Chapter 2


Chapter 2

As the years went by, Kibum’s guardian never came to him and so he began to live alone. People never seemed interested in him and his bad luck was his large plague. Eventually he gave up hope of ever receiving a guardian or even making friends. He continued living life this way and he grew content with it.



His morning started as it always did, he would get up early and make himself breakfast that he would slowly and tiredly eat. Then he would get his clothes ready for work and do his morning routine before changing and heading out the door. He had moved out of his parent’s home when he was twenty years old, when he got his job. His mother and father didn’t want to force him to stay with them, but they knew that their son had changed drastically since that day. Key moved out so that he wouldn’t be a burden to his parents and he, honestly, liked living on his own. He answered to himself and looked out for himself, and he didn’t need the help of a guardian. Despite of that, he had to admit, he was lonely. No one would give him the light of day because he didn’t have a guardian, but he didn’t get loneliness stop him from going about his daily and yet boring life. He made his way through town completely zoned out, there was only one road to work and he had already memorized it, so this was the chance that he had to daydream, about what a perfect life looked like, but unfortunately he was rudely awakened when he came upon the building he worked in. Sighing he went in and started his work.



In the forest, another being was out on the prowl. his lips as he saw the oblivious buck grazing on some grass, he inched closer and closer, letting out a hiss of excitement he waited for a moment before he pounced. The buck quickly dashed off making this predator and prey chase even more exciting, well for the predator anyway. He raced after the animal that seemed to be getting tired and was slowing down. Smirking, he pounced onto the animal, knocking it off its feet and plunging on the ground. The predator sunk its teeth into the buck’s neck chocking it until its movements ceased. He then threw the animal onto his back and carried it home.



When he arrived home, he placed the animal in the middle of his village, signaling that breakfast had been served. He watched proudly as other vampires came out of their homes to get a piece of the large buck. “Jonghyun!” The hunter’s father called out to him. The younger smiled, “hello father, this is the best buck I’ve found in a while so enjoy it while there is some left.” The father eyed the animal then eyed his son and asked, “Jonghyun what about your honor?” Jonghyun released a frustrated sigh, “you know how I feel about this subject father. The vampire in the legend was a fool to let himself get taken over by a pathetic human.” The older looked at his son seriously, “Jonghyun, don’t mock our ancestors, that vampire protected a homeless little boy after the boy helped that vampire recover from his injuries.” Jonghyun rolled his eyes, “right and where is this great vampire today? Dead! Please father, that vampire was weakling for defending a human.” “Protecting a human does not show a sign of weakness, Jonghyun.” The younger boy sighed again, “So, what do you want me to do?” He asked in, almost, a demanding tone. His father looked at him sternly, “I want you to do what you refused to do when you were little, be a guardian-“ “No! I refuse to be a human’s bodyguard!” He stormed off into the forest while his father went back to his protected, who happened to be the king of Cold Stone.



When Kibum came home from work, it was late, really late. ‘they had me stay overtime again.’ He thought to himself as he sat down on the couch and released a sigh. He looked around his home, it was a large place with two bedrooms, he could afford a roommate, if people weren’t avoiding him like the plague then he could probably find a friend and invite them over, but that was in Kibum’s perfect world, in this world, the untouched bedroom, stayed empty. He wished that he wouldn’t be so lonely. He had no one to call friend and no guardian, why should something good happen to him?

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