Araignée 〈❤ ━ The Beginning & The End。 〉« INOUE YUMIKO »


ygsmjypfam : mei : 9
full name : Inoue yumiko 井上 由美子  
other NAME(s) : n/a
nickname(s) : 
Miko : a nickname that her parents called her and ever since then this became her childhood nickname.
yumi : her childhood friends usually call her this and even as they moved in South Korea, most people address her with this nickname.
mikochu : just because her friends thought it was cute to combine her name with pikachu. there's no relevance with this nickname though she doesn't dislike it at all.
yuyu : to annoy her, her friends would call her this. she thinks that this nickname sounds too cutesy and dislikes it with passion.
birthdate : December 25, 1994 (capricorn)
birthplace : Tokyo, Japan
hometown : tokyo, japan (1994-2005) and seoul, South Korea (2005-present)
ethnicity : Korean-Japanese
languages : 
 Japanese : since she was born in Japan and they lived there for almost 11 years, this has become her native language.
Korean : her mother's a Korean and because she doesn't want Yumiko to forget her korean roots so, she would always talk to her in this language. also, every summer vacation, they would pay a visit to yumiko's grandparents in Seoul that's why she has a fluent proficiency in Korean as well.
english : ever since she was young, this language was taught to her in school and she honestly thinks that to be more globally competitive, one must learn this language. she has a conversational proficiency in english and she still commits grammar mistakes and in spelling.
mandarin : She can speak basic mandarin because she took the language as an elective in school. she even had it during her college years.

like a mannequin
faceclaim : Park Boram
backup : Choi ahreum
height & weight : 171cm & 50kg
bloodtype : b
appearance : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Yumiko has a long brown wavy hair that falls down to her stomach. She likes having her hair dyed with different colors. she had tried the hues of brown, blonde, and even red. She has hazelnut brown eyes that complements her fair complexion. She stands 171 cm and weighs 50 kg, making her a bit underweight (even though eating is one of her passion). Her lips are naturally pink in color that people would often ask her if she's wearing lipstick. Yumiko has a small beauty mark beside her lips, though it's still pretty visible, and her friends would often tell her that it's an asset of hers.
style : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Yumiko loves to dress up with classy, preppy, and sporty clothes. She would go for knitted tops, or loose cotton shirts, and sometimes would go for vintage looks. She likes long sleeves and also cardigans and hoodies. She's in love with skirts. All kinds. Pencil skirt, flowy skirts, or even the balloon style of skirts; name it. She owns lots. She'd pair it with any of her blouses. She also like dresses that are simple. She collects different kinds of hats but most especially beanies. She'd wear them every time she thinks it suits her clothes for the day. She also like to wear crop shirts and pair it with high-waisted shorts or skinny jeans. Yumiko likes to wear shorts as well. May it be denim or not, she still likes it. She just want to dress simply and doesn't like loud accents and such. Yumiko doesn't like going out with just using slippers, so she usually wear sneakers, boots, a pair of Mary Jane's, or even oxfords. But, she collects lots of different colors and designs of sneakers. She just feels so comfortable wearing them. She's not much of a collector of jewelries or accessories. Yumiko prefers wristwatches or anklets though.
why am i like this?
traits :  
positive : independent, optimistic, cheerful, witty
neutral : determined, unpredictable
negative : blunt, tactless, unemotional, careless
personality : 

she's free as a bird and Yumiko can't help but love her freedom. She had always done things on her own and without the help of other people. she has always craved for excitement and adventures and change had never been a problem with this young lady. she will never run away from taking risks to keep everything in her life alive. she highly believes that she needs to explore the world in order for her to gain more knowledge. it's like no one can stop her from doing what she wants and she's always positive in her pursuits. yumiko will find ways to see the brighter side of all things and she will never let a problem bring her down. no matter how hard a trial can be expect her to still feel optimistic and she'll find a way to solve her problems without feeling so much pressured or down. with that being said, yumiko is a very enthusiastic person who's always lively and radiant. she loves making new friends or hanging out with them. it makes her feel more balanced when she's surrounded by people and usually, others love to hang out with her because they know she's a genuine and sincere person who is interested with their life as well. there certainly no dull moments when you hang out with yumiko because she's an excellent conversationalist with a great sense of humor. she can easily think of something good or funny to say and this comes out naturally which people appreciates more. she's intelligent and everything that comes out from her lips always makes sense. she's not just your typical bubbly girl but she's also smart and philosophical who doesn't forget to have fun.

