A MATCH MADE FROM HEAVEN // Stephanie's True Love.



"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven."
-Karen Sunde

Faceclaim Asami Zdrenka
Backup Hikari Mori
At 158cm and 46kg, she's petite in stature and isn't extremely feminine in figure -- but she makes it work. Her hair is always a surprise, which would annoy Heaven if she didn't pull off every color and look so dang well. Whether it be color, length, or texture, this girl always has something new up her sleeve when it comes to her hair. Steph doesn't actually do much of anything is is a little squish.
Stephanie has a very 'classic' wardrobe -- high waisted pants, midi-skirts, classy button ups, it's all very Audrey Hepburn inspired.  All of her stuff goes by the 'two seasons' test: if she can't wear it the next time similar weather rolls around, she shouldn't buy it. Steph doesn't necessarily care about 'what's in', she mostly cares about what looks good on her body. She hardly ever wears any flats, preferring to look taller than she already is and simple, classic accessories.

Character Nickname(s)
☁︎ Miss Hano — This is what all of her kids call her -- some call her 'mommy' but she choses to ignore that.
☁︎ 虹 (Niji) — A 'fond' nickname amongst family and friends to use because ofher constantly changing hair color.
☁︎ Steph or Hannie — Nicknames based on her first or last names. Common for friends to use. 
Birthplace Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 
Hometown Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Birthday 1/1/1990 (27)
☁︎ English— 1st language ; Brisbane dialect and vernacular.
☁︎ Japanese — 2nd language ; her father taught her from a very young age for when she visited Japan to see her father's side of the family.

☁︎ traits — Quick-witted, Spontaneous, Determined /  Open-minded / Childish, Romantic, Picky

Saying that Stephanie doesn't have a funny thing to say or that she doesn't hit it off with people right away is probably a lie. She's good at improvisation and not letting speed bumps getting in the way of her talking. That being said, spontaneity is something that few people nowadays appreciate. It's either too unpredictable (valid) or not reasonable (also valid). But Stephanie relishes in those moments, being able to just go with the flow and not missing a beat, it gives her a rush and she's more than likely to pull it off rather than fail. If she's set her sight on something, you bet she'll get it -- Steph's not one to just give up because of a 'no' or something going wrong. She's determined to get her way or to get what she wants, no matter what (or who) it may be. 

Having been raised in her mother's liberal minded household, and going to a liberal arts college, surrounded by people who were also along the same lines as her -- Stephanie got a very balanced and humanistic lifestyle. People are what they are, no use in arguing that. She'd rather stab herself with a fork than deny someone their universal human rights. Sometimes though, she can be a bit of a protester/rebel -- she'll let you know your opinion is wrong to her. 
Sometimes working with children all the time can make people wonder in Stephanie really can be mature. She usually presents herself as childish, preferring to be silly rather than serious. Her immaturity is something that comes along with it, and it's sometimes borderline unrealistic with her demands. As a romantic, she has this highly idealized, sentimential look about love and life, which is very much a bubble she lives in and everyone's scared is going to be popped. On top of that, if Stephanie doesn't like it, she doesn't like it and if she does like it, she does. There's little to no grey area for this picky girl. 

Born in 1990 in Brisbane, Stephanie Hano was born as the second of three kids to Naoki and Tiffany Hano. With a liberal minded mother and her more traditional Japanese father, she was always raised to respect both views, regardless of her own personal views. It made it a lot easier when her teenage years hit.

Her older sister came out as a lesbian when she was 14, hitting her family like a ton of bricks. Her parents were reasonable, but very cautious about their daughter's recently opened closet. People were cruel, they'd say, and not as understanding and open about these things as their family was. 

Despite this, her sister Amber found love and was very happy about her relationship, and that's when Stephanie discovered she wanted true love like that more than anything. It was something about how her older sister looked at her girlfriend when she wasn't looking, or how her girlfriend just looked just so that made their look perfect to her. 

In college, she was roomed with none other than Heaven  Boo at the University of Queensland The two hit it off quite well, and even when Heaven went abroad, they kept in touch and Heaven told her all about her adventures, and Stephanie would complain about not finding the right person for her yet. When she found out that Heaven was a match-maker to be, she begged and begged to have her match her up with someone, only for Heaven to turn her down repeatedly.

