Thelandofbrownsugar / anna / nine out of ten


name — Shin Seungchae

nickname — 
   + Hamster | The Seekers | She is shorter than most of the Seekers, who likes to by referring to her as a 'hamster' or other "charming" nicknames like 'dwarf', 'little one' and 'miniature person'.

birthdate — 19 September 1993 (22 years old)

birthplace — Boryeong, Republic of Korea

hometown — Daejeon, Republic of Korea

ethnicity — East Asian (Korean)

face claim — TWICE's Nayeon (🌙 )

backup — BESTie's Dahye (🌙 )



"Hey, i'm not that short...!"


appearanceSeungchae is a small one. Standing at no less than 158 cm, she is proud to announce her position among the little people - quite literally, in fact. It can be difficult to understand where she keeps all the energy. It's not exactly a BMW; more of a micro car, honestly. She "suffers" from a mild case of baby face syndrome, often ending up being mistaken for a high schooler (or middle schooler, in some elderly eyes). Her frame is small, but strong and lean from years of various sports. Her hair tends to stay between black and dark brown. It's mostly for the sake of practicality these days. She has her ear lobs pierced as well as her left helix, and has a tattoo of a crescent moon with three stars behind her left ear.


fashion style — Fashion is one of her many interests in life. Seungchae has a thing for layering as she rarely leaves the house without at least two layers on her back.  She favors the easy and effortless look while still looking put-together. Natural colors are the way to go with pastels and earthy tones, sometimes with slashes of extremes such as yellow, orange and mint green. Like any interest, she takes fashion seriously and does what it takes to get the job done. Dress to impress and draw attention to her herself? Check! Blend in with the crowd like it was meant to be? Checkity check! She knows how to tone it down the same way as she knows how to turn it up, because disguises are just another way to play the game.


plotline — The Clever

traits — Perceptive, adaptable, friendly, clever, unfocused, evasive, overly sensitive, poor planner


personality — 

   + Perceptive : Keenly observant of her physical surroundings, nothing gets past Shin Seungchae. This ability includes spotting nuances in body languages, tone or even words. She finds it easier than most to live in the moment most of the time. As a result, she has excellent sensory awareness - able to pick up and distinguish between various sources of stimuli - and doesn't miss a single thing happening around her. She also has a very good memory, with a great recall of facts and can relay conversation (the who said what) with great detail.


   + Adaptable : With the skill of observation comes the skill of flexibility. Seungchae is not afraid of taking a step or five outside of her comfort zone if it means experience and new discoveries. Calm, cool and collected (at least on the outside) in a crisis, she is able to leap into action and troubleshoot swiftly and efficiently while others are frazzled. Her free-spirited “live and let live” attitude makes her very open-minded and less likely to try to offer unsolicited direction or advice. 


   + Conflict-averse : If there is anything that makes her shy away, it's the topic of conflict. She is very highly attuned to the emotional reactions of others (and her own feelings as well). With this, she goes out of her way to maintain harmonious relationships and avoid confrontation. As someone who is more sensitive than some of her fellow Seekers, she takes criticism very seriously (and often to heart), tending to withdraw, not engage. Unless she is under extreme stress (which is rare), she will not turn against someone, especially not those she holds dear. She can appear casual, flexible and easy-going, but when she feels something or someone she values has been slighted, she will stand firm and stubborn.


   + Friendly yet private : From the first encounter and onward, it's easy to see that Seungchae is someone who is at her happiest when she is active and social. She is one of those that needs and spends the least amount of time inside their own head, reflecting and processing. Like she'll tell you if you ask: "I think best while I talk!" Although chatty, open and very expessive, she will keep her own private feelings to herself. Getting close enough to her will make you realize that what you see is not the whole picture as she may be very talkative, but is not so keen to share more private, personal information. There is a more reserved to her that many don't seem to notice, but only those allowed close would see this about her. 


   + Unfocused : It's no secret that Seungchae is clever and has an eye for details, but she is not a logical thinker, or much of a thinker at all. She dislikes making decisions that she feels tie her down unnecessarily. More likely to be disorganized and unplanned than not, she is often late for appointments and meetings. She prefers to focus on things that are tangible and happening around them in “real time.” Seungchae has a tendency to put off thinking about the distant future or doing long term strategic planning in favor of focusing on the present moment or the very short term future.


