ROOMMATE S3 2016 - Robin Bae


robin bae
imadreamer / ray / 7 out of 10

“Your appearance influences your life, because it effects how people treat you. Sometimes you don’t have to be king to be treated like royalty—you only have to look like the king.”   Jarod Kintz

Face claim: Lee Sungkyung
Back-up: -
Height, weight: 176 cm, 54 kg

layout © cerulean tm
homenum revelio
"human-presence-revealing spell"
"Each time you say hello to a stranger, your heart acknowledges over and over again that we are all family.” ―  Suzy Kassem

Name: Robin Bae Yonghee
Other name(s): Robin
→ Yongie, Byong, Binnie, Baebin - diminutives of her name.
Yok-hee - she has the habit to cuss or talk in a very fast pace in english whenever she's badly pissed. "yok" is "cuss" in korea. her YG fellaz and people who knows this habit of her often about this nickname. 
 Strawberry - she's weirdly allergic to strawberry, which is why her close friends started calling her 'strawberry' to .
Master Yongda - a pun of Master Yoda. She earned the nickname because most of her friends say she's a woman of few words who is full of wisdom
DOB, Birthplace: February 12 1988, Belfast
Hometown(s): Belfast (0-15), Seoul (15-present)
Ethnicity: Korean-Irish
→ (fluent) Korean, English
→ (conversational because she took courses & learned from school) Mandarin, Japanese.
specialis revelio
"Any man's life, told truly, is a novel” – Ernest Hemingway

Occupation: Solo artist / Hiphop artist from YGE


— Her parents are Bae Joohyun, a Korean florist, and Riley Karaugh, an Irish jazz musician who's quite reckoned worldwide. Her father initially wanted a son, thus explains her boyish name, Robin. She grew up into a boyish girl too for she experienced minor violence and harsh insults from her parents, and she used to have more male than female friends. Her parents made sure that she grew up strong but still graceful like a lady.

— Her family isn't really wealthy, but they still manage to live 'on easy street', even when the situation amongst her parents' siblings are not in a really good term. In spite of the uncomfortable circumstances in her big family, where even brothers and sisters betray each other and will do anything for money, her family was alright. Her father made sure that she learned a lot about music from him, and his efforts were clearly not wasted, even though his daughter prefers Hiphop than Jazz. As she was a bright kid (she didn't go to primary school and went straight to elementary), she has learned how to play guitar, drums, and piano since she was 6, in fact she was also a member of local dance crew consisting of 6 kids which was quite recognized in Ireland.

— At age fifteen (2003) she immigrated to Seoul right after she graduated JHS (August 2003), and lived with her grandparents, Bae Insung and Bae Hyojin, in order to prepare herself to become a proper musician. She attended Seoul High School and was always bright in all her study, but she was never a people person. Back in Belfast, she was popular for she is the daughter of a well-known musician and a member of a popular dance crew. However, in Seoul she was a mere cast-out since she didn't really like interacting with people due to the unfriendly environment in high school, which resulted to her becoming one of the 'preys' for the bullies (which she cared less about). All those three years (2003-2005), she actually went to perform at various underground clubs as a young rapper who goes by the name 'BY8' (pronounced bee-why-eight) every weekend and she gained attention from some of underground crews named Movement Crew and Buckwilds Do'main. In January 2004 (two months after her debut in underground scene), she met Tablo and he personally offered to be her mentor. She continued her underground career until the end of her second semester of college (June 2006) in Seoul Instititute of the Arts. She then focused on her study and graduated in August 2008, Bachelor's Degree in Creative Writing only in three and a half years. Three months after she graduated, she decided to be back to underground hiphop scene with the same stage name and joined with Movement Crew (consisted of MFBTY, Epik High, Dynamic Duo, YDG, Leessang, etc. that time). In February 2012, Tablo called her to come to YG headquarter for a private audition with YG, Teddy, Kush, Tablo, and Lydia posing as juries. She began her training period in YG from March 2012. She finally debuted as a solo artist in summer 2014 with her debut song: Mental Breakdown (MTBD). Her debut mini-album was entitled "Lionheart" and consists of 5 songs in total: MTBD (dance & rap), My Number (dance & rap), Gotta Be You (dance & rap), Come Back Home (ballad & rap), I Want to be Me (ballad). She's known as 'The Fierce Unnie' due to her charisma presence on stage. She began to model in a lot of CFs, magazines, (before debut), and even few run-ways in Seoul Fashion Weeks after debut. She has worked (in modelling) with Lee Soohyuk, Kim Woobin, Lee Minho, Jang Kiyong, Nam Joohyuk, iKON, Winner, Stephanie Lee, Kang Hyoni, SooJoo, GOT7, Bigbang, Park Shinhye, Cha Seungwon, Gong Hyojin, Jo Insung, Song Jaerim, Song Jihyo, and Ahn Jaehyun.