100% guaranteed that she will do her best to achieve her goals. being a positive person that she is, yumiko never finds it hard to reach her dreams because of her bright outlook in life. give her a task, be sure that she will do it and finish it with full determination. whenever they're training, don't expect her to be joking around (though it's in her nature to be funny). She will be all serious because performing had always been her passion and she wanted for her and the group to be successful. but, when she feels like the atmosphere is getting heavy, expect her to jump to the rescue and lighten up the mood. everyone will be surprised whenever she's in her serious mode and then suddenly she'll become the jokester again. people can't always predict how yumiko will react on certain situations except for being optimistic. she can act crazy and all 4D when she feels like it. even her groupmates find her really enigmatic. then again, some of them tells her that this is her weirdest charm ever.

she speaks her mind and doesn't hold anything back. whatever yumiko may say, it is what she really means. no sugarcoating of some sort. she doesn't like mind games because it holds her back to figure out what others' want to say and she always expect people to be straightforward with her too. she will always say the 'brutal truth' although some appreciates this as well because they can trust her for not lying. sometimes though, yumiko's words can be too harsh and can pierce through other people's hearts. even if she means well, she doesn't take good care of her words as she believes that flowery words are too pretentious and cannot be trusted. despite being a straightforward and talkative person, yumiko doesn't like talking about her feelings. she simply experiences it and then she'll just forget it and go on with her life. she's emotionally detached as she believes that emotions can hold someone back from what they want to do. this trait of hers may come out as insensitive to other people but, she doesn't really care about what others may think of her. yumiko can also sometimes be blindly optimistic with things that she takes things for granted and takes risks that aren't really important. she can be reckless and irresponsible because she can do some stuff without her really thinking about the pros and cons of her actions. she may be an intelligent person but whenever her inner curious self emerges, nothing can stop her from doing things without weighing the gravity of her actions.
background : 

Having to grow up in a media and performing arts inclined family, it was not new when Yumiko dropped the bomb to her parents that she wanted to be an artist ever since she was young. she was born in tokyo, Japan and her family lived there for more than 10 years. her father, Inoue Koichi, was working as a Music Producer in an entertainment company in Tokyo whilst her mother, choi Dasom, was a theater actress. She also has an older brother, inoue Yusuke, who later on became a film director. yumiko grew up in a loving family and they were financially stabled. everything was provided for her and her brother and they had life easy. Every summer vacation they would visit her grandparents in Seoul because both of her parents wanted her and her older brother to not forget that they were also Koreans and they wanted to learn the culture too.

When she was still so young, Yumiko and Yusuke loved watching Kids' TV shows that were musical. The two of them will sing and dance along to the songs of the show and since then Yumiko knew what she wanted to be when she grow up. When she reached her first grade, Yumiko was chosen to be a dancer for a school event and she was happy she have that chance. Her family was able to watch her performance and her teacher told her parents that she was a talented young girl. because of this, her mother asked her if she wanted to take ballet lessons to hone her skills in dancing. She agreed with this and was very excited. She started attending the classes at once as she was looking forward to this. she still got the chance to perform during school events because of her knowledge in this area and she took those as experience for her to improve her talents. When she reached her 4th grade, yumiko was introduced to the world of hiphop and she got very hooked into it. she didn't stop taking her ballet lessons but upon discovering that in their school they have hiphop classes, she started attending that one too. Good thing it was for free because it was somewhat like a dance organization in school. not only she got interested with hiphop dances but, she also discovered rapping. she thought at first that it was very not-so-girly but then
Hime was starting a name in the industry and Japanese hiphop was starting to become very successful that Yumiko just knew she can do it too. Because her father was a music producer, he usually lets Yumiko go with him in their company and she met some artists there. she also got to meet Hime and the rapper taught her some pointers about rapping and contemporary hiphop and since then, yumiko also practiced this art.

