E V E R L Y : sm's new girl group ┊  stephanie "stevie" hahm-bennett ( wip - #f0f7f6, #d0e5e3, #97babd, #718094, #555567 )

 stephanie "stevie" hahm-bennett

h o w d y !

was voted as...
"...most likely to become successful before 30."
"...most likely to win the nobel peace prize."

after powering through the suffering of writing a beautiful honors thesis and graduating a year early from the harvard university with a degree in government, stevie and the people around her had all expected that the next step was a gap year followed by grad school. then, she could be on her merry way to strive towards a life of servitude within the realm of politics, peace, and humanities.

however, a relocation to seoul, a reawakening of an old middle school dream, and a bestowed opportunity to once more make use of her painstakingly developed talents seemed to create a major detour on the roadmap of her life.

legal name stephanie yuhwa hahm-bennett

other names & nicknames
stephanie yuhwa hahm this is the name that she was born with, but she was eight when her surname was legally changed.
함유화 / hahm yuhwa yuhwa is her middle name as well as her korean name. while it's not the name that she's used to, she'd likely respond. she went by it in korean school, and the only other people who do call her this regularly are her mother's side relatives who are fresh-off-the-boat or in the motherland.
stevie short for stephanie, it's a nickname that she's had all her life by virtue of her mother. very quickly, it ended up being triumphant over her bona fide name. she was always stevie and almost never stephanie.
angel / darling stevie truly is her father's daughter. throughout her life with him in the picture, he's called her by these endearments. these days, she finds joy in calling him up to hear him say, "hi, angel. what can i do for you, darling?" it just takes the edge right off of a rough day.
마리아 칼라스 / maria callas baekhyun once came to her house and asked about the collection of opera scores and soprano solo books shelved in her living room. long story short, he made her sing something for him, and he started jokingly calling her this after.
아줌마 / ajumma another thing that baekhyun calls her because she sometimes acts like one.
홍차선 / hong chaeseon this is a psuedonym that she hosts her podcast with. the idea was to hopefully avoid a mass media mess by detaching her name from her opinions. she chose hong for south korea's first female diplomat hong sookja and chaeseon for jin chaeseon who was the first female master of the male-dominated pansori genre.

height & weight 161 cm & 49 kg

faceclaim chungha ( soloist )

backups soyeon ( (g)-idle ) & jinsoul ( loona )

date of birth & age 130297 ( 22 )

birthplace dallas, texas, united states

ethnicity korean

languages & actfl proficiency 
english distinguished. being an american who was born, raised, and educated in the united states, it makes sense that her level of proficiency is native. she doesn't think that she has an accent, but when she steps into another state that isn't in the south, people seem to always guess that she's from texas because she apparently speaks with a slight drawl.
한국어 superior. stevie's mother brought her up as bilingual, making sure to surround her with korean-speaking relatives and family friends. she was even sent to go to korean school several times a week the moment she was old enough to because her mother sure as hell was not going to let her daughter forget about her culture.
le français advanced high. she was first exposed to french by her french grandmother who has often gushed at her in the language. it wasn't until the 6th grade that she started learning it seriously, though. not only did she find it poetic and lush; it being a working language of several international institutes made it very useful. she continued her french studies through high school and in univeristy, and she even studied abroad in france for a summer.
普通話 novice mid. in high school, she was often invited to tag along with her friends to their mandarin club meetings, and she could never turn the invites down. but that might have had something to do with being bribed with the promise of kbbq or hot pot and the company of good friends. as a result of being an honorary member of the club, she picked up some words and phrases, but her grasp on the language is pretty sorry because she was never serious with it.
deutsch, italiano, lingua latīna, and русский язык exposed. although she doesn't actually know any of these languages, she has an understanding of each language's pronunciation thanks to years of classical vocal training and choir.

fashion style
stevie indeed keeps up with the fashion trends of today, but her general style is inspired by a hodgepodge of fashions from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and early 00's. except she would never touch low-rise anything or velour tracksuits, not even with a ten-foot pole. the 80s and 90s particularly capture her attention. it helps that she has a knack for thrift shopping and knows her way around a sewing machine and a needle and thread. after all, it doesn't matter the price of the clothes as long as they look good. she's undoubtedly chic and feminine, but she's not afraid to enter the realms of daring, masculine, or edgy. she will indeed go far as to wear gogo boots, bold animal print, loose pantsuits, or even socks with sandals or heels. she also has a particular love for corduroy and monochromatic outfits. all the better when you combine the two. and if anything, stevie believes that every closet should have a reliable pair of white sneakers, an oversized denim jacket, and a versatile leather jacket.

