my first english translation/subs for malay song...xD

While i've been doing english translations and malay translations for Korean/Japanese songs for the past year without any solid knowledge on both languages...this is my first english translation/subs for Malay song n as something new it kinda made me excited(took me so long considering this is a language i'm definitely well versed in to translate it)....made this initially to share my favourite song pre-kpop with my blog readers/visitors n since i barely have visitors from my own country, english translation wouldn't be out of place, to let more people enjoy n able to understand what i's a kinda old song btw from 1997,...but might as well share it here since i'm kinda proud of it lol...loved it as a kid...n still love it now....

of course if you want to learn more about the song's can visit my blog...

like the song? feel free to lemme know/spazz with me....

don't like? eh...just don't bother then....


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