In 2005, another entertainment company in Seoul had offered her father a big project. during those times, Koichi knew how much Dasom missed South Korea that was why he looked for another available job in SK so they could move there and he was actually very successful. The whole family was happy to know this but somehow, it saddened Yumiko because she needed to halt her activities in Japan. nonetheless, she was excited too because a new future awaits her in South Korea. they moved in a house in Seoulbecause it was near to where her father was working at. Yumiko's mother also got some acting gigs from a theater there. Yumiko searched for a new dance school in Seoul and luckily, she was able to find one. her love for hiphop never diminished and when
T Yoon Mirae became more prominent, Yumiko found a new artist that she looks up to alongside Hime. When she reached her 8th grade, K-pop had been very popular then and Yumiko knew that she wanted to be an idol. She talked to her parents about it, though at first the idea didn't appeal to them because she was still so young but then they realized that ever since she was a kid, this has always been her passion. so, they allowed her to do so. Yumiko auditioned in SM entertainment but she wasn't very successful with that. At first, she was so disheartened but, she knew she should practice more because she's one step closer to her dreams. in 2009, she attended the audition once again and this time around, she was successful and became a trainee in SM entertainment.
likes :
music her love for music developed at an early year and was hone with the help of her parents. Yumiko had always found it relaxing when there's music. She believes that she lives for it.
the sea Yumiko had always loved visiting the beach during vacation. when she wants to think for a while, she will go here. she also loves collecting seashells and has a bottle full of small ones in her room. she also brought it to Korea.
books this may not be obvious but, she also likes to read. some people think she can't stay at one place (which is true) but, she also enjoys reading. she goes for any genre but she loves inspirational and mystery the most.
horror movies she loves a good scare and she enjoys watching horror during her spare time.
skinship She loves it a lot. Sometimes, she would joke to everyone about how she's actually getting their energy thru skinships. but, of course, that was the weird Yumiko talking.
doodle notebooks Because she had always focused more in performing, yumiko never got the chance to try drawing and she became a frustrated artist because of that. she keeps a lot of doodle notebooks and never showed anyone her doodles because she knew she was the worst in it. She just like doodling to relieve stress.
snow she was born on a winter's night during Christmas and so, she had extra fondness for snow. if she's normally cheerful on normal days, she's extra bubblier whenever it's winter time. she may love the sea but her favorite season is winter.
Photography her older brother, Yusuke, taught her a lot of things about cameras and yumiko became interested with it as well. Thankfully, her brother owns extra DSLr that she would sometimes borrow.
night time She just feels more relaxed at night and she appreicates it very much.
ice cream her most favorite dessert of all time. besides cakes and chocolates. :))

dislikes : 
cockroaches especially the flying ones? These insects scare the hell out of Yumiko. She can't kill them because she's too scared. You'll just find her screaming "Enemies!" non-stop at the sight of it.
Amusement park rides never was she amused with those. Yumiko will get teased by some of her friends because they knew she loves taking risks but amusement park rides? definitely a no no. She doesn't even know why.
stuffed toys a bubbly girl who has extreme dislike for stuffed toys. Yes, it seems pretty weird. but, she'd rather own a lot of pillow instead those.
thunderstorms ever since she was a kid, she's afraid of storms especially when the thunder and lightning were intense.
clowns "Just... what's so cute about them?!"
puddles dang, she hates it when her feet gets wet because of the puddles after rain. Yumiko always wanted to keep her feet clean... either that or she's too lazy to wash.
Chatting thru SNS She doesn't like it much because she prefers to hang out with her friendsin person rather than thru phones or laptops. She feels bored with it.
people who nag too much enough said.
boredom it will slowly kill her.
getting sick who doesn't, right? Ever since Yumiko was young, she gets sick easily and she hates it to the core. It stops her from having fun and she feels a bit stressed because of it. but, she still can find something fun to do while being stuck in the house like sleeping and trying her best to eat. It's her specialty.
hobbies : 
not all those who wander are lost kkk Whenever they have breaks during their training, you can see Yumiko wandering around the building. She'll visit others' practice rooms and sometimes she'd see her sunbaes and will cheer them. After that, she'll go to the rooftop.
doing house chores whenever they're all at the dorm and the other girls feel lazy to clean, Yumiko will step up and will do so. Again, she doesn't like sitting around. so, she'll prefer to do house chores instead.
practicing her dance moves while doing those chores, you can still spot her dancing while cleaning. it's like she never stops. Even at night? When she can't sleep yet, she'll dance to tire herself out. Also, when she can't think of anything better to do during free time, she'll dance instead.
walking everywhere she just needs to because she doesn't like to rot. She needs to move.