stevie stands slender and unbothered at 161 centimeters and weighs around 49 kilograms, keeping her right at a normal body mass index. the first thing that people notice about her these days is her striking thick, blonde hair that sits at waist length. of course, she wasn't always blonde; her hair was once the beautiful deep, dark brown that her momma gave her. stevie just sort of showed up to training one day with blonde hair as if she always had it. she didn't tell anyone it was going to happen, but boy did it happen. she sometimes likes to think of what would happen if she were to spontaneously go back to black and cut her bangs again. typically, her hair is styled straight or wavy and is down, but she's not opposed to an up-do or a couple of braids. the next thing people tend to notice is her eyes. they're dark and sharp, and they seem to pierce the soul in a way that makes you wonder if she happens to know everything about you. her eyes are perhaps her favorite thing about herself, and to no avail, she finds herself enamored when she has the chance to put on sparkly eye makeup that emphasizes her eyes, this contrasting with the more natural pinks, oranges, and browns that she uses daily. another thing that she's notable for is acrylic nails. she has gotten so used to wearing them that she'd probably feel like she has baby hands without them. and while she doesn't have tattoos, she does have a total of seven piercings all on her ears. on her left ear, she has a standard lobe, upper lobe, and inner conch. on her right ear, she has a standard lobe and a triple outer conch.

she, who is imperfect, inevitably flawed, and beautiful 

a long-winded story regarding stevie hahm-bennett
• the beginning. flushing, ny. june 1996. 
it was nearly two in the morning and yubin hahm had been pacing the floor in her apartment, situated in her own bubble of worry and anxiety. her long, dark hair was in a state of disarray from the tossing and turning in a lonely california king bed, and her hands had gone from clenching to relaxing to grasping at her dressing gown. she never had reason to suspect him of anything. it was because she loved him, and she had every reason to believe that he loved her. but did he? love her? it seemed like he had for the past two years that they've been together. yet, the way he had mumbled the name michelle in his sleep three weeks prior seemed to contain much more affection and care than any i love you he conveyed to her. perhaps, she was a fool to have thought nothing of it right at that moment. perhaps, she should have been more irrational. perhaps, she should have cut him off right there to save herself from the impending heartbreak. but she let the delusion of love keep her from truly seeing what was happening. now it's two in the morning, and yubin is pacing the floor for the third time this week waiting for her boyfriend to just come home.

it was half past two in the morning. as yeongjin park entered his apartment, his eyes immediately fell upon yubin who was sitting on the loveseat in the living room with her eyes closed and her fingers rubbing at her temples. did two years really go away just like that? it shouldn't have and yet, the two years of memories seemed to dissipate into the air. a moment passed before she finally found the courage to open her eyes and look at him. yeongjin attempted a smile; she only bore her eyes into his. she could almost see the excuse being formulated in his brain, but before it came pouring out of his mouth, she apathetically asked if she meant so little to him that he had to go pining after michelle and if he was so cruel that he couldn't have broken things off first. the stupid smile on his face melted away. he didn't say anything, but his silence was answer enough, and both people in the room knew that this was the end. when he finally opened his mouth, it was to solemly say that he would gather his things and leave the apartment and her life in the morning. surely, the morning came, he left, and finally, she cried.

• revelation and fear. flushing, ny. july 1996. 
yubin spent the next two weeks working herself near to death. it almost seemed like she wasn't affected too much by the breakup. the reality was that she was constantly screaming and crying on the inside, and it was sometimes so overwhelming that she had to find release in a supply closet. her friends often invited her to drink the pain away only to get swatted away by a "no, thanks. i'm too exhausted." it was surprising because she usually jumped at any chance to hit the bars. even she, herself, couldn't pinpoint exactly why the idea didn't sit well with her. perhaps, it was all for the best that she didn't submit to the drink. all that seemed to matter to her was nursing her patients. it kept her occupied and from letting herself shrivel up in her apartment like a raisin in the sun. most of all, she didn't want to let yeongjin get in the way of her sense of self. why should she let him be the cause of her ruination? there wasn't to be any ruination, period. so she worked and worked, and she let the work consume her until the world had suddenly gone black on her way to administer medication to a patient and her body collided with the hospital floor.