   + Internal insecurities : You read that right. Seungchae is very confident... Be it her friends, the opposite or a complete stranger, she has no problem speaking her mind and coming down to their level. Her open-minded and easy-going nature draws people in, and she loves the attention it gives her. She is more than happy to help, be there for someone else. On a surface level, everything is good - great, even! When it comes to the deeper part of her, it can be hard. She finds it difficult to share her feelings with others. She is very aware of them, and others', but it's difficult for her to communicate them at times - mostly because she doesn't see why. This is a part of her that she keeps behind closed doors with a lock and no spare key. Only the ones closest to her will get to see this side of her; this uncertain young woman who finds it hard to let people in. And still, they don't get to see the whole picture at a time. Her internal self is like a puzzle; an intricate puzzle that takes years to complete. She doesn't spend a lot of time there herself, preferring the outer world to her inner world.


   + Summary : Seungchae is clever, observant and knows how to be around others. She is good with people, friendly and easy-going, but she has a reserved side to her that few others know about. Her emotional level is high; she takes criticism seriously and will always choose harmony over direct confrontation. Many don't see her clever side because she is not one for logic and planning, preferring to improvise and do her own thing. 



character development — 

Seungchae is never one to plan before taking action, and this may be her punishment someday. There are parts of life that needs to be thought-through before initiated, and it can't always be a case of "wingin' it." Her ability to read others and her surroundings helps her avoid conflict, so she has to learn to face danger head-on instead of simply running away or over-simplifying it. 

For the sake of the future, Seungchae needs to see that people are incredibly complicated, and not all can be pleased with the right words or attitude. Sometimes, there are bound to be obstacles in her way, and she cannot explain it away. She will need to address problems in order to avoid succumbing to her inner self.

the devil in the details



   + Fashion : There is an entire world out there for fashion. She's always been fascinated by it, and it keeps her interested because it's always changing and finding new ways to shine. In her eyes, it's a great way of expressing yourself, even if clothes aren't everything. 

   + Ginseng tea : Her best friend in a cup, and her favorite kind of all tea even if she adores them all. Coffee is too bitter for her unless it's, like, 95 % chocolate. There are also plenty of health benefits like reduced stress and better circulation. She does wonder how Malik can drink that black nightmare fuel every single morning. 

   + Sports : Seungchae is very athletic and spends a lot of time outdoors. She sees it as a way to form stronger bonds with people, and will often be one to suggest it if she sees relationships about to go sour. 

   + Thunderstorms : Due to the weather's lack of predictability and great sound, she has always been fascinated by them. If there's such activity nearby, she will watch it from the closest window and simply enjoy its acoustic effect.

   + Sharpies : The brightly colored permanent markers would always find their way into her rucksack, sooner or later. She would use them to mark important parts of her notes (the few that she has, anyway) and make bland items more decorative through creative usage of color.

   + Horror movies and games : Nothing gives her adrenaline like a good scare. Even though the genre frightens her like it does most people, she keeps coming back for more. As long as it's good quality to it, she will happily sit through no matter how often it makes her jump and/or scream.



   + Tight spaces : Seungchae is claustrophobic because of being locked inside a closet by accident as a child. It causes her to start shaking and even hyperventilating in some cases.

   + Making promises : Honesty and trust is key, but she doesn't like making promises because it tends to bind her down for who knows how long. She can be persuaded, but it takes a bit.

   + Rejection : Due to her love for people, she doesn't handle rejection very well. It's one thing if she sees that they aren't comfortable or willing to interact, in which she leaves them alone. She reacts differently when it's something really close to her or someone who pushes her away for no reason (that she can see). 

   + The cold : The time it takes for her to get cold is ridiculous. Time spent in colder world is torture to her, and she always makes sure to pack extra clothes (if she remembers) to avoid freezing to the death. It is also another reason for her liking layering so much.

   + Mushrooms : She is allergic to them. If she happens to ingest one, gets swollen and it becomes difficult to talk or even breathe properly.

   + Strong scents and fragrances : It makes her cough hard in the presence to items such as strong perfumes, air fresheners, and even soap. She doesn't react much to bad small itself, just the (very) strong and artificial scents found in most beauty products.


habits —

   + Shoulder touches : If Seungchae is lying about something, she has a habit of running her shoulders and clavicle a lot. She does this as a way to deal with impatience as well, but the frequency increases with the absence of truth.