habits : 
scrunches nose when annoyed Whenever she feels pissed at someone, she would start by scrunching her nose before saying something not-so-nice. when people sees this, they sometimes shy away from her.
stares at nothing in particular when in deep thoughts people would mistaken her for staring at them but in reality, she's looking but not seeing. it helps her to think when she's staring at nothing or someone. Haha.
Pokes the ends of hair to her face This was a weird habit she developed ever since she was young. she'll poke the ends of her hair to her skin. Sometimes, when she has friends who have long hair too, she'd do it to them too.
jogs every 5:00am by the Han River Her groupmates knew about this and sometimes they're scared for her because it's too early and there are only quite a few people around. Who knows what might happen to her? But, Yumiko insists that she needs to exercise daily. as if dancing won't help.
hugs friends the moment she sees them. Sometimes, the girls would feel weird about this but she just enjoys skinship too and somehow, they feel relaxed whenever Yumiko hugs them.

trivia : 
education Yumiko studied in School of Performance Arts Seoul when she was in high school and graduated in 2012. She's currently in her last year in College and she's attending Korea National University of Arts and majors in Dance Performance.
food she eats all kinds of food. because she loves to eat so much. Yumiko find it hard to gain weight though. She loves pizza, tteokbokki, jjajangmyeon, bubble tea, coffee, and fruit shakes.
Social networking sites After the debut of Araignée, she opened up her Twitter and Instagram accounts. Both have the same usernames: @inoueyumi She's not that active though and she only uses her instagram account to post beautiful photos. She seldom post selcas.
left handed she writes and eats using her left hand. When she was young, she always tried writing with her right. It never worked though.
favorite color is Tiffany blue.
scared of dogs that are angry. That's why they never had a pet dog. She isn't much of a cat fan either. That's why she only has pet goldfish and a turtle. Their names are Kimchi and Miso, respectively.
Supernatural things excite her and she hopes one day she and the girls would go on a ghost hunting trip.
collects rucksacks, sneakers, and hats.
plant lover she owns three potted plants inside her room in their dorm. She sings to it when she feels like being crazy and talks to them because she believes that they have feelings too.
a big K-pop, J-pop, and Mandopop fan Ever since she was young, besides loving hime and yoon mirae, she also loves Hey! Say! JUMP. For mandopop, she loves listening to Fahrenheit and S.H.E. and for k-pop, she's a big fan of Big Bang, 2NE1, EXO, SHINee, Infinite, and f(X).
driving license her brother taught her how to drive and she got her own license when she turned 18 years old.
musical instruments were not a problem for her and her brother because they have easy access to it since their father's a music producer. Yumiko focused more on piano and she even brought her own keyboard in their dorm so that she can play whenever she wants (and if the girls will allow her to).
No boyfriend since birth It wasn't her priority at all. Actually, she never got the chance to be romantically involved because all her life, she focused on her passion for music and performing. She got crushes though.
box of letters and notes Whenever Yumiko receives one, she keeps it inside a box so she can read it again when she feels down and she can't cheer herself up. Thru this, she'd be more energized and feel more inspired.
Hates marshmallows to the core because she's allergic to it. Yumiko feels bad in hating these fluffy killers though.
you're too harsh
family : 

Father | Inoue Koichi | 53 | Music producer | funny, smart, overprotective
Koichi had always been very supportive to all the endeavors Yumiko had. Sometimes he could be overprotective over their only daughter but, that doesn't mean he didn't want the best for her. If there are decisions that he doesn't approve, he will talk about it to Yumiko and make her understand. They are really close and they exchange jokes to each other too.

