Sophia Park

ygsmjypfam — mei — 9


name — Park Hyeji

Sophia - This is her English name as when she was growing up, her parents noticed that she was really an intelligent young lady. Sophia means "wise" and for some reason, she totally fell in love with her name.
— Sophie - Her friends think it's easier to call her that instead of the whole "Sophia", which for our heroine, she thinks there's no difference with it and her friends are a bit lazy for removing the last syllable in her English name.
Godly counterpart — Athena.

birthday & age — October 31, 1991

birthplace — Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean

— English - This is her native language.
Korean - Fluent. While she grew up in the USA, both her parents would converse to her in Korean so she won't forget her Asian roots.
Spanish - Sophia knows conversational Spanish as she learned this in her University during college.

face claim & backupKim Taeyeon // Irene Bae

me, me, and me. 

appearance — Considered as petite by most people, Sophia stands 165cm and weighs 50kg which is rather considered as normal for some Asians. As she possesses a fair complexion, she's very particular with her skin and she likes taking care of it. This goes perfectly with her long brown wavy hair, which she would have it dye whenever she's free, that falls down to her chest. Sophia would usually stick to the brown hues but, she also had tried black and blonde before and she's planning to dye her hair again maybe back to blonde. She also has hazelnut brown eyes which turns to crescents whenever she smiles that complements her hair color and fair complexion. People say that her eyes are her charms as they seemed to be bright and can be piercing whenever she gazes at someone. Sophia also has a beauty mark near her lips on her right cheek.

style — Despite being a conservative person, Sophia believes that she still has to follow some fashion trends as to look more presentable to others. Her clothes vary from dresses, long skirts, or pants. She usually wears smart casual outfits too because well, she just like the idea of her being actually "smart". She's definitely not into revealing clothes and that would include tank tops and the like. She also isn't very fond of flashy colors or designs and likes simplicity more. She's also often seen wearing boots, Mary Janes, oxfords, and sandals (sometimes heels too). Oh, she isn't a fan of accessories either. She only prefers a wrist watch, an anklet, and a hat.
+ + + + + + + + + + +


( + ) : Courageous, intelligent, observant, diligent

( / ) : Ambitious, conservative, moralistic
( - ) : Strict, cunning, pugnacious, overcritical


personality — 
(+) COURAGEOUS. Upon first seeing Sophia, people around her would notice that she really exudes of confidence and authority that seems like she will not take crap from anyone. But because of her gentle, but most of the time stoic face, people think that she's kind of a weakling as she appears to be "innocent" or quiet. In reality though, she's actually a brave young lady. She's not the kind of person who'd be scared off easily by anything. It's like nothing may faze her and she'll be able to handle confrontations or pain very well. Sophia will stand up for herself or for her family and friends if she knows that they were in the right and were being hurt by anyone else.

(+) INTELLIGENT. Ever since she was young, her parents noticed how easy it was to teach Sophia about anything and as she had always been thirsty for knowledge, she grew up to be an intelligent person. Armed with her books and by watching Discovery Channel or NatGeo, Sophia would learn new facts every day. Also, it is never hard for her to evaluate situations and she would quickly come up with a solution to every problem that she may face. Or if there are graded recitations in school, expect Sophia to remember a lot of things and she would clearly explain everything well. She also has her ways with words that people could easily understand, though sometimes, she loves using difficult terms just to mess up with the minds of some people she kind of dislikes.

(+) OBSERVANT. Though it may seem like Sophia's apathetic, she actually cares for most people and she can easily tell if something's wrong or misplaced. She's very attentive to the people surrounding her even though it looks like she doesn't care at all. With her eyes always focused in books, her friends would even think that she has no idea what's happening arround her. But, she's always completely aware. Usually, alerted with her environment. Also, she's really curious as to how people acts and thinks, and she would usually find herself watching them secretly. From there, she would also learn and gain new knowledge.

(+) DILIGENT. Give Sophia a task, be assured that she will be able to do it. She is a responsible person as she doesn't like being neglectful to things that are important (e.g. homeworks, house chores, being an older sister, etc.) Her family and friends trusts her so much because they know that she will always heed to her duties. She knows the importance of attending to one's responsibilities and she will do her best to finish all her tasks. She's very hardworking too, knowing that in the future, all will pay off eventually.


