LilacHeart Application


Character Name: Chae Minjung



 Min (called by friends or classmates at school or family)

Minnie (same as Min)

Min Min (her close friends call her that.)

Chaeminnie (a combination of her name that her aunt thought of)


Ethnicity: Korean Japanese


Hometown: Kyoto, Japan {Raised in Gwangju}


Birthday: December 20, 1993


Height: [5'4]

Weight: [100 lbs ]

Blood Type: O

Languages: Fluent: Korean/ Japanese Moderate: English/Chinese



Appearance: Ulzzang: Park Yong Hee 



Ulzzang Backup: Mikki


Style: She's more on edge and petite with a little mix of girly.  Her usual outfit would be a beanie, graphic tee, crop tees, v-necks, or tank tops with a cardigan or jacket over it. Skinny jeans or shorts, never any skirts… She hates skirts. Her shoes would either be her black leather combat boots, high tops, converse, boots, or flats. The accessories would be the beanie, nerd glasses or not, headphones, bracelets on both hands, two to three necklaces on including the one her mother gave her before she passed away, and earrings. For formal events, it would be dark colored balloon dresses with heels, her mother's necklace, and one bracelet on her right hand.


Personality: Because of her past experiences, she learned to keep everything to herself and has trust problems. But once people break through her outer shell, they see the true side of her. She's playful and mischievous. People could say she's a troublemaker and a prankster. Because of her little sister and her affectionate side, Minjung loves to do skinship. When doing her musical talents or she gets praised, her ego tends to go ten levels higher and won't hear anything unless it's something she wants to hear. She would do anything to keep the people she cares for happy if it even means giving up her own happiness and would tend to put the blame on herself, even if it wasn't her. Only on rare occasions or if she really wants something, then she'd do aegyo in which no one could deny. She can also read people easily because of her silent attitude from before. She’ll always be the one in her group to give advice. Not only that, but Minjung also has a temper and will resort to violence if necessary with an addition of tons of swearing. She tends to look after those she cares about more than herself and acts like an eomma. If she’s hyper or drunk, then that’s a different story. She’ll use more aegyo than Yoseob usually does or tends to get erted.  


Three personality traits you love about yourself: Eomma-mode, fearless, protective. 


Three personality traits you wish you could change/didn't have: Hiding her emotions,  shutting people out, trusting people so easily. 

  • Likes: 
  • Music

  • coke

  • sleep

  • banana milk

  • sweets

  • being alone at times

  • traveling

  • snow 

  • art

  • tea/coffee

  • the beach




  • Being used

  • being woken up rudely

  • two-faced liars

  • being useless in important situations

  • hospitals 

  • her father

  • anything that has nuts in it

  • being girly

  • makeovers

  • people invading her personal space at times



  • Singing/Rapping
  • Dancing
  • Composing Music
  • Playing Instruments (guitar, piano, drums, and violin)
  • Cooking
  • Writing Stories/Poems
  • Sketching/Drawing
  • Taekwondo/Judo
  • Track
  • Swim


  • Can't go anywhere without her cell phone, iPod, and headphones
  • drinks banana milk at least twice a day
  • can only sleep unless hugging something
  • can sleep anywhere she's at when she's tired
  • has lollipops in her bag because she's obsessed with them
  • sings herself to sleep if everyone else around her is sleeping
  • mumbles out what she’s dreaming out
  • the toughest person to wake up or the easiest person to wake up (but it all depends on how tired she is)
  • bites her lip when she’s nervous
  • plays with her mother's necklace if she's bored out of her mind



  • She is very over-protective of her younger sister
  • Can compose a song under an hour and thirty minutes
  • Can finish three large bowls of ramen or jajangmyeon in 30 minutes
  • Loves to eat 
  • Wants to be more open to others but doesn't know how to start.
  • Sometimes has Onew Condition
  • The master at playing "Ninja"
  • Skipped a grade in school
  • Loves the colors black and red
  • Loves computer science
  • Tumblr-famous = 150 words per min

Family History: Her life wasn't exactly bright. Her mother passed away after she gave birth to her younger sister Megumi in Tokyo and her father left her with her aunt because he couldn't handle taking care of two children that reminded him everyday of his deceased wife. Minjung fought on the streets for the survival of her younger sister and drunkard of an aunt. It wasn't until Minjung reached high school and got into the company into being a trainee that the aunt cleaned up her act and is now taking care of her younger sister. 


Father - Chae Donghyun (age 45) Full on Korean who was born in Gwangju and the one who abandoned them and scarred Minjung. He is now a successful businessman running a tea chain all over Asia with his new family.

