
Idyllic Oblivion

Quiet nights inside Kris's home were short-lived. After Kyungsoo's sudden nightmare during his mid-day nap, the boy began to become increasingly worse within each day, often waking the older up with constant cries for help and finding himself fully or partially unclothed. This lead to Kris staying in the younger's room until he eventually fell asleep, where the latter earned the oppurtunity to return to his own, only to be again woken up shortly after. Even when asked what his nightmares were about, Kyungsoo couldn't help but end up recollecting the events of the dreams and become extremely anxious. There was no real answer given, only soft whimpers. The others grew and learned not ask anymore, shortly after the anxiety attacks. Sehun came with the solution to avoid at least waking up without clothes on, buying little Kyungsoo his very own one-piece footie pajama, something Kris was not very fond of. Kyungsoo, on the other hand, was very eager to wear the unexpected gift, fitting himself perfectly into the soft, cozy material and thanking the young blonde with a gentle hug. Although the pajama did not conclude the boy's night scares, it did solve the issue that involved waking up unclothed, which was probably the only fixable problem within the nightmares.

"It's really comortable. Even after washing it." Kyungsoo cooed, rubbing the loose material with small hands, and admiring the small bears printed onto the cream colored cotton. Sehun grinned, happy that he bought the item, and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. I'm glad you're still wearing it, and not wearing Kris's Gucci or whatever pajamas. Not everything has to be expensive."

Kris scoffed at the comment.

"Isn't the design a little childish for someone like Kyungsoo?" He asked, upset that his young friend bought the product. He felt as if Sehun was trying to put a competition.

"Don't be a turd hyung. It's working, isn't it?"

"Whatever." Kris led his friends out of the room, keeping a strong hold on Kyungsoo's thin shoulder frame. Jongin was outside the room, sitting on the couch and seemed to be focused on his cell phone rather than his best friends. A concentrated look was painted onto his face, eyes narrowed. 

"Hey." The tanned boy lifted a hand, then stood up from the sofa to greet the others. "So what's the plan?"

The oldest glanced at his watch.

"It's 7 right now, so we'll go to the doctor's office at 8:30, that's when I scheduled the appointment. And if you guys want, we can take Kyungsoo to get himself some clothes, because mine are way to big." He looked up, noticing that Kyungsoo was beaming at the suggestion. A cool smirk formed on his face.

"So I guess it's settled." Jongin let out a sigh, stuffing his phone into his coat pocket. His eyes glanced towards Kyungsoo, who seemed quite terrified after being reminded of having to going to the doctor's appointment. "Are you going to be okay, Kyungsoo?"

The shaken boy nodded, looking down. 

"Are you sure you want to go out like that though?" Jongin asked in uncertainty, noticing Kyungsoo's pajamas were yet to be changed out. 

"It makes me feel more comfortable."

"..Okay. Whatever you prefer." Jongin frowned when Kyungsoo gave him a dry, saccharine smile for an unknown reason, and was the first to exit the house. Sehun and Kris traded glances, both uncomfortable with the sudden awkward situation. It wasn't like Jongin to randomly change moods. Kyungsoo simply shrugged, then skipped off behind the tan boy who had already reached the gate surrounding the home. 

Kris let out a heavy sigh as he watched Kyungsoo lightly limp away. Sehun took notice too, anxiously clinging onto his older friend's arm in worry. Much to the blonde's surprise, he did not shake it away, only allowing the gesture and walking out the door.

"What are we going to be doing for the time being?" The charming maknae asked, finding himself having a difficult time keeping up with the other, despite his long legs. Kris slowed down in pace, then cleared his throat. 

"I was thinking about going to school. Maybe show Kyungsoo around."

Sehun shined a bright smile, his eyes curved perfectly into charismatic crescents.

"He's going to go to school? With us?"

"Well.. yeah. I can't keep him here alone you know."

"That's awesome! Imagine what the others will say." The blonde began staring into space. "They're going to drool over Kyungsoo. I can have him as a sidekick, make everyone jealous and regret underestimating me all the time. With Kyungsoo by my side-"

"Sehun." Kris stopped his friend from going any further, and placed a large hand over his moving lips. "That's too far."

