The Pain Your Heart Can't Keep In Forever ♥

~:Bittersweet Candy:~

:~:~: Chapter 2: The Pain Your Heart Can't Keep In Forever ♥ :~:~:

Before Reading: ... I feel accomplished, and I feel pitiful really, but I just received my heavent-sent first subsriber last chapter. >.< I'm not even joking when I say I squealed to myself all throughout school today, I seriously love you, SugarRed_Doll. Please check her out, she's seriously, awesome ^^ While I say this, I feel like I'm coming off as sensitive to everyone reading >3<; But I seriously do love her, check her out for me please! She's got a great MinKey fanfiction "The Devil Inside the Angel." <3


Key's Perspective:

"Kibum?" I looked up from the cash register at the mentioning of my name. I was currently counting the day's earnings and as my eyes met with Minho's, I instantly smiled. "Minho-shi. You're here early." I looked at the wall clock hanging above the entrance that read "8:09pm." He walked in wearing a white long sleeved collared shirt, carrying his suit in his left arm, and black business pants. The tall man sat down in one of the tables in the middle of the room and laid his suit on the table. "Hello Minho-shi," my mother greeted him happily as she stepped down the stairs that led up to our living room. Minho bowed while sitting down and waved, "Hello Mrs.Kim. How was business today?" he asked, while I continued to flip through the cash in my hands. "Well, it's always a fantastic day if we have customers in here, but ask Kibum-ah. He's almost done counting." She nodded in my direction and I smiled, showing my dimples without me even knowing. "So far, it's through the roof." I replied while straightening the stack of money and putting them in a small metal box that was able to be locked. I closed the box and placed it aside while taking a nearby piece of paper and pen. I memorized the amount and wrote the number down. I placed the pen in a cabinet under the counter and walked towards my mother and Minho. I handed the metal box to my mom and placed the piece of paper on the table in a way that the both of them could see. "Omona!" Mom shrieked at the number and almost dropped the box but I caught it just in time. "Come on umma, you have to be careful..." I reminded her and Minho laughed, "This is amazing! This has been the best day we've had so far this year!" she ignored me and smiled at Minho. We looked at her suspiciously, "Why are you doing that?" I asked, chuckling a little. "I bet I know why we've been doing so well..." She smirked like a sneaky child. "W-why?" Minho asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "It's you, Minho-shi!" She clapped her hands, stopping when I handed her back the box. He chortled, "No, I'm sure that's not true!" He waved his hands in the air, denying the accusation. "No! It's true! Since the customers see Minho-shi's handsome face, they always come everyday. Especially those teenage girls!" She explained to the both of us, making me tilt my head as I thought it over. "You know, that might be true..." I admitted, earning a 'that's-ridiculous' expression from Minho's face. My small mother sighed and patted Minho's head, "Kids these days, they're always so modest." She muttered as she headed for the wooden stairs. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing and Minho smiled at me, "She knows I'm 20, right?" I nodded at his question and sat in the chair beside him.