"Too personal", Heaven would claim as she struggled with her starting business, "I'd take your side if there were any issues. I want you to be happy, but I can't match you." In actuality, Heaven couldn't stand that Stephanie couldn't give her any specfics whatsoever -- she was a pain to match, so until Stephanie could give specifics, Heaven has told everyone in her company just to send her application to her email so she can deal with it and deny it. There's no use in matching someone who hasn't got a clue.

Since then, she's graduated from her University with a degree in Humanities with a Masters in Museum Studies and currently works at the Queensland Museum at the South Brisbane campus, usually touring school groups or with international visitors. Every few months, though, she'll submit an application for "Match Made in Heaven" hoping  -- just hoping -- that Heaven'll change her mind.

Love Interest Audrey Yang (fc: Park Sojin)
Backup fc: Bang Minah or Jun Hyoseong
☁︎ Rory —  A family and friend nickname, used more often than her birth name.
☁︎ Baby Face —  Only used as a compliment in her industry. She'll be around for a while if she keeps it up.
Birthplace New York, New York, USA
Hometown New York, New York, USA
☁︎ English — native language, slight Yorker accent.
☁︎ Korean — second language; used at home with family.

☁︎ traits — Friendly, Maternal, Talkative / Flirtatious / Indecisive, Perfectionist,  Dominant

Rory is a pretty girl, and it's hard to approach her first. Luckily, she'll come to you. Behind that model face is a person waiting to talk and make friends, and once you say hello it's pretty easy to forget why you were nervous in the first place. Closing in on 30, Rory has a strong maternal urge and can be very compassionate and affectionate to those who need it. She's got that sixth sense that all moms seem to have and can tell something's off or that you need something. A lot of people think that being talkative is a bad trait, but behind all those small talk phrases and lines she's really observing you (like a mom) and making sure you're actually comfortable with her. She'll talk you through a wall or until you can't even comprehend the gibberish, but you won't mind one bit.

Look at Rory. Now try and look away. Yeah, hard right? Not a bad thing, Rory naturally draws people in and she totally uses that to her advantage. She's casually playful about her advances, making it even more so confusing to when she means it and when she's faking it.

One thing Rory is terrible at: decisions. Can't make one and stick with it to say her life. She's always considering the opportunity costs to the very last minute, and even then she usually begs someone else to do it. If she fails, she doesn't want to be to blame for it. That being said, Rory is a bit of a perfectionist and can take it to the extreme, even staying and working overtime just to get that perfect shot or the right look for the shoot. It makes her kind of difficult to work with a lot of the time. Rory's also not going to let anyone one else control more... intimate situations other than her. She's very dominant in relationships (more so romantic and friendships than anything) and when she's not agnoizing over a decision, she's very much in control and will not let you say a single word. 

Rory's family was born in the entertainment industry, so growing up Rory was always in the spotlight. Her mother was a former Playboy pin up girl and her father was her photographer. They ended up getting a shot-gun wedding thanks to Audrey in 1987 and haven't looked back since. 

Rory took after her mother in very physical aspect, making her a very beautiful young woman, and as she got older and learned more about her mother's Playboy life, she got intrigued. It seemed tempting, honestly. Who wouldn't want to have eyes on them, especially when you looked as good as Rory and her mom do? 

But life had a different idea for Rory. Instead of being a Playboy model, she ended up being a model in general, being more popular in lingerie lines like Honey Birdette, Berlei, Silent Assembly, Adore Me and Between the Sheets. She goes back and forht between Australia and America a lot because of the high demand for her modelling skills. SHe's currently signed under Wilhelmina Model and Talent Agency. 

Rory came out as a lesbian at 21 to her parents and to her friends. The public, if they asked, would definitely be told, especially if she were seeing a girl exclusively. While her parents weren't exactly accepting of her coming out, her friends were and to Rory, that's all that mattered. Her parents and her have a sort of carefully drawn up relationship since then, being careful about what to mention and what not to talk about when with each other. Rory's schedule keeps her busy enough that it doesn't effect her that much. 