when she opened her eyes and found herself laying in a hospital bed in the very hospital that she worked at, she had to take a moment to process it. then, she laughed. it was an unexpected laugh, a boisterous laugh, a hardy laugh, a tear-jerking laugh. was it not ironic? she was a nurse in a hospital bed as a patient. was it not ridiculously hilarious? perhaps, she was so miserable that she became delusional, but it was the first genuine laugh that she'd let out in weeks, and it felt wonderful. the laughter finally died down after she realized that she was not only in a hospital bed; she was in a hospital bed in the ob-gyn wing. suddenly, a lot of things started to make more sense from the nausea to the immense fatigue to the odd cravings. she was simply too busy and hung up on something else to realize. she started focusing on controlling her breathing so that the trepidation running through her veins would stagnate. what was she going to do? what of yeongjin who was definitely the father? even before her doctor could close the door after entering the room, much less open , yubin asked, 
"i'm pregnant, aren't i?"

she was pregnant. and alone. and forced into a vacation by a concerned supervisor. she could really only let herself shrivel up in her apartment like a raisin in the sun, just like she had been avoiding. it couldn't be helped, though, and she was left to ponder in her thoughts and build up her valor. a week passed since the news before she called yeongjin up and asked him if they could meet to talk. truthfully, she didn't know what to expect, and she didn't think he would easily accept the proposition, but next thing she knew, they had made plans to meet up at the corner café they used to frequent for lunch. it was all so strange. it was strange walking down a path that she thought she'd never walk down again. it was strange seeing him again after the breakup, looking casual and carefree as though nothing happened, as though this was all a ty chick flick and this was the male lead waiting for his female lead. it was strange carrying his child after all that had happened. she decided right before sitting across from him that no matter what, it'd be fine. after all, she was well-off and had the financial capacity. and she had the mindset to want this child.

yubin found out through light conversation that things had apparently been going well with michelle; they've moved in together and are taking things at a slower pace. and this wasn't what yubin wanted to talk about at all. at the sight of the expression on her face, he finally quieted down about how his life and listened attentively. slowly, with an even and confident voice, she released the announcement of her pregnancy with his child to him, sharp eyes boring into his as they had the night of their breakup. she watched as his pupils dilated and his breathing grew more and more shallow. then, as the curves of his lips formed into a frown. silence and tension aded the atmosphere around them. she knew immediately that he didn't want any part of this, and it didn't come off as a surprise when he said it out loud himself, but she made it clear that she was going to keep the child. if it certainly was the case that he didn't want to be involved, then as far as he was concerned, he was just a donor for a child that was hers. it took a little discourse, but it was ultimately agreed upon, and cordially, they separated for the second and last time.

• home is where the heart is. dallas, tx. october 1996. 
the first thing that yubin did after speaking to yeongjin was call her mother up to explain everything that had happened in the span of a few months. this was met by an immediate plead from her mother to come back home to dallas, and they'd work this situation out together. just like that, yubin made plans to leave new york in october. the reception was very warm. she had expected that to be the case. her parents, especially her mother, were quite bohemian; nonetheless, it felt a little weird that they weren't so upset with her. her parents simply believed that it was "not an ideal situation but not a bad one, either." and how could they be mad when there was going to be a grandchild? it's no punishable offense. at the end of the day, they were just happy to have her home, where she could stay for however long she wanted. yubin's arrival also sparked the excitement of her younger sister and doting older brother who both missed her very much. her sister claimed a spot in her bed while her brother kept inviting her to stay at his house so that they could catch up and she could meet his wife and daughter. it felt great to come back to an abundance of support.

• a star is born. dallas, tx. february 1997. 
it was difficult to sleep. yubin had been up timing her contractions ever since she had gone into early labor nearly eleven hours ago. through her growing back pains, she found herself joking that "stevie should have waited one more day." then, she could have been born on valentine's day. once her contractions were coming at a constant five minutes apart, she gave her doctor a call, and they both agreed it was time to make a trip to the hospital. the hahm household of four slowly but surely ignited into a frenzy of panic and elation. yubin was trying her best to stay calm, but in actuality, she was really scared. her mother and sister could tell by the way yubin squeezed their hands the entire way to the hospital. this was while her father was out there living out some sort of deeply-embedded nascar dream by driving over ten miles-per-hour above the speed limit. yubin's water broke right as she approached admissions, and she entered a stage of active labor and delivery that lasted five hours and two minutes. it was 6:37am when stephanie yuhwa hahm entered the world, bald and weeping.

