Jongup's First Day Of School [2/2]

~Innocent Love~

What was Jongup supposed to say? That he also loved Junhong? But Himchan and his umma taught him that love is precious. Is he willing to love Junhong? Yes, he is but what would Himchan say? Himchan already doesn't like Junhong because Junhong stole his first few kisses already.

This thinking made Jongup blink rapidly, so confused that he didn't know that his silence was hurting poor little Junhong.

"Jonguppie?" Junhong pouted as he tried his best not to cry.

Jongup blinked, "What?"

Junhong felt his heart break into pieces as he thought that little Jonguppie didn't like him anymore. This made Junhong cry.

Little Jonguppie panicked, Junhong just started crying and he doesn't know what to do! The only thing to make Junhong stop crying is a kiss from Jongup? Jonguppie decided to try it out, he pecked Junhong on the lips and he immediately stopped crying.

He gave Jongup a confused look. He wiped his tears away, more confused than ever! He's confused that his tears stopped right at the moment when Jongup kissed him, he's confused that Jongup didn't give him an answer but rather a kiss to the lips, and he's especially confused about what the urge is telling him to do; to kiss Jongup back. It was so strong that he couldn't ignore it, so he did kiss Jongup back.

It was a simple peck that now left Jongup baffled. That wasn't supposed to happen.

"Junhong I'm sorry~ will you forgive me~?" He pouted, hoping that Junhong will not cry anymore because it breaks little Jonguppie's heart.

Junhong wiped his tears away and gave a big smile, "Yes, I forgive you Jonguppie~!" He hugged Jonguppie to his chest tightly.

At that point, Jongup loved Junhong, he was sure of it. The beating in his chest was proof.


Later on, the class went inside to play since it nearly started raining on the little kids. The sandbox was mud, the swings were rusty, and the slide was dangerous because of the rain.

Little Jonguppie was lost in thought; Himchan hyung said that if Junhong kisses him, give him the silent treatment. It wasn't that hard but if the boy is very cute then it's very hard. Hmm... Maybe Jonguppie will teach Junhong a lesson not to kiss him at an early age, with Jonguppie's little hands. He doesn't know what he's going to do if he does catch Junhong if he chases him around.

Junhong looked at Jonguppie, he looks very concentrated on something. There was a crease on his forehead that Junhong gently rubbed it away until it no longer was there. Jongup still didn't come back to reality. Junhong had an idea, he'll try something.

Junhong had once again pecked Jongup's lips and was now running away from the red Jongup.

"Don't run in the classroom! And Junhong, no kissing anybody!" The teacher scolded.

Junhong glanced behind him to see if Jongup was still chasing him but he tripped over something. He fell down with a groan followed by a whimper.

"Junhong! Are you okay?!" Jongup kneeled beside him, "Did you get a boo-boo?!" He checked all over Junhong to see if he had any boo-boos.

Junhong sat up and saw what he had tripped over; a castle made out of blocks but it was all knocked down on the floor. He heard someone huff behind him and he turned to look. A little child stood there with blocks in her arms. The child had shoulder length hair which was blond but kept it tied up. The child looked like a girl but the voice doesn't sound like a girl.

"Why? You broke it." The child said, pouting. The person dumped the blocks on the floor, seems like they went to go look for more blocks to make the castle bigger but someone knocked it down.

Jongup was still checking Junhong for boo-boos that he didn't notice the person's presence. "I see no boo-boos." He looked at Junhong and smiled.

The person's eyes almost bulged out of their eye sockets, this boy looks so cute! He looks like my puppy! Without thinking, the person leaned down and kissed Jongup's forehead. "You look cute~"

Jongup turned red, "H-huh? W-why?"

The girl smiled a pretty smile, "You look like my puppy! I kiss my puppy here!" She pointed to her forehead. "You are my new puppy!"

Junhong pouted, "Jonguppie-hyung is mine!"

The girl looked at Junhong and didn't like the way Junhong said that so easily. "What's your name?"


Junhong pulled Jongup closer, he doesn't want his Jonguppie-hyung to hang around with this girl. Jongup is his, for an unknown reason; Junhong felt jealous but he didn't know what he was feeling when he seen Jongup smile whenever the girl smiled. "Junhong. This is Jongup." He replied.

The girl smiled at the mention of his new puppy's name, "Jongup~" she crawled closer to Jongup and sat beside him, clinging onto his arm. "My name is Minki~"

Junhong blinked, "Boy or girl?" He said straightforwardly not bothered by Minki's sudden change in reaction.

"I'm a boy!" Minki shouted, he doesn't like it when people thinks he's a girl.

Jongup smiled wider, "You wanna be my friend?"

Before Minki could answer, Junhong shouted, "NO!! Jonguppie-hyung is mine!!" He pecked Jongup's lips surprising both of the boys.

Minki didn't like it when this Junhong kissed his puppy, only he was supposed to do that! "Don't do that!"

"You can't tell me what to do!" He pecked Jongup again.

"Junhong! Wait!" Jongup pouted, he told Junhong a lot of times to wait but he doesn't want to listen.

