Hannie and the Bear

Unrelenting Fortitude

"Do you like pancakes? Yeah we like pancakes! Do you like french toast? Yeah we like french toast! Do-do-do-do, can't wait to get a mouthful! WAFFLES!!"


Jeri groaned and reached out from under the covers, feeling around for her phone as it continued to sing in her ear. She found it and brought it back under the covers, putting it against her ear.




"Jeri~! I heard you guys got back last nigh-were you sleeping…?" Henry rambled.


"Yes," she groaned.


"Opps…… I'm sorry Jeri, I thought you'd be awake by now…" he apologized.


Jeri moved the covers off of her head so that she could see the clock on the wall.


"It's alright Pancake, it's probably time to get up anyways," she replied, sitting up in her bed. "So why did you call?"


"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today; we missed you for the twoish months you were gone!" Henry replied.


"Sure, I can hang out today. Seomun gave us the next couple days to rest so I have nothing better to do," she teased climbing out of bed and heading towards the bathroom.


"Alright! I'll come get you iiiiinnnn… how about half an hour?"


"That's a little short notice isn't it?" Jeri laughed, closing the bathroom door after getting some towels.


"OK how about an hour then?"


"That sounds fine. So I'll see you then Pancake," she agreed, a smile spreading onto her face.


"Alright~! See you Jeri~!"


Both sides hung up, Jeri placing her phone outside of the bathroom and jumping into the shower.


Going through her usual morning routine of showering, eating and dressing, Jeri tripped her way into the living room. She poked her head over the couch and sure enough, Jun was sleeping on it, his feet hanging over the arm on the other side. She walked over to the pile of bags that they had brought back from Canada and attempted to find the three that belonged to her. She managed to find them and tugged them out of the pile, kneeling on the floor and sorting through them.


The majority of their contents were small spoils she had gotten the guys; charms, rings, photos and such. She prayed that they understood why she couldn't get them anything extravagant like M had when they came back from China; not only was she positive that the group's wage was twice that of Tambourine's, let alone Jeri's cut of it, but there were fifteen of them and only one of her, which were unfair odds in her opinion.


She managed to sort everything into only a single bag and brought it over to the front door so she wouldn't forget it. She walked back out and noticed Jun was once again, about to fall off of his perch.


Like clockwork, the man's body slipped and he collided with the floor, making him snort awake and rub his head in slight pain.


"Have a good nap?" she asked with a chuckle, walking into the kitchen to grab some juice.


Jun jumped and swung around, giving her a baffled look. "You're awake!?"


"Yeah, Henry called me saying he wanted to hang out. He'll be here in abbbooouuutttt…" Jeri looked around the corner at the clock. "Fifteen minutes."


"Wait! Lau is coming to get you?" Jun asked, a little suspicious.


"Yeah. He's coming to pick me up and we're probably going to go hang out with a couple of the guys," she replied.


"What if I don't want you to go "hang out" with him and the others…" Jun said, adding his own air quotes.


"Then it would to be you because I would go anyways," Jeri huffed, placing the jug back into the fridge.


Jun pouted and stood from the floor. He noticed the pile in the corner had gotten smaller and peeked into the foyer.


"Don't even think about it," the teen warned, glaring at her brother over the rim of her glass.


Jun huffed and walked away, Jeri hearing the bathroom door close a couple seconds later. She finished up her juice and placed the empty glass in the sink just as the doorbell rang. With a smile she hopped over to the door and opened it.


"Pancake~♪! she greeted.


When she opened her arms her fellow teen sped in and hugged her, swinging her back and forth while laughing.


"I never thought I'd miss someone as much as I missed you," he laughed, placing her back down on the ground. "How was Canada? You sent texts and stuff but you can't really get the whole story from a text or e-mail."


"Yes yes I'll tell you all about it while we're heading over," she laughed, picking up the bag.


Henry eyed the plastic. "What's that?"


"Souvenirs," she grinned.


Henry joined her and gave her his best puppy-dog eyes making her pout.


"No! You'll get your presents when we get to the dorm!" she said, giving him a look.


Henry pouted and crossed his arms over his chest making Jeri laugh and ruffle his hair. Shooing the boy out the door, she closed and locked it behind her after yelling a goodbye to her brother.


On the walk to Super Junior's dorms, Henry drilled Jeri with questions; where did they stay, what did they manage to do, how bad were the fans, what did she get him…


"Be patient child!" she scolded with a laugh, lightly smacking him on the arm.


"But I wanna seeeee~~!" he whined, bouncing on his feet like a toddler.