Rory signed up for Match made in Heaven because she was bored. She explicitly put that she was looking for a non-serious relationship, but wouldn't be opposed if the right person were to come along.

☁︎ uality —  Rory's known she was a lesbian since she was 18, when she first dated a man and found him replusive. Her best friend, Luna, brought her to a gay club while she was visiting her in Brisbane and she had a ual awakening so to speak.
☁︎ Phobias — Rory is terrified of bugs and of getting fat. She keeps a strict diet and a bottle of Raid in her apartment at all times.
☁︎ Aegyo — She's really good at acting cute to get what she wants. Don't let her fool you!
☁︎ Hobbies — Puns, really bad ones, teasing others, collecting snowglobes, driving. She claims to have no artisitic ability at all, only inspires it. 
☁︎ Cars — Jesus, she loves cars?? Like, she has a super nice one: Porsche 911. She calls it her baby and you are lucky if you ride in it.
☁︎ Off Camera — She's more ual in front of a camera than not, she's usually pretty easy to get along with when not having a spoiled moment.
☁︎ Alcohol— VERY high tolerance, loves wine and finer alcohol with her evening meals.

☁︎ Parents — Naoki and Tiffany Hano — Hiroyuki Sanada and Poppy Montgomery — 50 and 48
Married later in life, they don't see anything wrong with their daughter taking her time -- they want her to be happy, after all. It's common for Naoki to be gone on international business endeavors, so Stephanie takes after her mother's more wild, liberal-minded outlook on life. Stephanie lives about an hour away from her parents, and frequently has dinner with them and her sister and fiancee. 
☁︎ Older Sister — Amber Hano-Lee — Amber Liu — 29
 As a proud lesbian, Amber's not one to keep her voice down and be quiet, and it's one of the many qualities that Stephanie admires. Amber was actually adopted at age 13, which added a new dynamic to the Hano family. However, Amber loves her family and easily bonded with her siblings. She always tries to make time to visit Stephanie and Irwin, even with her busy schedule as a music producer and lyricist.
☁︎ Sibling —Irwin Hano —  22
As the youngest and the only male beside his father, Irwin learned from an early age just to say "yes ma'am" and it helped him survive a lot of his early to teen years. He's currently an undergraduate at the International College of Management in Sydney for International Tourism. 

☁︎ Best Friend — Heaven Boo — Narissa Valdez — 28
These girls go way back, honestly, and still keep in touch and visit each other when time's made available. Heaven loves her dearly and wants her to be happy, but she'd really rather not mix business with friendship right from the start. Heaven was recently contacted by Irwin and Amber who pleaded to try and match her at least once. If she keeps holding out, they said, no one's going to be happy.

☁︎ Sister's Girlfriend/Fiancee — Luna Park — f(x)'s Luna — 27
Luna and Amber met at a gay bar ironically enough and fell for each other on first sight. Luna is beautiful both inside and out and can't stand to see anyone unhappy. She urged Amber to talk to this Heaven girl that Stephanie claims would fix her love life if given the chance. 

☁︎Hello, and welcome to Match From Heaven! Tell me about yourself and why you chose my lovely services. 
Aye there, mate! Uh, so, I KNOW you said you wouldn't match me... (Heaven: Yeah, I know.) BUT come on! Please? I really do want to find someone. I'm 27 for crying out loud! (Heaven: Uhm, I'm turning 28 and I'm still single!) ... hEAVEN.
☁︎ Is there an ideal partner you've dreamed about? 
Honestly, I'm not too sure. I'd say someone like my dad, but like... it doesn't quite fit my mind for some reason? (Heaven: ... I can not believe this.) ANYWAYS, I want someone to love me for me. I'm not looking short term either, I'm in it for the long haul.
☁︎What kind of relationship are you looking for? Be as specific as you'd like! 
I'm looking for something serious -- (Heaven: Yes, we've established this.) Hey! Let me finish! Anyways, I want something.. Oh I don't know! (Heaven: Gotcha. Listen, if you're going to let me do this, and you seriously have no clue, let me handle it. No complaints though!) Really??? Okay!!! Yes, absolutely!!
☁︎Do you believe in any kind of love at all? 
I honestly thought it was just a thing at first. (Heaven: Oh?) But then Amber came out of the closet and she found Luna and -- if you saw the way they are with each other... Gosh, I don't know what is love if that isn't it. If I could find something like that, it'd be amazing.
☁︎Anything I should absolutely know before finding your match? Absolute no-gos, parent issues, any kind of baggage I should be aware of? 
I'm picky, childish, and well aware of both of those facts. I want to be in love and yet only a specific kind. (Heaven: I think I'm starting to get it. Don't worry, hon, have I ever steered you wrong before?) Well, remember that one time freshman year -- (Heaven: ANYWAYS. Back to the question.) Well, if they aren't LGBTQ+ friendly, they're not the person for me. (Heaven: Oh yes. I definitely got it. No worries!) Thanks Heaven!