I was facing the see-through walls from where I was sitting; I stared at the bright lights of passing cars, high school girls tittering and holding on to their best friends to keep themselves from falling because they were laughing too hard, men carrying a gazillion shopping bags for their loved ones... I can't remember a day since my highschool days when I actually went out with friends to 'commute.' Minho looked at me and I came down from my thoughts and smiled, "How was work?" I asked, starting a conversation. He groaned, "It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either..." He rubbed his temples with his index finger and thumb, I laid my hand on his other arm for comfort, "Don't worry, remember?" I tried to make him think back to our first encounter, he smiled a bit and stopped rubbing his temples to put his hand over mine. "Yes I remember." He looked at my eyes and I shook my head at him. "I don't believe you, tell me, what is it you remember?" I questioned him, making him sigh. "Everything gets better..." He muttered and I stared at him, "When?" I interrogated him like a detective. I could tell he was getting annoyed, but he didn't take his hand away from mine. "When you look at things with a positive mind, okay?" Minho sighed. "Good boy!" I exclaimed and took my hand away to ruffle his hair. "Yah!" He gently pushed my hands away and I just smiled. "You haven't changed one bit, Kibum." he commented on me as I tilted my head. "Ah, you mean this habit?" I asked, quickly straightening my neck. "Pff- Yes, but also, they way you're always so... Bubbly and... Cheerful..." He looked at me awkwardly when he spoke of them. "Is that so bad?" my eyebrows came together, making one yellow line on my forehead. "... No. But I'm kind of surprised." Minho continued, staring me in the eyes. "With what?" I asked again, keeping the line in place. "You're so happy and joyous everyday, but, you never even do anything but work and work." He propped his chin up with his hand, "But you work too and you're cheerful..." I replied, letting my eyebrows go back to their original place. He scoffed, "Where have you been the past 5 months of our friendship Kibum-ah?" I knew he was asking a rhetorical question and kept my mouth shut. "Where is this getting us?" I asked, and Minho stood up, taking his suit in his right arm. "Let's go somewhere." He cracked down on me. "What do you mean?" I tilted my head again, keeping it there this time since I was utterly confused. "I meant exactly what I said. The two of us should go somewhere, the beach, the mall, the movies, the water park, somewhere. I don't care." He stared me down the whole time he was talking and I couldn't help but question even more, "Just the two of us?" I asked, and he nodded almost instantly like he knew that question was going to come up. "Well, I guess that's fine but -" "Great. I have to go, I'll call you later with the details when I get home." He interrupted me. "But Minho -" Before I could finish, he pinched my cheek and hugged me. "Minh -" I tried to say as he turned around, "Bye Kibum -" "Minho!" I raised my voice as I grabbed a hold of his left arm. He turned to me with a shocked face. It was my first time every talking close to a shout, or even talking above a mezzo piano. "Y-yeah?" He asked and I let go of his arms. I pouted at him, "You know I'd love to go to the beach or movies or especially the mall..." I explained, "Great, so what's the problem?" He seemed like in a hurry for me to make a decision and I groaned. "The problem is you giant meathead," I tilted my eyebrows, indicating that I was upset at him, "Is even if I do go with you, who's going to take over my shift?" I asked, making him open his mouth to say something but soon closing it again. He probably didn't think of that small 'insignificant' detail. "Ah! I know someone who'll gladly volunteer!" He pointed his finger to the sky, making me forget about my worries, "Do you really think they'll agree to this?" I asked, hesitant to take the offer, but he just smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, he's got experience. More or less." He shrugged his shoulders as he looked at the time. "I seriously have to go, my mom's wanting the whole family to be home tonight so we can celebrate my granddad's birthday." He embraced me once more, and I couldn't help but feel bad. "Sorry for making you stay until 8:30pm Minho... Send my birthday greetings to your grandfather though." We exchanged smiles as he let me go. I watched him walk to his car through the see-through doors of the shop. He caught my gaze and waved as he got in, I smiled and did the same. As he drove away, I watched until he was out of my sight. I pulled down the blinds and metal sliding walls so no one could peep through the store at night. I checked everything was off; the lights, anything electrical, and made sure anything that could cause a fire was turned off or the plug was pulled out, before heading upstairs to go to bed.

I took a visit to my parents' bedroom and my mother was still awake. "Umma?" I whispered and she looked up from the book she was reading while on the bed. "Yes?" She smiled at me and I walked in quietly, cautious so that I wouldn't wake up my father. "Minho asked me to go out with him somewhere... I don't know when or where yet, but do you think I'll be able to go if Minho is able to find someone to replace me for a day?" I asked her calmly, but inwardly being happy that Minho cared enough about me to invite me to go out with him somewhere. She thought about it before giving me approval, "Of course honey, but make sure Minho doesn't make a move on you." She winked and I held in a laugh, but failed as a small giggle excaped my lips. I looked at my father immediately, making sure he didn't sense that. She smiled at me and wished me good night, "You too." I smiled and left the room. I turned off the lights in the living room and made my way to my bedroom. There wasn't anything special in my room, just all of the ordinary furniture you'd find; study desk, bed, a chair, a mini coffee table, a television, a mirror, a small head stand and a headdresser. I made my way to the bathroom and saw that the clothes I prepared early this morning for my sleepwear were still there. I undressed and took a shower for 25 minutes.