Mother | Choi Dasom | 51 | Theater actress | Warm-hearted, generous, paranoid
This mother and daughter treat each other like they're best friends and sisters. Yumiko can't find it to herself to keep secrets to her mother so Dasom always knows everything that happens to her daughter. may it be the other trainee she had met and had been crushing on or the time she embarrassed herself in front of the other trainees. But, whenever Yumiko has problems. Sometimes, she doesn't tell it to her mother because she didn't want Dasom to worry at all.

Older brother | inoue Yusuke | 26 | Film director | Debonair, witty, vain
Though the siblings are 4 years apart, that wasn't a hindrance for them to be close. They are not those typical siblings who hate each other... Okay, maybe sometimes they fight their heads off. But, they would quickly apologize to each other. he was happy to know that Yumiko was achieving her dreams and whenever she has trainings, he will go there after to pick yumiko up and they will have dinner together with their parents and drive her back to the dorms. He's very proud of his sister.

friends : 

Best friend | Son Naeun | 22 | Idol - Apink | Caring, nice, awkward
Naeun and Yumiko are the best of friends ever since they were young. Yumiko's grandparents are neighbors with naeun and since Yumiko's family always go to Seoul ever summer, the two girls became best friends. The two would cry whenever vacation ends but, Their communicationnever stopped even when Yumiko needs to go back to Japan and they exchange letters (because old school, right? Haha). When yumiko told Naeun that they're going to move in Seoul permanently, Naeun was so happy and their friendship strengthened because of that. Naeun supported Yumiko when she auditioned in SM entertainment and Yumiko also supported naeun. Even though they belonged to different companies, their friendship never stopped and they still meet each other when both are free.

Close unnie | Melody song | 23 | Idol - araignée | Confident, elegant, blunt
Whenever Yumiko's being too loud, Melody feels annoyed with her but, nonetheless, they're pretty close to each other. When Yumiko transferred in Gummy Entertainment, Melody was the first person she met. Because of the friendly nature they both have, they instantly hit it off. Of course, there are times when they annoy each other but, theyreconcile at once. Yumiko never wanted to fight with Melody as she feels like she's her older sister that she never had. Melody doesn't know this but, Yumiko looks up to her because she's a strong and independent young lady.

Guy best friend | Oh Sehun | 22 | idol - Exo | Funny, Kind, mischievous
These two weirdos met during Yumiko's trainee years in SM Entertainment. Sehun had been a trainee for a year already while Yumiko was new. They both belonged in the same dancing training class and he thought that she was a great dancer. He was curious as to who she was until Yumiko opened her lips and never stopped talking. He was annoyed at her at first until Yumiko started befriending him and eventually he appreciated the ebullience of this girl. They would bicker and tease each other nonstop to the point that others thought they're really fighting but meh, that won't happen. They always go to ubble tea dates because both of them were addicted to it. When Sehun discovered that Yumiko plans to leave, he got hurt for some reason and didn't talk to Yumiko for a few days. But eventually they reconciled and he supported Yumiko's decisions. They still hang out secretly because Sehun had successfully debuted in EXO and they continue to talk to each other.
i wanna be like that unni
stage name : Yumi 유미
persona : The happy pill
position : Main Rapper, lead dancer / main dancer, lead rapper
fanclub : love yus~ (yus from her name yumi. Haha!)
talent twin(s) : 
singing & rapping twin : Bae joohyun - Red Velvet
dancing twin : park sunyoung - f(X)
trainee years : 5 years (2009-2011 SM Ent. / 2011-2014 gummy ent. )
TRAINEE life : 
Yumiko's trainee life was definitely one heck of a rollercoaster ride. It was fun but yet, very hard to do. she needed to balance her school and trainings. She had mastered the art of time management but, that doesn't mean it became easy. Not to mention that most of the trainees in SM are very, very competitive that even though she's an optimist, she found it hard to keep up with them. When she discovered that SM won't be debuting another girl group any time soon, she took it as a cue to leave because she wanted growth in a company. Her 2 years in SM entertainment helped her to hone moreof  her talents and she was always grateful for that. Yumiko tried auditioning for YG entertainment and JYP Entertainment as well but the competition was high, she found it hard to get accepted. Until one day, she got scouted by an agent from Gummy Entertainment and she thought why not try?

