
Seven Tiny Problems

  Bam Bam's POV      

I pushed against the smooth but weak wall that was in front of me. It bent so easily but it didn't break. I had to get out of here. I took steps back till I was at the other wall, then ran, then threw myself against that smooth wall. Pointless. I continued pushing but this time not at the middle, rather at the side. Just when I thought it would break, light appeared.


  Your POV      

All three of them had calmed themselves down. Jackson still seemed upset and the other two so worried but it was better by now. "How about I get us something to eat and drink first. Then we can think of something." You suggested but only received nods as replies. Checking the time you wondered about whether it was safe to be outside of your room with them.

You decided to stay in your room and set them all on your desk. They had books as chairs and you served them strawberry slices along with a bowl filled with water. You had to buy barbie equipemnt like glasses. Due to not feeling hungry at all you were just sitting there, watching them. "So what's your plan?", JB asked while eating. "I thought about finding out where that Yongguk guy lived at and then go break in his house?" Their expressions spoke a thousand words. The idea was bad. But what else to do? "Or you use us. You leave us alone somewhere and wait till the person comes that wants us.", Mark suggested but you shook your head a little. "Now what if it is someone stronger than me? Someone faster than me? I would lose you three as well and what then?" - "Then you would at least know who it is if you saw the person." Mark got a point there. But was it a smart idea? 

Jackson was silently eating. His gaze down on the ground. "How about a bath for all of you? I will wash your clothes too." 


You had filled the sink with just enough water for them. It was warm, it was filled with bubble. While they were in there you were washing their little clothes in the bathtub. Hearing them talk you guessed that they were getting distracted of the problem for a while. Tomorrow would be such a difficult day.


The following day...

The three boys were in your backpack. They had insisted on coming with you and you felt better having them there too. You entered the school building inhaling deeply. Okay you had to find... Yongguk, right? Yeah him and then creepily follow him. On your way down the hallway you stopped when Seukhye suddenly was in front of you. "Good morning." she said, sounding rather unsure about talking to you. "Ah good morning." You gave her a reassuring smile and she seemed to ease a little. "How are you? You seemed a little... worried yesterday." How would you explain this to her? "Oh it's nothing. Really." Shaking your head you noticed Yongguk coming down the hallway towards you two. "Come on." you gently hugged Seukhye's arm just so you could pull her along as you rushed away. After that scene yesterday you would rather not talk to him. 

You barely talked to Seukhye. It wasn't like you weren't interested in becoming friends with her or anything but you were so deep in thoughts that you couldn't really pay attention. But she didn't seem to mind much and would give you a sweet smile everytime you met in the hallways during the breaks. She sure was a cutie.

The day ended and you were standing outside the school, behind some tree not to be spotted right away. You had to spot Yongguk. And you did. He was with some other guy so he was distracted. You followed silently, keeping a lot of distance of course but this was so weird. The boys were all safely in your backpack and after a short walk his friend turned left and Yongguk disappeared in a house. So that was where he lived? It was pretty. A simple little white house. Who would think that there was a guy as cruel as Yongguk? You waited for a bit then creeped to the house. You glanced into every window, checking out the inside. Nervousness or was it fear? Something made you feel so weird inside. And while staring into a window you unfortunately didn't notice that he had left the house.

"Wow." his voice made you gasp and turn to him wide eyed. Now your heart was racing. "Normally I would say, hey. Are you so crazy for me? But after that yesterday I'm slightly worried." He seemed so chill but yet so serious. Your head dropped down and your gaze to your feet. Wonderful, you got caught. "Chohee! What's going on!" JB's voice caught your attention for a second but you just bumped your elbow against your backpack in hope that they would turn silent. "You look like you think I'm going to hurt you. Come on, I just really wanna know what is wrong with you." He said in another attempt to make you speak. But what were you supposed to say? You glanced back inside the window. But you hadn't spotted anything that looked like a cage for your little boys. "I'm just looking for something." You said while avoiding to look at him. "In my backpack and my house? Have you followed me?" Oh gosh you surely looked like a creep. You looked up at him. Well, he did not look angry. "Yeah. Seems I haven't found it. Bye." You would return the next day. Or later.

When you wanted to walk away he grabbed your arm. "And what is that that you're looking for?" Brushing his hand off you quickly walked away. You were glad that he did not try another time to stop you. What an awfully awkward situation. Looking back at him you just now realized he had a backpack with him and was wearing sporty clothes. Oh he was going to play soccer? Perfect. Then you just had to sneak into his house while he would be gone. 


After waiting for a little while you casually walked back to the house. You rang the bell and waited for a little while but no one opened. Okay and how would you get in there? The door was locked, obviously. You slowly walked around the house noticing that a window was tilted open. "Chohee!" Oh right. You slipped the backpack down your arm and opened it. "So?" Jackson asked and they rubbed their eyes at the sudden bright sunlight. "Hey so, all Ive found is a tilted window.. I wouldn't be able to get in but maybe you guys?" They nodded. Well then. You put the backpack down to take your sweater off and it. This should be long enough,, right? Just to test it first you pushed it through the opened space, holding your sleeve and peeking in. Okay your sweater went all the way down to the ground. "But hurry up." You told them when you helped them on your sweater so they could climb inside. And now you had to wait.

You felt nervous but thankfully they were done soon enough. They climbed back up your sweater and you let them get on your arm. But when you were trying to get your sweater out it got stuck. And just in the same moment. "Seriously this is getting too far." Yongguk was behind you. And when you turned around he immediately spotted Mark, JB and Jackson. "Well, look what you got there" He raised his eyebrows. This was not how you had planned this...

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I will add a new chapter within the following week


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Bffl29834 #1
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update
Chapter 9: wow... really?
That's how you're going to end this?
aimz_c #3
Hi~ im going to start reading this reallllllllly soon and i cant wait
Chapter 8: Hope this plan is success ~~~
Bffl29834 #5
Chapter 7: This is so cite I can't wait for the next chapter
kookietho #6
i noticed it's a while since you last updated and i really hope you haven't given up on the story because it's so good and i'm so curious about the rest! I love how you took your time even editing pics of mini got7 and jackson in the pencil case is just too cute haha
kimmietaeyeon769 #7
Chapter 5: Kawaii!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: I love this so much.. I hope she can meet the missing boys soon.. Good job .. Authornim..
Chapter 4: I seriously really really love this!