"You'll see when we get theeeereee~!" she whined back, giving him a smirk.


Henry pouted again and lead her around to the back entrance to the building. When he went over to the elevator, naturally, Jeri had to go through her usual spiel about how she prefers to take the stairs and like usual, Henry followed her up the stairs. Unlike the other times however, except when Siwon and Eunhyuk followed her up one time, Henry managed to keep pace with her, only starting to pant when they got to the tenth floor. He lead the way to the dorm when they reached the eleventh and opened the door.


"We're back~!" he called, shucking his shoes.


"Henry! There you are!"


The teens raised their heads upon hearing Tak Youngjun's sigh of relief.


"You, Shindong, Eunhyuk and Siwon are supposed to go onto Strong Heart in an hour!" the manager scolded, not seeming to notice Jeri standing there.


"But you said I didn't have anything today…" Henry booed, his shoulders sagging.


"Henry I said that to Hankyun-ssi," Youngjun sighed, rubbing his forehead.


Henry sighed and turned to give the girl an apologetic look.


"Oh hush Pancake," she laughed, patting his cheek. "You go onto your show and I'll keep Hannie company."


Henry nodded and the three left the dorm. Youngjun gave her to key code for the twelfth floor and the two set off leaving Jeri to climb up to the next floor.


She got to the door and entered the key code. Once the door was open she poked her head in trying to listen and see if she could hear her Chinaman wandering around. When no noise hit her, she raised an eyebrow and quietly entered, closing the door behind her.


She did a round of the dorm but found no sign of the man, leading her to the last room, his. She slowly creaked the door open and poked her head around the corner. A lump was curled under the blankets making her snicker. Walking further in, she stepped up so that she could crawl across his bed so that she was between Hangeng and the wall.


"Haaannniiieee~" she sang softly, fluffing the strands of hair that were sticking out from under the blankets.


The man didn't so much as twitch making her snicker again. She pulled the sheet down so that she could see his face and almost cooed he was so adorable.


"I didn't know you had a freckle on your forehead…" she chuckled quietly, gently poking it.


"I have one on my nose too…"


Jeri nearly leapt out of her skin when he spoke. "Ya you jerk! Don't scare me like that!" she scolded, smacking his hip.


Hangeng laughed and slowly cracked his eyes open. Jeri grinned down at him and he chuckled again. Shifting under the covers slightly, he freed his arms and wrapped them around her waist pulling her down into the bed and closing his eyes again.


"Ya! Hangeng!" she shrieked with a slight laugh. "I'm awake before you! If that's not a sign for you to get up I don't know what is!"


Hangeng groaned as she continued to struggle against him and finally released her. Jeri began bouncing on the bed as he rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand.


"Soooooooo… Youngjun said that you don't have anything todaaayy~♪" she sang as he sat up.


Hangeng raised an eyebrow but nodded, still clearly half asleep.


"You and I should go somewhere! The only thing we've done is go grocery shopping and toddle in the park!" Jeri chirped with a grin.


Hangeng sighed but nodded making Jeri cheer and clap. She jumped off of his bed and slid out into the living room to let him get ready. Remembering the bag of trinkets she had brought over, she dug through the bag and found Hangeng's gifts. When he came out of his dressed for the day, Jeri hopped over and shoved both fists out.


"Pick one!" she grinned.


Hangeng blinked down at her then at her fists. With a small smile he taped her right making her flip and open her hand. It was a simple silver ring and a dragon pattern lining the side.


"Good pick," she laughed offering the ring to him.


"Wait, you bought this for me? Wh-"


"You got me the puzzle box so I got you two rings," she interrupted, opening her other hand.


The seconds ring was simple like the first one, narrow at the back and thicker at the front with the Chinese character for Good Fortune engraved onto it.


"I know they're kind of corny, but to be honest it's the only thing I could think of on such short notice," she rambled, an embarrassed smile on her face.


"They're not corny, they're wonderful, thank you Jeri," Hangeng smiled, taking both rings from her and slipping them onto the middle finger of each hand.


Jeri grinned and bounced on her feet slightly in glee making him chuckle.


"Did you think I was going to refuse to take them??" he questioned.


"I thought you'd give them a strange look and accept them out of a type of obligation to be honest," she booed, stopping her bouncing and pouting up at him.


"I'd never do that Jeri, it was really nice of you to buy these," Hangeng retorted, gently patting her head.


Jeri grinned and nodded allowing the man to pass her and head into the kitchen to make himself some coffee.


