




The studio looks the same. Warm color palette, wood paneling, an abundance of light billowing in from the tall ceilings. The sofa still sits in its trusty old spot, right behind the producer’s chair, looking through the tiny window into the recording room. The air is still cold as ice, and they recording room feels almost awkward to be in, but they’ll get used to it now just as they did before.

With time.








a/n. fill #4 for b.a.p bingo challenge. the prompt was future canon fic, and in lieu of b.a.p's return to ts, i give you this in-my-feelings induced work. also, another note: just because the boys are returning to ts does not mean they will face the same fate they did before.




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Chapter 1: I like a positive view. ♥ And I love that you added in a little something for each of them individually. :)
andnowforyaya #2
Chapter 1: ahhh postive is great <3 thanks for writing and sharing