• him. dallas, tx. april 1999. 
at the time, frank bennett was a legal consultant working in the office of texas' 32nd congressional district. he had hopes to move up in the system, even if his motives were more so out of passionate pursuit rather than political game. he was happy enough working for politicians; he didn't want to become one, and that was that. one fateful day, the tx-32 representative he worked for had a severe case of food poisoning, and he ended up having to go to the hospital. the congressman kept worrying about work despite his condition, so he often set up office in his hospital room throughout the duration of his stay. on the third day, frank had come in to see the congressman to discuss the veracity of a legistative bill when he quite literally bumped into the congressman's nurse. he quickly held her by the shoulders to keep her from falling back, and it was cliché, but for a moment, they looked at each other and it was like something clicked in frank's head. he opened his mouth to apologize to her, but the congressman intentionally broke the moment by making a teasing comment about them. the nurse blushed and ran off, and frank was left astonished.

he wanted to know who she was badly. he just knew he was going to go nuts if he didn't have a proper conversation with her. his meeting with the congressman temporarily broke off for lunch, so he went to the cafeteria for a quick bite where, alas, fate seemed to be on his side when he saw the nurse in the room. he was admittedly nervous, but he tried not to let it show. he did a quick breath in, breath out before he coolly made the approach. she looked up at him before he said hello and apologized for earlier, to which she shrugged off with a
"no worries." then, he introduced himself. in return, she introduced herself and invited him to sit down with her to chat. things were going well up until he asked her if he could take her on a date. that's when she got nervous and started shifting around before she told him it probably wasn't a good idea. frank started to apologize for asking, but she quickly interrupted him by saying that she was very much interested, but she had a two-year-old at home, and she wasn't sure if he'd be comfortable taking out a woman with a child. it was a pleasant surprise for frank, but they definitely went on that date.

• can't you be my daddy. dallas, tx. march 2004 - june 2005. 
stevie never really questioned not having a father until kids made fun of her for having a weird family. she didn't have a daddy like the other kids at her school, but she certainly had a frank who lived in the same house and loved both her and her mom very much. that had been enough for her for the past five years. she had an inquisitive mind, though, and she one day approached her mom and simply stated "i don't have a daddy." it was an odd thing for yubin to suddenly be confronted with, and the brazen statement made her freeze up as though she was caught in the middle of committing a crime. she knew this was bound to happen, and it was difficult to ignore stevie's eyes boring into hers. after a moment, yubin released a sigh and sympathized, "no, stevie, you don't." as her mother began to open to apologize, stevie shook her head and quickly interrupted with a second observational statment. "don't worry. i have a frank, right?" slightly baffled, yubin snorted and took stevie in for a quick hug before letting her run loose. thus, scheming stevie scampered off to frank's study to talk to her favorite man.

as the door to the study opened without warning, frank found himself in panic as he fumbled around with the box in his hands, but he felt relieved when he saw that it was stevie crossing the door's threshold and not yubin. delighted, he smiled warmly at her and, as per custom between them, asked, 
"hi, angel. what can i do for you, darling?" she got straight to the point. "you love me and mommy, right? why don't you just marry mommy and be my daddy. can't you be my daddy?" frank was definitely stunned, but it was a blessing to be asked such questions. he meant to approach stevie soon on the subject of proposing to yubin, but with stevie approaching first, any ounce of doubt settled within him had easily dissipated. he beckoned her to come to him, and without hesitation, she marched over and took a seat on his lap, expectation nestled in her eyes. to answer the questions the young stevie had asked, he set the box in his hand into hers and had her open it. resting inside was an engagement ring that belonged to frank's mother. mind you, this is the same french woman who begged stevie to call her mémère right at their first meeting.

stevie's eyes glistened at the ring, the sight making frank chuckle. 
"if she'll have me, i would like to marry your mommy, and of course, i very much want to be your daddy, angel." that answer satisfied stevie. in fact, it brought her a joy and excitement so immense that she started to silently weep into frank's arms. their bond was certainly not of blood, but it was very much of the heart. that's what mattered the most. the silent weeping made a reappearance when frank proposed to yubin while the family went to galveston for spring break. then again, during the wedding when frank took a moment to make vows to stevie that he would always be there for her and he'd be the support that she needs whether in times of ease or in times of difficulty. and once more the joyful weeping occurred when stevie was officially adopted by frank to be his daughter, and the three of them had their last names changed to hahm-bennett as a way of unifying their family and promoting a sense of equity. needless to say, this was probably the most emotional period of time in stevie's life. she gained a new sense of identity that was lasting and certain. 

thanks to mémère and miss doris. dallas, tx. august 2006 - present. 
notes: 9 years old, in the fourth grade.