Hangeng got the coffee into his system, had a quick shower and soon the two were out the door, the older man donning a hat and a pair of sunglasses while Jeri simply wore a pair of "nerd glasses" Harii had bought the group while in Canada.


"Well, where would you like to go?" Hangeng asked as they walked down the street.


"Hmmm, I don't know… you pick!" she chirped.


Hangeng chuckled and motioned for her to follow after him.


After a couple minutes they arrived at the Han River, a bunch of people already out for a walk or just sitting under some of the trees.


"Oh cool!" Jeri cheered, dashing over to the railing. "So this is what the Han River looks like!"


"You've been in Seoul for nearly four years and you've never seen the Han River?" Hangeng chuckled.


"We've either been too busy or I just never got around to it. The closest I ever got was driving by in the van," Jeri replied, lifting her glasses slightly so that she could watch the ducks swim by.


Hangeng smiled and walked over so that he was standing beside her, both leaning on the railing and simply watching the river. While Hangeng was watching the river, Jeri snuck away and pulled out her phone, quickly snapping a picture of him from behind. He turned and saw her making the two laugh.


"What? I need photos for my album!" she laughed, taking another picture of him.


"You're not going to be able to tell who it is with my hat and glasses on," Hangeng laughed, walking towards her.


"I'm not blind like most people seem to be, I'll be able to tell it's you," Jeri retorted with a grin.


Hangeng rolled his eyes and reached forward to snatch her phone. Jeri whined and tried to get it back but Hangeng simply wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his hip, holding the camera above them.


"Say cheese," he laughed.


Jeri quickly grinned up at the camera and he took the picture. She took it back and looked at the picture, finding that they were both, astoundingly, in the shot.


"I kind of wish I'd brought my camera, it's such a nice day for taking pictures…" she pouted.


Hangeng chuckled and ruffled her hair making her growl slightly and glare up at him through the dishevelled locks that were now hanging in her face.


The two continued their walk along the river and Jeri caught sight of a couple men climbing a pole a taking down an Olympic Flag that had been flapping in the wind.


"That reminds me! I saw you on T.V. Hannie~!" she cooed, grinning up at the man. "You looked very dashing in your Olympic jacket and carrying the torch!"


"Did you really? I thought you'd be too busy with filming…" he laughed.


"Pancake and the others texted me saying that you were going to be one of the torch bearers so I harassed Seomun to let me watch the opening at least," Jeri smirked.


Hangeng snickered upon hearing Henry's nickname, fully aware of how the two had now dubbed everyone except for Yesung with some sort of nickname, some happier with theirs than others.


He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard another click from beside him.


"Apparently your album's only going to have pictures of me," he chuckled, giving the girl beside him a look.


"I'm sorry, but you're so photogenic~!" she laughed, holding her phone against her cheek with a grin.


"If you want to keep taking pictures then maybe we should get a camera."


When Jeri gave him a confused look, he turned her by the shoulders and pointed to a small tourist booth that was selling memorabilia. With a chirp of happiness, Jeri dashed over, Hangeng chuckling and following after her. The teen quickly purchased a small plastic camera and instantly swung around, snapping a picture of Hangeng.


"Ya you!" he barked, playfully snatching her glasses.


Jeri simply stuck her tongue out at him and reached for her glasses, but he raised himself onto his toes so she couldn't reach.


"Hanniiieee~~! Gimmie my glasses back~!" she whined, trying to reach for the accessories.


Hangeng simply grinned down at her and switched them over his own glasses. Rather than her pouting like he thought she would, Jeri grinned and snapped another picture of him.


"Muahahah! Now I can sell your nerdy face online and be a millionaire!" she cackled, running away from him.


"Ya! Isami Jeri!!" he laughed, chasing after her.


When she realized he was tailing after her she squeaked and ran faster. "Nooo! You'll never catch me alive!" she laughed.


Hangeng managed to catch up to her and quickly snagged her around the waist and stole the camera from her making her complain and reach up to try and get it back.


"You want your glasses or the camera," Hangeng teased, holding both out of her reach.


"Camera!" she replied instantly. "The glasses were cheap anyways…"


Hangeng pouted at the new information making her laugh and snatch both items away from him. After placing the glasses back on her face and stuffing the camera into her pocket the two continued down the river.


"Oooo, Hannie, Hannie look!" she cheered, quickly grabbing his hand and pointing to the other side of the river to a group of people feeding the ducks.


Hangeng flinched when she grabbed his hand and looked down at them. Jeri caught his flinch and looked up at him.


"What's wrong?" she asked.




Jeri followed his gaze and saw their hands. "Sorry….. I…. I didn't know it made you uncomfortable," she sighed, releasing his hand.


