〈 ESSENCE 。{ Hwang, Kyuhee } 〉


Hwang Kyuhee

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the basics.

name » Hwang Kyuhee (황규희)

nickname(s) »
» Yuyu (유유) - A shorter version of her name that many people had accustomed in calling her.
» Yui (유이) - When her family and friends try to be playful with her, this is the best nickname to call her.
» Kitty (키티) - Another nickname that close friends love calling her. Like a kitten, she loves snuggling and cuddling.

birthplace & birthday » Seoul, South Korea
» 12/25/94 (20 years old)

hometown » Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean-Chinese

language » Korean (fluent) - This is her native language. She also grew up in Korea.
» Mandarin & Cantonese (fluent) - Her mother's a Chinese and would talk to her in Mandarin sometimes in Cantonese too.
face claim » Seolhyun (AOA)

backup face claim » Mina (AOA)


appearance » Kyuhee has a long brown wavy hair that falls down just above her stomach. She likes having her hair dyed but she sticks with the hues of brown. She has hazelnut brown eyes that are a bit rounded but chinky too. She has chubby cheeks that sometimes others would of being fat. Kyuhee knows though that she isn't that slim so it's okay for her when they . Just don't go overboard! :)) She stands 167 cm and weighs 47 kg, making her a bit underweight. Her lips are naturally pink color that people would often ask her if she's wearing lipstick. Kyuhee has a small mole beside her lips, although it's still pretty visible. She has a birth mark on her right shoulder with a size of a nail of the thumb and it's shape resembles a heart.

style »Kyuhee loves to dress up with classy, preppy, and sporty clothes. She would go for knitted tops, or loose cotton shirts, and sometimes would go for vintage looks. She doesn't consider herself stylish but she always want to look presentable. (Who doesn't anyway? :D) She loves to wear cottony soft t-shirts and blouses. She seldom wear tank tops or clothes that would reveal much of her arms because she feels conscious about it. She likes long sleeves and also cardigans and hoodies. She's in love with skirts. All kinds. Pencil skirt, flowy skirts, or even the balloon style of skirts; name it. She owns lots. She'd pair it with any of her blouses. She also like dresses that are simple. Kyuhee loves jumpers as well, but those dress kind of jumpers (the one with skirts). She collects different kinds of hats but most especially beanies. She'd wear them every time she thinks it suits her clothes for the day. She also like to wear crop shirts and pair it with high-waisted shorts or skinny jeans. Kyuhee likes to wear shorts as well. May it be denim or not, she still likes it. She's not usually seen wearing shorts and jeans though for she had always preferred skirts and dresses. Although sometimes, she'd wear stockings as well with different colors and designs (under skirts or those cute white shorts) and then pair it with t-shirts or knitted blouses. She just want to dress simply and doesn't like loud accents and such. Any color would do for her although she'd usually go for white, baby pink, powder blue, or even mint. She's not much of a dark-colored clothes fanatic but when it requires, she prefers black and red. Kyuhee doesn't like going out with just using slippers, so she usually wear sneakers, boots, a pair of Mary Jane's, or even oxfords. But, she collects lots of different colors and designs of sneakers. She just feels so comfortable wearing them. She's not much of a collector of jewelries or accessories. Kyuhee prefers wristwatches or anklets though. Sometimes, Kyuhee would clip ribbon on her hair as well but it would just be small.

" Don't let your loneliness eat you."

" In everything you do, always give your 100%. "


the girl next door.


plotline » The Dancer

personality »
( - ) Dominating, obstinate, self-satisfied, arrogant, melodramatic
( o ) Determined, dreamy, emotional, unpredictable
( + ) Kind, sweet, loyal, hopeful, confident

"Aigoo. You're not doing it right. Listen to me, arasso? It should be like this..." As strong as she may be, Kyuhee is a born leader. She knows her limits but that doesn't mean she can't lead as well. She is controlling at times that others would really feel annoyed at her. Sometimes others would think that who does she think she is because of this personality. She doesn't want others to be telling her what to do and can be very rude if others try to dominate her as well. Although, her group and the company are an exception to this. (There are still times that still she doesn't want to listen to them. Haish. Kyuhee really is unpredictable.) But for other people, she can be very hard-headed and at the same time influential as she would try to talk others out with her ideals and principles and would impose it on them. With this, Kyuhee can be a stubborn person as well. She will not change her opinion as she truly believes that what she knows are far more better than other ideals but she would do this to other people. She knows that she has this weird personality but as much as she wants to change it, she doesn't know how to. Ah, Kyuhee can be a little smug about herself too. She wouldn't hesitate on sharing her achievements as she is very proud of herself and thinks that she is also an important person that others can't live without. Uh huh. Too conceited that others would love to smack her head hard on the wall. But despite being an obstinate and arrogant person, she still is a nice girl that's why others would just let her be. Kyuhee can be overly emotional as well that sometimes she'd do dramatic acts over little problems to which others would just roll their eyes on her. A true melodramatic person at heart. Kyuhee is also the kind of girl who is self-assured, yet can still be sensitive. Kyuhee doesn't like critics so much and would take it in and bury it deep inside her heart. She may seem that it doesn't affect her, but if people would just dig deeper, they would discover how she has a lot of insecurities. That's why she would masked it up with her self-confidence. She forgives but definitely not forgets. Kyuhee is just really thankful that despite having so much flaws and shortcomings, she couldn't be more grateful because her friends have accepted her of who she is.

