more about camp half blood

about the camp

This is an outline of what’s different between this au and the series canon. It’s not too much, but you’ll need to know this!



alternate universe

Like the plot implies, this roleplay exists in an alternate universe. What does that mean for you? Well, for one thing, none of the canon characters exist, and so none of the plot from the series ever happened. There are also a few things that we’ve tweaked for various reasons. Here are the main things that are different:

  • The Oracle is still just a mummy
  • Zeus’ master bolt was never stolen
  • Kronos is still in pieces in Tartarus, and he never left
  • None of the campers know about Camp Jupiter
  • Thalia’s tree is still healthy and her spirit is intact
  • No monsters have ever gotten into camp without permission



Here’s another cool thing that we’re changing for the roleplay. The Athena and Hephaestus cabins worked together for a few years, and built a private, monster-proof system of electronics with an internet network that only works inside camp. Think of Annabeth’s tablet in the movies. What does this mean for you?

  • Each camper gets a smartphone and either a tablet or laptop
  • The internet shuts off automatically at 9PM every night, but some cabins have figured a way around this



We’ve also decided to age up the campers a bit. In the series, it’s rare for a demigod to get to age sixteen. Well, we’re editing that a bit. Now we’re changing that age to 30, so the age range for characters is about 15-26, though there can be exceptions made for slightly younger or older campers


@divided rp


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