   + Hoarding : Her personal space tends to be a mess. She likes to collect things and is good at keeping it, but horrible at throwing it away. Because she is always up for something new, she often forgets to make room for it.

   + Sleeping : In her sleep, she is one thing: aggressive. She tends to kick whoever sleeps next to her and rolls around, often pushing any other person out of bed. Another sleeping habit is her sleep talking, which is often in the form of late-night conversations with herself or someone else.

   + Getting dressed : Whenever she puts her shoes on, she always unties them and reties them. Having loose shoes on is unpleasant in her opinion, so the tighter, the better.


special skills — 

   + Quick mind : When you're someone who often has people chasing you, it often becomes necessary to think on the spot to get yourself out of danger. Thinking, and acting, in the moment is what Seungchae does best, after all.

   + Athleticism : Seungchae is very sporty by nature and has been involved in various sports in her time before the Seekers. Light on her feet, she is good at avoiding danger and can be good in some forms of combat.

   + Size : Being a rather petite girl, Seungchae can easily fit through tight spaces (not exactly to her own pleasure) and blend into crowds because most of them would cover her anyway.



   + "You're a little small, aren't you?" : Her height is a more sensitive subject of hers. She's gotten used to it from friends, but if you're not close to her, wait a few years before commenting on it.

   + Borderline obsession : Seungchae is absolutely obsessed with lipstick, particularly red. If she gets to use it at any point, you bet she'll go all out with it.  

   + "What is life without love?" : Seungchae isn't fond of labels, but she is panual, if one needs to know. As mentioned, labels aren't her thing; that includes gender. 

   + Size matters ... at times : Because of her size, she may be asked to go into tight spaces, such as in cases of capture or being locked up somewhere. This will make her protest and clearly show her unwillingness. She might be seen as a coward by Malik for this. 

   + In the end, family is all that matters : As a result of becoming a Seeker, people forget who she is. This includes her own family, which hurts her a lot in the start because she was very close to them.

   + "Signs are confusing..." : For all of her ability to recall facts and memories, Seungchae has an awful sense of direction. She gets lost in the strangest of ways, which keeps confusing the other Seekers.

   + Music: An escape for reality : Seungchae is fond of Korean folk music, and she will often listen to them on repeat to combat her initial sense of loneliness and homesickness. A particular favorite of hers was Arirang Alone.

the past that shaped you


Born by the beaches of Boryeong, South Chungcheong Province, Seungchae was a well-known member of her community for being cheerful, always including and helpful to others. She had this interesting ability for knowing exactly what to say and where, and was known to charm her way out of trouble more than once. She was the only girl (aside from her mother) in a family of five, first child and daughter to a veterinarian and his stay-at-home wife. Her brothers were younger by five and seven years, and she took care of them from an early age; a habit that stuck to her since.

Seungchae moved from her hometown to Daejeon to study to become a elementary school teacher. She had always been fond of children, and growing up with a fairly rambunctous pair of brothers has led to a lot of experience with them too. It went fairly well. She even did a few classes in psychology before her 'awakening'! It all came to an end, however, on an evening that seemed quite like any other at the time. Seungchae was walking home from a late class with a couple of friends when she noticed someone in her peripheral vision. At first, there was no one there. Then she saw her: Ahn Malik. She turned back to her friends, whispering to them: "Are you noticing the same thing as I am right now?" But they just looked at her like she had fallen asleep somewhere inappropriate (which has happened in the past) and walked on. Now, when she tried to talk to them, they didn't respond to her. She kept trying to get their attention, only to realize they couldn't really see her anywhere or recognize her. That's when Malik appeared, and the world soon changed before her very eyes.

the people that shaped you

important people — 

   + Fellow Seeker | Ahn Malik | 24 years old | Stubborn, confident, sarcastic, rash |

Seungchae's relationship to Malik is an interesting one. Both of them are the type to act quickly in dangerous situation with quick moves and quicker minds. They are confident, honest and a little bit (or very) impatient. Neither of them are fond of verbal confrontations, but they handle it very differently. Seungchae wants to avoid them all together, which makes her heads with Malik A LOT. She does everything in her might to keep the peace and harmony, which can seem ridiculous to her fellow Seeker when there is basically a WAR going on. Malik tries to stay detached from the Seekers, unlike Seungchae who does not hesitate to make relations with everyone around her. Her rejection tends to hurt the younger girl a lot. Seungchae does, however, admire Malik's strong will and combat skills. And Malik might, in return, have a bit of respect for her quick mind and nimble skills.