"Alright! We can perfect this routine. Trust me." Give her a task, then she'll do it with 100% determination. Whenever they're practicing, she won't joke and would just be serious in what she's doing as dancing and performing are her passion. She always like to see the endings or outcomes of all things she does that's why she would always do her best. She had always been like this ever since she was young and Giving up is not in her dictionary. Nothing can faze this lass as she believes that anything is possible. Kyuhee loves to daydream especially when she's free and she has nothing to do. she likes to imagine things and sometimes she's stuck in her own world that other people are becoming curious on what's happening inside her otherworldly mind. She thinks that this is her way to relax herself despite all the things that she has yet to accomplish. Daydreaming is one of her favorite past time and sometimes when she's in this state, no one could actually talk to her or could make her snap out of it (well, on some occasions only though).  Kyuhee can be emotional at times too. She can easily cry with whatever reasons she has. She would cry if she felt touched or moved because someone had done something good to others or to her. Kyuhee is just like that, she's really weird. But the good kind. Kyuhee would cry if she feels really sad about something even though she doesn't have to feel to. There was this one time where one of her friends confided to her about her sad life, and found Kyuhee crying instead. Even though she's like that, Kyuhee can be amicable too. She likes to listen to other people. When she feels that someone is sad, she'd gladly lend her ears to listen to others, lend her shoulders for others to lean on, and lend a helping hand for them to feel better and be guided. She doesn't like the feeling of being abandoned, so as much as possible, she doesn't do that to other people as well. Kyuhee would love to offer anyone a hug when they need it. That benefits her too though since she really love warm hugs~! Oh, Kyuhee is a very unpredictable person as well. Whenever people try to talk to her, sometimes she can't help herself but blurt out things that are weird that others would freak out for life. But other times, she would be really sweet and understanding. She can be kind now but later she'd do something mischievous that others might actually hate her for life. For her, it's all about fun and happiness but she knows when to get serious and when she is, she is really formal and won't joke around that bothers other people as she is not normally like that.

"Let's do this together, girls! I love you all." Kyuhee is a girl who is really nice to people despite having a strong facade. She is very friendly that people practically likes to talk to her and be with her. She is very charming in a way that she doesn't have to try hard because it just comes out naturally. Kyuhee is also a sweet person. Others wouldn't actually think of her as this because she really looks like she doesn't care but Kyuhee's unpredictable, people do not know what's running inside her mind. She is very warm inside. She would unexpectedly do something for others that they do not imagine her of doing. There was an instant that one of the members got sick, expectedly she wouldn't go near that person as she is a health freak and wouldn't want to get caught fever as well. But what she did amaze everyone else. She took care of that member without hesitation. Even went out to buy medicines. That's when they knew how sweet of a person she is. Kyuhee is a loyal person as well. She has shown deep faith to their group's leader and would often cheer her on. She will not turn her back on her friends/members/sisters as she treasures them and loves them so much. The same goes with their company. She is very faithful to them that she doesn't want to break any rules. She feels like she owes a lot with the company that's why she had devoted herself to the institution. Kyuhee is also the kind of person who is very sanguine. Expect her to be cheerful at difficult situations as she wants to succeed in everything she does. This is not just for herself, but for her friends as well. She would do everything for them not to feel discouraged if they are faced in trials. She believes that if they're together, they can conquer anything. Kyuhee is the kind of girl that others would feel like she's really oozing of confidence. This may cause others to feel intimidated by her but for some they appreciate this personality of hers as she lets them feel that they can do anything. Truthfully, she really is an assured and outgoing girl. She stands up high and looks like nothing may faze this lass.


trivias »