(/) AMBITIOUS. Growing up, Sophia always wanted to be successful. She's pretty much goal oriented and she will do anything just to achieve her dreams. Her parents would tell her that she's a bit hard on herself as Sophia always wanted to be the perfect person and becomes slightly pushy to herself. But, she just can't find the reason or the like to relax because she is always curious. She always wants to know things. She'll be all determined to learn more or gain more. She will just do her best with 100% determination and nothing or no one can stop her until she succeeds.

(/) CONSERVATIVE. In some circumstances, Sophia feels really cautious when it comes to change. She would rather stick to the traditional rules or values rather than be open to other possibilities. For example, topic like ual  is a sensitive one for her. She believes that the act should only be done after marriage because it loses meaning if done before. Sophia is also has opposing view when it comes to severe partying and modern culture. She thinks students need to study more rather than be irresponsible young people. But with the people close to her, she could be biased too. In conclusion though, these things deep inside her, freak her out.

(/) MORALISTIC. In relation with Sophia's conservativeness, she's also moralistic. Sophia knows the importance of what is right and what is wrong, and as much as possible, she would be strict about it. She would do her best to always do what she thinks is correct and she will be all quick to judge other people who are more liberated than her. Sophia also has this weird habit of teaching people (her close friends, in particular and her family too) what she knows is better to do and would convince them to follow what she says.

(-) STRICT. Sophia has also been known as the kind of person who wouldn't loosen up a little bit and would abide by the rules with passion. It's not that she's afraid of consequences of her wrong actions but rather, she highly believes that rules exist for a reason and it's definitely not to bend it, but of course, to follow it. This is the reason why her family and friends think that pursuing her studies to Law is very much perfect for her as she is very particular with rules and regulations.

(-) CUNNING. Whenever Sophia has something she wants and decides to get it, she'll all be "forget the morals" and would plot something to deceive others. She's a strategist and she would be able to make people fall into her traps and she would still manage herself to get out of it or make herself to look innocent. Sophia will use her intelligence to confuse others and to make them believe that she's correct. Sometimes it's an abuse of her knowledge but there are also times where her cunning intelligence are very much helpful to her and other people. (Like staying away from punishments and the like.)

(-) PUGNACIOUS. Though Sophia is the kind of person to think before she acts or say something, when she knows that someone is abused or hurt, she will be quick and eager to argue. She fights when she deemed needed. This young lady will never ever give up, most especially if she thinks she's right. She will not easily let a topic off the hook until the other person would admit that he/she is wrong. Some people think that she's aggressive and harsh whenever she's at it, but she knows it's the right thing. She will also quickly think of logical and rational things so that the other party can't have something to retort anymore as she would base her arguments with facts. And because of this personality, most people are afraid to have debates with her as they know that Sophia will just win. She always wins. She is nice but she also has her annoyed moments...

(-) OVERCRITICAL. Just one wrong move, Sophia could easily notice that. Being an observer also helps her to be more aware of people's actions or words. As she is very quick to judge, she can also be able to find faults easily and she would usually point it out to the person who did something wrong. She seldom does this with people sh loves, but she mostly acts like this to other people she doesn't really know or somehow, dislikes. Sophia would raise an eyebrow at them, stares judgingly, and then be blunt about it.


— Books with any genre but somehow dislikes romance
— History documentaries or films
— Greek mythology (she's drawn with it ever since she was young)
— Owls (she owns keychains, notebook designed owl, or rucksacks with owl designs too)
— Libraries
— Post-its
— Debates... Because it lets her think
— Strategy and mind games
— Arts and crafts. Sophia knows how to weave as her mother taught her when she was younger.
— People who are industrious and hardworking.


