the gods

cabin one

Zeus is the god of justice, lighting, and the sky. He is also the King of Olympus, and the King of the Gods.

His children are characterized by their dark hair and eyes, as well as their violently moody personalities and talent for singing. Children of this Greek god also tend to be slightly reclusive and are normally violent if provoked. Their weaknesses include tactical planning and surprise attacks, however, they tend to excel at hand-to-hand combat and instilling fear into enemies. 


Children of Zeus may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Aerokinesis*
  • Atmokinesis*
  • Electrokinesis
  • Flight*
  • Leadership Prowess
  • Combat Prowess
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Durability

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin two

Hera is the goddess of the marriage, family, and women.

While Hera is not a goddess, she has no demigod children, and this is merely an honorary cabin.



cabin three

Poseidon is the god of earthquakes, storms, water, and horses.

His children are generally characterized by their dark hair and light eyes, as well as their mildly awkward personalities and talent for horseback riding and swimming. Children of this Greek god also tend to be sarcastic in nature and moderately violent. Their weaknesses include surprise attacks and tactical planning, however, they tend to excel at hand-to-hand combat and mounted attack. 


Children of Poseidon may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Communication with Horses and Sea Life
  • Storm Manipulation*
  • Hydrokinesis
  • Water-based Healing Factor
  • Limited Cryokinesis*
  • Underwater Breathing

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin four

Demeter is the goddess of agriculture and the seasons.

Her children are characterized by their light hair and dark eyes, as well as their slightly annoying personalities and talent for gardening and cooking. Children of this Greek goddess also tend to be nagging and dependent on others. Their weaknesses include hand-to-hand combat and surprise attacks, however, they tend to excel at defense and tactical planning. 



Children of Demeter may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Chlorokinesis
  • Toxikinesis*
  • Chloropoeia
  • Pheromone Manipulation

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin five 

Ares is the god of war.

His children are generally characterized by their dark hair and eyes set into an odd, hard-looking face, as well as their violent and harsh personalities and talent for fighting in most areas. Children of this Greek god also tend to be rude and cocky in nature and bullies. Their weaknesses include defense and tactical planning, however, they tend to excel at hand-to-hand combat and mounted attack. 


Children of Ares may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Advanced Warfare
  • Telumkinesis*
  • Battle Prowess
  • Enhanced Strength, Endurance and Speed.
  • Ares’ Blessing: A powerful enhancement which temporarily makes the demigod invulnerable in battle, given only to the bravest of Ares’ children in their time of need; or, well, their time of wanting to kill really, really big things. Incredibly rare and only available with admin consent.

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin six 

Athena is the goddess of wisdom, crafts, and battle strategy.

Her children are generally characterized by their light hair and eyes, as well as their logical and calculated personalities and talent for crafts and general knowledge. Children of this Greek goddess also tend to be a bit on the awkward and bookwormish side, as well as hopelessly romantic. Their weaknesses include archery and mounted attack, however, they tend to excel at hand-to-hand combat and tactical planning.


Children of Athena may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Battle Prowess
  • Enhanced Intelligence & Wisdom
  • Battle Strategy
  • Crafting/Creating


cabin seven

Apollo is the god of archery, healing, music, prophecy, youth, and the sun. 

His children are characterized by their light hair and eyes, as well as their bright personalities and talent for music, archery, and writing. Children of this Greek god are normally humorous to the point of annoyance. Their weaknesses include hand-to-hand combat and tactical planning, however, they tend to excel at archery and healing. 


Children of Apollo may also possess these powers and abilities:

  •  Enhanced Archery
  • Vitakinesis*
  • Photokinesis - Rare*
  • Limited Photokinesis
  • Enhanced Eyesight
  • Combat Prowess
  • Musical Prowess
  • Prophecy* — Very rarely occurring, and again only a power the admins can give out.

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


Cabin eight

Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, chastity, animals, and the wilderness.

Because Artemis is a goddess, she has no children. However, her cabin at camp is currently occupied by the Hunters of Artemis, who are an all-female group of immortals who have devoted their life to the goddess and are, under normal circumstances, her hunting companions. Due to the makeup of their group, as huntresses can be either human, demigod, or nymph, there are no specific traits attributed to this cabin.

