Good babysitters

Caught In Between

"Don't you guys ever learned how to knock?" Yifan asked incredulously. Jongin's currently being put down for a nap after the intense crying session caused by the two uninvited guests. "Sorry hyung, we just wanted to make sure you're not lonely which clearly you aren't" Baekhyun's giving Yifan looks now. "I have so many questions right now but most importantly, why is there a baby in your house? And why is Junmyeon hyung here too? Oh my god don't tell me that it's your-" Yifan's face is starting to make its appearance again and Chanyeol had to stopped his boyfriend before they both get murdered. "You two. Sit. Now" The couple hurriedly made their way to the nearest couch. "If you're planning on staying for a while, could you at least keep the noise down? The baby's still sensitive to the area." Jongin's crying could no longer be heard but Yifan's just making sure the baby's as comfortable as possible. "Things are really crazy right now," Yifan starts again. "And to answer your question, no, the baby isn't mine or Junmyeon's. We found him, more like Junmyeon found him outside my doorstep yesterday. He's been staying with us since." For once, Baekhyun didn't have anything to say. "Oh my god, they just abandoned him like that?!" Chanyeol couldn't believe what he just heard. "Yes," Yifan said sadly, "he was just in his carrier, and we don't know who he belongs to." A sigh escaped Yifan's lips. "Yes you do, he belongs to you and Junmyeon hyung now. As much as it's hard and everything looks like it's messed up, I know you two care for him and that's all that matters right now." Yifan didn't know what to say to Chanyeol but the idea of losing Jongin made Yifan's heart hurt.

Junmyeon made an appearance soon after and took a seat right beside Yifan. "Is he asleep?" Yifan asked him right away. "Like a log" Junmyeon replies him with a smile. "So, why are you two here? Weren't you supposed to be out of town?" Junmyeon's asked Baekhyun. "Well, we just got back this morning and decided to stop by China's next top model so yeah" Junmyeon just shakes his head at Baekhyun. "What's the baby's name?" Chanyeol couldn't help but ask. "His name is Jongin and he's just a little over 10 months" Junmyeon says with a proud smile. "Well don't you look like a mother, hyung" Baekhyun again. "He's really cute though! So tiny and cuddly" He added while hugging himself.

11 am

Careful whispers were exchanged in Yifan's room. They decided to let Baekhyun and Chanyeol see the sleeping baby and the next thing you know Baekhyun has his phone out and started taking pictures of Jongin. "Seriously stop it you're gonna wake him up" Yifan hissed at Baekhyun. "Never knew you were the protective kind of type hyung" Chanyeol nudged Yifan jokingly. Upon hearing the loud noise, Jongin's eyes started to flutter open. "If he cries, you and your boyfriend are going to be responsible for diaper duties" Yifan threatened. "Hey little baby" Junmyeon cooed at the 10-month-old. Jongin was still lying on the bed an started to look around the room. "He's so cute! Oh my god what do I do!" Baekhyun's excitement resulted in hitting Chanyeol's arm but the taller didn't care and smiled along. Jongin has his eyes on Junmyeon and the younger took him in his arms. He gave Jongin a quick kiss on the head and passed him to Yifan. The baby settled on Yifan's shoulders naturally.

12 pm

The house is filled with Jongin's baby laughter. Baekhyun and Chanyeol turned out to be really good with him. They played with him, taking turns carrying Jongin and just over all being really good babysitters. Junmyeon already prepared Jongin's baby food for lunch and he'll feed him in an hour. The four adults on the other hand are debating wether to get pizzas or Japanese take out. But Chanyeol suggested both so that's what they did. "Come take a walk with me." Junmyeon heard Yifan's whisper despite the loud noises from the two lovebirds. "Please?" As much as Junmyeon wants to say says, he can't leave Jongin behind. "What about the baby?" "Baekhyun and Chanyeol will be here. He'll be okay. We won't be out for long I promise." Yifan assures him. "Don't worry hyung we'll take good care of him and we'll call you if anything happens which it won't by the way." Baekhyun said without looking at them. "Besides you guys need to get your together so shoo! Leave!" Chanyeol's already pushing them out of the door and handing them their coats before they left the house.

