MrsBlank is back.

Hello friends!

I have been away for a very very long time, and that includes me not continuing any of my fan fictions and I feel really really devastated. Anyway, the time that I have been away was used to complete my higher diploma [Yay! Graduated with distinctions woots woots] and also alot of  playing around lalala. 

Let me share why I was on hiatus //or should I say I died and came alive again// it all started with the members of EXO leaving one by one which was a devastating fact for me at that time as I was a pretty deep stan of EXO. EXO was in the top 3 list of my male bias group during 2012 and it hit me hard that they left until the fact that I can't continue my dear fic 'Dawn'. I felt ssorry but I didn't had the feels to continue the BaekYeol, which not long after that the scandal of Baek and Tae emerged. It was a big blow to the fans, but I played it cool. 

And then there comes the period where college applications piled up in my brain and me and dear starbit went through alot of hardships trying to pick the right choices etc etc. We were very very young but we made through it together. After 16 months of hardcore studying and endless sleepless nights we pull it through! And we are still young haha. Thanks to our smart brains //died// we graduated earlier than any of our batch mates. //confettis//

And then we started a joint account which we are still active at and we compiled our stories together and share them. Since we are a long long users of asianfanfic we saw how the website changed and we are still here, proud users of asianfanfic //though someone need to open a donation button for an AFF app!//

So I'm back and I'm writing stories, will be uploading them pretty often now. You can check my new story at //

and also my joint account with starbit at //

Till the friends! XOXO


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