Soooo technically I don't have it just yet but I will be getting it very soon! (I'm looking at probably a week- maybe two, because my friend's wife is having her baby today XD)

So I have a friend who I go to church with who is is tech guy, and he basically had a bunch of extra laptops at his house he never used (six to be exact, something to do with his work giving them to them) and I spoke to him last Sunday about purchasing one off of him that was an apple computer.

He said sure just give him time to sort some things out and he'll let me know, I had already asked how much but he didn't tell me a price. 

Fast forward to today: HIS WIFE IS IN LABOR! And he brought his daughter over to the church so I could watch her (she is a year old) and he randomly shouts in the door, "Oh hey Kyla, I have a computer for you."  And so me being me I was freaking out and asking how much would it cost and he said, "You don't owe me anything it's free." 



ING FREE YOU GUYS! He's legit giving me a laptop that is not even a year old, had barely been used, FOR FREEEEE! 

To say the least I burst into tears of joy because I was still saving up for a new computer and this was just...well it was overwhelming. 


When I get this computer I will be hauling to update a bunch of in my stories and I can hardly wait because Pathcode is written in my head and I need to get that out.

Ill probably start doing little updates here on my blog rather than doing author's nots cause I'm kinda gettin over that. Anyway, that's all! Be expecting new soon!



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That's super awesome! So lucky~
That's fantastic!!! I hope it works exactly the way you want it to.