(+) : pacifistic, courteous, compassionate, curious, witty

(o) : family-oriented, independent, easygoing, bold, observant

(-) : skeptical, unpredictable, moody, fluctuating ambition, easily bored

having been raised under the circumstance that it’s wiser to trust in no one — blood nor water, it doesn't even matter anymore nowadays — and in a hard way, she learned to rely on and only on herself. Even sometimes she finds others rely on her too, as many of her friends come to her for advices or simply to tell her about their problems. She is a mentally resilient young lady who bears the responsibility of enduring several hardshipsHer boldness makes it easy for her to achieve her goals. She takes action, so if she says she’s going to do something — you bet your , she’s going to do it. Her my-way-or-the-highway attitude and complete self-competence at times makes others feel small. Not to mention that she oftentimes blurts out several skeptical and sardonic statements toward people who sound like they're bluffing too much. She tends to bottle up her deepest feelings because she refuses to show her 'weakness' to others, but at times she will shut down completely and will disappear from any radars as she lock herself up to vent out alone. She finds it hard to do the same routines over and over again without feeling bored, so she tends to do something crazy or unusual every once in a while to stop her from going awfully bored. Long story short, she's not someone anyone could mess with whenever it comes to business.

However, business aside, she's actually a very pacifistic and caring young lady. She is also sympathetic towards conflicted friends and family, and always wants to give hope for them. Note that her definition of "friend" and "family" might be slightly different than the average due to her trust-issues. She does have principles that make her incapable to fully invest her trust to anyone, but she treats everyone in the same friendly, welcoming way. She's one of very few who says "i'm gonna be here if you need me" and actually means it, even when the latter is not her close friend. Her compassion towards others might be her weakness, and in actuality, many have tried to misuse this trait to bring her down. She has lost some, and has won some; she always knows when to hold 'em and knows when to fold 'em. She might appear as unforgiving, but as a matter of fact, she barely takes anything to her heart — she doesn't wear her heart on a sleeve — so for her, the past is past, though things might not be the same in second chance. She's also the type who will literally listen to every side of a story and conduct the facts from her own observation before jumping into conclusions, which results to her being the most objective, rational, and neutral person in so many occasions.

Behavior towards strangers:


→ tends to clap her hands whenever she laughs hard. 
→ sleeps anywhere and anytime she can, even in the weirdest place to sleep at. she tends to fall asleep very easily if she really has nothing to do. 
→ she tends to shut down whenever she's upset and spends her time alone (because she strongly refuses to let anyone sees her 'weakness') to vent out (most likely to cry alone).
→ lots of
→ she's often seen doing "manner leg" when she talks to someone who's shorter than her.


→ She attended Seoul Institutes of the Arts and graduated with noticeable high scores, Bachelor's Degree of Creative Writing in only three and a half years.
→ Her catchphrases are:

  • *when she's shocked* "w-t-f" (she spells it in english)
  • "no beep, sherlock"
  • *sarcastically* "Live long and prosper."

→ She is often mistaken as a flirt because she can easily mingle with boys without feeling awkward at all. When asked what's the trick to be that easygoing, she only answered with "I grew up with boys and I don't catch feelings so easily, I think of everyone as a possible friend instead of a possible lover. So probably that's that". In actuality, many have confessed to her and got rejected, but remains good friends with her.
→ She went to 
taekwondo classes when she was still in Belfast and earned her 5th rank black belt in 2007.
→ She feels nausea and the urge to vomit whenever she smells dairy products of strawberries. She could eat the fruit though, she doesn't really enjoy it because the fruity scent makes her dizzy.
→ Her perfume signature is
Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel.
→ She loves Italian and Japanese foods, but she always consumes Chinese take-outs in emergency situations.
→ Her role models are Rihanna and Beyonce.
→ She has written and composed in total 28 songs that went viral since the beginning of her underground career (2007) and all of them drew global fans attention to her as she uploaded them to Youtube. Her genre ranges from pop, dance, ballad, to hiphop.
→ She doesn't really call the older guys "oppa" since she feels like she's doing cutesy everytime she says that word. She ends up
calling the older guys as "hyung" or simple "bro" in english.
→ Her SNS accounts (twitter & instagram) have the same username: 
→ her favourite lipsticks are Bobbi Brown's and MAC's matte colours.
→ she at drawing. Her doodles look like what a kindergarten kid would draw.
→ she is actually an
agnostic. She believes she has to do good, and her life motto is "love + peace = happiness"
→ her favourite colors are black, gold, and red.
→ her favourite TV shows are SBS Running Man and MBC Infinity Challenge
→ her favourite TV series are Game of Thrones, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Prison Break, Castle, Battle Creek, NCIS, and Grey's Anatomy.