I wrapped the towel in my hair like my mother taught me. I didn't bother using a hair dryer anymore, she told me that this way of drying your hair prevents split-ends. I shuffled to my bed and sat up, taking my phone off the head stand. "2 new messages" it read, both from Minho. It was 9:25pm and he sent me the text messages around 9pm. I read the first one and it read: Kibum-ah, I got home. (: I'll call you later, okay? Text me after you take a shower ^^ He knows me so well, I smiled at the text and moved on to the next one. Dinner's over, just text me so I can call you (: A 25 minute dinner? I shook my head and replied to him. I'm done. (: You can call me. His call came almost right as I sent. "Kibum-ah?" I heard his deep voice in the other line. I heard people talking behind him, "Are you sure the dinner's done?" I asked, doubting him. "Yeah, why?" He innocently asked and I chuckled, "I can hear people talking behind you." I answered and he made a pause, "Oh, no, I'm watching my tv in my room right now." His smile was apprehendable over the phone and I easily said, "Oh, okay then." Minho giggled and started listing places of where to go, "So, where are you thinking of going to?" he asked and I honestly didn't have an answer, "I'm not sure... Hmm... I'm fine with wherever you want to go." I replied and he clicked his tongue with his teeth to show me he wasn't satisfied with my answer. "You can't say that! That way it'll seem like I'm the one who wants to go somewhere." He whined like a child, "Well, you are!" I chuckled, "No, you do! Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep~ down inside of you, you're really happy you're going to be able to go out." He made a point and I sighed and hummed a yes. "See? Now, answer me again." He gave me another chance, "The movies!" I excitedly said. There was a romantic movie I kept seeing in the commercials when I watched TV on our free days like Monday and Saturday. "Okay, what time do you want me to pick you up?" He replied happily, "Uhm, whenever you can get out of work." I said, "Oh, I don't have work on Thursdays, maybe we can go next, next Thursday??" He suggested and I agreed. It was two days ago, that meant I had extra days to meet Minho's friend. "Minho, do you think you can bring your friend over the store tomorrow?" I asked. "Hm? Sure. He just got out of high school, so he's probably free tomorrow afternoon. I'll just ask to leave a little earlier than usual." he agreed and I thanked him. "I hope he's able to do it..." I whispered, making Minho sigh, "I know this kid Kibum, he's going to be more happy than you will be when he accepts the offer." I smiled and the weight on my shoulder lifted, kind of. "Minho, I'm going to go to sleep now." I yawned, "Oh, okay. Good night, sweet dreams." He merrily responded and I replied with the same words. I hung up and placed my phone inside the my head stand's cabinet and unwrapped my hair fro mthe towel. It was completely dry and I shot the towel in the laundry basket across the room from my position and made the shot. I did a little victory hand dance and brushed my hair with the brush on my head stand. After my signature hairflip, I collapsed into bed and didn't open my eyes until morning came and I was ready to meet someone new.


Minho's Perspective:

"Kibum, meet Lee Taemin." I introduced my crush to the guy I was talking to him about. I talked to the kid early this morning before I went to work, and he was begging to take me over to Kibum asap. "Hello Taemin-shi." Kibum flashed his dimples as he smiled at the smaller man standing next to me. Taemin didn't need words, he hugged Kibum and Kibum yelped a bit. I smiled at their public display of affection and grabbed Taemin by the shoulders, "That's enough Taemin." The jealousy in me building up. "Sorry! Hello Kibum-hyung! My name is Lee Taemin! I am 18 years old and I am most definitely ready to take on any job that includes candy!" Taemin saluted to Kibum and the blonde covered his smile with the back of his hand. "Thank you Taemin-shi. This really means a lot to me." Kibum, yet again, smiled at him. "I understand! Especially since it's your first date with Minho-hyung!" The miniature blonde exclaimed and I pulled him back to cover his mouth with my left hand before he could accidentally say the rest of what I told him this morning. Kibum, the innocent and oblivious man he was, just tilted his head cutely and looked at us. "Sorry, this kid's delusional." I explained as I let go of his mouth before he had the chance to my hand to try to make me let go. Kibum just laughed it off, "No it's okay. Taemin-shi, do you have a payment in mind for your services?" I looked at Kibum weirdly and chuckled, "He's going to work for free Kibum." He looked at me shocked and shook his head like he usually did when he disagreed with something. "No way! We're going to be out for the whole day! He needs to be thanked somehow!" He pouted at me and Taemin interrupted our argument. "Ah, it's alright! I don't need payment! All the smiles I'll see that day will be enough to cover my presence." The kid smiled at Kibum and he replied with a sweet smile. He was so cute. "Um, do you think I can stay here for the rest of the day?" Taemin asked with his best puppy dog eyes, Kibum eyed me and nodded, "Sure Taemin-ah. If you don't mind, can you run some errands for me later?" Taemin nodded endlessly and followed Kibum behind the counter until I pulled him back into a table in the middle of the room.