Hunters of Artemis also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Enhanced Archery
  • Tracking
  • Immortality (unless breaking their oath or falling in combat)
  • Communication with animals
  • Can summon a bow and a set of hunting knives at any time
  • A magical tent and equipment housed inside a chewing gum case


cabin nine

Hephaestus is the god of fire, craftsmen, and technology. He is also the blacksmith for the gods, and his children make and mend all the armor and weapons for Camp Half-Blood. 

His children are characterized by their dark hair and eyes set in slightly off faces, as well as their reclusive personalities and talent for sculpture, inventing, and fixing. Children of this Greek god also tend to be quiet with a loud sense of humor and are normally strong and protective. Their weaknesses include surprise attacks and tactical planning, however, they tend to excel at hand-to-hand combat and defense. 


Children of Hephaestus may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Fire Immunity
  • Enhanced Blunt Combat
  • Technokinesis*
  • Forging
  • Enhanced Durability
  • Pyrokinesis* (The rarest of powers that can only be given with admin approval)

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin ten

Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, and uality.

Her children are generally characterized by their darkish hair and light eyes, as well as their outgoing personalities and talent for fashion. Children of this Greek goddess also tend to be successful in love and extremely social. Their weaknesses include hand-to-hand combat and tactical planning, however, they tend to excel at tending to the sick and creating chaos behind enemy lines. 


Children of Aphrodite may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Amokinesis*
  • Supernatural Beauty
  • Supernatural Eyesight
  • Innate French Speakers
  • Pheromone Manipulation
  • Limited Biokinesis (Limited only to changing their hair/clothes/make-up)
  • Charmspeak* (Rare power that is only attainable with admin approval) [ currently closed ]

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin eleven

Hermes is the god of speed, travel, athletes, and thieves. He is also the messenger of the gods, and has been known to visit Camp Half-Blood as well as help campers on their quests.

His children are often characterized by their light eyes and mocking smiles, as well as their tricky personalities and talent for stealing and sports. Children of this Greek god also tend to be untrustworthy and, at times, selfish. Their weaknesses include tactical planning and focus on the battlefield, however, they tend to excel at surprise attacks and hand-to-hand combat. 


Children of Hermes may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Enhanced Thievery
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Lock Manipulation
  • Intelligence
  • Athletics
  • Alchemy
  • Fighting Prowess
  • Teleportation* (Very rare)
  • Persuasion 

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin twelve

Dionysus is the god of wine, madness, celebration, and vegetation. Also known as Mr. D, he is the camp director of Camp Half-Blood.

His children are characterized by their dark and often curly hair, as well as their bubbly personalities and talent for music and theater. Children of this Greek god also tend to be quite flirtatious and are normally sarcastic and sometimes rude. Their weaknesses include hand-to-hand combat and tactical planning, however, they tend to excel at surprise attacks and creating havoc behind enemy lines. 


Children of Dionysus may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Supernatural Partying
  • Chlorokinesis*
  • Alcokinesis
  • Madness Manipulation*
  • Impossibility to get drunk
  • Enhanced Durability

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin thirteen

Hades is the god of the Underworld and wealth. He is the King of the Underworld and indirectly controls passage along the River Styx.

His children are characterized by their dark hair and eyes, as well as their highly reclusive and standoffish personalities and talent for frightening other campers, as well as get-rich-quick schemes. Children of this Greek god also tend to be uncaring and can be sarcastic and rude as well as violent. Their weaknesses include healing and hand-to-hand combat, however, they tend to excel at surprise attacks and gathering undead recruits. 


Children of Hades may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Geokinesis*
  • Umbrakinesis
  • Ferrokinesis*
  • Necromancy*
  • Telepathy with the dead
  • Death Sense
  • Shadow Travel

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin fourteen

Iris is the goddess of rainbows. She also delivers Iris Messages for gods and goddesses, though she’s regularly persuaded to do the same for Demigods too.

Her children are often characterized by their unique appearances and sometimes bright hair, as well as their vibrant personalities and talent for arts, crafts and stories. Iris’ chlidren tend to be flippant, fair and creative. Their weaknesses include hand-to-hand combat and focus on the battlefield, however, they tend to excel at using their powers and aerial combat. 


Children of Iris may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Depictukinesis*
  • Flight*
  • Rainbow Manipulation
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Summoning of and Telepathy with Pegasi
  • Free Iris Messaging
  • Natural Artists

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin fifteen

Hypnos is the god of sleep. Despite being only a minor god, and a particularly lazy one at that, Hypnos is remarkably powerful, likely because he is the child of two protegenos.