• Music Her love for music developed at an early year and was hone with the help of her parents.  Kyuhee would always find music relaxing. It helps her to feel at ease whenever she’s nervous or anxious. She believes that she lives for music. 
• The sea ; As a kid, her parents would also bring her to the beach and they would have a fun picnic there. Ever since, she loves going to the beach and would just play by the shore. She’d collect seashells and would watch the fish swim around. She has this weird fondness for nautical stuff that’s why she likes spending time by the beach as well. 
• Color green ; Her favorite color is green. She thinks that this is really light to the eyes and doesn’t hurt your eyesight. She’s not obsessive over all green things though but she’d like it every time she owns a green pen or a green notebook.
• Books ; Her close friends would often that she has a relationship with books because she loves to read and she’s always seen bringing books anywhere. It doesn’t matter if she had read the book already, as long as it’s her favorite, she’d read it over and over again. 
• Art galleries and museums ; She has deep appreciation for art as well and she was fond of visiting museums and art galleries ever since her class had a field trip in a museum when she was in preschool. Sometimes, she would ask her parents to bring her to museums instead of amusement parks. 
• Snow ; Kyuhee’s birthday falls in winter and so she had this extra fondness for snow. She loves playing with snow even just by their garden. She likes the feeling of it on her hands and she’d feel bubblier whenever it’s snowing.
• Fruits ; This girl's a health freak. For her, her desserts are fruits.
• Turtles ; Since Kyuhee likes sea creatures so much, she had bought a turtle as a pet. She named it Wobby. She really likes turtles and would also buy key chains with turtles as designs. Kyuhee just find their animated form so cute that’s why she loves them so much.
• Hugging ; Living up to her nickname of Kitty, Kyuhee really likes to cuddle and for her another version of cuddling is hugging. She loves hugs so much because she had read before that it increases the feelings of another to be more at comfort. Even she, herself, feels a lot better when someone hugs her or when she hugs someone. It is something inevitable for Kyuhee. For her at least 5 hugs a day would be great.
• Old films ; Citizen Kane? Meet me in St. Louis? Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? Name it, Kyuhee loves to watch old films. Musical or not, she is fond of watching old movies for she believes that they are treasure. From the cinematography, to the script, the scoring, camera movements, and the acting, it really astounds her.


• Cockroaches! ; Especially those flying ones? Oh my God. Seriously, right? “They’re not butterflies. UGH.” These creatures creep the hell out of Kyuhee. She would really panic whenever she sights them. Kyuhee often refers to these pests as,“ENEMIES! ENEMIES!” Yes, you guessed it right. She shouts whenever there are cockroaches but to the flying ones only. She hates them to the core that she could practically hear their wings even though she can’t see it yet and that would make her more cautious until she sees it and would let someone else kill it. 
• Thunderstorms Basically, Kyuhee has fear for lightning; the main reason she doesn’t like thunderstorms. She would practically freak out whenever the weather’s not so good. Everyday Kyuhee would check the weather updates just to see if there would be thunderstorms.
• Judgments She admits that she can be very insecure that's why verdicts don't work for her. Although she knows it’s inevitable, she still dislike it.
• Amusement park rides She may be found wandering around amusement parks but don’t expect to see her riding those extreme rides. Even as a kid, she wasn’t fond of riding them. Part of her, she’s afraid she might be killed because of it. Another part because for her, they don’t seemed to be fun.
• Medicines “Eek~! What’s that taste?!” Kyuhee gets sick easily.  Even though she would take medicines (when needed), she still doesn’t like its taste. She would usually find herself feeling queasiness instead.

• Junk food ; For her, just like what the name suggests, it's junk. No one will benefit from eating this.
• Dust Another enemy of Kyuhee. She’s allergic to dust, that’s why sometimes she can’t help with sweeping the floor because of her allergy. Whenever she would inhale dust, she’d sneeze non-stop and then she would catch colds for a whole week. Sometimes, her face would become reddish as well.
• Stuffed toys No offense to the other girls who loves stuffed toys, Kyuhee isn’t that fond of these. For some unknown reason, she just doesn’t like them. Still of course, she would keep those given by her close friends, but it would be kept in storage or put on display in cabinets. She loves soft pillows though.


• Scrunches her nose when annoyed People would go quickly away from her when they see her doing this as it means that she's totally pissed off and she could eat anyone whole. Kidding!
• Bites lower lip when in deep thoughts ; Kyuhee has this weird habit that while thinking she’d bite her lip and unconsciously staring at someone without her really seeing. This means that she really is in deep thoughts and is lost in her own frenzied mind.

• Jogs every 5:00am ; She had developed this habit ever since she was in middle school.
• Hugs her friends upon seeing them ; She loves hugs so much that’s why she’d hug her close friends whenever she sees them. Even early in the morning, she’d hugged them as a greeting. Her friends would just let Kyuhee do her thing though. And Kyuhee couldn’t be any happier because of this. 


• Practicing her dance moves ; Kyuhee had always loved dancing and she would practice it whenever she's in a spacious space. She'd plug in her earphones and then she'd let herself be drowned in the music as she dances to it.
• Listening to music ; This very much relaxes her as well especially when she’s listening to mellow songs. If she’s travelling or just simply doing something that doesn’t let her feel to be distracted, she’d listen to music. It helps her mind to be active even when she’s on idle mode. She loves dancing to the beat.
• Going for a walk ; Sometimes Kyuhee feels a little restless that’s why she likes taking a walk around the neighborhood or at the park or practically just anywhere. She wouldn’t be afraid taking a stroll in the evening, she would just bring with her a bottle of pepper spray and her phone’s ready to call her friends just in case something might happen.