Minki pulled Jongup away from Junhong's grip, Junhong on the other hand, didn't like people touching his Jonguppie!

"Hey!" Junhong shouted.

Minki just glared at him, even if he is girly, his glare is really frightening but Junhong wasn't going to give up! Even if he did almost pee in his pants!

Junhong grabbed Jongup's wrist, "He's mine!"

Minki held onto Jongup's other wrist, "No! He's mine!"

Junhong tugged on his wrist, "Let go!"

Minki did the same thing; tugging Jongup's other wrist. "You let go!"

The two boys started a tug-of-war between them, Jongup was the prize they wanted. Minki didn't want to lose to Junhong and Junhong didn't want to lose to Minki.


Two other boys that was colouring heard the ruckus. They both turned to see a helpless cute boy in between a tall boy and a girl.

"Why?!" The first boy didn't understand why a boy would argue with a girl.

"Let's go!" The black haired boy shouted, standing up; ready to help the really cute boy!

They both ran over, "What are you doing?!" They shouted in unison even though they had trouble saying the whole sentence together.

The fight between the boy and girl stopped, but they were still glaring at each other. The girl spoke first, "My name is Minki. I'm not a girl! And this is my puppy!!" He pointed at Jongup who was now sitting down, he didn't like it when people fought especially if it's around him.

"My name is Junhong, Jonguppie-hyung is mine!"

"He's mine!" Minki retorted not liking Junhong.

"He's mine!"

"No, he's mine!"

The two mystery boys kept looking between Junhong and Minki; first Minki then Junhong, Minki, Junhong, then Minki again and kept doing that until they finally saw Jongup crawling away.

The black haired put a finger to his lips and he followed Jongup. The other boy did the same thing. When they were clear of the fighting boys, the first boy spoke first. He held out his hand which Jongup gladly took.

"My name is Sehun." The first boy introduced himself, relieved that they no longer have to worry about the two arguing boys.

"My name is Jongin." Then the black haired boy introduced himself, gripping Jongup's hand tightly.

Jongup smiled brightly, he never had this many friends, ever! "My name is Jongup!"

The two boys smiled, the one named Sehun had one tooth missing in the front which made Jongup gasp.

"The tooth fairy visited you?!" He exclaimed excitedly, Himchan hyung and his mother told him all about it but he never had a tooth knocked out yet.

Sehun nodded, "She left me a dollar under my pillow!" He fished in his pocket for said dollar but could find it, "Where did it go?"

"It's right here." Jongin pulled it out of Sehun's other pocket that he didn't check.

"Oh." He grabbed the dollar from Jongin's hand and flashed it in front of Jongup's face. He was very proud of it!

Jongup gasped, "Wow! It's shiny! She gave you that?" He needed to know so he could buy Himchan something nice with his very own dollar.

Sehun nodded proudly, "Yesh, I mean yes!" He corrected himself since it kind of comes out wrong because he has a gap in between his teeth which allows a lot of air to pass through and mess his words up

"Oh! I want one too!" Jongup jumped up and down excitedly, his Himchan hyung will be so proud of him!

"You need to lothe one tooth firtht." Sehun nodded knowingly.

Jongin shook his head, "Your lisp is back."

Jongup blinked, "Lisp? What's that?"

"His S sounds like Th." Jongin explained how Sehun's umma explained it.

"Is it always like that?"

Sehun shook his head, "No, it'th only like that if I get exthited."

Jongup giggled, that makes Sehun cute! "I think it's cute!"

That made Sehun's mouth drop, "You mean you don't mind?"

"No, my umma said like everybody who is not the same!"

At this, Sehun embraced Jongup tightly and his eyes watered thinking about how someone accepted him and doesn't mind his lisp.

He hugged back mainly because he hugged him first but also because he found a new friend!


Junhong has finished his business with this boy and he doesn't see Jongup anywhere, where he left him, where they were before Junhong kissed him, he just doesn't see him. The classroom is quite big, he'll just have to venture out in the big classroom to find his Jonguppie but the girl boy isn't making it any more easier for him.

"I lost my puppy! You made me lose him!" The girl boy was nearly in tears at the thought of losing her his new puppy. 

Junhong was getting annoyed, this girl is getting on his nerves. Maybe Junhong should pull a strand of hair out or maybe should push the girl down. She's-- I mean the boy is talking about his  Jonguppie like he owns him. He's Junhong's!! Jonguppie is his only!! Why can't anybody get that?! "Jonguppie is mine..." Junhong mumbled to himself but apparently, the other boy heard him.

"He's yours? But he's my new puppy."

"I found him first!" Junhong whined loudly, he made friends with him yesterday even before Jonguppie came to school!

"He's my puppy!" Minki challenged, Junhong may have found Jonguppie first but he's Minki's puppy!

"He's mine!!"

"No, he's mine!!"

"He's mine!!"


"I'll find him first!!" Junhong turned around and tried running but tripped and fell because Minki jumped on his back.

"I'll find him first!" Minki stepped over Junhong but tripped as Junhong grabbed Minki's ankle, making him tumble into a pile of stuffed animals.