The younger smacked the hand away, giving the other a mean snare, complete with a gruff, indicating that he was to obey, although he was not very happy about the order. Before they knew it, the two had reached the black, sleek car set outside the gates, parked in alignment to the other vehicles present. Kris smoothly unlocked the car with his keys, listening to the familiar noise it made whenever free to open. Kyungsoo stood beside the automobile, unsure of where he was to sit. After all, he was a mere houseguest, he had no real rights to randomly sit wherever he pleased. He watched Jongin take a seat behind the dirver's seat, as Sehun and Kris approached.

"Is something wrong?" Kris asked, cocking his head to the side. Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows and nodded.

"Where do you want me to sit?" He asked, pointing at the car with wide eyes. The Chinese male chuckled slightly, then ushered the boy to the passenger side with steady hands.

"Right here is fine." Kris smirked, opening the door for his short friend, who gladly set himself inside. The smell was definitely recognizable, having been put inside the day Kyungsoo found himself inside the hotel. A smile grew on his face at the short memory. "Buckle up." He heard the oldest demand, sounding the clicks of the seatbelts.

Jongin shifted uncomfortably, watching Kyungsoo's face directly diagonal from his own. He had just noticed how pearlescent the boy's skin was. "Where are we going?"


"School?" Kyungsoo and Jongin both asked in unison. "What for?"

"So Kyungsoo can have an idea of it. We have an hour and a half before we go to the doctor's you know."

"He's going to school?" Jongin simpered at the thought. Kyungsoo at school didn' sound half bad.

"Yes, Jongin, he is. What's with all the questions today?"

The tanned boy smiled cutely in guilt, and shrugged. The thought of Kyungsoo attending the same school as he did made him somehwhat giddy.

Fortunately for the boys, the school was not a long drive away. It gave them the time to chatter away about the school's social status, sharing with Kyungsoo the other school friends that he is yet to meet. Sehun excitedly explained their various closer friendships, a boy named Chanyeol, who was presented as a rather happy and hyper boy. There was also a boy named Jongdae, who Sehun described as a pricky boy, who enjoyed taking care of his friends dearly but was often quiet, mostly focused within his studies in music. Then there was the last, a sweet boy known as Yixing, who was much too gentle to even lightly poke. He wasn't the overly sensitive type, but both Sehun and Jongin stated that he did not deserve to be treated badly, so Kyungsoo should avoid doing so.

As soon as they reached their destination, Sehun was the first to jump out of the car. He smiled as he faced the school buildings, and placed his hands on his hips while breathing in the winter hair hitting against his slim face. 

"It feels weird being here." He stated. Jongin appeared by his side and nodded in agreement. 

"Especially when we're not in uniform."

"You have uniforms?" Kyungsoo asked, feeling Kris's arm snake around his shoulders. Jongin watched it all happen, eye twitching, and hesitated to speak. 

"Yeah. Wow Kyungsoo, you must really not remember much." Sehun said, hoping his voice didn't sound so bitter, for he never intended for it to. He felt Kris's glare already set on him. 

"I'm getting there." The doe-eyed boy grinned at the blonde, then followed the oldest with a beating heart as they approached closer to the school. Although his memories of being a schoolboy were unclear to him, Kyungsoo was rather eager to be able to learn with other kids around his age. Kris caught glimpse of his raring expression, and his lips. 

"Are you excited Kyungsoo?" He asked, swinging their arms slowly, the motion gradually becoming faster is speed. The shorter bit his lower lip and nodded promptly at the question. 

"Of course."

They walked through the school gates, passing their peers that for some reason still visited the school during their longest vacation. They were all boys, something Kyungsoo questioned, and they seemed to all be uncomfortable with the other's presence. They had every right to, for the trio was a intimidating seeming group, but the initial reaction towards them was abnormal, especially for attending the same school. Kyungsoo's eyebrows angled. 

"Why is everybody so scared?" He asked. Sehun cracked his knuckles after passing a short group of boys who cowered away. 

"It's Kris. Everyone knows his reputation here, so they know not to mess with him. They're making some smart choices."

Jongin pursed his lips. 

"We're not really the issue. It's only Kris they're trying to avoid. But Sehun's right, it's best that they keep to themselves."