• let's get political. washington, d.c.. november 2010 - present. 
notes: 13 years old, in the eighth grade. thanksgiving break.

i swear it's that harvard air. cambridge, ma. may 2014, august 2015 - may 2018.
notes: may '14 -- 17 years old, finished junior year of high school. college info sesh + tour.
august '15 - may '18 -- 18 years old to 21 years old, actual college career.

heart and seoul. seoul, sk. may 2018, .
notes: 21 years old, moved to seoul for her gap year.

she, whose lips have written the course of history

positive traits here
neutral traits here
negative traits here
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talents & hobbies
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here explanation 
here explanation 
here explanation 
here explanation 

here explanation
here explanation 
here explanation 
here explanation 
here explanation   

she, who wishes to live like a wildflower and thrive

yubin hahm-bennett

mother. 48 years old. registered nurse. 

fc: lee young ae
best mom love her strong woman yes queen

frank hahm-bennett

father. 52 years old. chief of staff to the representative for tx-32. 

fc: peter hermann
a true king for a queen we love frank great man

kkulppangi "honeybread" hahm-bennett

son. 9 years old. the best boy in the whole wide world . 

fc: @ryuji513
stevie would use her body as a human shield for him

lucinda "lindy" hahm

cousin, bff, & housemate. 25 years old. 4th year grad student, architecture. 

fc: heize / jang dahye
lol if marrying your cousin wasn't frowned upon i mean

byun baekhyun

not even her exo bias but somehow her #1 buddy. 27 years old. member of exo. 

fc: byun baekhyun
the friend she needs to keep her from getting too serious

they, who are not just important but are everything

stage name 
stevie ( 
스티비 )

february girl

trainee life
wassup what's poppin?

vocal claim 
sonnet son / son seungyeon ( soloist )

variety claim 
hwasa / ahn hyejin ( mamamoo )

rumors & scandals
• [pre-debut] "exo's baekhyun caught on a steamy middle-of-the-night date with a mystery girl?"
stevie was the mystery girl, but it wasn't a date; it was just two friends hanging out in stevie's car. at two in the morning. sure, baekhyun has a knack for getting caught in the cars of attractive women. but why two in the morning? you might ask. stevie was due for her regular visit to garak market, and baekhyun wanted to tag along. but why two in the morning? you might ask a second time. two in the morning is precisely when the seafood is freshly caught and put up for auction in the market. it's the perfect stage for haggling queen stevie, who really drives a hard bargain. regarding the rumor, baekhyun laughed it off and quickly cleared up the situation by pointedly stating that they were not on a date but were just best friends hanging out, and if anyone should be at fault, it should be him for forcing her to let him tag along. with that, things settled down, and the rumor dissipated into the air like mist. to present, the pair always makes an effort to go together whenever their schedules are free. he's not much help, but he really likes taking part in enjoying the fruits of her haggling. garak market is pretty much their thing.

post-debut, stevie tends to be a reoccuring guest on baekhyun's ig lives. part of it has to do with him just wanting to show his best friend off to his fans. the other part of it has to do with fans begging him to bring her back after her first appearance because they get to see them in a new, refreshing light. during one of the lives, the pair at one point finds themselves reminiscing about the whole dating rumor from forever ago. this results in them making a big joke out of it. like what kind of date involves going to a fish market? a good one! is what stevie argues. suddenly, baekhyun's screaming out reasons why he couldn't ever date her, and in response, she's screaming back her own equally insulting reaons as to why she could never date him. and it's basically just them being stupid and screaming for two minutes straight before pausing and more quietly concluding the topic by stating that the two of them dating would be akin to . that is all. while this is happening, the comment section is bursting with revelation because the mystery girl is a mystery no longer and astonishment because how did they not connect the dots sooner?