— Kyuhee also owns an Instagram and Twitter accounts with same usernames: @hwangkh25
— She's a total health freak. She doesn't like junk food neither sodas. Although, dark chocolates are always an exception and would call it, "The healthy kind of sin."
— Loves to doodle at the back of her notebooks. She's a frustrated artist. :))
— She loves SHINee, EXO, Girls' Generation, 2NE1, f(X), Melody Day, Big Bang, and HIGH4.
— Kyuhee likes turtles. Well, she loves underwater stuff actually.
— She’s good in playing the guitar and once tried to study the violin and she was also good too. She plays the drums as well.
— Aside from turtles, she likes starfish.
— One of her childhood dreams was to become an astronaut and an actress.
— She believes in the supernatural.
— Her favorite place is the Han River.
— Kyuhee loves backpacks (with nautical designs) and also messenger bags.
— She’s admittedly afraid of dogs (But she can manage when they're all warm and cute and not angry) that’s why she had always prefer fish and turtles as pets.
— Her favorite fruit is watermelon.
— She has 3 super soft pillows excluding the other soft pillow she sleeps on.
— Likes listening to music before going to sleep until she’s in her deep slumber.
— Kyuhee’s a frustrated rapper.

— She's left handed.
— She’s fond of babies. She would wave at them whenever she sees them.
— She doesn’t like soups or broths.
— No boyfriend since birth, only lots of crushes.

— Kyuhee loves receving letters. She keeps them in a large box and likes to read it again from time to time.
— She also likes notes. Just simple words like, "Hi Kyuhee!" She'd already keep that. Sometimes, she would pin it on her cork board.

— On her IG account, no selfies are uploaded. Just sceneries and candid shots of people.
— Even though her nickname is also kitty, she does not like cats much.
— Her ideal man though is T.O.P of Big Bang.
— She likes plants too. That's why in her room, she has a plant on her desk.
— She's addicted to K-dramas and Taiwanese dramas.




TRAINING TIME » 3 years (Main Dancer)

PREDEBUT/TRAINING LIFE » Kyuhee's trainee life was one heck of a rollercoaster ride. She admits that it wasn't easy but it was not that hard as well as this is her passion and her goal. Whenever she doesn't have classes, she's likely to be in SM Entertainment practicing and/or training with her co-trainees as well. She became friends with her co-trainees as they were all charming and kind as well but sometimes they would feel annoyed with Kyuhee whenever she's in her egotistical mode on. She doesn't mean to be rude or anything, but she can really be conceited at times that people around her would just feel irked with. Although, as time passes by, they already know the real warm-hearted Kyuhee and they've accepted her fully despite having flaws. Kyuhee would often cheer everyone on whenever they train so they would always feel motivated and they would focus with their dreams and their goals. Other trainees know that Kyuhee's experienced in trainings as well because she already had been casted as backup dancers in other agencies and oftentimes ask for her help with regards dancing as this was her forte. She also admits that her trainee life was a real challenge and criticisms hurt her, but that didn't stop her to move forward as she really wanted this. Basically, her co-trainees and her would always be eager to be greater and learn from their mistakes as well. Before, Kyuhee's goal was to be the best. But now, she wants ESSENCE to be NUMBER 1 and the BEST among the REST.

PREDEBUT EXPERIENCES » Kyuhee became a backup dancer at a young age for different agencies before she became a trainee in SM Entertainment. She was a backup dancer in the MVs of I need a Girl (Dance Ver.) by Taeyang, Bubble Pop by Hyuna, Ma Boy by Sistar19, You & I, Good Day (Jap. Ver.) both by IU, and Hot Summer by f(x).
TALENT TWINS » Seolhyun (AOA) + Lizzy (After School) + Minzy (2NE1) + Seolhyun (AOA).
ON STAGE PERSONALITY » Kyuhee's basically the one who will not be afraid to answer questions from the emcees after their performance. Sometimes, she'd be teased as the Public Relations Officer of Essence because she won't hesitate in answering questions thrown to them by anyone and she would often advertise their group as well through her social media accounts. She's very bubbly and talkative on stage. People knows her to be the most ebullient of the group. Kyuhee doesn't have a stage fright so she's always on the go whenever they're performing or when they are casted in variety shows. She's often seen cheering for her co-members and also to other groups (may it be their label mates or not). She's also known for saying witty remarks that people really find entertaining. Basically, she really is a people's person and she doesn't have to try hard as it just comes out naturally.


home is where your heart is.

background »