"You guys make me sound bad." Kris jeered, glaring at a tall yet thin boy leaning against one of the school buildings. He flinched before scurrying away, making the other smirk in confidence. 

Sehun shook his head at the comment, then paused by the school library. He peered inside, gaining the attention of a few of the occupants, and bursted into sheer happiness before barging in with a wild grin. Jongin sighed in annoyance, then followed the young maknae, as Kris encouraged Kyungsoo to do the same, for he seemed too timid to enter the building, despite the boys inside were much too focused on the books in front of them. Kyungsoo finally gained the courage, and shuffled inside with Kris's hand now around his. 

"It's not a bad school. There's honestly so reason to be scared." The older explained, watching Sehun return with a cunning looking boy by his side. His hair was a deep raven, individual clumps of it sweeping elegantly to the side in a wavy fashion. Kyungsoo noticed his eyes seemed to stand out the most, curving delicately into the most perfect almond shape, and brown orbs occupying the flawless whites. His cheekbones were also a stunning feature. 

"This is Jongdae. What an egghead, being in the library and all." Sehun giggled at his insult, where as the boy on his side simply laughed along. "Jongdae, this is Kyungsoo."

Jongdae flashed a sweet grin before holding out a pretty hand for his new friend to shake. 

"Hey there." He spoke in the most melodious and smoothest voice that Kyungsoo would probably ever hear. Reluctantly, he accepted the gesture while averting eye contact in embarrassment. Jongdae chuckled at his shyness, then looked up at his oldest and boldest friend.

"He's cute. Are you babysitting?"

Kris cleared his throat. 

"N-No. He's a son of a close family friend."

Jongin and Sehun pierced glares at their oldest friend for his dishonesty, whereas Kris shot back daggers as if to say, 'don't say a word'. They all knew with Jongdae's natural maternal instinct, he would never approve of keeping Kyungsoo around, constantly bugging Kris until he was eventually let go. 

"Neat. So what brings you guys here?"

"Kyungsoo is supposed to attend here from now on. We thought it would be nice to show him around."

Jongdae gaped.

"Oh. I thought he was younger than that.." He nervously laughed. "I'm sorry Kyungsoo. Your appearance is deceiving."

"The kid is 19. He's older than me and Sehun." Jongin spoke, peering down at Kyungsoo who seemed to be enjoying his new friend. 

"Really? I guess Sehun is forever the maknae. I thought for sure his title would be someday taken."

Sehun stuck out his tongue mockingly. 

"That's right Jongdae. I'm forever the maknae. Bow down."

Kris rolled his eyes at the blonde, who was already off in his own imaginary world where he was superior, and returned his attention back to Jongdae. He felt somewhat guilty for having lied to one of his sweetest and most innocent friends, but Kyungsoo didn't excuse the barrier. 

"Where are the others?" He asked. Jongdae was usually glued onto Yixing, mainly because they both had the same opinion on the majority of arguments, a characteristic that brought the two closer than ever. Chanyeol rarely was seen with them when school was on break, for he claimed to be busy whenever asked to hang out. The others didn't think much of the obvious excuses.

"You know them. They don't like the library as much as I do."

"Oh. Why not hang with us then?" Kris offered, where Jongdae gladly accepted. The group scurried out of the library into the winter gale when all was settled. 

"What was your last school?" Jongdae asked Kyungsoo. The others grimaced at the question, leaving the smallest unsure of how to respond. 

"Gwangju High." Kris responded instantly, his handsome friend cocking an eyebrow in confusion. It wasn't like him to answer abnormally quick. 

"O..kay. What made you want to transfer?"

Sehun and Jongin traded worried looks. 

"He wants to major in preforming arts." Kris answered again, quicker than before. Jongdae was beyond confusion at this point, but choose not to question his friend's strange behavior. 

"That's nice." He looked at Kyungsoo with a gorgeous smile. "You chose the right school then. We're famous for the amount of success in preforming arts that the students excel in. Start here, and you're guaranteed to leave famous."

Kyungsoo was surprised at how prestigious the school sounded. It didn't sound bad, actually sounded pretty exciting. A smile grew on his face for what seemed like the millionth time that day. 

"Do you sing? Act? Dance?" Jongdae spilled another fill of questions. 

