her own sense of womanhood.
✧ born into a family with big expectations. as a result of that pressure and her hard work, she's got a first-rate educational history. snu + harvard.
✧ got married a year after graduating from law school.
✧ currently a corporate attorney at a large law firm. she's the very essence of the career woman and is striving to become a partner of the firm.
✧ at some point after life settled down, she and her husband decided to start building a family. they tried for a little over a year to no avail.
✧ a visit to a specialist led to the discovery of hayan's infertility. neither of them took the news very well.
✧ hayan tried suggesting adoption, but that only triggered a lot of arguing because her husband can't find himself to accept a "child that isn't his."
✧ not even two weeks later the fertility specialist appointment, she found her husband in bed with another woman who he'd been seeing for the past six months.
✧ then, this man had the whole audacity to ask her for a divorce. she agrees to it and by the next week, they're in court where they're informed that the divorce will be finalized in the next month.
✧ the situation is all too overwhelming for her that she decides to leave seoul to clear her head.
✧ she attempts to quit her job, but her boss gets her to do a year-long sabbatical instead.
✧ as for why hongsan? she went once with her best friend when they were in uni. she admired it for its lack of air and light pollution and the clear view of the starry sky. so why not?
✧ it's not the main point of her story, and this is totally unnecessary.like i'm trying to talk myself out of it, but yolo i'm gonna add a romantic sub-plot bc i'm too much of a er for love hfjdks.
✧ l/i is kim yeonghwan, age 26.
✧ he was born and raised in hongsan and only left for uni and military service.
✧ he's a physics teacher at hongsam high school and sponsors the astronomy club.
✧ idk how they'll meet... at a club??? no jk. at a bar? supermarket? park?
✧ so i guess the whole dynamic between hayan and yeonghwan is that he's super smitten, but she's pretty hesitant about her attraction to him. after all, her wounds are still fresh, and she's vulnerable. she's also still married to her husband regardless of a pending divorce.
✧ i'm just thinking extreme slow burn lol.
this will eventually be a description.
✧ yi soo, age 22.
✧ i'm making him younger for larger devastation and more room for growth lol. also switching to choi yeonjun as a faceclaim.
✧ soo's story is about conquering his fears and rebuilding strength through the power of family.
✧ i'm sorta kinda basing soo off of seong-jin cho, lang lang, martha argerich, arthur rubinstein, and other pianists that i can latch my grubby brain on. also using my classical music background to use as a reference.
✧ he's lived and breathed piano practically his entire life, his first exposure to the instrument being at his grandpa's hongsan home when he was 6 months old.
✧ his grandpa likes to joke that he was soo's first piano teacher because he often sat baby soo on his lap while he played.
✧ his parents and gramps were concerned about pushing piano onto him, but in spite of being just barely fresh out of the womb, he was showing a very evident interest.
✧ he started formally taking lessons at age 3 and debuted his first public recital at 8 where sitting in the audience was a korea nat'l uni of arts former dean of the college of music, i'll call her uhh choi jeongsoon 최정순, who after a conversation with him, decided to take him under her wing.
✧ not rlly important but i'm a real stickler about the details lol. soo attended middle (sunhwa) and high (seoul arts) schools that were art-oriented.
✧ many of soo's fondest memories are from the all the annual summer vacations at his grandpa's house, where he'd often find himself in the music room, laying on the rug under the grand steinway while his grandpa played. because his grandpa always seemed to play romantic-era pieces, soo grew a taste for them. rach is his fave.
✧ he won his first competition, the hamamatsu international piano comp, at age 14.
✧ competition history: 2012 geneva (1st), 2015 tchaikovsky (2nd), 2017 tchaikovsky (1st), 2020 chopin (forfeit)
✧ juilliard 2016-2020 (b.m.), supposed to return for m.m.
✧ anyway yeah he's uber talented and a national treasure.
✧ the main bit is that he got in a car accident as a passenger and broke his right arm.
✧ he had to tough out his recovery and physical therapy for months while wondering if his career would still be there.
✧ also devastated because he'd have to skip the most important competition of his life.
✧ again, he's lived and breathed the piano his entire life, and he's only had education geared towards it. he fuels his anxiety by thinking that he doesn't know how to do anything else. soo is very lost and afraid.
✧ after graduating from p.t. with "flying colors," soo makes a beeline for hongsan, without telling anyone, to see his grandpa, but instead of going to his grandpa's house, he checks himself into the b&b because he ends up losing his courage. he's not exactly prepared to face him because he knows he'd just cry in front of the man. 
✧ but at some point he accidentally runs into his grandpa and he ends up bursting into tears while asking him to support him while he tries to get his technique back.


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