On a cold winter's night of December 25, 1994, an angel was sent from heaven to Hwang Myunghan and Ren Fuzhen. They named their little angel, Hwang Kyuhee. Kyuhee's family belong to the average status as both of her parents have jobs that were sustainable for them. Her father, Myunghan, was a full blooded Korean whilst her mother, Fuzhen, was a full blooded Chinese who spent almost all of her life in South Korea. The couple would often fly to China for vacation and then would go back to South Korea. When Kyuhee was born to the world, they decided to just settle there and would visit China every summer vacation to visit Fuzhen's parents who moved back in China after Fuzhen graduated college. After a year of giving birth to Kyuhee, they had another offspring and named him Hwang Kyuhyun. Fuzhen had taught Kyuhee and Kyuhyun Mandarin and Cantonese so that the two would not forget that they were also half Chinese. The very reason why they were fluent in both languages. When Kyuhee was 7 years old, her father had an offer from a large television corporation in China to be a graphic artist and the pay was really high so he accepted it. Supposedly, the whole family would move there but the youngsters insisted on just living in South Korea and their wish was granted because they really could see that Kyuhee and Kyuhyun were happy in there. Every year, their father would come home for the holidays. On the other hand, Fuzhen works as a theater actress and sometimes she would also have appearances in TV Shows as she was greatly sought because of her great acting skills. Kyuhee and Kyuhyun had also the same interest with the arts and just like the others would say, "It runs in their blood".

At a young age, Kyuhee's already fond of dancing and singing. She would perform in front of the elders and would not feel shy at all. Ever since then, they knew that she would be an outgoing and confident young woman. Kyuhee also insisted that time that she wants to attend dance class because she finds dancing greater and she would like to be the best dancer someday. Her parents had let her attend dance school as they know that she really wanted this. When she was in middle school, her interest for performing arts heightened and she attended Sunhwa Arts School then. With her focus was still in dancing, she had developed a deep interest as well for theater acting and had joined both dance club and theater club. She still didn't stop her dance classes and during at that time she would train everyday for dancing after school. During her high school years, Kyuhee enrolled in Hanlim Multi Art School as she knows that they also specialize in the performing arts scene. That was when she had met Krystal and they became best friends. Kyuhee would also dance for school activities together with the whole dance troupe of their school. She would also go for auditions for backup dancers in other agencies and she's always blessed that she always gets a spot. She was lucky enough to be a backup dancer in YG Entertainment for Taeyang's MV of I Need a Girl with Sandara Park. She also became a backup dancer for IU's songs Good Day (Jap. Ver.) and You&I, also for Sistar19's Ma Boy. She also danced for HYUNA in Bubble Pop. Krystal then also invited her to be a backup dancer for their MV in Hot Summer when one of the dancers had back out. Since then, Krystal encouraged her to audition for SM Entertainment as an official trainee because she very well knows about the dreams of Kyuhee.

Krystal never gave up on encouraging Kyuhee to audition. At first, Kyuhee didn't want to because one condition of her parents was to finish her studies first before venturing fully to the entertainment industry. But nonetheless, they had also supported her when she told them she wanted to audition in SM Entertainment. When Kyuhee told Krystal her decision, the latter couldn't be any happier. Kyuhee successfully passed the auditions and became a trainee. She was still in high school at that time and her studies got even better because she feels really motivated. After graduating high school she pursued her college studies while being a trainee, Kyuhee entered Korea National University of Arts and took up Dance Performance as her major and Vocal Music as her minor. Her schedule in college wasn't that tight that's why she was able to balance well her studies with trainings. Even though sometimes she feels tired already, she would remind herself that this was the steps for her dreams and so she'll feel inspired again plus her co-trainees were really great and they've became close friends as well. Also, with the encouragements from her family, Hayeon, Krystal, and Kyungsoo, she would always strive her best. That's how her dreams became closer to her reach.


family » 


Father | Hwang Myunghan (FC: Kwon Sangwoo) | 53 |Graphic Artist |Protective, funny, supportive
"Appa! How are you? I miss you so much!"
Myunghan is a funny and supportive father to his 2 children. He's working as a Graphic Artist in a large television company in China. He loves to tell jokes and make the mood lighter. He always treat Kyuhee a princess as she's his only daughter. Of course, Fuzhen is the queen. Kyuhee often confides to him as well they're pretty close despite the distance. He would often call Kyuhee and her brother every Friday night to check on them. He's also a protective father towards his 3 children. As much as possible, he would provide them what they want and need and spoil them as much as he wants too.

Mother | Ren Fuzhen (FC: Choi Jiwoo) | 51 |Theater Actress |Loving, sweet, strict
"Omma~! I think I've met my new crush! He's such a great dancer~"
Fuzhen is a loving and caring mother to her three offspring. Although, she is considered to be stricter than Myunghan. Fuzhen works as a theater actress in South Korea. Fuzhen is close to Kyuhee as the latter would love to share her secrets to her mother. She would tell her whenever she has a new crush already and would ask some advice on what to do. Fuzhen had always been supportive to Kyuhee and she doesn't mind when the girl has developed new crushes again..