— Weaklings
— People who whine too much
— Chick flicks
— Spiders
— Stuffed toys
— Cutesy people or things
— Imbeciles
— Arguments with no purpose
— Parties
Golden Apples (she's allergic to those)

— Reading poetry and literature
— When she's free, she weaves on her
weaving loom kit
— Visiting museums
— Eating pizza with her younger sister and friends

— Whenever she feels annoyed, Sophia scrunches her nose.
— Runs her fingers through her hair with no apparent reason.
— Drinks milk before she sleeps :))

— Disappointment from other people
— Being forgotten by the people she loves


— When she was in high school, she already started reading the Bill of Rights of USA. :))
— She owns two potted mini olive trees and can be found in her room, by the windowsill.
— Her friends say she's kind of boring but Sophia doesn't mind. She tries to be fun though.

— She has a driver's license.
— No boyfriend since birth. Love is like the last thing on her mind. (Attraction might be an issue sometimes...)
— Sophia likes eating chocolate oatmeal cookies.
— Her favorite US President is Abraham Lincoln.
— Became the central student council President during her high school and college years.
— She is currently in her junior year in Law school.
— Once, Darielle told her that "If no one's looking, rules can be broken" and Sophia sort of freaked out but stayed calm. It was during the time they went out to go shopping and they went to check out some clothes from Hermes (kkk) and Darielle tried on a sunglasses but there was a sign that wearing it was forbidden.
— Sophia may be the serious type but she enjoyed watching Friends very much (she still watches it today) and her favorite character is Ross Geller because she admires him for his intelligence and if she was a character there, she would enjoy the facts and trivia Ross would share.
— Likes the Iliad and the Odyssey. She had read the books and watched the films about it.

home is where the heart is. 

On a Halloween's Day in the year 1991, Park Hyeji was born in Seoul, South Korea. Both of her parents were working in the USA prior her mother got pregnant. But during her 5th month of pregnancy, Sophia's mother wanted to give birth to her in their motherland and to be with Sophia's grandmother that was why she flew back to South Korea. On her 8th month, Sophia's father followed to be with his wife. Her father, Park Haeseong, worked as an Architect whilst her mother, Bae Dasom, was a Head Nurse hence their family was considered as a well-off one and both were, most of the time, busy. After a month vacation in SK, they went back to Seattle as they were originally residing there. Money had never been a problem with their family and they had provided all the things Sophia wanted and needed.

Growing up, Sophia turned out to be the genius she was today. She was always curious, thirsty for new knowledge, and the words that usually come out from her lips would be questions. Her parents were patient with her and though they may gave her everything, they taught her how to be humble and be a proper lady. Because of this, Sophia became a conservative person. Nothing much happened to her family history except the parts wherein she was quite known in school to be a very intelligent young woman. Her interest for Political Science started when she was young and she would watch Presidential campaigns together with her parents. She thought then that she could do better than them and studied more about the politics and economics of USA. When she was in high school, she won several positions from her sophomore year to senior year, in which she was the President. During her last year in high school, Sophia managed to pass her entrance exam in New York University where she majored in Politics. Her parents were proud of her and let her study there. They thought her major was very perfect for her and again during Sophia's stay in NYU, she also ran for a position in their Student Council. She had won the Presidency post during her senior year. In 2013, she finally graduated with Latin honors and got her degree in B.A. Politics. Because of her neverending interest in that field, Sophia then furthered her studies and passed in NYU School of Law. She also rented a new apartment in NYC (still near in the university though) and her younger sister, Nike, would also visit her there so the two of them can bond.

Sophia's life was very structured; study, go to school, study more, eat a lot, study again, sleep, then repeat. She was always sure what she wanted to achieve and what she wanted her life to be in the future. Graduate in Law school, pass board exams, be a lawyer that would help a lot of people (and probably accept probono too), earn tons of money to give back all the things her parents did for her so she can make them happy, help with the tuition fee of her sister, and maybe, just maybe, have her own family in the future too. /shivers at the thought/ But as of now, her career, family, and friends would be the most important and she didn't need any disruptions in her life, a.k.a Gabriel Byun.



Park Haeseong | Father | Intelligent, caring, strict, quiet | A lot of people would say that Haeseong and Sophia share a lot of similar traits and the Park family actually agrees with that. Haeseong was the one in charge for being strict to their daughters but, he'd always be reasonable and just be stern with them if needed. He's actually caring and he really loves his family. Even though he's usually busy with projects, he'd do his best to spend time with his girls so that they know that they're still the most important people in his life. Originally, he wanted Sophia to follow his footsteps but upon seeing her passion for law, he didn't push it anymore on her and supported Sophia instead.

