Error-Vixx (MV adaptation)

Error-Vixx (MV adaptation)

Ashes swirled in his vision as he pursued the smog filled obliterated city. He held his mask close to his face and trudged over the white panels that once lined the great city's skyscrapers. He remembered how where he stood was once the glorious skyscraper that stood for what the city had accomplished. And now like the city before it was built, it was non-existent, and in ruins. He let out a ragged cough and stepped over more rubble.

After walking for hours he stared back at the city, still in a hazardous blaze from the attack a week ago. He shook his head and continued forward, he wasn't looking for the cities vanished glory, he was looking for her. He looked ahead at the long street of scorched houses, where he grew up. He walked down the street memories flooding his mechanical brain, sending electricity through the wires that made him. He looked at a polluted puddle by his foot. He still looked like himself, he just wasn't himself on the inside. Continuing forward he made a left like he always had and  then continued. Finally he stopped and turned towards a house, he was here. Her house.

He made the familiar trek up to her front door, that was no longer there. He walked through what was once the living room where she sat and looked out the windows most days, then through the entertainment room where they would sit on the couch together for hours, and finally her room. He held in his tears, when he finally saw her. Like nothing happened she was sprawled out on her bed, like she was just asleep, but he knew otherwise.  Walking over to her he picked her up as if she was as delicate as the glass shards on the floor. One wrong move and she would break. He had to have her back, he turned around towards the city and moved forward.

Memories stored flashed across his screen as metal mechanical arms hovered over his girls body. Slowly wires were inserted, and metal was added. He gave out a long sigh and let the machines do their work. He left the room and started walking down the hall as  he ran a hand through his hair and paused outside a door. He put his hand on the sensor and the door slid open illuminating the dark room. Upon walking inside he was hit with sadness, and he was flooded with memories. This room was filled with his half finished projects, his five brothers. He walked slowly to his oldest brother and held the robots stare. Like the rest of his other brothers his face was complete, but the metal skeletons still showed past his neck. Slowly he turned around the room and took in a deep breath. He wasn't looking for revenge for his brothers, just looking for completion.

Back with the girl he tinkered with a panel on her arm, and once he was satisfied he closed it. He clicked a few buttons, and he heard a faint beeping noise. He turned to her monitors with curiosity. It worked. He ran to her side as she opened her eyes. She was perfect, just like the day he met her, trouble not evident on her face. He slowly helped her up and guided her to a machine, one last thing and she would be back. Placing a helmet over her head he typed away at his computers. Inputting memories. The boy watched her memories flash across the screen, from when she was born till the day she left the world exactly. He watched as her younger years went by, him along side her and with his brothers in the background. He missed the simpler days. Memories Transferred.

The boy picked up his head and took off the helmet. The blue eyes that he had grown to love stared back at him full of life. With a new recognition in her eyes, the girl jumped up and hugged the boy. Silent tears made their way down the reunited couples faces, together at last. The boy had her back, and he was never letting her go. The boy pulled up a stool and they sat down together, just staring into one each others eyes. Something in the boy's chest swelled, completion. Even with his fake emotions, it felt real, it felt like it once did before he was more man than machine. He covered the girls hands with his and electricity pumped through his wires. Crack! The boy looked to his wide open lab door, four men with black suites stood in the door. Agents.

Before the boy could comprehend what was going on he was forced back by two of the agents, and saw his beautiful girl being taken away. The men holding his girl plugged a medal device into the back of her neck. The crackle of electricity could be heard, and her electronic eyes flickered and flashed for a moment. The device gave off a beep and the men looked down at it, illegal.

The boy shed more tears and cried out in desperation. He just got her back, he couldn't lose her now. Driving his elbows back he nailed both guards in the stomach. Quickly he ran at the two guards holding his love, knocking them out cold. In a flash he grabbed the girls hand and dashed down the hall. This was his last hope, if he didn't do this, they could never be together.

Rushing to a steel door he placed his hand on the sensor and the door slid open. Once into the room, he locked the door so no-one could get in. He led the girl to a operation table, where he created his other projects. Stepping back he looked at his half finished brothers, he missed them so much, but he knew that feeling would go away soon. With a large intake of air he went over to the computer screen and tapped a few things. After the typing was complete he laid down next to girl.

As the medal hands descended on them, the couple showed no fear, only hope. The boy looked at the girl one last time before the computer gave out a small notification. Disassemble Complete.

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Chapter 1: OMG! This is exactly what I was looking for! Combined with watching the MV, it will help me inspire and get the feelings of the mv. I always get emotional whenever I watch Error, they're so cute together <3