My Birthday

So on Friday I turned 21 and I didn't really want to do anything for my birthday because I'm not a party kind of person. I'm all about the birthday cards anyway, people don't even have to get me presents. I'm very happy with just a card!

Anyway, my dad and I planned to go camera shopping yesterday since I need a new camera for KCON and any other future KPOP concerts I may want to go to. So in honor of my birthday, he wanted to take me out to eat, just a father/daughter night.

I don't like to go out and eat, but he kept insisting, so inevitably I gave up and said I'd go. So we spent a good two hours in Best Buy picking out a camera (which cost me $300 btw so it better take some damn good pictures and videos for that kind of money).

Anyway, well we got to the restaurant and when we walked into it and through double doors to what ended up being their banquet hall, here my parents had planned out this whole surprise party for me with my family, friends, and coworkers (if only Infinite was there too haha)

I was so surprised because if you know me well, you would know that I can't be surprised with anything, but they got me so good!

The point to this story is that this is what was on my cake....

Yes, my mom told me that she snuck in my room one day when I was at work, took a few of the photo cards that I got from turningpoint's ray of sunshine birthday support, and put them on my birthday cake lol. The funniest part of it was my dog kept watching her as she was going in my room. Apparently my little "guard" dog doesn't like it when people go in my room when I'm not there.

Oh, and on another note, turningpoint wished me a happy birthday so that made my night too!

Just wanted to share that with y'all because I thought the cake was pretty freaking amazing! haha


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Firstly, happy belated birthday! :D Also, that is one daebak cake! and yay for getting birthday wishes that are gyuriffic!
awwww. happy belated birthday~ ♥
My birthday is in roughly two weeks
I want a zico cake like that :DD
And belated happy birthday ♥♥
Happy bornday :)