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love in color : Kwon Maru

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▸ Simba — her nanny would always call her that since her hair resembled a lion's mane due to her hair being naturally wavy and she loved Lion King when she was little

DATE OF BIRTH : September 15, 1994 (21)
BIRTHPLACE : Kyoto, Japan
ETHNICITY : Japanese-Korean

▸ Korean — fluent; mother tongue

▸ Japanese — fluent; parents wanted her to be fluent in both of her native languages

▸ English — basics; she learned basic English during high school

OCCUPATION : College Student/Choreographer
FACE CLAIM : Baek Su Min
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 155cm || 45kg

▸ She has slightly chubby cheeks and pouty lips which she got from her mother. Her pale skin and doe eyes came from her father but her short height is questionable since her dad is 6'2 and her mother is 5'6. Although her parents prefer to have her hair straight 24/7, she loves her natural waves because she believes to give her that little spunk she needs for her everyday look. Right in the middle of her back is a lotus tattoo which she got as a reminder to herself that through the hardships on her journey, the wisdom and positive results she gains will be worth it all in the end. She has three piercings on each ear. 

it must be beautiful being you



Good: Curious, Observant, Nurturing, Optimistic, Energetic

Bad: Carefree, Sensitive, Blunt, Independent, Overacheiver 



Maru loves life. She's curious about everything that's around her and has a positive aura around her. People around her will always get affected by her positive outlook at life and her optimism in difficult situations. She gets easily distracted by whatever's going on around her but takes note of the little details. If she's sitting in a lecture hall and her eyes begin to wander, she'll ask questions to herself like I wonder what the story is behind the guy sitting in front of me or The girl in the corner got a haircut, it suits her. When she's with her friends, she's seen as the mother of the group for always looking after them. She will always share what she has and be the one to always offer her shoulder to cry on. But because she isn't afraid to speak the truth to her loved ones, she's sometimes seen as rude because of her bluntness.She doesn't like to lean on people too much because she sees herself as a burden when everyone else has their own things to worry about. 

On the other hand, she'll tend to be too carefree about everything around her. There are two spectrums to her personality: she's doesn't care about anything that happens or cares too much. When she finally broke away from her parent's grasps, she was tired of caring. All she wanted to do was go with the flow and follow the reigns of where life would take her. She's usually lazy, but when she does get her productive bursts for the topics that she's highly interested in, she will give it her all and make sure that she will end up on top. She'll take on more than she can handle which causes her to be easily stressed and highly emotional. When things get too overwhelming for  her, she'll have emotional breakdowns inside her bedroom. 


Maru grew up as an only child with authoritarian parents. They were very conservative and expected her to follow either of their footsteps. Her father was the CEO of their family's chain of hospitals with her mother as the right hand chairwoman. They wanted her to take over the family business or become a successful surgeon. Her childhood was very monotone and consisted of being tutored at home. She envied the children that got to play while she was stuck inside her home trying to memorize the different systems of the body. The only person she really trusted was her nanny. Her nanny was the person who nurtured her into the caring woman she is now. She always taught Maru that she doesn't have to be like her parents and can be whatever kind of person she wants to be. With her natural vibrant personality, she followed her nanny's advice and followed her heart.

When she was eighteen, she finally had enough of her family's control on her and broke her fascade. She yelled and screamed, trying to get them to listen to her dreams and goals that she set up herself. Maru fell in love with dance during her childhood when her nanny brought her to the Han River one day. At one of the open squares, there was a neighborhood dance competition and she was enamored by the way those teens and adults danced to the many beats each song held. She felt the emotions they were trying to portray and immediately told her nanny that she wanted to dance. Since she was homeschooled, she learned off of the internet. Then once she was old enough and her parents left money in her bank account, she used that money to take classes at Soul Dance in Seoul. Once they heard the words 'dance' and 'choreographer', her mother slapped her while her dad stayed scarily silent. She called her worthless and told her to just pursue the medical major so all she has to do is take over the family business. When her eyes laid on her father, he just shook his head and got up. "You either listen to your mother or get out of this house." 

She did exactly what he said and left her home. Maru went to her nanny's house and ended up living there. She helped look after her nanny's children while finishing up high school. With the money that she won from underground dance battles saved in the personal bank account her nanny helped her open up, she was set to be on her own. Maru considered her nanny more as her family than her parents would ever be. Although she went through all those hardships, her nanny was the light and inspiration with who she is today.


