anything could happen to Kim Hye-bin/김혜빈 .

welcome to han academy!
nickname(s) binnie - a shortened version of her name, it's cute and her friends and family often use it.
Bunny - her front teeth are very pronounced, giving her an overbite, so she's sometimes called this, especially when she smiles.
birthdate & age 03/27, 16.
ethnicity korean
languages korean - fluent. english, french, - small, very butchered phrases she's learned from her grandmother through her stories and her occasional little lessons.
faceclaim & back-up baek a yeon or mamamoo's wheein.
fashion style hyebin loves oversized tops and tighter bottoms and a good old pair of tennis shoes. she's not against wearing overalls or simple clothing, like a sundress or a plain t-shirt. she's not extraordinarily fancy, she doesn't see the need to be. She does wear a fancy pendant all the time, though, it was her grandmothers and it holds special meaning to her.
extra info  hyebin is about 169 cm, and hopefully still growing, and about 56 kg. so a little chubby, but she can still grow into her round cheeks. she does wear glasses, a rather nice pair and she does not have her ears pierced (...yet?) she usually wears her hair with messy curls, and it's almost always put up because she simply does not know how to maintain curly hair.
so, tell us about yourself
personality The first thing you notice about Hyebin is that she's very quiet. It's not that she's shy, she's just very careful with her words and really thinks about what she says. When she does speak, she's very eloquent and you can tell that she's but a lot of thought into it and she means every word she says. It's rather hard to win a debate with her if she sets her mind on a particular subject, but most of the time Hyebin is indecisive and won't pick. She'll stand in line for food for at least ten minutes going back and forth on what she likes. She consides this her biggest vice and would like to make that trait go away eventually... she thinks. Above all, her mindset is very familial. She loves her family and holds their opinions in very high regards of her life, taking it to the level of letting her parents dictate her life at times. If she considers you family or as a friend, she takes your thoughts and opinions very seriously and so she can be quite easy to manipulate into doing things. At her age Hyebin is still considered very naive and doesn't know a lot about how the world works and how cruel people can really be, which is a hand into how gulliable and easily misled she can be. Because she holds her family and friends requests in such high regards she's very obedient and would do anything they ask of her if they were serious about it. When it comes to feelings and others, Hyebin is considerate and always checks for constent before doing anything or saying anything that might not be hers to tell, and that makes her a good confidant to talk to when you need to get something off of your chest. As a student Hyebin is one of the most responsible and always remembers due dates and turns her homework in. She's one of the best people to be paired up with for a group project because she'll make sure all of the requirements are met so everyone gets a good grade. Hyebin is a bit eager when it comes to pleasing people or getting things done, which can make her seem like a know it all but sometimes she just wants to let people know that she does know and she does speak.

Hyebin, all in all, is a small town girl with a lot to learn and a lot of room to grow and develop as a person.
background  Born in Tongyeong, South Gyeongsang, South Korea, Hyebin grew up as a child of the outdoors and one that knew nothing of the harsh reality of the world. She was an energetic child, who listened rather than spoke, but loved to play on the beach while her family was working in the sea side restaurant. When told to sit indoors, she would obey and observe, only to answer questions when spoken to and was a very easy child to raise, much to her parent's luck. As she grew up, Hyebin still remained quiet and eager, wanting to learn a lot and explore, but felt obligated to stay home in Tongyeong rather than actually going places. What made it worth it for her, though, was her grandmother. Her grandmother was half-Korean, half-French, and told Hyebin stories about her life in Paris, in New York, all of these bright lights in the cities and how magical it was. This made Hyebin long to go out into the world, but she also didn't want to leave her family behind. 

At school, while Hyebin wasn't the most social child, she did have friends, and she also applied to be a pen pal with a partner school of her own school, so she wrote to him often and was fascinated by this boy she recieved letters from. Academically, Hyebin is very thorough and intelligent, so she was rather high in her tests scores and final grades. Not Top Five smart, but she was definitely within the Top 20 of her school, which in reality is not too shabby at all. 
family members 
Father  / Kim Jihoon /47 / co-owner of sea tides restaurant / Ever heard of Daddy's Girl? That's basically what Hyebin is. Jihoon absolutely adores his little girl and wants to give her everything in the world. Hyebin returns the gestures and doesn't quite see that she has her father wrapped around her little finger, and that if/when she asks for something, she always seems to get it. He knows that she has ambitions outside of Tongyeong, and he wants to be supportive of that, but he still has this selfish desire to keep Hyebin back at home. He still sees her as that little girl who would toddle into the restaurant with her chubby little legs and hands covered in wet sand, but a big smile on her face with curls a mess. Now that she's getting older and could potentially act on these ideas, he gets worried and keeps asking her "You'll never leave your old man, right Binnie?"  He doesn't want to let that little girl go quite yet.

Mother / Jung Hyunjoo / 44 / co-owner of sea tides restaurant / Honestly, there's not a bad relationship in this family. Her mother has a lot of say over Hyebin's decisions, since Hyunjoo is actually extremely intelligent and has the most common sense in her family. So when the opportunity came up to send Hyebin to Han Academy, Hyunjoo definitely considered it. It was a good school, a good opportunity, and scholarships were available to help pay for room and board. Hyunjoo didn't just force her there, though, it was actually her mother-in-law that managed to convince little Hyebin to leave home. Hyunjoo is a very nosy mother, always asking questions with the best intentions, but to others it can seem controlling and over protective. It's true that sometimes Hyunjoo just wants to have Hyebin's life planned out for her, because she thinks she knows best.

