Chapter 12


Chapter 12

The next morning, a soft and yet annoying buzzing of the alarm clock woke Key. He got up groggily and went downstairs to start on breakfast. He took out four plates and plated breakfast. He took his own plate and sat down at the table. He didn’t like waking Minho and Taemin so early in the morning and he had no idea where Jonghyun was staying, so had his meal by himself.

 It wasn’t until he was ready to bring his plate to the sink when the front door opened and a yawning Jonghyun walked in. His hair was disheveled and his clothes were a little wrinkled. ‘Did he sleep outside?’ Key wondered when he saw the vampire plop down at the table. “Uh, morning.” Key said hesitantly. Jonghyun replied with an annoyed, “ugh” and then said, “morning…what’s to eat?” Key went into the kitchend and plated the food. Then he left the kitchen and returned to the dining room where the vampire sat a little more awake. Key placed the plate in front of Jonghyun who his lips at the delectable food and began to dig in. “So,” Key began sitting down at the table in front of Jonghyun, “Where did you sleep?” Jonghyun swallowed and replied, “The roof.” Key looked at Jonghyun with a shocked look and said, “Why on earth would you sleep on the roof? It was cold out there.” Jonghyun’s gaze went up to Key’s and a smirk tugged on his lips, “were you worried about me?” He wondered. Key broke eye contact with Jonghyun, “W-what no, I wasn’t worried. I was curious that’s all.” Jonghyun didn’t believe the younger for a minute, but at the same time, he felt as though Key really wasn’t worried at all.

Jonghyun continued to eat while Key disappeared into his room. After Jonghyun finished, Key came out dressed quite fancy. He wore a nice white dress shirt with some black freshly ironed pants and shiny, polished shoes. Key gathered somethings into a bag before checking himself in the mirror. Jonghyun looked at the younger he had to admit, Key looked good, but he was curious to know where he was going, “Where are you off to?” He wondered. Key looked at the vampire, “work.” Jonghyun nodded and said, “ok, lets go.” Key was not going to take the vampire to work with him. “No, you’re not going, you are staying here.” Jonghyun rolled his eyes, “Yes I am, I promised I would be your guardian and I need to prove that you’re worth of a guardian and that I’m worth of calling you my protected, so I obviously need to go.” Key couldn’t really argue back, so he opened the door and said, “After you.”

As they made their way through town, Key had remembered that Taemin had asked him to buy some fresh meat; he took out some money and handed it to Jonghyun, “Do me a favor go to the market and get some meat for Taemin.” Jonghyun looked at Key with a questioning look, “Why can’t you get it after work?” Jonghyun wondered. “I work late today and it would really help me out a ton.” Rolling his eyes, Jonghyun took the money and went off to the market to get the meat. ‘This is what its come to, running errands, honestly humans are such weaklings.’ He thought to himself.

He walked through town with a bored look on his face. Today was his official first day of being Key's guardian and he was sent to run an errand boring and not to mention stupid. He wondered if this bet was even worth it. As he got to the butcher's shop, he noticed the insane line of people. Huffing in frustration, Jonghyun took a spot in line and began to wonder how long he would have to wait in this darn line. It wasn't long before he heard a familiar voice, "Jonghyun?" He turned around and saw Onew with someone he assumed to be his protected. "Onew, what are you doing here?" He asked a smile plastered on his face. Onew smiled shyly and said, "Changmin and I were headed to work when his brother called and asked to get him something from the near by shop, so that's why we're here, but why are you here?" Jonghyun sighed and said, "My so called protected sent me to run his errands." Changmin looked at Jonghyun and asked, "Who is your protected?" Jonghyun huffed and said, "Key." Changmin's eyes widened, "No way are you serious?" Jonghyun nodded almost sadly, he really did not want to do this. He missed his clan, where he was free and didn't have to listen to anyone. Then he heard Changmin say, "That's good." Jonghyun looked at Changmin not sure what exactly was good, but he didn't have to wait long; Changmin continued, "Key really deserves a guardian, everyone does, but I can see why he would have you running errands. Key works very late all the time, with no breaks, I'm surprised he hasn't collapsed from exhaustion." Jonghyun sighed and went up a little in line to get the meat.

Once he got the meat he brought it back to Taemin who immediately started tearing it apart to cook it. Jonghyun immediately tried to hurry to find Key. He had his scent memorized, but he had this urge to hurry and find him. He didn't understand why he had this urge, but he needed to get to Key for some reason. Following his scent, Jonghyun was lead to a large building, it looked like an office building. He walked in and was welcomed by people running around with stacks of papers and lots of phone calls being answered. He noticed his target sitting at a desk with what he assumed would be a client. He walked passed the two secretaries with ease, since they were so distracted by their phone conversations, and made his way to Key's desk.

Key finished with his client and leaned back in his seat. Releasing a sigh, he looked out the window, he was wondering what was keeping Jonghyun, but then he felt a presence next to him. Turning his head, he saw the said vampire standing next to him. “I’m back.” He said a little shyly. Key was relaxed knowing that Jonghyun was with him again, "Sorry to send you off on an errand like that." The vampire perked up, 'How did he know I was upset about that?' He wondered. He didn't say anything to the younger, but he some how knew that he wasn't thrilled about it, could it be, the bond that Minho was talking about? "I-it's ok." he replied. Jonghyun stayed by Key's side as the younger worked with clients and taking phone calls. Jonghyun, on the inside felt proud to watch over someone as hard working as Key.


I hope all of you guys are doing well!

Here is the next update for this story. I hope you enjoy it!


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