After 2 auditions, Yumiko finally got accepted in Gummy entertainment. There she met new people who were nice and had friendly competitions which she enjoys. For some reason, she felt more at ease and happier in her new home. The trainings were as hard as she had undergone before but, she enjoyed it though there were stressful times. But this time around, she decided not to give up and push through to reach her dreams until finally, the chance of debuting came to her. Yumiko was actually trained to be a dancer but then later on there was a change of plans and since she was very interested with rapping, that became her focus.

predebut : Yumiko Was an extra in SHINee's music videos of Juliette and Hello. Both Mvs just happened to need more people who would appear and since Yumiko's kind of an active girl, they let her to be an extra.

scandals : 

Ariagnée's Yumi dating EXO's Sehun? (2016) False. dating each other never passed thru their minds as they are best friends only. During this time, Sehun and Yumi made a mistake of meeting up in a bubble tea store in the middle of the day. They thought they were very careful not to be seen but a paparazzi managed to catch them and took pictures of them inside the store.

Ariagnée's yumi rude to a fan? (2016) False. The fan was harassing another member of Ariagnée and Yumiko approached them to stop the fan and protect the other member. The fan exaggerated the story and spread some rumors about what happened. Yumiko received a lot of hate from the netizens and then the company took actions about it and released an official statement how everything was fraud and that the fan was actually rude.
i've dreamed of a romantic movie
love interest : Kim jongin, 22 years old (EXO)
backup love interest : Mark Tuan, 23 years old (GOT7)
personality : 

He's sweet as honey Kim Jongin, or also known as Kai, is a very sweet person that's why a lot of people really like him. If he sees someone who's in need of aid, he'd gladly offer he's help as he is a kind person. He can move anyone with his own little ways that he's not even trying too hard. It comes out naturally and it's just a proof on how warmhearted this guy is despite having a cold facade. Jongin is really caring and he wouldn't hesitate on looking out for people who are dear to him or to others whom he do not know personally. He knows when someone needs help and contrary to his shy personality, he'd really muster all his courage so that he could help anyone. He's the kind of person who really gets concerned with the welfare of others. To his hyungs, they really appreciate him because even though he's younger, he'd look out for them. For a shy person like him, he doesn't hesitate on smiling to others as he believes with just a simple gesture, someone's day will be great too. He is really genuine to what he says and what he do. That's why people really appreciate him because he's honest. His actions would be full of sincerity and no sense of pretending. That's why, if others make him really happy, they feel fulfillment because that means he truly appreciates it. Jongin is a passionate person and he really loves what he does and his work. For some people, they just want the limelight but that would be different with Jongin as it is really obvious that he lives to perform and this is what he really likes to do. From his facial expressions to his powerful moves, anyone knows that Jongin loves dancing and would always put his all as this is his dream. Jongin has always been a benevolent kind of person. He's naturally kind-hearted and doesn't like the feeling of doing wrong things. He cares for a lot of people as he always treasure them and would always keep his friends and family close to his heart.

He speaks his mind Jongin may sometimes turn out to be a very direct person. Yes, he may be quiet and shy but he's also not afraid to speak what he wants to say as not saying anything will not solve a problem especially to those people he's comfortable with. He would also tell if they did something wrong or if they have offended him because he wants everything to be okay. He doesn't like holding grudges that's why as much as possible, he would confront people and not sugarcoat things. He doesn't mean to be rude, but sometimes, there aren't any nice words to cover up things. Jongin also has a tendency of being distant to others especially when he's not in the mood. He'd be all antisocial mode and would plug in his earphones then would stay away from people as far as possible. During trainings, if he's in this indifferent self, even during breaks he would practice dancing just so his co-members won't pester him. They already know the drill and they would just let him be. When he's being aloof, the trick would be, others should not put this action of his into heart to not get hurt. Jongin is a shy person off cam and even sometimes on cam, he may be bashful especially when meeting new people and doing interviews. He confessed that it's like he's saying his thoughts to everyone and he's not that comfortable with that. But nonetheless, Jongin tries his best not to be awkward. This young man can be forgetful at times as well. When he's really in need, he would sometimes borrow stuff or even money with his hyungs but then he would forget to pay up until they would remind him to do so. He doesn't forget dance steps as that's what he loves to do but occasionally fails to remember other important things.

