Vending Machine

Right To Remain Silent
"Yah! You stupid machine give me my money back!"  A fist pounded on the glass window of a lone vending machine, making people look over to see a tall male seemingly raging at the sad little machine that seemed small in comparison to him.  "Ottokaji...." 
People looked up from their desks and stared at him before looking back to what they were doing and shaking their heads, some even chuckling at the scene. It was just like him to act that way. 
He growled in frustration kicking the machine viciously as he was denied his White Heim. He knew he should of picked something up for lunch before work. He sighed about to give up when someone passed him, brought their fist down on the side of the machine and walked away. 
It took the man in the long white coat a few seconds to realise that the candy he desired had fallen from its rack and was now there for the taking. He looked back at the stranger and tilted his head to the side as the long haired man didn't achknoledge him further. Taking his prize he skipped off back to his office within the lab. 
Now, Lee Jaehwan wasn't the aggressive type usually but the machine had been asking for it. It wasn't exactly his fault that it decided to hold his precious Heim cookies hostage. However Jaehwan was the curious type. So he couldn't help but wonder about the identity of the Ice Prince (as Jaehwan had now dubbed him) was. 
Jaehwan was a young forensic scientist, he acted about half of his age and everyone he knew, knew it. He was fun but rash in decision making most of the time and liked sweet things such as chocolate or candy. 
Even with Jaehwan being quite young he was very good at his job. Sometimes he did have to work with a body or two but he didn't usually mind so long as he could help find out what happened to said body. His mind was elsewhere as he mindlessly opened his candy (that served as his lunch) and chewed on it thoughtfully, closing his eyes to savour the taste of the delicious treat. 
Jaehwan did this often enough that he was known as the most accident prone person in the police station. 
So it really was just like Jaehwan to walk into someone at that exact moment. He stumbled back immediately opening his eyes and groaning when he saw half of his White Heim on the floor before looking at the person he'd knocked over. 
He had brown curly hair and high cheekbones, shaping his face nicely. His eyes were closed and a pout was formed on his face as he rubbed his because of the impact. The thing that stood out the most to Jaehwan was the camera hanging from his neck. 
"Oh..uh Hey are you okay? I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention..." Jaehwan let an apologetic smile cross his face as he held out his hand to the younger boy who gratefully accepted it and pulled himself up. 
"Ah it's okay. It happens to everyone from time to time. Honestly I wasn't paying attention either." the latter replied with giving Jaehwan a smile that showed the dimples he had. 
Jaehwan rubbed the back of his head feeling a little awkward and picked up his broken Heim to throw away. He bowed to the other man and sighed. "Again I'm really sorry about bumping into you..." 
The brunette just smiled and bowed himself. "Me too. Let's call it even okay?" he asked and Jaehwan nodded, relief showing on his face. "Well I guess I'll see you around then." he grinned giving a slight wave and was off down the corridor again. 
Jaehwan blinked and waved with a smile then frowned and facepalmed. "I didn't even get his name..." he muttered and sighing shaking his head continuing on towards his office. He couldn't believe he'd forgotten to ask his name...He'd just refer to him as Dimples, if he saw him again he'd ask his name of course. 
As he entered his office he paused at the door at the extra body sat in his chair and blinked at the feet on his desk. "Ah Lee Jaehwan your finally back." a cheery voice chimed. He didn't know who this man was, from the looks of him he was a detective...He certainly dressed like one. 
"I'm sorry do I know you?" His words were out before he could stop them and he jumped as the other, seemingly older male gave a short laugh before grinning wildly at the other. He wasn't sure whether to be excited by this look in the mans eyes or slightly scared. 
"No but you soon will." he said finally taking his feet off the desk and standing to hold out a hand to the confused and slightly curious forensic scientist. "Names Cha Hakyeon but you can call me N or under the circumstances, team leader." 
Jaehwan blinked and took his hand giving it a hesitant shake before accepting the yellow file N gave him. "Team leader..?" was all he said before opening and reading through the file as his eyes only widened before a smile spread onto his face. 
"Well, this should be interesting..."  
A/N: Hello everyone and thank you for reading and/or subscribing! How is the story coming along? Do you think that I've got the characters right so far? If you have any suggestions please leave a comment~ 
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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 33: Holy yes. ing . Need thr next chapter.... I'm not even surprized Jin and Jaehwan were bestfriends. But I ing need the next chapter, I need to know about Jungkook again. What happened all this time to him. Mentally, I mean ^^'

Sososososooooo happy you're back... with a possible sequel... kyaaaa!!
acampos13 #2
najaem-acorn #3
Can I ask you of this story has Neo?? Sorry for being rude. It just that I'm really dying for neo.
Chapter 32: I really enjoyed this <33333333333333 And yEs to the sequel ^^
miffsmuffs #5
Chapter 32: Yes yes yes to the sequel. I'm so happy Jaehwan has woken up. And please do do the bonus chapters... hopefully with a little on top. eue
KTsuki-chan #6
Chapter 32: Finally Jaehwan is back :)
It's a bit sad he doesn't remember, though :'(
exoticshawol101 #7
Chapter 32: Yes to sequel!!
ilivefororeos #8