His children are often characterized by their pale skin and strong features, as well as their vibrant personalities and talent for arts, crafts and stories. Hypnos children tend to be lazy and easily-bored, but intelligent and powerful. Their weaknesses include hand-to-hand combat and focus on the battlefield, however, they tend to excel at using their powers and exhausting enemies. 


Children of Hypnos may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Hypnokinesis
  • Lucid Dreaming
  • Shapeshifting*
  • Telepathy whilst victim is asleep
  • Astral Projection whilst asleep*

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin sixteen

Nemesis is the goddess of retribution, balance, vengeance, justice and envy. She is also the daughter of Nyx and Erebus, naturally making her a very powerful goddess.  

Her children are often characterized by their stern appearances and dark hair, as well as their stoic and direct personalities. Nemesis’ children tend to be blunt, balanced and self-righteous. Their weaknesses include holding grudges and following orders, however, they tend to excel at swordsmanship and extended battles.


Children of Nemesis may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Limited Luck Manipulation 
  • Minor Fortune-telling* (For a price. Example: Ethan Nakamura)
  • Enhanced Balance
  • Enhanced Swordsmanship
  • Natural Lie Detectors*

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.



Nike is the goddess of victory. She is also the Divine Charioteer, and rides in Zeus’ chariot in combat.

Her children are often characterized by their tall, warrior-like bodies as well as their jockish personalities and remarkably competitive natures. Nike’s chlidren tend to be strong, intense and driven. Their weaknesses include own inability to accept defeat and tactical planning, however, they tend to armed combat and defense. 


Children of Nike may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Victory Manipulation*
  • Enhanced Combat
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Limited Telumkinesis*

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin eighteen

Hebe is the goddess of youth. She was also originally the cup-bearer of the Olympian gods.

Her children are characterized by their short stature and/or youthful appearances, their highly personable and caring personalities as well as a talent for cookery, alchemy and healing. Children of this Greek goddess also tend to be caring and can be tentative and sweet as well as overbearing. Their weaknesses include hand-to-hand combat and passivity, however, they tend to excel at healing and surprise attacks. 


Children of Hebe may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Vitakinesis*
  • Enhanced Vitality
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Durability
  • Size Manipulation*
  • Ability to summon nectar for wounded Demigods

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


cabin nineteen

Tyche is the goddess of luck and fortune. She is also typically regarded as a fourth fate, although not legitimately 

Her children are often characterized by tall, faeish appearances, as well as their love of chance games and risk-taking. Tyche’s children tend to be carefree, dicey & valiant. Their weaknesses include ranged combat and focus on the battlefield, however, they tend to excel at surprise attacks and changing the luck of a battle. 


Children of Tyche may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Probability Manipulation
  • Enhanced Flexibility
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Enhanced Luck


Cabin twenty

Hecate is the Goddess of magic, sorcery, witchcraft, crossroads, and trivial knowledge. She is also Goddess of the Harvest Moon, and is associated with childbirth, nurturing the young, gates, walls, doorways, torches and change.

Her children are often characterized by their dark or red hair and green eye, as well as their knowledge of runes and and natural magical abilities. Hecate’s chlidren tend to be stubborn, carefree and comical. Hecate children cannot actually create or bring objects into life out of nowhere, only create illusions as such. Their weaknesses include hand-to-hand combat and surprise attacks, however, they tend to excel at using their powers and prolonged battles. 


Children of Hecate may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Mystiokinesis
  • Mist Manipulation
  • Enhanced Stamina
  • Innate Knowledge of Latin & Rune

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


Cabin twenty one

Thanatos is the God of peaceful death, protector of the Underworld and lieutenant Hades. He is also reaper of mortal and immortal souls, and is the physical personification of death.

His children are often characterized by their dark skin and strong bodies, as well as their stoic and undiscriminating attitudes. Thanatos’ chlidren tend to be strong-wiled, wise and merciless. Their weaknesses include physical strength and inability to change, however, they tend to excel at using their armed combat and aerial combat. 


Children of Thanatos may also possess these powers and abilities:

  • Flight*
  • Umbrakinesis*
  • Limited Soul Manipulation*
  • Darkness Empowerment 
  • Enhanced Scythe/Sickle Combat
  • Ability to ease the suffering of a dying person
  • Movement between the Underworld and Earth*

*indicates that a character can only have one of these powers.


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