background : 

Yumiko met jongin during her trainee years in SM. He had been a trainee for a while then when Yumiko started. That afternoon, after their training, Jongin was practicing his dance moves in one of the practice rooms and it so happened that Yumiko was roaming around the building as she was waiting for her brother to arrive because they were going out with their parents to have dinner. Yumiko heard a music coming from one of the rooms and decided to take a peek and there she saw Jongin dancing. She had trained with him before but they never got the chance to interact. But, she always thought that he was so cute and talented that she practically told her mother about Jongin already even without knowing him. She entered the practice room, sat in an indian sitting position by the door and watched Jongin silently. She truly was in awe when she saw how powerful his moves were and his body moved perfectly with the rhythm of the music. Jongin was too caught up with dancing that he didn’t really notice Yumiko there until the music stopped and he saw Yumiko’s reflection on the mirror. For some reason, it didn’t process in her brain that he was already looking back at her. Jongin turned and smiled. In surprise, Yumiko stood up, bowed at him a few times, apologized because he was her sunbaenim since he was a trainee for a longer time than her, and was about to ran outside when Jongin stopped her and asked for her name. Yumiko felt shy at first knowing this was her crush in front of her. She tried to keep her cool and smiled. She was about to tell him her name when Jongin beat her up to it and introduced himself to her first. After that exchange of theirs, Yumiko excused herself because somehow, she felt like she was going to melt in front of him. From then on, Jongin thought that she was so interesting.

relationship : 

After that weird meeting, Jongin and Yumiko had more training classes together and they became close friends as well. Alongside Sehun, the three of them would hang out together. Sehun though knew her little crush for Jongin so, sometimes, he wouldn’t join them so they could have some time alone. Jongin and Yumiko usually practice together as well during their free times and she actually enjoys it very much. Not just because her crush for him but because he was a good dancing partner too.

Upon discovering that Yumiko was leaving SM Entertainment, Jongin didn’t know how to react. He was honestly disappointed but somehow, he can’t tell that to Yumiko until they talked about it. He understood her reasons and fully supported her with her decisions. Being in different companies never hindered them to hang out or talk to each other. Both were just one text away and they will make time for the other. When Jongin was about to debut in EXO, Yumiko was the first one that he told about this good news. They celebrated together and even after debuting, Jongin will always find time for her. They would also meet secretly and tried their best to be very discreet. When 2014 came and Yumiko was sure she’s going to debut, she also told it to Jongin first and both of them were really happy because of it. Jongin actually claims that he’s a certified fan or Araignée already. They’re definitely best friends too but, Yumiko’s feelings for him never faded. In fact, it only strengthened. What she didn’t know was Jongin was developing feelings for her as well but, he didn’t want to ruin their friendship so, he took it upon himself to just take care of what they have now.

everything is so awkward
comments : Hi, authornim! I am honestly very excited for this that the moment I saw it, I knew I wanted to apply for your story. I just said that I’ll try because I was scared I won’t finish it in time. Huhu. Anyhow, I’m really sorry for the grammar mistakes. I’m not a native speaker of English :( Also, I apologize that my app turned out to be too long... I had fun filling this out and I hope you get tons of appliers already. :) Fighting, authornim!
scene request(s) : None. ^^ Is that okay? Please and thank you!
suggestion(s) : Authornim, I noticed that you didn't have the applyfic tag, maybe try to include that too? Maybe it can be helpful. :)
password : f(X) - 4 Walls


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this is so beautiful I want to cry!