
White Chocolate



It was a little after nine in the morning when Jungkook was told he has to attend the gathering. He also out up a fight. He wasn't against it per-see he just didn't want to be disappointed. It is a known fact the his family always fail to find their mate at their first gathering.Maybe he'll get lucky and find his. But that was just wishful thinking. After getting dressed he made his way towards the kitchen where is parents were arguing over something.

When he stepped into the kitchen his parents stopped talking. Thinking weirdly of them he went to the fridge to get an apple.

"So are you excited for tonight?"his mother asked.

"No not really"was his reply as he sat across from them.Noticing the tense atmosphere he shifted uncomfortably.

"We'll hopefully you might get lucky because if not we're going to get you to bond with an alpha from one of our allies" Jungkook looked up in shock. What were his parents thinking!? Trying to force a bond on him.Thats repulsive and so low. "We'll than I hope I find my mate tonight"he said as he left in anger. "Jungkook! stop right there young man, your possible future alpha will be over in a few to get to know you" yelled his mother to a frozen Jungkook.

 Jungkook turned around just as the doorbell rang. He took one look at his mother and bolted upstairs into his room. Opening his window he stepped one foot out when his father opened his door with another person. 

"Jungkook get your back inside this room this instant or I'll have Jimin to come after you!" Looking up at a figure that has a smirk on his face Jungkook made his decision. Jumping towards the ground he took off into the woods. He heard footsteps behind him and he ran faster. He didn't get far as he was pushed down into the ground and a heavy weight on top of him. He continued to struggle.

"Get the off me!"

"Calm down babe"

"Don't tell me to ing calm down-hey!get your hands off me you creep"Jungkook screeched as hands were running down his body. "I'm not a creep darling I'm your future mate so you better get used to it" said Jimin as he continues his assault on Jungkook.

"Not even in your dreams I'm going to find my mate and you can go home with your tail between your legs".

"Something so beautiful as you should not speak that way,when we bond I'll show you who is in charge and show you your place in life"

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh. He may be a submissive alpha but he ain't a weak omega, apparently this guy thinks they are the same.

"Has your pack taught you anything? I won't submit like a defensive omega I may be submissive but I'm still a alpha!"with that Jungkook finally managed to get away from the alpha. A growl caught their attention. They turned to the left and saw a medium sized wolf a beta probably barring it's teeth at them. Jimin slowly made his way towards Jungkook and grabbed him by the neck. Jungkook struggled trying to break free. The wolf shifted only to be replaced with a handsomely person. 

"Let go of him!" He said quietly.

Jimin just shook his head and squeezed tighter.

Jungkook  felt light headed and started to see white spots in his vision. 

"Hate to cut this short darling but hopefully you won't find your mate tonight so you'll be mine I'll be waiting" he whispered to Jungkook trying to be quiet as possible the the stranger heard him. He gave Jungkook a kiss on on the cheek and he was gone.

Feeling air in his lungs all of a sudden he passes out. When he woke up he was in his backyard.


Kai quickly made his way back to his pack so he could report to his alpha. Reaching the pack house he sniffed out his alpha. 

"Taehyung you will not believe what I just witnessed"

Taehyung quickly made his way over and started to sniff him. Feeling creeped out Kai tried to take a step back only to be pulled closer. 
"Hey Taehyung you okay? Why are you sniffing me?". oh god don't let my mate walk in. He was pushed away harshly.

"The hell!"

"Why do you smell like strawberries?"

Kai had a confused look on his face.He took a whiff of himself and frowned. " I don't smell anything".

"Anyway what were you going to tell me?"

"Right so I was out for a run and a came across some alpha's. One was a regular alpha but the other was the prince of Solis I could tell by the way he smelled and get this he is a submissive alpha, can you believe that?"