- loves coffee and bubble tea 
- knows how to longboard
- street food is her guilty pleasure
- eats a lot and never seems to gain a lot of weight (e.g. can eat three bowls of ramen in one sitting)
- can't fall asleep unless she's hugging something
- knows how to cook because of her nanny
- the beach is her favorite place to go
- favorite colors are black and red
- she's one hell of a romantic 
- loves to read books
- knows how to play the ukulele and the piano
- wishes to travel around the world
- talks to herself when she's stressed out
- 60% introverted, 40% extroverted 
- opened up her own YT Channel called MaruMaru (pun play off of HaruHaru) where she'd post dance videos and music covers
- favorite artists are BigBang, Sistar, Lee Hi, Epik High, Block B, B2ST, and Ailee
- obssessed with cats
- DJs as a hobbie (e.g. makes her own remixes to famous songs or mashups)
- doesn't watch that much TV, but if she does, she loves to watch Running Man and The Return of Superman
- bites her bottom lip when she's nervous or anxious
- always carries around a first aid kit because she injures herself a lot from dancing constantly
- scared of thunderstorms
- part of a dance crew called CupCakes

ohana means family

RELATIONSHIPS : only include those who are important and matter to your character

Mother — Kinomoto Megumi (54) / Chairwoman of Kwon Medical Corp. / Cold, Strict, Conservative / She had very high expectations of her daughter to take over the family business. Once she heard about her foolish dream of becoming a choreographer, she couldn't look at her kin the same way. Maru was very smart but too reckless with her decisions. She won't acknowledge Maru as her own child unless she comes back to them with the decision of pursuing after her.

Father — Kwon Jaehyun (58) / Founder / CEO of Kwon Medical Corp. / Distant, Strict, Quiet / Unlike his wife who wanted to mold her daughter into the younger version of herself, he just couldn't say anything because he was too busy with handling the business. He regrets saying those words to her that night she left the house because he was afraid of his own wife. He checks up on his daughter through her nanny who he entrusted her care to.

Family Friend — Chae Minjung (68) / Nanny / Caring, Nurturing, Mature / She was the daughter of Jaehyun's mother's best friend. She looked after him when they were younger and Jaehyun was the one to help her when she was struggling to look for a job. She takes care of Maru as her own daughter and wishes to smack Jaehyun for being such a coward for ruining his family.

Best Friend  — Kim Jongin (22) / College Student; Choreographer / Playboy, Funny, Sarcastic / She was the first person he met when he transferred to St. Marie's University, they quickly became friends because of her caring personality. They grew closer when he asked her if there was any dance studios in the area and since her studio was hiring, she offered him the job and took him with her after school that day. He's her confidant about her relationship problems and her partner in dancing. He loves to about Yongguk and always bugs her to hook him up with one of the hot noonas. 

▸  Best Friend — Kim HImchan (26) / DJ / Gay, Narcisstic, Feminine / He's Yongguk's childhood best friend and Vice President when they went to university together. He got closer to Maru when her personality easily clicked with his and she knew how to retort back to his sassiness. He claimed himself as her fairy gay mother and always tells her to never hesitate to call him if Yongguk is being a pain in the . Himchan will immediately march over to their apartment and beat that annoying piece of trash he calls of a best friend.

because answer exist only to questions

can you introduce yourself?

▸ Hello! My name is Maru and it's great to meet ya! Um...I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to say here, but I hope you'll take care of me. *smiles*

How do you feel about your soulmate?

▸ Oh this guy. He gets on my nerves 24/7. *huffs* He's so monotone and boring! All he wants to do is hole himself up in his room and continue working on the song he's currently composing. Whenever I try to get some cuddle time with him, he brushes me off and says not to bug him. *shrugs* I guess that's what I get when he's in the zone. He's very awkward when it comes to opening up to me but I find it adorable when he gets flustered and doesn't want to hurt his pride. At the end of the day, no matter how cold he is to me, he shows that he cares for me. There are times when I doubt that he actually has feelings for me when he chooses his career over me, but it's when I least expect it that he'll show how much he cares. And yes we always fight, but that just shows how much he loves me. If he didn't then he wouldn't always be on my tail, y'know *rolls eyes with a soft smile on her face* I remember this one time I knew that I fell in love with the right guy when he dedicated his first song as an established composer to me.  

How did it feel seeing colors for the first time? : 

▸ It was as if I was suddenly thrown into a different world. Everything that I had seen while growing up suddenly had more life and meaning to me. The color descriptions I'd read in books did not do justice to how it really is. I mean from living in a monochrome world for most of my life and suddenly being thrown into a whirlwind of vibrant, fluorescent colors, it was surreal. 

how are you right now?

▸ Stressed out about finals y'know? I'm still attending school because my parents had already paid for all four years already but I'm content with my decision of changing my major to Dance. I'm currently building up my resume by working as a choreographer at the dance studio I've been dancing in all my life and doing gigs with my girls on CupCakes, but it's becoming overwhelming. I'm just looking forward for finals to pass and I'm free! *chuckles* Plus that means I get to spend more time with loverboy *winks* 


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LOVE INTEREST : Bang Yongguk


▸ When you first meet him, he's seems cold and stand-offish. He's just very shy and doesn't know how to properly express himself. He's composed and mature who rarely looses his composure. It's hard for him to open up to people and tends to keep to himself most of the time. But once you get to know him he's the most caring and humble person you'll ever meet. His cold aura melts and he's a big softie who loves kids. But if you get on his nerves then he'll be stubborn and quickly loses his temper. He gets jealous easily and it's attractive at first, but after while he needs to be called out. 