Mother - Hyuuga Megumi (age 42) {Deceased}

Aunt - Hyuuga Mikan (age 43) Had a carefree life until her husband left her and went into a depression. Tried to take care of her nieces, but failed because of her addiction to alcohol. Realized that she had to be the ones taking care of the family when she realized Minjung worked at such a young age.

Younger Sister - Chae Megumi Jr. (age 4) the bubbly sister of Minjung who looks up to her sister and wants to be like her someday. 



How long have you been a trainee?: 5-6

How did you become a trainee?: Music was always her escape and she learned how to sing, dance, rap, and play instruments all on her own from experiences down in the hidden underground talent. She remembers clearly her mentor was in the name of TEMPO, but soon left her underground life when a (n) ____ scout found her dancing in the park during one of the annual outside park concerts.

What was training like: Training was vigorous for Minjung as she took on every challenge the President gave her. She'd practice from five in the morning until midnight or she'd be a backup dancer for her sunbaes. Half of her day was splie into half for her vocal and dance training along with snippets of acting and modeling in between. One of the most dedicated trainees who shed sweat, tears, and blood just to achieve their dream.

Did you meet anyone who later became an idol?: Later found out that her mentor, TEMPO, was T.O.P from BIGBANG. Also got along with Kevin and Hoon from U-KISS during trainee days. Went to school with Seungri and Minzy. 




Stage Name: BabyMinn or Minn

Persona: Silent Jokester since she's silent and cold on the outside but a real jokester who's always looking for adventure on the inside.


Position Choice: Leader/Main Rapper/Lead Dancer


Your Fan Club Name: Flamers

Your Fan Club Color: Maroon Red

Your motto/quote: "The impossible is possible."


How do you act towards papparazzi?: Bow in respect and continue on. If they ask questions, she'll answer as much as their manager will let her. She'll happily take pictures and give autographs if she has the time.



  • Kim Jonghyun - SHINee 
  • Yong Junhyung - B2ST
  • Kwon Jiyong - BIGBANG
  • Eunhyuk - SUPER JUNIOR
  • L.Joe - Teen Top


  • Jonghyun - Met Jonghyun backstage at Music Bank when she was a backup dancer for U-KISS and they instantly clicked once Jonghyun annoyed her and she let her guard down. They constantly talk to each other and she instantly clicked with his band members as well once they warmed up a spot in her heart. Both are known as the dino siblings along with Amber. 
  • Junhyung - Met him during trainee days when she was at a cafe near the CUBE Building and they both ordered the same thing. While waiting for their orders, Junhyung up a conversation about music which hooked Minjung right in and before they knew it, they were having debates on who were better dancers, singers, rappers, etc. until it was time for them to get back to their practices. They swapped numbers and they're both protective of each other.
  • Jiyong - Met Jiyong through T.O.P and Seungri and helped him compose some drafts for BIGBANG like Love Song and Somebody to Love. Looks up to Jiyong as an older brother who can help her out with anything she needs help with and always tease each other about everything. 
  • Eunhyuk - Met Eunhyuk through Jiyong when she visited BIGBANG who was promoting the same time as Super Junior and she wanted to learn some dance moves that Super Junior did and he happily helped her out. It was quite hard for Eunhyuk since she didn't talk much. But after meeting frequently, she started opening up to him and they gradually started pulling pranks together on the Super Junior Members.
  • L. Joe - Met L.Joe at a music store where they both wanted to listen to a certain album, but there was only one pair of headphones for it. For a few minutes, they fought over it and L.Joe suggested that they could just share the thing. Minjung agreed and they both started rapping together. Soon things got intense, that they forgot about headphones and were having a rap-off at the store. 


  • Seungri {BIGBANG} - favorite oppa - They went to school together and were like glue along with MInzy. The trio grew up together and slowly separated as they went to chase their dreams. He knows her inside and out without having second thoughts.
  • Minzy {2NE1} - best friend - Besides going to school together, they were the dancing duo in their school since Seungri had his own group. They'd always go over to each others' houses or Minzy would help Minjung with whatever job she had. 
  • Kevin {UKISS} - best friend - Even till now, Minjung doesn't know how Kevin suddenly just became her friend and uknowingly, let her cold heart warm up to the hyper boy during trainee days.
  • CL {2NE1} -favorie eonnie- Minjung knows she can count on CL whenever she has problems and opens up to her all the time. CL always gets Minzy and Seungri to help cheer her whenever Minjung's stressed or sad.
  • Key {SHINee} - friend - though they haven't talked much, Key is the second closest member to her besides Jonghyun and loves talking fashion with Minjung once he found out that if her idol career falls out, she'll go to design school and open up her own clothing line. 

Rivals - NONE







How do you act towards papparazzi?:


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Thank you for applying~! I like your character~ :)
I'll consider her~! Keke~