30 Artistes, 30 Days Survey - Day 3


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yeah, since the name's not stated in picture, they're Broccoli,You Too

Favourite Song(s):

Favourite Album:

idk...probly their 2nd album? or not? maybe their best collection album? all good things stuffed in there...xD

Favourite Lyrics:

Five(or more) reasons you're a fan:

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- they're awesome.

- i love the singers' voices and their instrument playing sound

- i fking love their lyrics...the only band whose lyrics can make me cry n cry bcuz it hurts so good. lol.

- there's just sth different abt them.

- they're awesome.

Favourite MV(s):

Favourite live performance of their song:

^ those are just some btw...

Favourite live cover performance:

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honestly though...idk....too busy with their songs, idek about their covers that much...><...

Five(or more) random facts about this artist:

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- if you haven't notice already, they have an unconventional setup, usually, the bands would have the guys playing instruments and the girl sing, but here, the guy(Deokwon) is main vocalist and also bassist...and well, he's the composer too, and the girls play instrument badassly...Jandi(keyboard), Hyanggi(guitar) and Ryuji(drums)

- This band had different setup in the beginning...i'm not too sure but i think they used to have another guy member? correct me if wrong...and their main vocalist used to be Gyepi who i last heard was in Autumn Break after leaving.

- Their main vocalist now, debuted solo last year. the drummer also had a collab project out of the group, not too sure about the rest.

- they don't consider their music as 'indie'...stating that they have label that distribute their CDs so it's no longer indie and their music is just rock (i'd agree, indie isn't a music genre...but many have made it as one...i guess it's just hard to differentiate/classify...sometimes to make it easy i'd call them indie too for easier way to introduce them to people, since they're not mainstream)

- They have good/decent english...at least i can say that for half the members from some stalking...doesn't mean the rest don't have good english...it's just based on my little stalking n not everyone would display everything......

- Here.

How did you learn about them/become a fan:

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i think it was one find day n i was watching video on youtube and i just saw this video on related video section on the right

and i thought...hmm, pretty interesting...i'll try another song...and then i watched one where the guy sang and i thought....hmm, two members are singers, then i watched another where the drummer sang, and learnt she's the 2nd main singer...and i was like 'whaaa...everyone sings and play instruments so good too even the songs are awesome...whatthehell...sign me up.' But the thing is...i had a phase where i just completely forgot many things due to being busy...i even forgot ever discovered them...it was after 1-2 years i remembered them again...but i didn't remember the band's name...so i tried really hard to find them based on this perf above...using anything i could remember as keyword to find them....and it's after finding them back that i check their other and other and other songs songs songs...n decide that i fking love this band n their music.

Least favorite song(s):

well...there are a few actually....maybe...

i'm just drawn away from anything too popular...lol.

Merchandise/album you own:

None yet :(

Seen them live? If yes, describe the experience, if no, write anything you'd like to tell the artistes/readers about the artiste:

No :( Hoping for new album soon with awesome songs n lyrics. love this band so much, i wish i could watch 'em perform live someday...

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