Bae Dasom | Mother | Loving, gentle, reserved, paranoid | Dasom was a very sweet mother to her daughters. She wasn't that strict with them as that part was the job of their father. Dasom was the first one who knew about Sophia's dreams and she certainly supported her all the way. She was a bit paranoid when Sophia moved out for college but nonetheless, she knew Sophia can handle herself. Due to being busy with her work, she wasn't able to spend much time with Sophia and Nike, and she wishes that she could turn back time when the girls were young and she'd take care of them.

Nike | Younger sister | Competitive, stubborn, intense, arrogant | Now, these two are pretty close with each other. They shared a love-hate relationship because the two of them had strong personalities. But eventhough sometimes they just want to pull their hair off, that doesn't mean they love each other less because of those petty fights. Sophia was just a bit stricter to Nike because she loved her younger sister so much and she wanted to take care of her too. She had always been independent because their parents were sometimes MIA because of the demands of their jobs, but she wanted to show Nike how much she cared for her so that she wouldn't feel alone. The two of them would also share some gossip with each other or they would also exchange secrets that they can't tell anyone else. Whenever Nike's free from school work, she usually visits Sophia in her apartment and the two of them would just bond together. Oh, such fun.


relationships —

Darielle Song | Close Friends | Social, thoughtful, stubborn, manipulative | Darielle and Sophia were like the perfect partners. Darielle didn't really mind the strong but conservative personality of Sophia and they also complement each other. Sometimes, they would have misunderstandings but both would quickly patch things up as they didn't want a fight to last. Despite the busy schedule of Darielle, the two of them would still make time for each other so they could hang out and catch up. Whenever one of them have dilemma, they would quickly call the other to confide and ask for advice. They understand each other very much and though Sophia's a year older than her, the two of them still jived. They were inseparable and even if Sophia doesn't say how much she appreciates Darielle, she does and she couldn't be any happier to have a friend like her. They're preactically sisters for Sophia too.

Aiden Park | Close Friends | Kind, hard worker, envious, secretive | For all the guys that Sophia met, Aiden would be the only one (besides her dad and other relatives, probably) whom she really cared for and treated as a real guy friend. She may have a slight admiration for him too but nah, she thought that that would be . :)) Whenever Sophia's free, Aiden would also invite her to watch him whenever he had to race and she would cheer him on... Internally. They supported each other very much and in the long run of their friendship, they treated one another as siblings. He claimed that he would be the older brother even though Sophia's actually a month older than him but they didn't mind at all. They would also hang out from time to time especially when both were free. The two could also be geeky together sometimes and they're pretty weird.

Jenny Lee | Best Friends | Caring, ebullient, mischievous, childish | Jenny and Sophia had always been the best of friends ever since they met during grade school. As both of them were Koreans, it was very easy for them to befriend each other. Jenny balances the matured personality of Sophia. Jenny was very fun to be with and Sophia can just be herself whenever they were together. She was the sister Sophia wished she had (though she loves Nike much more, of course <333) as the two of them just understand each other. Jenny had supported Sophia's dreams of becoming a lawyer and though she had studied in a different university, the two of them still kept in touch and they would meet each other during the weekends to hang out.

the one and only.

love interesT + FC — Byun Baekhyun
*english name — Gabriel Byun / Gabe (Messenger of God)

backup(s)  — Kim Jongin
birthday — May 6, 1995

personalitY TRAITS 

( + ) : Adventurous, social, clever, charismatic

( / ) : Persistent, unpredictable, stubborn
( - ) : Arrogant, conceited, carefree, cunning

background  — 

Gabriel Byun was a son of entrepreneurs and they owned this big and successful famous pizza place, Olive & Peel (I just found it on the internet hehehe), in Manhattan in which later on, they were able to expand more stores in New York and also ventured in other states like Washington, California, and Florida. Gabriel grew up with everything was given and provided for him that was why he became more of an arrogant person. Though, he was actually a nice guy and people like him because it wasn't hard to befriend him. Whenever he was free from school works, he'd help out with their business and most of the time, he'd do deliveries.

