A Night Under the Stars

A Night Under The Stars

It was a warm summer night. Those nights that are perfect to go and do something outside, but not me. It was that perfect night to stay inside eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. 

I was about to start a movie when I heard the letter box open and close. I looked up at the clock: 9pm. I put my date in the table and got up walking over to re front door. A letter lay on the floor. I picked it up ad turned it around. My name was written on the front. A smile came to my face recognizing the handwriting.

In the letter were simple directions.
"Your next clue is at your favorite store." 

For whatever reason this stumped me for a few minuets. Then it clicked: the ice cream store. I grabbed my keys and ran outside. 

Of corse when I got there I couldn't resist getting a swirl ice cream vibe. Chocolate and vanilla. Can't get any better than that. I looked around until I finally found a letter laying under the chair. I opened it and read:
"Your next clue is at the place that takes your mind off things."

This time I knew exactly where to go. There was a small park not too far from the shop. When I got there I ran around the small park but couldn't find a thing. "Was I wrong? I thought..." I scratched my head. For whatever reason I looked up. There was a letter tied to a branch. "Really?!!" I sighed and started the climb.

After jumping down I ripped the letter open. "Look to the left." To the left was the huge hill that I often sat on. I could see the world from there. I took off running.

As I reached the top there he was. Daesung was standing there with a smile on his face. A blanket laid out on the grass. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't figure it out." I crossed my arms smirking. "Oh please." He laughed a bit. "I remember you always said that you wanted to look at the stars. It took me a while but I found the perfect spot to do just that."

We laid there looking up at the lights in the sky. They were really bright in this spot. Probably the only spot to see them so clearly in the city. Hours had passed. We talked about random things and he told me about all the traveling he had done for promotions. 

"Hey, Mika." I looked at him. "I know that I'm always gone a lot. I don't have a lot of time when new promotions are going on and such, but I can't stand the thought that you might find sown one else. I don't want anyone else. I want you." My heart stopped at the words he had just said. He then looked at me, his hand grabbing mine and smiled. "I know that I can't give you the attention you deserve, but I want you to be mine and only mine." 

I felt like I wanted to cry. "As long as I'm with you nothing else matter." I then put a hand on his cheek and kissed him.


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love it!! I'm into daesung fanfics lately!! and OMG!! the feels!