just random...

just some random fangirling...:p

(you may click out now since pretty sure this isn't anything to do with any oppars you fangirl...beware of the cute attack...my oppars...you've been warned if you choose to continue read, do it at your own risk)



- I can't keep myself from spazzing about Weather Forecast -_- it's their time now. the phase where i'd just be happy to be obsessing them...though it's a lil awkward this time since they've separated and disbanded even way before i knew kpop but i guess...it's okay...it'd be near impossible for me to find spazzbuddy...but i can fangirl all on my own....more for me...lol. bcuz when it comes to music and love...there's no such thing as outdated or expiry date for me...beautiful music is to be cherished for as long as you find it beautiful. and i've always been this kinda-living-in-the-past person...so...

- btw, i should stop calling them ahjussis...since i doubt they'd have children as old as i am unless they had children at really young age...so...yeah...opparssss...lulz...but i feel awkward calling them oppars too...

- they quickly made their way to dethrone some of my otps and join my top otp list...i'm not sure if they have dethrone kevkwang or minjun...but i'm pretty sure heewan n kiryu already scored lower...:p...welcome my ahjussitp...ops...oppars...welcome to kill my feels...-_-...with the heartbleeding otpness of yours.

- i might seem like this 'disloyal' fan who jump obsessions one after another so fast...but hey, i never ever claim to be loyal or part of any fandom...it's not my fault if people always assume me part of their fandom just cuz i go into their opparsunnirs phase....so i really shouldn't feel like i did something wrong(but somehow i felt it at times...blerh). in fact, i'm happy that i'm able to spread love for more than just a couple of fandom i'm supposedly devoted to for life...i love by phases...but i'm proud to be in my ever changing phases. and when i'm in one phase, i give my all...probly even more than some dedicated-for-life fans could ever give...maybe that's what led for fandom peeps to assume...

- the problem is...the more i fall for singers for their songs, the more i question what makes some of my fav groups, my supposedly fav groups...considering there are groups with music i like even moreeee and considering i make music my priority...especially the longer i got into k-ent...

- i realize i may be liking some for nostalgia sake...like with Battle...it's complicated, i don't want to be in any fandom, but i still would consider them my top#1...when in truth...there are singers whose music i loooooveeeeeee so much more...n whose voices i looooveeeeeee so much more too....hmm...and ZE:A whose music i liked when i started getting into them...but grew more n more disappointing to my ears especially with their underwhelming title songs...that i just lost interest because it takes music to make me hold onto something(okay...though with Battle...it's just different...i can't even explain it...ugh...maybe bcuz they've become part of my 'identity' as kpop fan...?...)

- back to my new obsessed oppars, i'm scared to find every new little/insignificant finding of them made me all giggly like some idiot...ugh...hellllppp...and everything i learnt about them made them appear cuuuuuteeee...ugh what the hell is wrong with me.

- i just learnt that i was wrong that mr. park made more of their upbeat/cheerful/quirky songs n mr.kang did the ballads. Apparently, they both made both quirky AND ballads. in fact, some of mr.park's ballads are more impressive, likewise some of mr.kang's quirky songs more impressive...my amazement with them keep being renewed and upgraded. They're so perfect together...sobbing. but now my assumption from the few songs i worked on is...mr.kang is more about those mushy romantic stuff...and mr.park is more abt philosophical/less romantic but thoughtful stuff? idk...it might change the more of their songs i check in detail...edit: okay...so mr. kang despite his mushy romantic lyrics...his lyrics still have depth n bizzarre/quirk...and mr. park's may be more straightforward/simple n traditional...wow...i'm still learning more n more the more i look through their works...

- but it's a lil strange for me that they rarely made song together...it's always either fully composed n written by either mr.park or mr.kang. 