When Gabriel and Sophia met, nothing special really happened. It was during those occasional visits of Nike in her apartment and she wanted to eat pizza. That time, Sophia was busy studying so she just let Nike order a box for them and had i delivered to their home. Luckily, Gabriel was the one to deliver the pizza and it so happened that Sophia was the one to open the door. He thought that she was pretty and because he knew he was charming, he kind of started hitting on her. Nike heard it and was trying to stifle her laughters because hello? He's just making a fool out of himself. She thought but nonetheless didn't do anything as she thought that they were amusing. Sophia didn't mind him though, she thought that he was too cocky and she just wanted to deflate his big head. Gabriel kept talking and it started to irk Sophia. He started asking for her number but she won't tell him and he started flirting more. So when Nike was satisfied seeing the two imbeciles, she subtly gave Gabriel a paper (which contained the mobile number of Sophia) and sent him off.


interactions  — 

Ever since then, Gabriel would constantly message Sophia and would even visit her in her apartment too (the apartment was quite near the pizza place). She would ignore him because for her, he wasn't her type. It wasn't like she had one though... Whenever he would "accidentally" bump into her, Gabriel would just continue on annoying talking to her even though she had given him a cold shoulder. She would pretend like he didn't exist and if she felt so annoyed, Sophia would start lecturing him of some sort, trying to scare him off. But Gabriel knew better, he liked a good chase and he still pursued Sophia more. She never really knew his name and often referred to him as the "pizza delivery boy peasant".

As weeks passed, Gabriel didn't stop communicating with her and being sweet with her was becoming normal for him. Sometimes, Sophia would talk to him (in a very annoyed way) and share some not-so-important info about her and he honestly, remembered all that because even if he looked like he was not serious, he actually liked her. Never mind the age too, he was awestruck. It wasn't like she got his attention because of that. There was just something with her that captured his attention. There were times when she was acting like someone on her PMS, Gabriel would throw in some funny and witty remarks to ease her feelings. It always was the opposite though, she became more pissed when he does that. But it didn't bother him. He would just do everything just to make her smile. He would also deliver free pizzas for Sophia when he knew she was busy studying and she, bit by bit, started to appreciate his efforts. Gabriel never gave up and continued on pursuing her though he knew his chances being with her was actually slim. There was a time when Sophia got stressed because of all the school requirements and Gabriel brought her to their pizza place so she could relax, that was when she discovered that he owned the place. She felt embarrassed because of her nickname for him but he shoved it off and just had a good laugh at her. In normal days, Sophia would be pissed but she let it slip that time.

With Gabriel being kind of unstructured, it terrified the wits out of Sophia. She wasn't at all impressed by his easy going personality as sometimes he would tell her that he just want to travel and just go on an adventure. He thought his life was becoming a routine and he wanted anything spontaneous which scared Sophia more. For her, these kind of guys were trouble and she wanted to run away from him while she can because who knows? As Gabriel started crawling up to her ladder of people she treasures and that also was something difficult for her to acknowledge.

endgame  — 

Sophia tried her best to run away from him by being colder with him than usual but it didn't really faze Gabriel. Eventually, she will become more open to him and the two would be good friends. She also started admiring him but thought that he was too young but Gabriel didn't mind... ;A; (It's okay if they will fall in love with each other or not. If they don't, something like drifting apart may do too. And I don't mind deaths as well. Haha!)

last messages.

comments/suggestions — Hello!!! :D It took me quite a while to finish this app because swear! I was too excited and I loved Athena and Greek mythology ever since I was young, that I changed a lot of stuff in my app. Huhu. Just a short story... Even when I was in college, our faculty's mascot was an Owl and our symbol was Athena. Because liberal arts! Hahaha. Okay, okay. I'm weird. I really had fun! (I hope it's not too much ;n; ) Though I'm not sure if this was the Athena you wanted to see and if Hermes' background was acceptable. Also, I hope my app wasn't too confusing. >.< Sorry for the grammatical errors and everything~ Huhu. Fighting!! <3

scene request — Hmm, none as of the moment... Is that okay?

Anything else? — Hohoho.

turn inback to story


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