protego horribilis
"Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there anymore” ― Robin Hobb

Father: Riley Karaugh || 50 || Professional musician || Stern, responsible, temperamental, charismatic, determined, family-oriented, creative, slightly arrogant, cautious, suave, open-minded, compassionate, intelligent || They barely talk to each other about how their days went, but they deeply care for each other. The two share the same trait of not capable to speak out their feelings. Robin respects her father so much. She is a goody-two-shoes and obedient when it comes to her father.


Mother: Bae Joohyun || 46 || Florist || Creative, naggy, humble, religious, tad bit conservative, skeptical, tough, clever, tidy, courteous, caring, slightly egocentric, firm, honest, emotional, stubborn || They barely talk to each other too, but her mother always asks about her day which she responds with short answers each time because she doesn't like the idea of making her parents worried of her. Besides, she thinks that she will not meet her mother's expectations when she spills out the truth.


Grandmother: Bae Hyojin || 60 || Florist || Warm, kind, friendly, suave, family-oriented, courteous, clever, open-minded, tough, selfless
Grandfather: Bae Insung || 62 || Military veteran || Charismatic, skeptical, honest, quiet, compassionate, intelligent, stubborn, wise, romantic (her grandparents treat her so well and they barely got mad at her for spending almost everyday outside the house, since they understand that she was pursuing her dream to be a professional musician)


Bestie#1: Xian Montague || 28 || (Chinese-Irish) Vogue Britain Editor in Chief || Tough, blunt, decisive, motherly, suave, stubborn, carefree, forgetful, sensitive, dominating, cynical, lazy, glamorous, witty, sophisticated || They are childhood friends. Xian and Robin are like the twins who seem to stick to each other almost all the time. Xian can tell whether Robin is in good or bad condition only from looking at her eyes. Xian always keeps an eye on Robin, scolds her whenever she does something wrong, gives advices whenever she needs ones. Xian knows every single thing about Robin since Robin always makes sure to keep her updated about things, including the ones which can't be spoken to her parents.

Bestie#2: Joshua Cumberbatch || 30 || (Irish) Model || Goofy, kind, caring, mature, bold, open-minded, courteous, charismatic, assertive, irreligious, ambitious, youthful || He's a senior who confessed to her but got rejected, also a childhood friend of her. Aside that Joshua is one of the only capable ones to know Robin's moods from her eyes, they are also partner-in-crimes. They prank people at times, and they do silly things together. Robin often acts like a brat whenever she's with him by teasing him or being super childish, but deep inside she adores him much more than anything. Josh is overly protective towards her.

Mentor#1: Tablo || 35 || Artist (Epik High) || Witty, creative, wise, intelligent, temperamental, impatient, determined, cool, family-oriented, fatherly, caring, responsible, reliable, trustworthy, humorous, skeptical || (2008) He was chillin at an underground club with his crews, Movement Crew, when Robin went to the stage and performed her mixtape, which piqued many Underground crews' interest. Ever since then, he became her mentor. He sees her as a younger sister, and a valuable protégé. He gives a lot advices to her.


Mentor#2: Yoon Mirae || 34 || Artist (MFBTY) || Motherly, cool, easygoing, laid-back, stubborn, mature, intelligent, trustworthy, charismatic || They met in November 2008 when Robin decided to join Movement Crew. Mirae and Robin are like sisters for they have similar personality. Oftentimes, Robin feels like there's no age-gap between them because Mirae treats her like a friend and they hangout often. Mirae also poses as Robin's mentor.

Celeb Unnie: Sandara Park || 31 || Idol (2NE1) || Motherly, courteous, positive, wise, warm, goofy, witty, intelligent, suave, compassionate, somewhat low self-esteem || Robin is a huge fan of Sandara. She respects her so much and Dara does the same to her. Dara treats her like how she treats Cheondung. Sometimes Dara calls her as 'that girl dongsaeng that is like an oppa'.