- but there's one song they wrote the lyrics together and that just made my otp feels soar...haha, music by mr.park. (and upon research i find that the lyrics in some verses for this song were sung in baby-talk way....lol)...and this was the title song for their final album...sigh....this song:

- i'm amused seeing how cute mr.kang was back in the days, i rarely see him in other mode other than cool emotionless serious mode as seen in loveholic/brick...but then again, it's not like i watch that much. i prefer the cutesy mr.kang tbh...he's so cute when he's all smiley...robotic detached coolness bedamned. (in fact, i won't be surprised if mr.park was more serious than mr.kang back then even if their image could be deceiving to look the otherwise)

- actually...i think mr.park is so cute too...haha, they're both so cute...what the hell is wrong with me....again/slaps self thousands of time/i still find them so cute...aaaaaaahhh...

- i was looking for moreee cute vids, by stalking mr.park's blog...when i found one post, where he wrote 'hyunmini' with video from his WF days....was he referring to mr.kang? aaaahhh...my poor heart...T^T...so cute...it made me so otp-feels. maybe it's just my feeling...but i feel that mr.kang is only cute back when he's with mr.park...it kinda bleed my heart wanting to know what made them broke up and whether they're in good terms or not...considering mr.kang has look emotionless eversince then...when he used to be such a cute kid together with mr. park. well, maybe i'm just too imaginative...it's not like i watch that much...

- they're so perfect together...i want to see them sing together again even if for once....T^T...please oppars...won't you grant this littleold fangirl wish...?

- oh, they were actually a 3-member band up until 2nd album before a member left the group, and i noticed only in 3rd album, mr.park start using the stagename he use until now...it's like, they rebranded themselves with that one member's departure. i do think people only start take notice in them through their 3rd album, which probably remains their most popular release.(and to think some exo-kid-fans dare say they're lucky oppars cover their song or nobody would listen to it...really...../trying really hard to not curse/)

- seeing their 3rd album scans made me really want their albums...huhu...well, not just for the scans but the music too...i mean...how could you not want something cute as this as disc design...

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^ and that's in 90s mind you...

-it's so hard to find their pics though. cmon, i need more of otp pics.


- voice wise...i won't tell which of them i prefer...then you'd probly know which is my fav member(though you probly already know anyway...and though i luff them almost...the same amount...seriously...they're both amazing songwriters, how could i not luff them both?)

- my youtube subscribers are decreasing each time i keep uploading their stuffs....but like...do you think that'll discourage me?...heck the opposite...i'm even more fired up to translate n upload more of their stuffs so that i can get rid of more subs who only subbed bcuz they assume me of being such n such dedicated fangirl for life...haha...i don't work in that business principle way that supply depends on demand cuz...well, it's not like i get paid for this...where passion is the only thing concerned...why should i care for demands? (same goes to fanfic) i'm here to offer what i want to offer and if you hate it...well...unsubscribing is definitely the right decision...rather than scolding me....like what happen at the time i started uploading a couple Rainbow stuffs, and somebody came to complaint that she subscribed to me for some other oppar but i go on uploading someone else...well, boohoo...sorry i upload only what i want to n i never even write i'm a certain dedicated so n so fandom cuz i'm not n never act like i am...even saying it a thousand times...i feel people still label/assume me the way they want to...eh...

- same goes for fanfics...i'm not starved for subscriber/upvote...so if you can't be an active reader who comments...then don't compensate it with upvote or whatnot,...some people did that when i complained about silent reader in one of my fic...and that annoyed me more...ugh. just unsubscribe, stop reading since you have no interest to give me any tiny feedback in return to the lumps of chapters i gave you and just leave cleanly, will do, thank you.

- Oh...i did a video for them(more like, i do translations and subbed videos for their songs...) which turn out looking realllyyyy cheeeesy....-_-...but somehow i feel really fitting to my feels of their situation...the song though...half of it sung by some toddler...and despite my dislike for kids...and my dislike for the song at first...i suddenly grew so attached to it...even the kid's part felt so heartfelt...and i love how the guys sound here too...this is one of mr.park's ballad that proved he's not only good with quirky/upbeat songs...so lil kid fans...here ya go...


and while we're at that, i'll re-share mr. kang's more quirky composition i shared before...

and one of my favs...


And of course...i can't leave this one...it's like...ugh my fav!(currently of course...)