"A submissive alpha huh? Anyways continue"

"Like I was saying so I watched them a little and I thought they were a mated pair but I was wrong apparently as the alpha was acting weird,  Anyway I read the prince's mind and wow it was so much emotions. I saw how he ran from home and was tackled down by that alpha, his parents are making him go to the gathering and if he doesn't find his mate he'll have to  force bond with the alpha. But the worst part was when the alpha started choking him I thought he was going to kill him than he took off running leaving a passed out prince and I carried him home"

"You carried him home? Maybe that's why you smell good"

"Maybe? I don't know but are you going to attend the gathering it's about time you try to find your mate"

"Yes I'm going now leave I have to get ready"Taehyung said as he pushed Kai out. 


Jungkook was heading towards the gathering trying to get their before his parents and Jimin. Praying that he does find his mate tonight. Reaching the high class hotel he made his way to the ball room where hundreds of the unmated were situated. Being of Royal blood people bowed down to him as a sigh of respect as he walked to a empty table. Not long after, his parents came along with Jimin. 

Looking away he stared out of the window. He was so out of it he didn't hear the shock gasps from people. Someone pulling out a chair made him come back to his senses. He stared at the male he in-countered in the woods.

"Hello my names Kai"

"Jungkook,thanks uh for earlier"Jungkook said as he looked down.

"No problem I couldn't just leave you there"

"Why are you here? Your already mated"asked Jungkook as he lifted his head up. Kai just smiled.

"I'm here with my alpha,he's somewhere"

"Who is your alpha?"

"Kim Taehyung,he is really a brat though"

"Where is he? 

"I don't know but do you want to meet him?you'll be surprised on who he is"

"Umm sure I guess? I have nothing better to do"

"Great well follow me"

Jungkook trailed after Kai like a lost puppy already feeling anxious on going home later. He still hasn't found his mate. A few minutes later they come across a figure surrounded by a horde of females.

"Hey Taehyung I want you to meet someone" Kai said as he grabbed Taehyung's hand and made his way through the crowd. When Jungkook got a better look at Taehyung recognition flashed in his eyes. Standing before him was his mate, a King.The dominance radiating of him in waves was proof of that. Jungkook gulped and looked around nervously making eye contact with Jimin who had a smirk on his face. Turning back around he came face to face with Taehyung and he couldn't look away.

Taehyung was star struck as he gazed at the prince of Solis his mate.He heard some females talking about his beauty a while ago and was glad his mate was talked about. 

While They both kept staring at each other they failed to notice Jimin making his way to them. He grabbed Jungkook harshly as started dragging him away. Jungkook whimpered in pain. The pain suddenly disappeared and he looked down to see Jimin on the floor a bruise forming on his face. He felt arms pulling him into an embrace.

"What did you think you were doing?" Taehyung asked Jimin a scowl on his face.

"What did it look like? I was taking my mate with me"

"I already found my mate so I don't belong to you"yelled Jungkook. 

"Who is your mate than? I don't see him". 

"We'll sense your blind apparently, I am his mate" said Taehyung as he pulled Jungkook closer towards him. Jimin just stared at the two;anger still in his eyes before walking out of the building.

After that was over with,Jungkook and Taehyung went back to Jungkook's house to tell his parents the news. They were shocked at first but came to live with it. Jimin is still mate less. Taehyung and Jungkook combined Kingdoms and became stronger while Kai and his mate are expecting their first child. 

Two years later Jungkook became a Queen and him and Taehyung are expecting their first litter of three.



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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 1: Aw why jimin the bad guy Xd
Chapter 1: Jimin being the bad guy breaks my poor heart :'( Still liked the story though. :) I only wished it was longer! I wanted to read more!
Yuki0710 #3
Chapter 1: Oh-my-god... jaja XD that was good :D
AkaReikou #4
Chapter 1: I love the plot of the story eith tae as the dominant and kookie as submissive!! Tho it would be better if u.wrote it longer with more details at the end part, but i loved it!
Chapter 1: Lol Jimin always so desperate for some Kookie XD
Kjkjkj #6
Chapter 1: This is good but the ending was rushed....it'd much better if you give more details...;))