Not-so-little Brother | Hwang Kyuhyun (FC: Yim Youngjun) | 19 |Student |Outgoing, protective, caring
"Dongsaeng~! Let's buy cake later, arasso? Noona loves you!"
Kyuhee loves to spoil Kyuhyun. Whenever his younger brother wants something, she'd gladly buy it for him. (She has her own savings.) He's currently in his first year in college and followed the footsteps of his noona, he studied in Korea National University of Arts and tool up Cinematography as his major. Kyuhee would always pinch his cheeks as she always thought he's so cute. Kyuhyun would just let her do what she wants. Yes, he may be younger than Kyuhee. But sometimes he'd act more maturely than the girl and he developed a sense of over protectiveness towards his noona. He's definitely taller than Kyuhee but he wouldn't hesitate to act child like whenever Kyuhee wants to be sweet to him. He loves his noona so much and he appreciates her. Kyuhyun is really close with Kyuhee and more comfortable in sharing his thoughts with her.


friends »


Best Friend | Kang Hayeon (FC: Kim Jiwon) | 21 | Student | Mischievous, bubbly, blunt
"Hayeon-ah, please motivate me~ Kekeke!"
Hayeon and Kyuhee met when they were still young. They were neighbors then and ever since they were insperable. They would always attend school together and no one could separate the two of them. When they grew up, they would buy things that are the same and sometimes other people would tease them for being twins but they don't mind as they really treat each other as real sisters. Hayeon always protects Kyuhee as she knows how child like can Kyuhee be. She has the role of an older sister to Kyuhee and would do anything just to make her best friend happy. Hayeon would call Kyuhee in the middle of the night whenever she caught herself in a dilemma and Kyuhee would always love to help her out. They stayed by each other's side and would continue cheering each other. She also studied in K-Arts but different courses with Kyuhee. She's majoring in Acting.

Close Friend | Do Kyungsoo | 22 | Idol (EXO) | Caring, calm, kind
"Kyungie oppa~ Sing for me, please? /eyes sparkle/"
Kyungsoo and Kyuhee became friends when she started being a trainee in SM Entertainment. They've met when Kyungsoo happened to watch the girl trainees practice. (He doesn't have anything to do then.) Kyuhee was quite the outgoing girl and during that time, Kyungsoo hasn't debuted in EXO yet. She befriended Kyungsoo and they totally jived. His calm personality goes well with the cheerful personality of Kyuhee. Whenever the girl would have problems, he would listen to her and comfort her. Kyuhee had always wanted an older brother and Kyungsoo was the perfect candidate. Even after debuting in EXO, Kyungsoo would still hang out with Kyuhee during his free time.

Best Friend | Jung Soojung | 20 | Idol (f(X) | Quiet, kind, charming
"Soojung-ah~! I missed you. Gimme a hug!"
Soojung or widely known as Krystal is one of the best friends of Kyuhee. They've met when they were in high school because they were classmates and also seat mates at that time. Krystal admittedly is a reserved type of girl and the friendly Kyuhee became shy when they became seat mates as she was aware that Krystal was an idol. A project came and the students need to pair up. Kyuhee wasn't classmates with Hayeon that time and since Krystal was her seat mate, Kyuhee asked her if she wants to be partners. Krystal gladly accepted the offer and since then they became best of friends as well. Kyuhee would help her with assignments when she missed them because of shoots for dramas or even MVs. Krystal was also the one to nominate Kyuhee as their backup dancer when they needed another one for Hot Summer. She was also the one to encourage Kyuhee to audition in SM Entertainment. They were also inseparable and would always cheer each other on. Whenever they were free and they were at the building, the two would sneak out to buy some food and would talk to each other endlessly. It's like they never run out of topics and the two were really happy for that. They believe that they really are sisters.


the one and only.

love interest » Kim Jongin / Kai (EXO)

backup love interest » Huang Zitao / Tao (EXO)


personality »
( - ) Blunt, aloof, shy, forgetful
( o ) Determined, quiet, reserved, self-conscious
( + ) Sweet, caring, genuine, passionate

