1 Year

So apparently, I've been on AFF for a year already. That's crazy. I never thought I'd ever be a fan fiction writer to begin with. So to (kinduv) commemorate that, I've opened up all my fics again. I think I hid them because I felt a little embarrassed (because I used to and sometimes still do write like crap). But well, people still enjoyed it so maybe, it wasn't too horrible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my stories till now. I've been extremely busy and thus most probably won't update for some months. But do enjoy stories you have yet to read or wish to re-read. 

Lots of love, xx. 

If anything, drop me an ask at www.neontabiwrites.tumblr.com. 


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imagoandego #1
Watching your stories progress over the past year (well, the time I've known you) has been so much fun, and I'm grateful for our friendship. Life sometimes forces us to take a breather from the things we love, but I know that when you're able to write what you want, you'll have something wonderful.
centurygirl #2
happy anniversary dear neon tabi!!! thank you for joining aff and write beautiful gtop stories! i love them :) and thank you again for reopening ur old story... sometimes i miss daddy seunghyun and want to read it again :)
you're welcome!
From what i read from you you never write crap!! you are a very good writer i love your style so don't be embarassed we all evolve but we shouldn't be ashamed of who we were because that's the fondement of who e are now... and your stories are a part of that too!!! anyway i'm happy you re opned them again.. and hope to read more of you soo!!
Happy Anniversary love! And congratulations on the wonderful fanfics! You're a remarkable writer so we're very lucky to have you. I can remember when I first read Roommate and I thought holy crap this is seamless! Then I looked into it and noticed you were the same author that shippers were raving about. I wasn't keen on your earlier fics because there were so many spoilers hanging around social media and honestly I thought oh god not another writer full of cliches. But that's how I came to respect you so much because Roommate was so vastly different, I can really admire people who aren't afraid to be creative and try something new, shake things up. And now well I've just fallen in love with your writing style so I want to read whatever you write. Keep doing what you love and I'll keep reading dear <3
happy one year anniversary for you~~!!!!
im glad you write gtop fics.
coz you are one amazing writer. ^^
it's okay. just focus on what you are doing now.
but dont ever stop writing gtop.
xoxo <333