"Sing! He likes to sing." Kris replied with an exasperated tone. The other was slightly hurt, but did not point it out. He was simply aware of the fact that the older was irritated by the sudden questions being asked. Sehun and Jongin both sent him sympathetic looks, before changing then into gratifying smiles. Jongdae weakly smiled back. Jongin drew closer to him. 

"He's just really protective over Kyungsoo. Don't be too bothered by his ty attitude." He reassured the other, who nodded at the fact. 

"Did he get hurt? He's limping."

"...Yeah. He was in a..-"

"Car accident." Sehun completed his friend's struggle, expecting payback for the damage control. Jongin flashed him a smirk and nodded matter-of-factly. 

"Yes. He's still in the process of healing his leg injuries."

"Hm. That's quite odd. Is he not patched up correctly?"

Jongin froze. He and Sehun were not experts when it came to medical topics, so convincing a smart figure liked Jongdae was going to be beyond difficult. 

"I-I don't think so."That's too bad. Kyungsoo must be in so much pain. You should get him to the hospital soon."

"We are!" Sehun eagerly exclaimed, happy that he was telling the truth for once. "We're going after this."

Jongdae's expression softened as he looked ahead. Kris had a protective hand around Kyungsoo's slim waist, and the sight made him feel fuzzy inside, hence the smile on his face. 

"He's really attached. He and Kyungsoo must be really close." He looked up at Jongin, who stiffened at the comment. His expression immediately went from content to miffed, and Jongdae took quick notice. "Are you okay?"

The tanned boy gritted his teeth together at the thought of Kris and Kyungsoo together. It just wasn't right. 

"Yeah. I'm fine." Jongin grumbled, then speed up to the couple up ahead, leaving Jongdae and Sehun behind. The older gave a puzzled look. 

"They haven't been getting along well ever since Kyungsoo came along." The blonde shrugged, looking down. Jongdae pet his head with crescent eyes. 

"I'm sorry you have to be caught in the middle of everything. Our little maknae doesn't deserve to go through that kind of stress."

"I hope they learn to get along soon, so Kyungsoo doesn't have to go through it either."

"Good for you Hun. It's nice to think positive."

The young blonde smiled sheepishly at the comment. He could always depend on his other hyungs to support him and keep him optimistic. The raven haired boy let out a heavy sigh, startling the other fairly well. A brief silence drew out, until Jongdae cleared his throat after passing by a gay couple becoming intimate with each other against a wall, out in pain sight. Sehun felt his muscles tighten at the sight.

"Chanyeol got a boyfriend."

The maknae choked as he proceeded to inhale, only to be mercilessly paused with the sudden statement. He coughed loudly, the boys in front of then turning around in alarm, and Jongdae standing off to the side, making poor attempts in holding in his dry laughs.

"Shh. Don't tell anyone I told you." Jongdae motioned for the others ahead to continue with a short gesture. He returned his attention to the crippled boy kneeled on the concrete. 

"I know you're surprised. I had no idea he was gay."

"Who is it?" Sehun stuttered, managing to return to his feet. 

"I asked, but he doesn't want to say. He only told me that it was a guy."

"I can't believe it." The blonde stared past Jongdae in disbelief. "He's the last person I'd expect to get a guy."

"Same here. But don't-" Jongdae sharply spoke, lifting a threatening finger at his younger friend. His expression was suddenly serious. "Don't tell anyone. Not even Yixing. I only told you because I trust you the most."

Sehun exhaled heavily, upset that he had to keep so many secrets at once. He nodded with a frown as the other pat his broad shoulders out of relief. Jongdae flashed his signature smile. 

"Thanks kiddo. I knew I could trust you." He cooed sweetly, until he found himself running up against Jongin's back that was suddenly in front of his front side. Jongin turned around, confused that his friend was as foolish as to run into him, and cracked a chuckle.

"Watch out." The taller male teased. Jongdae sheepishly laughed at his clumsiness. "Were you guys talking about Chanyeol?"

Sehun grimaced. 

"No." He immediately averted the subject to the shortest boy picking a dandelion from one of the school's grass patches. The school want generally overwhelmed by weeds, but this particular area was flowing with all sorts. "What's he doing?"