First Meeting
Ideal: Stephanie has no power over this, so Heaven will idealize: Stephanie will meet her match, realize she's gay, get married and stop asking me to match her!!!

Actual: Stephanie literally has to wait a while until Audrey can come to her. When they meet, Stephanie wants to cook a meal for her match, look real nice, but when she opens the door it's this gorgeous woman and suddenly it's really hot in here and ooooh she out.

 Since Rory is dominant and Stephanie is like "I'm a baby gay I guess bc you're really hot and anything you wanna do I'm really more than okay with" and so Rory is actually really sweet and doesn't push anything at first??? Just teaches her about the community (because it actually does differ being an ally versus being actually apart of the acyronym) and so Stephanie ~finds herself~
When they find out Rory and luna are actually friends it's pretty hilarious because Rory's first thing was "Hey you're still with that girl you left me to hook up in the bathroom with" and tHEY GET SO RED A+ content you know how it goes
So in public I'd think despite being super for her sister and her gf being open and , Steph would be SUPER shy about PDA at first bc like uhm??? what do??? And Rory's just like precious baby it's literally no different from any other relationship
But in private Steph would be soooo needy like "Rory cuddle me TT^TT" or "Roooory *kissy face*" like really cute stupid like that once she got over the shock of her uality change (or maybe she's not shocked??? who knows???)
Also they do fight, because Rory's a spoiled rich girl and Steph's like !!! i'm not doing everything for you!!! i'm younger you shOULD BE DOING IT FOR ME???? And Rory sometimes hates that Steph wants a deep meaningful relationship bc that's not really how she usually works so they argue about the point of their relationship a lOT.


☁︎ Art — Steph LOVES art and will paint, watercolor, journal, etc. whenever she has free time.
☁︎  K-POP — This girl looooves K-POP and will send Heavenj ust songs that'll atomatically play and disturb her entire office. Ah, friendship. 
☁︎ Alcohol — She's pretty average, but she drinks a lot and then falls to sleep HARD. She doesn't get hangovers, though.
☁︎ Rugby — I ing dare you to take her on in rugby. She literally will die but she's so pumped for rugby she'll try and take everyone down.
☁︎ Phobia — She's terrified of heights and the dark.
☁︎ Dogs — Will stop for a dog that's literally across the street walking the opposite way of her. Loves dogs.
☁︎ uality — Honestly, Stephanie hasn't got a clue about her ual oritentation or preferences. She's been on dates with both and nothing's sparked for her.
☁︎ Stress — When stressed, Stephanie will bake, cook, and it'll look like Thanksgiving dinner. She just copes with it like her mom does. 

☁︎ Rye Speaking — so I know you like the cute LGBTQ so here, have it all. All of the cuteness. 
☁︎ Questions — IS IT GAY ENOUGH?!?!?!

Scene Suggestions
☁︎ Wedding — SOMEONE gets married and everyone's invited and iT'S RLLY CUTE AND EVERYONE'S HAPPY.
☁︎ Coming Out — Steph coming to the conclusion of her uality and coming out to her parents and family.
☁︎ Fights — Honestly the realistic aspects of the pairs and matches are what I'm looking forward too!!! I'm excited to see who gets chosen and what happens in their stories~

☁︎ Lauren Morelli and Samira Wiley (uhm but these two songs though are totally Steph and Rory tho)


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