"What you did was annoying. It's okay if you don't apologize, but please, don't do it next time. Thank you." Jongin or well-known as Kai, may sometimes turn out to be a direct person. Yes, he may be quiet and shy but he's also not afraid to speak what he wants to say as not saying anything will not solve a problem especially to those people he's comfortable with. He would also tell if they did something wrong or if they have offended him because he wants everything to be okay. He doesn't like holding grudges that's why as much as possible, he would confront people and not sugarcoat things. He doesn't mean to be rude, but sometimes, there aren't any nice words to cover up things. Kai also has a tendency of being distant to others especially when he's not in the mood. He'd be all antisocial mode and would plug in his earphones then would stay away from people as far as possible. During trainings, if he's in this indifferent self, even during breaks he would practice dancing just so his co-members won't pester him. They already know the drill and they would just let him be. When he's being aloof, the trick would be, others should not put this action of his into heart to not get hurt. Kai is a shy person off cam and event sometimes on cam, he may be bashful especially when meeting new people and doing interviews. He confessed that it's like he's saying his thoughts to everyone and he's not that comfortable with that. But nonetheless, Kai tries his best not to be awkward. This young man can be forgetful at times as well. When he's really in need, he would sometimes borrow stuff or even money with his hyungs but then he would forget to pay up until they would remind him to do so. He doesn't forget dance steps as that's what he loves to do but occasionally fails to remember other important things.

"I know that we can surpass all the trials we face." Kai has always been the determined guy. Even if he falls, he would stand up again, head held high, and would finish what he started. He won't hesitate in giving his all whenever he practices in dance and in singing. Kai is also known as one of the quiet members in EXO. If he doesn't need to talk, he won't. He would just sit there and observe everyone. He'll laugh with them when he finds his hyungs really funny. He's just more in that type rather than being the troll. But he would not hesitate in speaking some jokes too or say some witty remarks. He has a good sense of humor so people find it really funny and cute whenever he's being playful. Although, most of the time he's just calm. Kai can be restrained in words and actions too. Like he had stated before, it feels like he's being too open and saying his thoughts to everyone and he's a bit uncomfortable with that. He acts maturely for his age (but of course, he won't forget his childlike trait) and really is a reserved young man that's why he's oozing in charisma that everyone is drawn to. Sometimes, Kai can feel embarrassed easily that's why his co-members don't always as he may be very self-conscious in everything he does. It's not always a good thing since sometimes he won't be confident anymore and that's what they're trying to avoid. He may seem confident when performing, but sometimes he could be so nervous and tries his best not to forget the steps so everything would be perfect.

"Are you okay? Do you need help? I can assist you with that." Kai is a very sweet person too that's why a lot of people really like him. If he sees someone who's in need of aid, he'd gladly offer he's help as he is a kind person. He can move anyone with his own little ways that he's not even trying too hard. It comes out naturally and it's just a proof on how warmhearted this guy is despite having a cold facade. Kai is really caring and he wouldn't hesitate on looking out for people who are dear to him or to others whom he do not know personally. He knows when someone needs help and contrary to his shy personality, he'd really muster all his courage so that he could help anyone. He's the kind of person who really gets concerned with the welfare of others. To his hyungs, they really appreciate him because even though he's younger, he'd look out for them. For a shy person like him, he doesn't hesitate in smiling to others as he believes with just a simple gesture, someone's day will be great too. He is really genuine to what he says and what he do. That's why people really appreciate him because he's honest. His actions would be full of sincerity and no sense of pretending. That's why, if others make him really happy, they feel fulfillment because that means he truly appreciates it. Kai is a passionate person and he really loves what he does and his work. For some people, they just want the limelight but that would be different with Kai as it is really obvious that he lives to perform and this is what he really likes to do. From his facial expressions to his powerful moves, anyone knows that Kai loves dancing and would always put his all as this is his dream. Kai has always been a benevolent kind of person. He's naturally kind-hearted and doesn't like the feeling of doing wrong things. He cares for a lot of people as he always treasure them and would always keep his friends and family close to his heart.



love story »

HOW THEY MET? - While Kai was busy practicing his dance moves, Kyuhee was roaming around the practice rooms and heard a music playing in one of the rooms so she peeked and saw Kai dancing. She was watching in awe and silently went inside as she sat in an indian sitting position by the door and continued to observe Kai. "Omo~ His moves are so powerful." She muttered. Kai was still so busy that he didn't notice Kyuhee there. When the music stopped that's the time he saw Kyuhee and their eyes met on their reflection on the mirror. Kyuhee's jaw dropped. "KYAAA~! I'm so sorry, sunbaenim!" With panic, she stood up immediately and bowed a few times at Kai. He chuckled. "Gwenchana." Kai tends to be shy in meeting people. But when he saw the amazed expression of Kyuhee when she saw him dancing, he had the feeling of befriending her. He felt appreciated with just that expression of hers and he admits to it that he liked it. That's why, when he was about to ask for her name he got surprised when he was about to ask for her name but because of adrenaline rush, Kyuhee bowed for the last time and quickly turned her heel and started running away from him. Kai was left there dumbfounded and he just smiled inwardly.