• [post-debut] "sm ent star's old ig and twitter pages spark controversy!" "stevie a regular in the slammer!" "man-eating stevie hates babies and the police!" "stevie = promiscuous, dirty socialist."
oh ho ho. scandalous.

post-debut activities
public ventures 
• collaborations with other sm artists aka baekhyun and other artists in general
• stage musicals
• appearances on singing competition programs like the king of mask singer and immortal songs 2.
• ost features

personal & more private ventures 
• philanthropy and humanitarian initiatives
she secretly begins hosting a podcast under the pseudonym hong chaeseon 홍채선 ), in which she talks news, politics, and social issues in both south korea and the united states. she even goes as far as to use a vocal modulator to change the tone of her voice. episodes are uploaded biweekly on wednesday nights.

enamored, she found herself wanting to be part of this world 

 도경수 do kyungsoo ( exo )



안 녕 !

nickname explanation
nickname explanation
nickname explanation

date of birth & age
120193 ( 26 )

positive traits here
neutral traits here
negative traits here

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donect lacinia suscipit lacus. etiam elit ibh, malesauda sed libero non, interdum sodales leo. in est sapien, fringilla non orci quis, facilisis aliquam orci. cras hendrerit mi vel mi cursus egestas fringilla in massa. pellentesque interdum, ligula ut interdum semper, urna ligula lobortis ante, sed efficitur tortor nulla at erat. curabitur dignissim faucibus massa, sit amet viverra tellus iaculis ac. in eget sagittis nunc. aliquam sollicitudin at nulla vel laoreet. nullam sagittis, justo ac auctor auctor, est arcu molestie ipsum, sit amet rhomcus ligula tortor id elit. maecenas sed efficitur magna. proin in arcu nulla. phasellus aliquam finibus augue, quis vulputae tellus molestie iaculis. sed nec varius lectus. vivamus laoreet tortor quis augue tempor, id consequat arcu aliquam. vestibulum malesuada, mi in viverra faucibus, ipsum sapien semper neque, non maximus purus ligula id nunc. quisque arcu dui, vulputate id bibendum quis, interdum nec nunc. nam molestie nulla magna, ac posuere tortor lacinia pulvinar. mauris fermentum ornare risus lobortis fermentum tortor consectetur quis.

love story 
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donect lacinia suscipit lacus. etiam elit ibh, malesauda sed libero non, interdum sodales leo. in est sapien, fringilla non orci quis, facilisis aliquam orci. cras hendrerit mi vel mi cursus egestas fringilla in massa. pellentesque interdum, ligula ut interdum semper, urna ligula lobortis ante, sed efficitur tortor nulla at erat. curabitur dignissim faucibus massa, sit amet viverra tellus iaculis ac. in eget sagittis nunc. aliquam sollicitudin at nulla vel laoreet. nullam sagittis, justo ac auctor auctor, est arcu molestie ipsum, sit amet rhomcus ligula tortor id elit. maecenas sed efficitur magna. proin in arcu nulla. phasellus aliquam finibus augue, quis vulputae tellus molestie iaculis. sed nec varius lectus. vivamus laoreet tortor quis augue tempor, id consequat arcu aliquam. vestibulum malesuada, mi in viverra faucibus, ipsum sapien semper neque, non maximus purus ligula id nunc. quisque arcu dui, vulputate id bibendum quis, interdum nec nunc. nam molestie nulla magna, ac posuere tortor lacinia pulvinar. mauris fermentum ornare risus lobortis fermentum tortor consectetur quis.

relationship status
more than friends but not quite lovers
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donect lacinia suscipit lacus. etiam elit ibh, malesauda sed libero non, interdum sodales leo. in est sapien, fringilla non orci quis, facilisis aliquam orci. cras hendrerit mi vel mi cursus egestas fringilla in massa. pellentesque interdum, ligula ut interdum semper, urna ligula lobortis ante, sed efficitur tortor nulla at erat. curabitur dignissim faucibus massa, sit amet viverra tellus iaculis ac. in eget sagittis nunc. aliquam sollicitudin at nulla vel laoreet. nullam sagittis, justo ac auctor auctor, est arcu molestie ipsum, sit amet rhomcus ligula tortor id elit. maecenas sed efficitur magna. proin in arcu nulla. phasellus aliquam finibus augue, quis vulputae tellus molestie iaculis. sed nec varius lectus. vivamus laoreet tortor quis augue tempor, id consequat arcu aliquam. vestibulum malesuada, mi in viverra faucibus, ipsum sapien semper neque, non maximus purus ligula id nunc. quisque arcu dui, vulputate id bibendum quis, interdum nec nunc. nam molestie nulla magna, ac posuere tortor lacinia pulvinar. mauris fermentum ornare risus lobortis fermentum tortor consectetur quis.


quote explanation
quote explanation
quote explanation

he, who opens his arms and allows them to be a place to dream


password i love anime! i grew up watching sailor moon, so that's definitely one of my favorites. my other faves are samurai champloo and cowboy bebop.

after all we've been through, is there still anything left to say?

story // credits  


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