"Hyung! I wanted to be with Kibum-shi!" Taemin pouted at me and I shrugged my shoulders, "Why? So you can annoy him and mess him up during work?" I asked and he gasped, being offended by my words. I just grinned and he kicked my shin as hard as he could, but my reaction was barely an "Ow." I glared at him when he did it again, "Oh, you want to play footsie now, do you?" and he just grinned. He flailed his feet around under the table, giving me the unability to grab hold of them. As I was about to catch them, I heard a crash behind me followed with gasps and Taemin, who sat across from me, stood up hurriedly and ran past me. I stood up and looked back to what the big commotion was about. The sight of Taemin helping Kibum, who had a pained expression of his face, gain his balance by putting his arm over his shoulder welcome my eyes. I took 5 wide steps and helped Taemin. "What happened?" I asked harshly at the customers who were watching us deal with the mess that was Kibum. "I-I asked f-for a gumb-ball and he t-to-took out a stool to r-rea-reach it and the stool t-tipped over a-and, I'm sorry..." she stuttered, and I gritted my teeth. Taemin, who was trying to help ease Kibum's pain by rubbing his back, looked at me and I knew what was going to happen. "Kibum-ah?" I tried to sound calm as I talked to the tearing up man. "Can you stand?" And he shook his head slowly, sniffing his nose. "Where's your mom, Kibum-shi?" Taemin asked worriedly, "She's out right now... Ow!" Kibum accidentally moved his ankle in a painful direction and grabbed a fistful of my shirt and I could see tears running down his cheeks. I couldn't stand to see the one I love in pain and told Taemin to back up. I crouched down and I could hear Kibum gasp when I carried him bridal-style.

I carried him outside the shop and told the customers to look after the store for us, Taemin didn't want to leave Kibum. Luckily for the three of us, especially Kibum, their store was close to a hospital, just 2 blocks away. I walked the first block, with Taemin holding tightly on to Kibum's hand. I looked down at the crying Kibum, he hadn't said a word since we were at the store. "Kibum... If you're in pain, just cry if you need to." I told him and I felt him shake his head subtly. I sighed, "Not everything has to be looked upon with a positive mind Kibum. This is the time where you can say it hurts." I told him, and Taemin nodded his head at me. His other hand, that was hooked around my neck, tightened its grip around me, "I have to smile, though..." he whispered and Taemin whimpered at the sight of him being like this, even if he did just meet this boy over flowers kind of guy. "No," We passed the second blocked as we tried to make Kibum cry. That sounds like a horrible thing to do, but I was determined to show Kibum crying was not a crime. "You don't have to... Remember what you told me the first day we met?" Taemin looked at me, interested at the story, "Y-yeah..." He bit his tongue to keep the remaining tears in his eyes from flowing. "Not everything is bad, right?" I asked him, speeding up our pace. The hospital was close to my vision, "Then, crying isn't bad." I answered my own question he took a deep breath in. "M-Minho, Taemin..." he let out a sob, "Thank y-" he couldn't finish his sentence. He was too busy crying out the tears that he's been holding in for the past 20 minutes. The noises he made drove me crazy, the pain was audible in his voice and I hated the sound. I couldn't tell him to stop though, he had to let it out. I knew that what he was crying about was no longer about the pain of the fall in Lollipop once I started to hear him actually cry out in pain. "It hurts! I hate you! Why?!" were some of the things I heard him call out. It seemed like all the pain in his heart were also being released into those tears. His tears then were the words that his heart could not say. I've only known Kibum for 5 months now, and we've only celebrated one of my birthdays, yet, I feel like our hearts have always been connected since the day I met him. When he was hurt, I could feel the pain somewhere in my heart, and when I was hurt or upset, he knew how to make me feel better. His sobs suddenly died down as we reached the front of the emergency room, he had fallen asleep. We knew it wasn't going to be a short visit to the emergency room. Taemin didn't let go of his hand, and I didn't let go of his heart.

A/N*: In this chapter, I decided to switch point of views smack dab in the middle because the last couple of paragraphs seemed like they deserved to be told in Minho's mysterious heart. I was scratching my eyes out writing this, I couldn't help squealing too. LIKE WUT TEH FLIP?! Anywho... This chapter... Is... Fluff + with a little of angst... Not really angst, just... pain. xD; Nyah... I looked at it again and I realized I failed >_<; Curse my pure and innocent mind!! (HAHAHAHA. No.) Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Please comment if you'd like ^^ (Shout out again!) SugarRed_Doll: Thank you for subscribing! <3 Yeobo! I FEEL ACCOMPLISHED. BE PROUD OF ME :3 Or not. xD; Cuz I'm not OTL... Whatever. I <3 (:

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locket4lifeluvukibum #1
AWWWW! This is so sweet and cute!
this story is really great!!<br />
please update soon ^^
gee.. i like this so much.<br />
this is good.<br />
cant wait for next
It's only two chapters, but there is so nuch in those two chapters! I think it's safe to say that I love this story so far~ <3 it's so good! ^-^