When the whole SM had a meeting, including all of the aspiring groups and those who have debuted already, Kai spotted Kyuhee easily and saw her talking to the production team, to Krystal, and also her co-trainees. "She must be a trainee." Kai muttered. He was curious as to what was her strength... 'Singing or dancing? I hope it's dancing.' He thought. After the meeting, he noticed that Kyungsoo made his way to Kyuhee and talked to her casually. He asked Sehun, who happened to be sitting beside him, if he knows who was Kyungsoo talking with. Sehun looked and shook his head. "I don't know her, bro. But the girl beside her is Kwon Yebin. Maybe she's also another trainee?" Kai just nodded. When Kyungsoo returned, he noticed that Kai was looking at him. So the shorter guy approached him instead. Kai then said his dilemma to Kyungsoo and the latter just laughed. "If you want to meet her, you could just have told me instead of looking so frustrated there. Come on, I'll introduce her to you." Kai was hesitant at first as he thinks that maybe Kyuhee would think of him as a creep but Kyungsoo told him to brush the idea off.

"Jongin-ah, this is Hwang Kyuhee. Kyuhee-ah, meet Kim Jongin." Kyuhee's face was unreadable. It was a mixture of shock and giddiness that made Kai nervous. After a few seconds, she smiled and shook hands with him.

"Jongin-ssi, I'm really sorry for what had happened last time. It's nice to meet you." Kyuhee flashed him her signature eye-smile and Kai couldn't help but blush. Kyungsoo was curious with that but nonetheless, decided to leave them quietly.

"It's okay. Um. Please don't be formal with me. Just call me, Jongin. Is it okay to call you, Kyuhee?"

"Of course! Yuyu or Yui even! Kitty too. I don't mind."

Ever since then they became friends.

RELATIONSHIP - After their meeting, Kai and Kyuhee would often talk to each other whenever they meet. At first, Kai would still feel shy whenever Kyuhee was around but the girl would always double her efforts so that Kai would be at ease when he's talking to her as well. Kai had given credit to Kyuhee with this and decided to man up because he doesn't want Kyuhee the only one to be doing some efforts so they can be close. Kai did his best to open up with Kyuhee and even tripled his efforts just so the girl would know that he wants their friendship as well. They became close in a short span of time, thanks to the friendly nature of Kyuhee and the caring trait of Kai. People around them got a bit surprised since Kai was really close to her and they look like they're comfortable with each other and it seems like they know themselves for a long time already. The two would hang out after trainings as well and sometimes Krystal would tease Kyuhee that she's forgetting her already but Krystal would just let them bond with each other as she always have lots of time and chance to be with Kyuhee.

When Kai debuted in EXO, their hang outs lessened because unexpectedly, the group had boomed worldwide and they were always busy. But that didn't stop the two with their closeness. Whenever he's free, Kai would call or text Kyuhee so he can catch up with her. They would talk like there's no end and sometimes other people find them silly because they were really clingy to each other. What they didn't know was Kai was the one who was clingier and that even surprised Kyuhee. He would pout and feel annoyed when Kyuhee's talking to other guys. Kyuhee would about this but she was fine with it as she always felt happy when she's with Kai or whenever she's just simply talking with him. Although Kai admits to be the clingier one, Kyuhee has her fair share of that trait too. When Kai's flying over to another country for concerts, Kyuhee can't sometimes handle the thought of him going away and she'd cry her heart out. This always amuses Kai but he would comfort her too by enveloping her with warm hugs and leaving letters or notes for her. When he arrives there, he would immediately send a text message to Kyuhee that he's safe and she does not need to worry. If time permits, they would also video call despite the time differences. There were times when EXO's just in Korea, in the middle of the night, Kai would sneak to Kyuhee's dorm and they would go out by the Han River just to talk or be silent and star gaze because just with the presence of the other, they already feel recharged and better. Whenever Kyuhee's upset, Kai would easily notice it and would treat her to bubble tea so she would cheer up. Despite Kyuhee having a strong personality, Kai had accepted her wholeheartedly. From time to time, they would have petty fights but then again they would reconcile at once before the day's over for they didn't want a fight to be long. Because of the two having a blunt personality, they would easily talk out their problems. Of course, they would let the situation cool down first before talking. They believe that the two of them were matured individuals and they need to solve every problem they face like adults too.


last words.

comments/suggestions » Hi, authornim~! :) I'm so sorry that I didn't include pics. anymore for the style. Huhu. I thought it was too long already. Sorry ;A; I hope I did everything right. :) I'd gladly edit it when you see a lot of mistakes. :) Thank you very much for this, authornim! I really enjoyed filling the application out. Fighting~! :)

scene requests »
- ESSENCE to be casted in a variety show.
- Their group would go for an outing. Woot woot!
- Kyuhee be casted in We Got Married with a different guy? :O
- The girls would sneak out in the middle of the night to hang out by the Han River.
- When EXO has a concert in Shanghai, before going to the airport Kai meet up with Kyuhee and the girl was crying. Kai hugged her and ... OMO! (That's when the kiss will happen. Hihi :">)

password » Together we ascend, we are ESSENCE!


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