→ Celeb Bestie#1TOP || 28 || Idol (BIGBANG) || Quirky, perfectionist, 4-dimensional, laid-back, unpredictable, moody, suave, warm, goofy, clever, slightly ego-centric || They share the same origin, which is underground hiphop scene. They met several times when both rappers were still active as young emcees in underground scenes. They lost contact when he joined YG. They reunited in 2012 when she joined YG and eventually they became closer. He gives a lot of advices to her regarding music and they hangout together sometimes to have casual conversations over snacks.
Celeb Bestie#2: Song Minho || 22 || Idol (WINNER) || Caring, responsible, intelligent, humble, determined, family-oriented, outgoing, charismatic, stubborn, goofy, emotional, slightly ego, perfectionist || They trained together. He receives a lot of advices (and naggings) from her and sometimes it's him who nags at her in one or two occasions. She sees him as a very trustworthy company, while he sees her as a very valuable friend.




Others: Nooooone.

"Many relationships are give & take but the most successful ones are give & give.” ―  Mark Hewer

Who do you want to share the same roof with?: Park Seojoon. Man, I love that adorable man.

Have you met them before? If yes, please elaborate: I wish I had.

More about this person: 

Name: Park Seojoon

DOB: December 16, 1988

Occupation: Actor


(+) Courteous, clever, earnest, hardworking, thoughtful, caring.

(o) Warm, masculine, charming, laid-back, open-minded.

(-) Reserved, introverted

Park Seojoon is described as a talented man. Confident in his abilities, he never fears the thought of entering the fray. He's one of those who thinks before he acts. He acts composed like a gentleman, and is calm and cautious in making decisions. However, he's actually pretty laid-back for he doesn't take everything to his heart and is open for criticisms and suggestions. He is pretty introverted and shy as a person, but once you get into his good side, you will enjoy a fun conversation with him without realizing.  Seojoon would rather enjoy whatever life he has than spend his time brooding about his obstacles, thus a contagious smile present on his lips at all times. He has seen to be very comforting and encouraging to his friends when they are in low spirits and discouraged. Overall, he is an adventurous youth who harbors a strong sense of responsibility and enjoys taking care of his friends.

First meeting on the show: 

How’s your relationship with this person throughout the show?: 

Is it okay if I pair her/him up with someone else in the show?: If the girl is my bias then yes it is. e u e

"“Each time we don't say what we wanna say, we're dying.”  ― Yoko Ono

Hello, please introduce yourself.
(/waves hand to the camera while smiling toothily) Hello, everyone. I'm Robin Bae, or Bae Yonghee. I'm the 'Ssen Unnie' girls have crush on. (/bows)

Where do you live, with who, and what’s your reason to join the show?
I live with my grandparents. Well, I've been living with my family for so long and I don't have any siblings, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to experience sharing with same-aged friends, or even big brothers and unnies. (/nods and smiles)

How is the situation in your current residence?
The situation is really good. My grandparents are very understanding about my career and they support me. They are lovely and youthful, too, so it's not really quiet at home because they bicker like newly-wed couple often. (/laughs)

How are you feeling about living under the same roof with strangers?
→ I'm very excited. I.. (/claps her hands excitedly) It's really overwhelming for me. It's weird that I don't feel nervous at all. The excitement is no joke. 

Who do you want to share the same roof with?
→ Cha Seungwon sunbaenim (/chuckles) I've watched him on a show which showcases his motherly vibe. He's amazing.

What do you think is your role in the shared house?
→ The one who nags a lot at others? (/tilts head slightly; chortles) I can cook Chinese dishes because they are simple. I'm also a little bit obsessive compulsive so maybe I'll do the chores too.

expecto patronum
“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.” ― John Lennon

Scene requests.



→  Read cheatsheeeeeeet.


.F I N.


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Finally done! So sorry for the wait. T_T
YAAAAY! Hi, authornim! Here's my app. ^^
I enjoyed this, I swear. After getting some creative juice back (whuuut haha)? I was so inspired to finish it.
Here's my link:

Thank you! Fighting! :)
WOO! I'm finally done with my character! /profuse sweating (WOOOO~)
_bbuilove_ #4
authornim i tried to elaborate more on my errors i hope it okay
iisMoMo #5
_bbuilove_ #6
wassup! i'm finally done c:
be ready to be slayed /winks
i failed...i've most definitely failed
harleenquinzel #9
TatibearJay #11
I have fixed it, I think. It's all up to you if I fixed it or not. I hope its just a little better. *desperate expression*
TatibearJay #12
Hey authornim! Sorry about all of the errors in my application. Its just that I'm not from america so I know very little english words so I kind of get stuck and my mind cannot process the language but I'll try to fix it. I don't know if it will get better but I'll try.
P.S - this is my first applyfic so I'm kind of lost on most things but I'll work harder.
hope you'll like him, author nim c;