Little 'sister':

BUT I AM THIS MANY! (exo fanfic)

Chapter 2: I’m seriously confused


Serin’s Pov:


How is this possible?


How am I a sister of Park Chanyeol, one of EXO’s main rapper?


Since when did Chanyeol had a younger sister?


I am dreaming. I am dreaming and in a minute’s time, I will wake up from this dream!


I slap myself on the head, but I am not back at my bed. I slap myself even more on the forehead non-stop and pinching myself as well so I can I wake up. Still: no effect.






“Hey, So Ree! Stop hitting your self, you look like a mental person!” Chanyeol hisses at me, still dragging me into the SM building. Well, guessing by his voice the sister made him pretty angry.


I glare at the guy, still holding me by the hand. Did this guy ever heard of the word manners?


“Look, I’m sorry I’m dragging you like this but noona is freaking out because we couldn’t find you!” Wait, Park Yoo Ra? She is freaking out because of me? Okay as a fan girl I should say something right now:




What the baozi buns!


“Noona? As in your sister? Park Yoo Ra?” I say, gulping after. I could really feel my sweat coming down from my forehead. Is it really hot or is it just me? Right now, I felt like fanning myself with a big, big, big fan. The giant looks at me in confusion, shoot! Am I supposed to know that?  


“Well, you should know that. After all, she is your adopted mother as I am your adopted uncle. Duh!” He explains, still holding my wrist.


“M-m-m-y mother?” I say, stuttering. He nods and there was me paralysed yet being dragged by him. I don’t even know who I am, but this person certainly has like the best life an exo-l would dream for.


“Yes, your mother but she’s your adopted one. Are you sure you haven’t hit your head whilst playing basketball?” He asks curiously, looking straight at me. This girl plays basketball? Well, at least it’s a sport that I’m good at.


I didn’t know what to do, so I was a pabo and started to act as if I had a headache. Seconds later, he starts freaking out and gets me bridal-style and runs inside the building.


That was unexpected.


Chanyeol starts calling his sister’s name and she comes in like she had run a mile. She looks at me, “What happened to you Ree-Ree?”


"I- SUFFERING!” Chanyeol interrupted worried, I just came out of a well and this happens!


“Is she hurt?” My mother/unnie says, with wide eyes that could go to your dark soul. I gulp at the sight, I look at Chanyeol; he is calm as a dolphin. HOW CAN HE? Oh, wait, he’s her younger brother.


“She had a headache –“ Chanyeol tried to explain but unnie was staring at him.  “Okay, I was over reacting. But she’s my younger sister!”


“Correction: Niece, and she can get over it with soup and rest. She’s a legal adult Chanyeol, not a little girl .” She explains to him, he huffs and glares at her. “And let her go, your still carrying her.”


Chanyeol looks at me and my eyes widen, 10 cms AND I COULD HAVE KISSED HIM! OH MY GOD! HE’S SO CLOSE TO ME!


He carefully puts me down and rubs the back of his neck, ”Sorry Ree-Ree!”


I nod and went to a random corner and cried. Nop. I couldn’t.


“So why did you bring her in?” She asks, I look at Chanyeol confused. He chuckles awkwardly; I’m guessing I should be worried by now?


“I just wanted to hug my little baby for once,” He says and I wanted to faint. YOU’RE KILLING ME PARK CHANYEOL!


“You have schedule in like a minute so go before you get a lecture from Suho about being late.” She suggests and he says both to us and kisses us by the cheeks. The minute his lips touched my cheek, there go my soul.


Thinks about my soul and it getting it’s luggage and me waving at it.


Me and my imagination: Weird.


“I know you’re not her.” I hear, I look to my right seeing my ‘unnie/mom’ with a genius face.


I’m dead.


“I know but- eurgh, how do I explain this?” I say, muttering the last part.


“Wait! Let me guess!” She says ecstatically, okay? One minute she’s all moody, the now she’s nice. I really hope I don’t stay long in this body.


“Look it would probably the most weird thing to explain or even guess so-“


“You are a young girl inside a adult female’s body and fell into a well whilst thinking of a wish!” She guessed and my eyes and jaw felt like dropping to the floor. How the hell did she guess that right?


“How did you get that right?” I ask really amazed, she just smiles really cheerfully and clapping likes a seal.



“Just a right guess!” She says and drags me by the arm, “Come on, I’m going to give you lessons about how to be my daughter!”


Okay, well that escalated very fast!

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KittyParkLee #1
Chapter 1: This was really good :3 i like it :3 i am looking forward to the continue ^^ :3