It's composed by mr.park...and i love their rockin' voices...woohoo...and i'm completely in love with the lyrics though it's one of the rare songs where the lyrics were not written by them n i dunno the lyricist but that doesn't mean i should appreciate him/her any less...he/she rocks! (n random but i feel ZE:A's Siwan's sharp voice would totally fit for this kinda song)

Speaking of this song and video...i decide to match the video scenes with the lyrics...and...i also used three of my own personal self taken pics since they matched the verses...they're pics taken in Seoul..i could use more of my own pics taken in Seoul, but that would defeat the purpose...since they're singing about leaving Seoul for a getaway...anyway...if you can guess where the pics specifically taken at/from...then man, you're great...here...the unedited version...(i edited their colours/brightness/etc. in the video)

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i'm soooo in loovee with all the 555 parts...in the song...


- i feel like i want to call mr.kang...hyunmini too...ughhh..../get slapped/...this is all your fault mr.park.


- oh..and...i finally gave in to temptation to 'unveil the mystery of their separation' the fake/fanfic way...i worry it'll be hurtful bcuz i don't know the truth and i'll just assume and fictionalize it according to my observation and assumption of reality...i feel bad for doing this bcuz what if someone who actually knows the truth came across my fiction n get hurt by it? (you may think of me as delulu but i've been approached by singers/not idols btw mostly indie or not popular at the moment/ a few times already bcuz of my posts for them that they came across...it may seem like luck but i also feel embarrassed/burdened/worried of it)...i mean...my gut feeling keep telling me that it seemed like mr.kang doesn't want to have anything to do with mr.park anymore,...n it made me sad n curious at the same time...of what really happened in the past for the once-cute pair to now be like they both exist in different worlds despite both still doing music-did they fought? were there misunderstanding? did one of them changed/hurt/left the other?, so many possibilities to be delved into.... i worry of hurting them...but as a writer-wannabe who love delving into reality n blurring the lines between reality n fiction...this is totally fanfic material that fell right onto me...i really want to write a not-so-fiction fiction of them since i couldn't get real life interaction/answer anymore anyway...i'm not going to ask anyone to check it out since i know how things are played in aff...people read according to what characters they want to read aka their biases etc. mostly...so...when i decide to write this fic, i already am prepared to have no reader...this is what i call write for my ownself, like i've seen many 'great writers' have always advice people to do....:p

i just want to share the poster i made since i like it...well, of course i'd love to have a decent professional looking poster...but i'm too lazy to wait...and i feel i can express what need to be expressed better despite my nonexistent graphic skill lol. i'm quite proud of it...lol.

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^ isn't it cute? [the poster, not toads...no don't you dare come tell me toads are cuter...don't you dare burn my remaining bits of ego/pride]


- That means i'll have to apologize again...other fics that actually have readers will have to wait...my other fics' characters will have to wait too...bcuz i write by feelings, not discipline/market/responsibility...so it's hard for me to write other fics when my feels is full mode for my two cute oppars...(yeep)...i know if you're waiting you might think 'might as well write fic update in the time you use to make this useless embarrassing craptacular fangirly post n keep posting blogpost apologizing for late update for umpteenth time'...but that's the thing...my pace of working depends solely on my feelings...(well, besides the job at workplace that don't require emotional connection n merely feeling of responsibility n honesty/intergrity)...writing blog is damn easy...i don't take long since i just type without thinking...but updating fic is different...i need to think and feel...a lot...speaking of that...i feel kinda down bcuz i feel i'm typecasting my own writing style...in terms of pov...i feel like i keep writing first person though it's more 'professional looking' to write 3rd person pov...i want to try really hard to make a change this time around but...i dunno...first person allows me to logically delve as deep as i want into my characters' minds and hearts...and i like getting close to my characters...i like feeling what they feel, rather than just feeling for them...it's complicated...i'm tired of first person pov...but i can't seem to change it by now that i've done too much of it....it feels awkward to limit my involvement in the inner-built of the characters with 3rd person pov or to write in 3rd person but in that all-knower illogical sense i don't really feel natural even as a storyteller...hmm...oh well....


- back to spazzing..sorry just thought of it...so...i'm quite surprised their 4th album sounded a lil dull to my ears now...but their 3rd album and 5th album totally rockz my world although i do like a song from their 4th album that feels very...them (Let's Take Off- shared above...)...