   + Boss | The Keeper | ??? | ???????? |

Usually, Seungchae gets the hang on a person fairly easily, but this guy is CONFUSING. She thinks he seems pretty cool at first, but there is something about him that makes her uneasy. He is also very hard to read and conceals his emotions quite well, which frustrates her to no end. His modus operandi, as she discovers later on, makes her feel a very different way because she sees people as precious and worth more than just being used as tools to save a single person, no matter how valuable that person might be. She sees Malik's feelings about him early on, and tends to be unusually quiet in his company unless something serious has happened.


future important people — 

   + Friend | Hwagyeong | 23 years old | Self-assured, flirty, observant, aggressive |

Hwagyeong is a character that Seungchae encounters in multiple worlds. In most cases, she is a very confident and surprisingly insightful character, who is quick to see deep into Seungchae's very being. Like Seungchae, also, she has no preference in romantic partner and is very quick to act on the subject of her feelings, which tends to be Seungchae or even another Seeker in some world. Seungchae thinks that Hwagyeong is rather attractive, being nearly as tall as Malik with the most beautiful hair ever. (Just imagine Hwagyeong as a blonde Nana.) They find a connection quickly and like to flirt back and forth, but it's all for fun in the end. Neither feel the need for some relationship, but flirting is fun and relaxing (unless Hwagyeong is more aggressive, by which it takes a bit of a different turn...).


now for some questions

what was their reaction when malik woke them up from the dream? — 
Anything that is new fascinates Seungchae. At least at first. Then it's a bit of panic. Then some more fascination before a bit more panicking. She was basically a ball of emotions that kept rolling until she was both physically and mentally exhausted.

what was their reaction to the fact that the fabric of reality is unravelling? — 
"Uh... Wow." That's it, at least on the speaking front. Inside, she was a mess. She was never one to be all meta, but this was messy even for her.

how do they feel about the fact that there are many other worlds out there? — 
Basically? Excited. Discovering something new is Seungchae's mission in life, and this is the ULTIMATE discovery!

do they feel ready for their task of going through the portals and finding another version of pi, or does it feel daunting? — 
Seungchae is optimistic about it. She sees no point in looking for the negatives. Finding Pi could potentially mean freeing her, right? And that would make happy, right? That's what Seungchae does. Help people and make them happy in her own ways.


love interest — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

backup love interest — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


personality — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


love story — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an, quas minim possit eu. Te vim veri numquam voluptua, ei eum esse movet albucius. Ad ius debitis dissentiunt concludaturque, ne erant reprimique eam. Te dico salutatus interpretaris pro. Id nec iriure similique. Duo porro utinam tractatos id, liber inermis nam et, mundi graeci ius cu. Maiorum appetere vix ut, in ullum erroribus nam. Ut vim nulla debitis accommodare, no has atqui prompta. Est ei quem mnesarchum. Pro iriure vivendo signiferumque ne, quo quis invenire an. Quem dolorum ullamcorper vis ne. Ex mel malis nostrud intellegebat. Audire democritum efficiantur ea ius. Invenire erroribus percipitur id vim, at vix tempor splendide. Quodsi cotidieque interpretaris eum cu. Ne aperiri vocibus pertinacia duo, nostrud antiopam reprehendunt est ea, ad eam aeterno reformidans.

conclusion — Do you want them to have a happy ending or a sad one? Or may I decide?

take a bow

comments/suggestions — Gay marriage? All for it! Presidential candidate? Not Donald "Some, I assume, are good people" Trump! In relation to this app, though, I decided not to add a love interest because I felt like she was happier single. I love a good love story as much as anyone, but I just couldn't see it happening for this girl. I might consider it later on. This was a lot of fun to do, and it took so long to finish... I'm happy! Hope you like it!
inspiration— I was inspired to create someone who was different from myself. I am more like the Intellect; I like logic and seeing things in patterns. Not super sociable either, like this girl. I don't know, I felt like doing something else. I hope she was understandable to you! :D

scene requests — My brain is goop. No requests. ;-;

passwordWe live in a colorful world

turn in — back to the story


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