"No it doesn't make me uncomfortable! It's just… I'm not used to it," he stuttered. "But I have noticed that you tend to hold hands and hug people a lot…"


"It's a European thing I guess," she laughed. "We're very huggy and close with each other… or at least in Malahide we were, you'd walk down the street and see a bunch of friends attached by the wrist with each other on a daily basis."




Jeri nodded. "Yeah, the way dad often explained it was it's a way of saying "I trust you with my friendship enough to show it publicly", even if they were opposite genders," she explained, sitting on top of the railing and swinging her feet. "I guess even after nearly four years I still think I'm home sometimes…"


Hangeng gave the teen an understanding look, knowing what it felt like to be away from home for a long period of time.


"I'm… not uncomfortable with it Jeri… I'm-"


"Just not used to it, you already said that already," she laughed. "And it's ok, it's not like our lives depended on us holding hands-wait that sounded really weird…"


Hangeng snickered, covering his mouth with his hand as Jeri's face twisted in an attempt to find another way of wording her sentence.


"Well… shall we keep going?" he said, offering her his hand to get down.


Jeri nodded and took it, slipping off of the railing and continuing to walk along Han River.


After a couple minutes, the two decided to head into town to have a look at some shops that Hangeng heard opened recently, one of them being a Chinese restaurant.


"Eager to rediscover your heritage?" Jeri teased.


"Ha ha," Hangeng huffed, rolling his eyes. "I wanted to see if they have actual Chinese food of just knock-offs."


Jeri nodded and allowed him to lead the way down the street.


"So what should we do afte-" Hangeng froze when he realised that the girl was no longer at his side. "Jeri??"


He swung around to try and locate the girl, only to see her a couple meters back with a grin on her face, face nearly pressed against a store window.


"Haaaaannnnniiiiiieeeee~!" she cooed as he walked over, waving her hand at him so he'd come closer.


Looking through the window with her, Hangeng couldn't help but laugh; the store was full of K-pop memorabilia. Before he could stop her, the teen dashed around him and into the store, making him internally groan and follow after her.


"Oh wow, they have everything~" Jeri gaped, tracing her finger along the collections on the shelves.


She quickly found the Super Junior shelves and nearly squealed when she saw the plushies of the members on the shelves.


"OMO! They're so cute!" she cooed, taking down a Donghae plush. "They even got the smiles right!"


"Whoever made them must've been really intimate with the details," Hangeng agreed, looking along the shelves with her.


"Awwww, I want all of theeemmm~!" she cooed, looking along the shelf. She grinned and quickly placed Donghae back on the shelf and took down a Hangeng plushie, holding it next to the man's face making him laugh. "I don't care what you say I'm buying it!" she laughed. "And this one too!" she added, snatching a Kyuhyun plush as well.


"You're going to go broke you know…" Hangeng laughed as she hugged the plushies to her chest.


"I'll go broke only for you Hannie," she grinned.


Hangeng's face went slightly pink from the compliment and brushed his hair back with his hand.


Jeri continued to look along the shelf and pouted. "I don't see a Henry of Zhou Mi one…"


"Can I help you two with anything?"


Jeri turned to the woman and gave her a smile. "Do you by any chance have any Henry or Zhou Mi pluhies?"


The woman laughed and noticed the two plushies already in her arms, then looked up at Hangeng. "You're little sister's got quite a taste doesn't she?"


"You have no idea," he chuckled back, patting Jeri on the shoulder.


"And to answer your question sweetie, we do stock Henry and Zhou Mi, but because not a lot of people buy them we don't stock very many. I could make an order for you if you'd like," she offered, turning back to the teen.


Jeri nodded with a grin. "But just Henry for now please, Oppa would never forgive me if I bought him and Zhou Mi," she replied, nodding towards Hangeng.


The woman nodded and said she'd write it up so it was ready for when the duo got to the counter. Hangeng stepped forward and bent down slightly so he was next to Jeri's ear.


"Did you just call me Oppa?" he asked, sounding a little excited.


"Yes and aren't you lucky; so long as we're in this store you have possibly the most adorable girl for a little sister," she smirked, walking around him to continue looking through the store.


Hangeng simply chuckled and followed after her.


Jeri scanned down a couple other isles until she finally found the Ts. She dashed down it and quickly found the shelf labeled "Tambourine". There were T-shirts, bracelets, necklaces, CDs, DVDs, and even small stuffies, although they were nothing in size compared to the two in her arms.


"Can I help you with anything?" another employee asked, walking up to her.