▸ They first met during her first year of university and he was her sunbae. She was the president of her class while he was the president of the school and all of the student council members were to meet every Tuesday and Thursday after classes. The seniors had decided to mentor the freshman for their first month to make sure things are going smoothly. So naturally, both of them got paired up due to being both presidents. Maru was the one doing all the talking first while he showed her around campus and gave her one word replies. She had heard from her friends how he was called the "Dark Knight" of his class due to his cold nature. She had a feeling inside her that it wasn't true and used that chance to get to know him. She cornered him at the end of their tour and confronted him about his cold nature and voiced out her personal opinions. At first he was caught back by her bluntness and outgoing personality but since he was going to be stuck with her for a month, he decided to open up and give it a shot to get to know her. 

Since that moment, the two had become close friends and he would be there to help her with her educational studies. The pair would be seen after school at a local cafe with him tutoring her and Maru complaining that her head was hurting from all the different terms he drilled in her head. He asked her out right before they went off to spring break. They spent that entire week together, slowly building up their brand new relationship. Everyone was shocked because they didn't expect those two getting together. She was the outgoing president of the freshman class and he was the uptight president of the senior class. Maru was the sun and he was the moon. Those two were polar opposites, but it was their love for music that brought them together. 

Everything was fine for them for a while, but once he graduated and started working, more fights broke out between them. Multiple misunderstandings kept happening and now that she has to collaborate with one of the male choreographers, Kim Jongin, for her studio's showcase and crew competition, Yongguk lets his insecurities and jealousy get the best of him and pushes her buttons. Maru's trying her best to balance all that's happening around her with school and the multiple gigs she's getting that she's often tired and snaps at Yongguk when she doesn't mean to. Jongin has been the person she'd go to when she needs advice for her problems with Yongguk. Since he transferred into her class this year and she was the one who recommended him to join her studio, they grew really close. She hasn't realized it yet, but she's slowly growing feelings for Jongin because of how he can easily understand her. Right now they're trying to adjust to this new lifestyle where they can't be at each other's side like how they were before he graduated. 

RELATIONSHIP STATUS It's complicated, but still together. 

MY FEELING FOR YOU :  She is the sun and he is the moon. Although they are polar opposites, their personalities compliment each other. When his temper gets riled up, she knows how to calm him. When she gets to reckless with everything she decides and does, he's the one to put her in check. When they're together, Maru loves to do skinship and Yongguk is like her big teddy bear. She tries her best to inspire him when he has writer's block and takes care of him when he pushes himself to his limits. He usually forgets to eat when he's in the zone of composing and falls asleep at his desk. Since they share an apartment, she cooks him food and covers him with a blanket. When he's with her, his dorky personality tends to come out and his cool image totally disappears. There's just something about the way they click that makes him act so naturally with her. She was surprised at how sensitive and softhearted he can get because of his arrogant image, but Maru just finds him much more attractive than he already is. He doesn't know how to say no to her because all he wants to do is be the best man he can be and give her the world that she deserves. 

ENDING Even if Jongin does like her, he's the one that actually saves their relatioship because he sees how happy Yongguk makes her. He'll be the one to smack some sense into both of them. He'll play the bad guy in Yongguk's eyes and the shoulder to lean on for Maru. He makes them both realize just how much they care for each other when they're blinded by their own problems they forgot to see the entire picture. They're in it together. They should be the ones helping each other out, not shutting them away. Maru had received two offers: one was to study abroad for two years because she had auditioned for a chance to be a part of this online dance show in Youtube LA and the second was to stay in Korea and become the head choreographer for SM Entertainment. Since in her eyes the relationship was about to reach its ruins but she still loved Yongguk with all her heart after all that they've been through. Her deadline to respond to both were on the same day. They come to their senses the night before she had to leave for LA. 

Miniipandaa : Jade

LAST WORDS : Please let me know if there's anything else you need me to add or change! :) 
PASSWORD : I love the color burgundy! 


▸ Maru wanting to teach Yongguk one of her routines and he denies it. Eventually he gives in to her and she finds it adorable seeing him struggle but eventually get it. 
▸ Himchan inviting Yongguk to a gay bar in order to meet up to get some sense into his head when she confides in him that she might be falling for Jongin. 

▸ Her father tracking her down in order to apologize for his wrong parenting and divorcing her mother. He runs into Yongguk and it's a little awkward until she gets home. 

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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