
I seen a lot of talk and questions on contests about original characters. I have been known to use them, and am even writing a story with one in it. However, I have something to say about OCs. A lot of people tend to use them simply because they want to "make up their own characters". Well, if you think about it, aren't ALL kpop stars that you use in a story original characters? I mean, I can promise you that NONE of the artists live in strange worlds, fight crime, kill people, turn into vampires or fight aliens. They are simply artists who make music, and we use their names and faces in stories=). What I'm getting at is that yes, they are ALL original characters and if someone needs a girl to ship with their favorite idol, just pick one d the many out there! It's that simple, really. So, I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, at all, and there have been OC stories that I have enjoyed greatly! This is simply to shed some light on this matter. Thank you for reading this! 




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Haha finally someone that sees them as potential actors being casted in a movie/drama. I thought i was the only one. Haha but yeah its almost the same thing when using posters and face claims of ulzzangs and models. Lol
Originally I never wanted to do any fanfics at all, mainly because I had read so many where people bashed on the story cuz 'the idol would never do that.' And since my introduction into writing was writing my own screenplays from my own mind, all of my characters are made up. Then transitioning into finally doing fanfics I still couldn't do all idols. OCs are just a part of my life, I'm always creating them, always writing about them... so yes thanks to -Tigress- and you I now see that it could be taken as casting in a movie but I never saw it that way. It was always just the fact that I have done it this way and it'll be how I continue to do it with the exception of Immortal Game since the challenge IS to not use any OCs. Which is why I'm doing it in the first place, the challenge of that for me who is ALWAYS creating OCs.
I agree 100%! And even the ones who stick close to the personality of the idol are only using the personality they show the world. I act different around different people and with what I call "masks" and i know that many people do, so I fully believe that idols wear their public masks and say their personalities are one way when they truly are a different way. Just a personal showing the world. Not all the time of course, because the real bits always slip through, but still. That's how I see it.
This is actually how I think honestly. I agree with you wholeheartedly
This is actually so clear and yet refreshing. Well said.