Kyungsoo stood up with a small white puffy flower in between his two fingers. He blew the contents of the weed into Jongin's face with a small grin. 

Jongin blew back the seeds to the smaller's face with a beam. It was nice to know that Kyungsoo didn't exactly hold the biggest grudge against him, something that Jongin couldn't believe himself. 

Kris scowled before gently pulling Kyungsoo away from the scene. The big eyed boy stressed his facial expression at the way Kris retrieved him. Nobody noticed his irritation, much to his surprise.

"It's cold." Kyungsoo complained, finding himself adjusting to being under Kris's wing all the time. Both he and Jongin proceeded to remove their expensive coats, but paused when they realized the way they both were intending on helping Kyungsoo. Jongin looked down with narrowed eyes when the other passed him a glare. Sehun caught it all, frowning at the way Kyungsoo was splitting their friendship apart. 

Kyungsoo shrunk when Kris's coat was softly placed on his thin frame, and shined a smile brighter than they had seen before. 

"We should've brought a jacket for you." Kris said, looking up at the storm clouds floating over the area. "It's going to snow."

The shorter glanced up, and nodded in full agreement. 

"Oh yeah." He removed the coat over him, returning it to it's rightful owner. Kris furrowed his eyebrows. 

"What are you doing? It's freezing out here."

Kyungsoo ignored the words, as he put the coat back onto Kris, only to cuddle up in the inside of the material right beside the taller male with a giggle. 

"So you won't be cold." He whispered sweetly. Kris couldn't help but smile. Jongdae stood close, silently praising the beauty of the scene with crystal eyes. Sehun, on the other hand, refused to look at all. He knew very well that Jongin was likely to be fuming, only being able to look and not interfere. The blonde was smart enough to just leave it alone. Jongin let out a deep gruff before walking off on the opposite direction of where the group was headed. 

"Where are you going?" Sehun asked, upset that he was so quickly leaving because of the mere intimacy. Jongin shrugged, but didn't turn to face his friends. 

"I'm going to go to the restroom." He mumbled incoherently, where only a few of the handful of boys heard. Jongdae scrunched up his nose and followed his friend with a sad expression. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, following Jongin. "You don't seem that happy."

"Today just isn't my morning."

"Is that it? There's lots of things to be happy about Jongin."

"..Not really."

Jongdae swallowed. He felt the anger radiating off of his younger friend, meaning that Jongin was clearly not in the best mood.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'd rather not."

Sehun suddenly appeared by Jongdae, who sent him a worried look. The maknae pursed his lips as Jongin sped ahead when he came around. 

"Why can't they just get along?" He whined, frowning at the neglect. Jongdae softly chuckled and the blonde's shoulder structure with a strong hand. Sehun wasn't the best at taking in rudeness from his friends, Jongdae and Yixing being the only two to pay attention to the boy's child-like personality. Yes, they understood that he was determined to live up being the maknae, and being the most caring of the group, they both felt that Sehun required some special attention for the one of a kind attitude. Simply disregarding him like the others did was just plain inhumane to them, they couldn't possibly to it themselves. 

"It's okay Hun. Give them a break, and they'll eventually get along."

"You think so? Because from what I'm seeing, they're never going to talk again."

Jongdae heavily sighed at the thought. A million consequences were now in his head. 

"I hope so."





I might change up the description as a pre warning









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blessvkook #1
this fic messes wiht my brain so much i love it
Chapter 3: Once again, I fee l like Ive ran a thousand laps around my own brain. This story is so great. Poor Kris with his feelings developing so rapidly for this tiny creature of a man. But Jongin and Sehun comING to the conclusion of him maybe having mental issues? Or being a e? I really hope neither are true. Kyungsoo is in an u natural statell of amnesia guys! Ahh I really love this story.
Waaaaahhhhhhh intense~! You really leave me excited for more, Author nim.
Chapter 1: Chapter one was intense! I really feel the sense of lost nothingness from Kyungsoo, like the description seemed to suggest. I can't wait to see what happens next! (Though it's just an expression, I totally can wait, so take your time.ㅋㅋ)
I was excited because it said it was updated , but it lied (ㅠ ㅍ ㅠ)