Author's Note

Hello everyone!

I’m writing this because I’ve had some pent up feelings over the past year and a half of writing for the fandom, which I hope to express now. 

First of all, it’s been wonderful. The reason why I’m pursuing my Masters right now is precisely because I started writing fan fiction. When I wrote my first fic, Ink Drip, I wasn’t worried about subscribers or up votes or anything like that. I was just excited to be able to write about a ship that I’ve enjoyed for a long time. Then, I began to gain a readership and that gave me much-needed confidence to keep writing and trying new plots and characterisations. When I wrote Daddy Seunghyun, I realised it was quite popular amongst many and began to make more friends in the fandom, which then led to me opening up a Twitter (that is now defunct after some issues). 

Then I began to realise difficulties that other writers had. For example, writers who had smaller readerships because their stories were atypical and readers said it was “wrong” or “not true to the ship”. Or writers who created brilliant works but simply lacked support. That’s when I realised how important it was to have a good support system within the fandom you write for because if not, your works often go unnoticed. Or worse, if you write in a fandom where people somehow form personal grudges against you, your work is ignored. 

Which was why I wrote My Roommate is a Bad Boy because I knew how unpopular bottom!top was and even dealt with it myself when readers would comment that they disliked reading SH in this way because it seemed “womanly” and “unmanly”. But ironically, it was perfectly fine when J is written in such a manner. However, in the end, somehow, through the support of my readers, I got a steady following and the fan fiction did fairly well (which I’m still so grateful for today). 

Right now, I’m on my tenth work, Hot Cop (thank you for all your love for the fic!). And what I’ve realised is with each story I’ve written, I go through cycles of ups and downs. 

What people sometimes take for granted is that writers of fan fiction do this for free. Yes, it is is for our own entertainment. Yes, it’s for practice. But at the end of the day, it’s a huge deal for us to put our work out there and we do it for free. As readers, you get to go online and click onto a site and read thousands and thousands of words for free. And yet, readers don’t leave comments, though it’s as simple as saying “I enjoyed this” or “I liked this bit a lot, that bit not so much.” And because readers tend to be silent, writers like myself (and others who have told me the same thing) feel hurt, under appreciated, ignored, etc.

So all I’m saying is I’m really thankful for all your support over this time and many of you have stayed with me since my first work and have (hopefully) seen me grow. But sometimes, it really does make my day to see even one comment from a reader. So please, if you have the time, leave a comment for any fic that you read because someone’s taken the time and effort to put it out there. And it’s not an easy thing to do. 

Phew, that was long.



(same post on my tumblr)
(p.s. sorry for the rant)


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I hope you're doing good. :) I miss your stories and writings. I understand a lot of the authors feelings and I respect that. It just feels nolstalgic knowing that there had been so many talented and awesome people in general that has left or disappeared. Fandom will always change but looking back will always give me bittersweet feelings.
Anisoara #2
I love the way u write. I love ur story line. And I will comment more often. And thank you for writing so brilliantly. And thank you to the other authors ( most of them replied to ur post) for taking the time to write , I love u guys and ur work.
Well said and thanks for this. I think you've summed up how every writer feels at one time or another. Speaking as someone who writes, I'd like to agree with you wholeheartedly. It can be frustrating when you post something and all you get in response are crickets. You begin to wonder if anyone is interested and if you should even continue. It's nice to get some feedback from readers, even if it's just a 'I enjoyed this, thanks' to make you feel like you're appreciated.

People also need to realize that masculinity is not dictated by who is on the receiving end so to speak. I believe it's more about your character and the way you comport yourself. The idea that those who receive are the female in a male x male relationship is outdated and archaic. It's MALE X MALE... remember that.
Everytime people say bottom!Tabi is unpopular, I find that hard to believe because that's all I ever seem to find?? Lol I'm not a fan of it myself, but if that's what people like, there's no shame in it. I have no right to tell you who should top or bottom in your work lol
I'll keep reading and supporting you for as long as you contribute to the fandom. :)
centurygirl #5
as a reader i really enjoy every chapter of ur works. almost all of it. sometimes i even miss ur old fics and reread it million times. but the problem is most of the time i dont know how to appreciate it in words.
hope u could always enjoy writing and feel our 'silent' support :)
I so agree with you! !! I try to always comments!!! I know some fics authors and I know how much you put in your story I feel sometimes ashamed that I couldn't do more than comment and subscribe to say how much it was worth the time and effort because it was such a joy to read it and share this piece of creativity and ilk just how you (like alk of you writers for my fandoms) will continue to write! !! And we should fight against womanised GD!!!! (I don't mind which is bottom I just like when they're both men (or else I'll read straight fics) ㅋㅋㅋ)
i get what you mean, my stories aren't exactly good, but y'know if i don't know what people like then what's the point?