Grandmother / Kim Chun-ja / 69 / retired french and english teacher / Her grandmother is probably one of the most important people in her life. Chun-ja has very heavily influenced Hyebin's dreams and ideas, as well as taught her a lot of life lessons and "to always be kind and have courage" when it came to taking chances. It's one of the reasons she encouraged her granddaughter to go to han academy. Chun-ja is also that old grandmother that will send her care packages with home remedies or knitted hats, sweaters, blankets and the like, anything that she thinks Hyebin would need up at school she'll send it about once a month. Hyebin always talked about her grandmother and her stories, and how she wants to visit where she went, and always writes and calls her grandmother when things get tough and she just wants to talk, not to receive advice. While Chun-ja knows that it'll be sad to see Hyebin grow up and leave, but also knows that Hyebin deserves the chance to be her own person and make her own mistakes and her own decisions eventually. Her grandmother gave Hyebin her favorite pendant before she left for Han Academy. "It brought me many adventures and luck in life, I can only imagine and hope that it will do even more for you." 

- Hyebin loves bookstores and quiet places where she can observe people, and is most likely either found at a cafe or the library.
- She also loves to sketch and draw, which she's gotten quite good at. She loves Art in general. 
- Hyebin's favorite time period to hear about is either France or American in the 20s. It all sounds so glamourous to her. 
-Her favorite place is the beach. She actually gets a lot more open at this time, more willing to talk as it reminds her of her hometown.
- She has a few fears: Nyctophobia (fear of the dark), Brontophobia (fear of thunder), Autophonia (fear of abandoning or being abandoned), Atelophobia (the fear of disappointing or not being good enough), Kabourophobia (fear of crabs or lobsters). 
- Hyebin hates crabs because when she was seven her left ring finger was pinched by one, popping a bunch of blood vessels and leaving a red mark on her finger ever since.
- Her favorite color is orange and she has sticky notes, pens, and labels that clearly mark her things as hers. 
- She collects seashells and has a very strong love for the ocean, and would like to keep a pet fish in her dorm if at all possible.
- Hyebin's main hobby is art and collecting oceanic things, but she also is fond of soccer, volleyball, reading, baking and observing people.
- Hyebin's actually a huge hub of gossip, since she observes and listens more than talks. She knows a lot about everyone. But it's not hers to tell, so she's a good secret keeper.
- Despite her parents owning a seafood restaurant, Hyebin is mostly vegetarian. She cheats when it's crab and lobsters because they deserve to die (lol). 
- Hyebin also really loves sweets, especially macaroons and tarts. Buy her those and she'll love you forever.
- Hyebin's always wanted a larger family, so if/when she gets married, she'd like to have at least three kids. She knows it's something she'd have to discuss with her partner when the time comes, but that's her personal preference.
interview segment
why are you going to han academy? Well, my grandmother wanted me to go, and one can't really refuse a request from one of your elders, especially someone like your grandmother. She wanted me to get out of Tongyeong, and I can't say I don't feel the same. I suppose it's more of a why wouldn't I go sort of situation.
how do you feel about living away from home, at a boarding school? what are you looking forward to most? A bit anxious, but I'm actually looking forward to it. It'll teach me to be an independent. Hm... I'm looking forward more to the meeting people and classes than anything. *laughs* Is that a bit boring? (Her stance and fidgeting hands indicate that she's probably more terrifying and worried about leaving home, and that she's a bit lost on what to expect being so far away.)
are you interested in joining any extracurricular clubs? Ah, actually I'm not sure. There wasn't a lot of options at my own school... But I do enjoy a few common hobbies that might be used as a basic for a club or two. I'll have to see. I am considering joining the student council if there is one, I'd like to be involving and helping my fellow students if I am able.
what would you like to do in the future? Oh, I plan on going to a good university after this and perhaps study International Relations. (She has no idea what to do after this, but the common plan that she's always heard is go to college, so she falls onto that explanation for now.)
what do you think about romantic love? what is your experience with it? Aren't I a little too young for thinking of such things? But, i see the way my father and mother look at each other, even after all those years... *smiles* I would very much want to have that someday. Maybe not anytime soon, but at some point.
what is your "ideal type"? Ah, well, my grandmother always spoke of her late husband... I never met my grandfather, but apparently he was a good and kind man.... However, she told me that he was nothing like she wanted. She told me from a very young age that love doesn't listen to the list and requirements that you want, it follows the heart and that's out of your hands. So I suppose I don't have one. Love isn't something to be controlled or forced, so I'm sure I'll be in love with whoever it happens to be.
applicant's notes
comments <3 my name is rye, hello!! this seems super unique so i wanted to apply ouo ;; i've been wanting to use baek a yeon as a fc forever and this applyfic seems to fit the vibe i get from her???
suggestions i would really like to see beauty standards, peer pressure to like, drink, smoke, etc, "be pretty and cool" kinda stuff being addressed... uality is also a+ i'm down for seeing such things explored. i'm just down for seeing an applyfic like this bc it's super interesting and yeeeee.
a prior relationship with a bts member hyebin being the pen pal of jung hoseok, having a close writing relationship and occasional letters before high school. I feel like Hyebin would write a lot though, since she thinks so much and hoseok would expect to meet this super talkative person when they meet but lol here's quiet hyebin. but whether they know the other is going to attend the same academy as them is up to you ^-^ ~


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i love baek ayeon, she's so cute
and another quiet character but because she's one of those "think before you speak" type of people
the teachers would always say that and i'd just be like "...nah."
i love her relationship with her family, it's very warm
lobsters can be scary but crabs are all cute! vicious but cute!
my favorite color is orange too!
hyebin seems really family oriented and wise for her age, but i get the sense she's dependent on other people's choices?
like she has to have someone directing her what to do before she does it, can't make her own decisions, so there's that struggle
the pen pal part is interesting! i've always wanted to do that but i got lazy when i had the oppurtunity akjsalkjn