"Do you have any Jeri stuffies or T-shirts?" she asked, pointing to the shelf.


"I'm afraid not. Jeri's not really all that popular so we don't stock her. Maybe if you check in after a couple months she will have grown enough to be worth it," he claimed, a slight snicker in his tone.


Jeri's face fell as well as her shoulders, feeling like she could cry.


"I'm sure that when Jeri makes her mark in the near future, that you'll be buying quite a few of her items," Hangeng interjected, gently placing a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder.


The boy simply shrugged and walked away leaving the two alone in the aisle. Hangeng looked down at Jeri to see she was biting her lower lip and hugging the plushies close to her chest.


"C'mon, I think it's time to head home," he said, gently taking her hand and leading her over to the cashier.


Jeri paid for Kyuhyun, and upon his insisting, Hangeng paid for his own plushie, calling it a gift from her "newly acquired Oppa" and after placing her order for Henry, the two left. As they continued walking down the street, Jeri reached into her pocket and froze.


"Uuuummmmm… Hannie…."


The man turned around to see Jeri frantically searching through her pockets, her eyes wide in worry.


"What's wrong?" he asked, walking back over to her.


"Ummmm…. I…. I think I lost my phone…" she blanched, her shoulders sagging in defeat. "Jun's going to kill meeeee!"


"You can easily get a new phone, you just need to get them to deactivate your old one so people won't think it's you calling them. I remember Ryeowook lost his phone in China and somehow a fan got a hold of it," Hangeng said, cringing slightly at the memory of the constant calls the group received.


Jeri snickered. "Poor Wookie."


Hangeng nodded and motioned for her to follow after him, heading back down the street. They found a phone store and after about ten minutes, Jeri's old number was deactivated and she got a new number and new phone.


"I don't understand why you like those ones so much…" Hangeng claimed, watching her twiddle on her flip-phone.


"I don't like touch screens, they're so…. touchy…" she mumbled wiggling her fingers with a strange look on her face.


Hangeng rolled his eyes and noticed Jeri's hand flinch towards his, then quickly retreat back to her side. With a small chuckle, he reached over and took her hand in his.


"There's no hidden meaning behind it right?" Hangeng smiled.

Recovering from the slight shock, Jeri smiled back and nodded in confirmation, the two continuing to walk back to the dorms.

Sorry that this is so late guys :/ I've been tyring to balance out my job with my life and with my stories, both on here and original works, but please know that I'm doing my very best to keep bringing you guys new chapters :3

Thank you for subscribing and following along with me as I attempt to bring you an even greater experience with Jeri and the gang~! Also guys, I'm not sure if you've seen it or not, but be sure to give me feedback on what I posted for the first "chapter", if you guys aren't interested then tell me and I won't do it, but I don't know how to interpret silence XD

Thank you to all subscribers as well as silent readers, and a special thanks to arandomperson and iheartbts for upvoting~!

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11/17/16 Working on the next chapter right now guys, hopefuly it'll be finished and ready for tomorrow~


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 49: OMG! Such a cute chapter. hehe XD always love Hannie x Jeri moments ♥ can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon.
Xxdreamergirl #2
Chapter 49: This chapter was so cute >.<!! I love to see Hannie and Jeri together ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 48: Such a cute and adorable chapter! always love the interaction between Jeri and Hangeng ♥
can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon.

PS for some odd reason, I didn't watch it either, even though I was back home in India at that time. I remember only watching the MTV award just for him.
2026 streak #4
Chapter 47: Aww... why do you have to make me fall in love with Jun and Jeri, again and again? they're so cute!
And nice chapter as usual... can't wait to read more.
PS since this is SM Town Live, will I be seeing a cameo of the TVXQ boys anywhere? hahaha XD I'm just being curious...
2026 streak #5
Chapter 46: Love this chapter. And I love your last para a lot. can't wait to read more ^^
Arashi93 #6
Chapter 46: Love it still :) thank you for updating :D
2026 streak #7
Chapter 45: Awww~ Hannieeeeeeeeee ♥
Nice chapter ^^ can't wait to read the next one. hehe

PS what's Hangeng up to recently?
2026 streak #8
Chapter 44: hehe since I caught onto your last update just a day before, I was surprised for a moment to see a new update today. oh, coming to the story, is it weird if I miss Harii? though I should remember who is going to get mauled from 15A1, I still don't. anyway, can't wait to read more.
2026 streak #9
Chapter 43: Wow! this chapter was so cute. wonder what's the story with their mother. can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon.
Arashi93 #10
Chapter 43: So damn cute :D love this :)