The weather's nice outside. It's cold but the sun's out so it's bearable. They're walking side by side but there's still a tiny gap between them. They walked to the park and settled on a bench. "So, why did you bring me out here?" Junmyeon asked while playing with his sleeve. "I want to talk to you Junmyeon. I want us to be good again." Yifan took his hands. "What us?" Junmyeon's eyes started to water. "The 'us' I should've fought for when you told me to leave you alone. The 'us' that's just not you and me, but you, me and our baby. I know I messed up big time with you and I'm sorry that I hurt you like that. But I miss you, Jun. I miss you and it hurts me like crazy knowing I did this to you." Yifan's voice sounded so broken that Junmyeon kisses him right there. The kiss is soft and gentle, only lasting for a few seconds. "I'm sorry too.. For shouting at you when we just found Jongin. I'm just so mad at you and at myself. I know you did the right thing by telling me but I guess knowing what your intentions were at first really broke my heart." Yifan was caressing Junmyeon's face. "I know. I'm sorry. I don't deserve you but I just can't imagine life without you. Can we start over?" Yifan asked hopefully. "Yes. Yes we can." Junmyeon's smile was shy and he didn't dare to look at Yifan. "Oh and Jun, I love you too." Junmyeon's heart is beating so fast that it could explode any second. "Who ever said I loved you loser?" Junmyeon's asks him, attempting to cover up his redenning cheeks. "You didn't need to, I always knew" Yifan's answer earned him a punch in the arm, followed by another kiss from Junmyeon. The two lovebirds didn't care that there were people passing by. They missed each other too much. Snow started to fall in the middle of their kiss and Junmyeon broke away from him to look up at the sky and Yifan swore he never saw anything as beautiful as Kim Junmyeon. "We better get going" Yifan gets up and gives Junmyeon his hands. "What are we gonna do about Jongin?" Junmyeon asked on the way home. "I mean we're still in high school and who's gonna take care of him. I don't even know how my parents are gonna react. But I don't want to give him away, Yifan. I can't" Yifan's grip on Junmyeon tightens while the younger one has his head down. "I know, Jun. I don't want to give him away either. But I promised you that I'll be here. I know it's gonna be hard but we can do this. He needs us. He only has us, Jun." Yifan assures him. "Are you sure you're ready for this? This is a small a child we're talking about. It's a big responsibility, Yifan" "I'm sure." And that's all Junmyeon needs to hear.




(I totally did not used Chuck Bass' lines in season 5 of gossip girl what) I know this chapter is short but I've recently started school and I'm so busy so apologies!! D: Anyways, I hope you like the chanbaek hehe :) I'll try to update more often! 


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2449 streak #1
Chapter 9: wow, it'll be almost 3 years since this was last updated... too bad since this was such an amazing story

whatever happened to you authornim, i hope you're doing fine!
cyfome #2
Chapter 9: Still no update?...=(...
2449 streak #3
Chapter 9: parents!!! such parents to Jongin already...
so this is what youth with access to technology can do... they sure are skilled and the connections are wowing me tbh

so what's the deal with baby Jongin???
and what's his mother's role in this? is she hunted down by mafia groups?

Yifan and the gang, I hope they find Jongin asap and come back safely, I don't know how anxious those waiting for them at home would be during this process...

thank you so much for this update!!! :)
siabruh #4
Chapter 9: Omg I'm so happy you updated bc this story is getting rlly good lol
HunieMineNahLuluis #5
Chapter 9: Seriously I love this!!!! And am gonna wait for Ur update again
2449 streak #6
Chapter 8: reading this again and im saddened with just how hurt the "parents" are over Jongin's disappearance... they treat him as family already, and for him to be taken away is tragic... I really hope they find Jongin asap

I hope you update soon too! :)
sesuxoshimo #7
New follower here.
The story is good authornim. Hope they can find Baby Jongin soon and back with them safe and sound.
Thumbs up for you.
Can't wait for your next update.
MochiUp #8
Chapter 8: Hello! New follower, OMG this story is amazing!
Owww my heart breaks a little seeing Kris and Junnie like this, hope the can find baby Jong In and get him back safety.
Waiting for the next chapter!
poppyyy #9
found krisho in the chanbaek tag and i'm krisho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont actually read other otps (other than chanbaek) stories but i'm so weak for krisho :(((( my parents sobsss. subscribing!!!!