The day where everything disappears

A rainy, depressing day

  The day is cold. The day is silent. My name is Huang Zitao and  I have nothing.

Its raining outside. Nothing on the streets. Just a rain. I am a strange person.

ever since I had my first boyfriend Kris. I will tell a short story of my time with him.

We go back to high school, my last year. He made me feel alive, a feeling I never had. 

He treated me like a queen, but his friends didn't, they made my life a living hell.

it pushed me almost to suicide. Nobody seemed to care then except Kris.

 Going back scares me. But I will go for the sake to tell my story. It was a rainy day 

like this one. Me sitting in a classroom with nobody there not even the teacher.

Im listening to music, pyramid song by Radiohead, I sounds really good with rain.

The classroom is gloomy, dark and grey. I'm staring down and I see no students, and they don't see me.

It's like I'm invisible. I'm staring down at my paper that I just did a drawing on.


It was a quick sketch, I'm an artist but, nobody appreicates my work.

I find no hope in this world, the only confort is art This world needs

help. somebody walks in and its a young man. high school student.

he looks around and ask me something but, I don't respond. i don't want

to talk, I forgot how since its been forever since someone talked to me. I 

give him a glance and I look back at the window. I could tell that he looked straight

into my soul because my eyes read saddness and lonliness. He just keeps standing there.

I look again at him and I eye him for a moment, tall, slim lean body. Honey blonde hair.

long face, round mouth, very strong eyes that have no fear. Eyes that look like chocolate.

He's wearing a long sleeve shirt that buttons down from the top and stops mid way.

black jeans that are straight legged. Old school Vans. And some black beaded braceletes.

I then look away.and just look out the window.gloomy as ever. I was day dreaming about.  


what my other self is doing in another dimension

Probably being popular but, I don't see that. 

I see the student moving from my peripheral Vision and he seems to come near me. I tense up. I don't like it when people approach me because all they do is hurt me. I finally look his way and he's staring down at me, he make me tense just looking at me. He kind of scares me, if you saw this man infront of you you would turn away quick and try to run for your life, it's not that he's ugly,no no no, he is very attractive, it's just when you look in his eyes , they stare into your soul. He seems to be looking at my face and then he traces down to my drawing. He picks it up and folds it and puts it in his front pocket. Then he gives me a long stare in my eyes and he then just walks away.

i wonder what the hell is wrong with him. But,  I'm not going to go up to him and say that he took my drawing and that I would like it back.

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