
You're My Ideal Type

“I'll call you.” That's what he said to me before we went into separate vans. It's been two days since the filming of 'A Song For You' – hold on, why am I waiting for his call?


“Did Jin call you yet?” Nara nudged me and I nearly dropped my phone. She happened to be around when Jin came to me that night. I had no idea that he was asking for my number because I was too busy staring at Nara who kept making faces at me from behind him. If I knew what was happening, I honestly wouldn't of given up my number right away. I was just caught off guard and more worried about Nara embarrassing us. I wonder if he thought I was an "easy" girl since I gave my number right away.


“N-No.” I lied, avoiding eye contact. “Why would I be waiting?”


“Well, it kind of looked like it from how long you stared at your phone and did nothing.” She clicked on my home button and the screen lit up with a random black and white drawing of roses I saved off of the internet. She clicked her tongue and shook her head. “He didn't send you a text either.”


“He must be busy.” I blurted out, defending him without even thinking it through. I mean it's true, right?  Her smile reached from ear to ear. Thank god, Rin went out with Heeae to do some grocery shopping to restock the fridge. If Rin didn't go out, she'd be on my left right now adding to the teasing.


“Maybe... or he's a bad guy and just wanted your number to show off to the boys or maybe he got dared to.” She shrugged and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of juice. “I don't know what type of person he was. You might know him best unless he changed within the times you've met.”


“He's ... always been a quiet, gentle person.” I whispered to myself. That recording, I didn't go in full detail when talking about how I received the nickname, Bibi. I knew that the fans might start something if I went too personal during the filming.


Well, one thing that made me feel grateful towards Jin was not that he shared his umbrella, if I were to forget my lunch, he would always made sure to share his with me or if he would forget as well, he would buy me lunch too. I didn't have many close friends either so he looked after me if anything went on.


Back when I saw him around school, it amazed me to see that a boy of a few words would be surrounded by so many friends. It surprised me too when I found out that out of all the years in high school, he only had one girl friend who he dated for two years. To this day, I wondered what made them break up. She seemed like a nice girl.


“So he took care of you for a year... That's it?” Nara yawned and pulled her hair up into a messy bun.


“Not exactly. We lived in the same neighborhood since I was in my first year of middle school. He was like the neighborhood big brother that the kids and I played with. I knew he baby sat around since our community was very close knit.” I answered, “We only really talked at the end of my first year in middle school. He noticed that I would usually walk behind him whenever we went to and from school.”


“Was the street small or something? Wouldn't there be many people around?”


“We took the same short cut which was a small alley into a small street.”


Nara sighed, “This is really like those drama's Yejin and Rin would watch. Especially those Japanese dramas about high school love.”


“Yeah, yeah.” I brushed it off and went into our room before she could question me further. I don't want to talk too much about my past since it's almost forgotten now that I'm here in the present. Anyway, I don't remember much from back then. 


I jumped into bed and felt all of the tension from today release from my body. Nothing like the feeling of lying down after a long day. I rolled over to my left side and began to listen to some music. Some reason, this time of night I love listening to soft ballads from ballad artists or from the dramas. Currently, I'm in love with Jang Jaein's voice. It's something about the tone and breath she takes when she sings.


I went over a couple songs before sitting up trying to write different lyrics to one song. It happened to be Big Bang's 'If You'. After hearing one line, I would try to write another line to replace it. This is what I do to just pass time.


I nearly belted out the chorus until the music got cut off and my screen switched to the phone call screen. It was a number I didn't know and suddenly, I felt my stomach drop with butterflies fluttering everywhere. I leaped out of bed and closed the door so that Nara wouldn't come in as I answered it. I had to take drastic measures such as to locking the door. I had a feeling she would come by and say something stupid as I talked.


“H-Hello?” I answered the phone cautiously. Why am I so cautious? The background noise sounded intense with loud talking and the sound of a busy road.


“Is.. this Lee” The voice asked in between statics.


“Sorry? I can't really hear you.” I said and the other line went quiet for a second. I repeated myself, but nothing happened.


“Sorry about that.” The voice became clearer and now I can recognize Jin's soft voice. “Is this Eunbi?”


“Yes, speaking.” I said, trying not to sound too rushed. On the other hand, I'm trying hard to not freak out.


“Oh, this is Jin. I said I'll call remember?” He laughed, “Sorry, I would of called earlier, but I went to Jeju to film a photoshoot. I just got back.”


“H-Hi. No worries, I know you're busy. How was Jeju? I always wanted to go there.”


“It was really fun. We were lucky that the weather was warm. What did you do these days?”


“Uh, you know. Just a lot of practicing.” I walked back and forth the room. I often paced whenever I'm on the phone. I didn't know what else to do other than that. It felt awkward to just sit there and talk. I didn't know how other people would do it.


“Sounds.. fun...not really.” I could picture him smiling already, “We're actually holding a mini concert tomorrow. I was wondering if you wanted to come and watch. You can bring your members too if you don't want to come alone.”


“It's fine!” I answered rather quickly, “I-I mean I'd love to. I don't mind if I went alone or not. I'll ask the other girls though.”


“That's great. I thought it'd be fun for you to take some time off of training and just have fun. I'll get someone to deliver you backstage passes tomorrow. Just let me know what your their answers are before noon tomorrow. I think it might just be my manager that will come and give you the passes.”


“Thank you so much.”


“Okay, it's getting late so I'll let you go. Feel free to call or text me the answers! I'll see and talk to you tomorrow. Good night and sleep tight.”


“You as well. Thanks again.” I said and ended the call quickly. My heart beated so fast that it could burst any second. Someone began to pound on the door rapidly and I scrambled to open it.


“I heard everything! Did he ask you on a date? Where to?” Nara asked with impatience. She grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "Tell mee!"


“He didn't ask me on a date.” I bluntly stated.


She scoffed and rolled her eyes. She grabbed my cheeks and looked at me, “You know what I mean, girl.”


“He thought that I might enjoy some backstage passes to his concert tomorrow.” I said and she interrupted me with her squeaks. She clapped her hands excitedly and hooked her arm around my shoulders. She brought me close and practically breathed on my face.


“You're going for sure, right? Can I do your hair and make up?”


“Well, he asked me to ask you guys if you wanted to come too.” I shrugged.


“I'm not coming. You should have fun with your long lost boy friend, okay?”


“He's not my boyfriend!” I exclaimed, “If you don't come, fine. There's still the others I haven't asked yet. They might come.”


...And I spoke too soon. When all of them returned home, they immediately declined my offers. Either they said they want Jin and I to happen or that since Jin asked me first, they didn't want to tag along. Nara just floated around with a smug look on her face for the rest of the night. She wanted to show that she'll get her way with me eventually. This leaves me to wonder why couldn't I be right sometimes?


“Guess I'm getting you ready then?” She winked at me before bed.

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Chapter 14: Update soon please! :D it's really good so far!
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 13: So freaking adorable !!! Can't wait for the next update!!!!
Chapter 13: I hate those types of fans...
Thanks for updating! ^-^
Chapter 10: cuteeeee! I can't wait to see how it goes at the concert :-D~~~
joycecute25 #5
Chapter 8: BIBI >.< hahahaha so cute, pls. update soon =D
5SooYoungiYoung #6
Chapter 8: im SUPER excited for the next chapter
Chapter 8: Bibi! Baby! Awwwwww!
I ship it!
Chapter 7: Yay! Finally!
Loved this chapter, can't wait for the next... :)
Ariari1004 #10
Chapter 6: Jebal updateree