- surprisingly, their 5th album which is their last, probably had the most light tone and abundance of cutesiness...one song featured that lil kid(the one posted above...last track in the album that feels cryptic/pensive too)...one song is about child and has baby voice in background and their title song has some parts with baby-talk style of lyrics...reminds me of their cute MV for their 3rd album's title song, 'I like You' (okay well, they have two title songs for that album...the other one is Dream of a Doll)...in that 'I like you' MV...there were scenes of mr.kang hanging around with kids while mr.park was busy getting ready to go on a date...which turn out to be mr.kang n the kids...(cutesiness....i had to cover my mouth n make sure to squeal soundlessly haaa) and...i just notice how cute it is that mr.park is the main character in his self-composed's MV n mr.kang is main character in his self-composed MV for their double title tracks. see? everything...of them i'm seeing as cute....T^T...


- the thing is...i acknowledge that both of them aren't some out-of-the-world vocalists...they sound decent, well, good enough for me(ok fine i lied...i think they're awesome n fabulous singers, i just don't want them to get bashed)...but i love them for how well their voices matches their songs...i mean, well...they compose their own songs...what i find interesting is that...they always divide the number of songs they compose in the album very fairly with both members would have same number of songs they compose...even when they had three members...it's the same...each member would have about same/similar amount of songs they compose...i tried a couple of songs from their earlier albums...and i decide i liked the newer rebranded ver. of them better...but maybe i'll try to listen more if i'm done translating all songs i want to trans from their 3rd-5th albums.


- and i love it that i can already tell which one is whose voice despite just started to being obsessed on them...well...if 78 trans in 7 days didn't say anything of the level of my fixation...infatuation...love...craziness now...haha...


- i just miss mr.kang's cheerfulness n carefree smiley cute vibe i get when he was in this group...rather than his cool, chic unapproachable in-the-background appearance afterwards...his cuteness is missed...i want to hear him sing again too...(preferably with mr.parkT^T...and i love some of mr.park's solo i heard too but...they're just the best when together)


- even though i know it's a selfish wish...i wish one of them could reach out for the other and have just a collab again...because the music they made while being a group together just....ugh....rockz!


and their cuteness too. T^T.


So...if any of you read till the end...uhh gratz?
If you read n watch videos this much and still have no little interest in my oppars, then screw you you little tasteless kids...no i mean...seriously..what's with your ears?...no...just...i understand the differing of personal taste and that i just happen to have very-AWESOMEoldskool taste...
If by now, you've developed curiosity/interest in my oppars then yay...hi5! welcome to the 'fandom' now i demand you to start fangirling with me already...

maybe we can begin with my newest translation of their song...


^ trust hyunmini mr.kang to bring dem romantic feels...i think i started listen to this song less than 24 hours ago n how the hell am i already done with the trans? ehhh....i'm in love with the song too...T^T...but as if that's a point worth mentioning...or anything surprising...huh...


Well, pretty sure in a couple minutes i'd be possessed to start new one again n maybe not sleeping to get it done ...surprised i haven't start already...

if you want to watch more of their random stuffs...you can either stalk my yt channel for new uploads or... get some from my earlier spazzy post HERE.


i don't think i've spazzed hyperly fangirly mode on for awhile...blame my oppars for being so awesome ugh...:p

okay...what's creepy is now i don't feel awkward referring to them as 'oppar' at all...when even Shinhwa i saw as 'old oppar' when i first got into them...but these dudes are even older...but....oppars....<3

Not to deny their cuteness as is...but really...i think their music n singing n passion are what make a singer the most attractive...don't ya agree?


- i'm willing to fly to Kr just to watch them if ever they reunite for a concert or sth...but only if it's fully collab...not one do concert n the other guest for just a couple songs...i need more...one full reunion concert please...and i'd be satisfied...T^T...(not really but well yeah...)


ps: yes, i know the right spelling is 'oppa'...when i say 'oppar'...it's not intended to give same connotation as 'oppa'...

pps: seeing as to how many heartbleeds i had in this post alone...isn't it a wonder i'm still alive writing this?


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the poster IS CUTE!!!