Letters to Juliet

I have posted lots of blogs today, I am sorry.


So if you did read my previous blog I was talking about some love struggles, I was just in my ELA class and we are currently reading Romeo & Juliet and I found out that you can send letters to "Juliet" so I am now considering it.

I mean it'll be fun, right? So the link my teacher gave us was http://www.julietclub.com/en/ so I looked and all you have to do is write your letter with your question, put in an envelope adressed to:


Verona, Italy


Simple! So I may try it because I've got nothing to lose. I guess you can also email, but I want to mail like they did back then, even though it's still different[?]



Also you may know the balcony scene from RJ, Shakespeare didn't originally add that! I was so surprised..


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There a movie with the same title of Letters to Juliet. I've always meant to watch it.
I heard that went you send Juliet a letter, a person who lives in Verona will actually write you back~
No worries, blog all you want:) Its been a few years since I last read RJ. Such a tragic love story, but it didn't strike me as intresting. I have nothing against the story, it just didn't pull me in.