"He's mine!!" Junhong ran but barely took two steps as Minki threw a huge stuffed bear at him. Junhong fell with a soft thud on the floor.

Minki came over with another stuffed animal and started hitting Junhong with it. "My puppy!!"

Junhong started fighting back, throwing little punches here and there. He managed to get the stuffed animal away from Minki at one point but Minki, once again, had it in his hands.

The teacher saw the whole thing but she didn't expect it to go this far, usually children wouldn't want to play with each other after they've fought but them, they kept going. The teacher came up to them and broke them apart, "What is going on here?!" She scolded, gripping a wrist of the two squirming boys.

Junhong spoke first, not happy that he didn't teach this boy a lesson. "Jonguppie is mine!! I found him first!!"

The teacher opened but nothing came out as Minki interrupted her, "He's mine!! He's my puppy!!"

The two boys glared at each other, as they felt the grip loosen, they collided with each other again.

Again, the teacher broke them apart, "That's it you two! You guys were friends before! You two are going to the timeout corner!"

At the mention of the timeout corner, they both gasped and begged for forgiveness.

"Please, I don't want to go to the timeout corner!" Junhong pleaded, clasping his hand together.

"I don't want to either." Minki agreed, clasping his hands as well.

"Well, you should've thought of that before. Come along." She got the two boys up and walked up to a secluded corner, put down a chair and told Junhong to sit there with his head down, facing the wall.

Junhong cried as he sat down, he hates going to the timeout corner; all the other kids are having fun and he's not!

The teacher nodded and walked to a different secluded corner and did the same thing; put down a chair and told Minki to sit there with his head down, facing the wall.
Minki's tears escaped his eyes as he sat down, this is probably a big number of times he's already been in the timeout corner.

Both Minki and Junhong silently cried in the timeout corner as they thought about what made them end up here. They reflected on what they did was wrong.


Little Jonguppie was having fun, he learned that both Sehun and Jongin is six years old and they learned that Jongup is seven but they do have other friends who are seven too.

"Really? You have other friends?!" Jongup bounced on the floor, they were currently sitting on the floor in a little circle.

"Yeah, don't you have other friends too?" Sehun asked.

Jongup thought about it; he has Himchan hyung, Daehyun hyung, Junhong, and Yongguk? That's not a lot. Jongup shook his head, "Not really."

Jongin had an idea, "Why don't you meet our older friends?!"

Sehun gasped, "Yeah! You'll be making friends in no time!"

Jonguppie smiled and nodded, "Alright!"

"Come on!" Jongin got up and urged Jongup to do the same.

After the three got up, they ventured around the classroom in search of their older friends. After what seemed like an eternity, they finally found them!

"Kyungsoo! Zitao!" Jongin happily shouted, waving his arms like he's a cast away on an island.

The boys known as Kyungsoo and Zitao waved back.

Sehun pushed Jongup in the direction of the two boys, "Go!"

Jongup was scared, what if they don't like him?

"Kyungsoo, Zitao, this is Jongup! He's new!" Jongin introduced Jongup since he was excited for them to meet.

Kyungsoo smiled a friendly smile, he knew that Jongup is scared so might as well be the friend that Jongup can rely on. "Hello, I'm Kyungsoo. Nice to meet you."
Jongup felt more relaxed, he seems like a friendly person. "Nice to meet you too." Jongup turned to look at Zitao, waiting for him to introduce himself but it never came, all was said was "Zitao."

"He doesn't speak good language. Like ours." Jongin supplied.

Jongup smiled his heavenly smile, "It's okay! We'll be good friends!" This made everybody have a group hug with Jongup right in the middle.


The school day was fun Jongup thought as he put on his sweater that Himchan hyung provided for him. He surely can't wait for tomorrow-- ah! He has to find a friend for Daehyun! Where's Junhong?!

Jongup glanced around the classroom, he hasn't seen Junhong since the fight with Minki. "Junhong?"

Out of nowhere in the crowd of kids, Junhong's head popped out since he's taller than most kids. "Jonguppie~!" He came running towards Jongup.


"Jonguppie~!" Junhong embraced Jongup tightly, "I haven't seen you since I was with Minki!"

Jongup smiled, "Where is Minki?" Jongup didn't notice the change on Junhong's face as Minki was mentioned.

"I don't know."

"Well, Junhong we have a mission! Find a friend for Daehyun!"

"Yes! Mission 'Find a friend for Daehyun!' Starts now! Let's go!" Junhong grabbed Jongup's hand and they ran out of the school and onto the school grounds, then ran to the huge school that most likely Himchan, Yongguk and Daehyun are in.

"Is this it?" Jongup asked, eyeing the big school up and down, right to left.

"I'm sure I've seen Yongguk walk out before." Junhong raked his memory for it and found that this is the school. "Yep! I'm sure!"

"Alright! Let's go in!"

Both boys, who are holding hands, ran inside the quiet school looking around.

"It sure is quiet." Junhong whispered, his shoes squeaking against the marble floor are the only loud sound in the silent corridor.

"I know." Jongup took two steps forward before silently walking down the hallway with Junhong following closely behind.

They heard a door creak open around the corner, they went to go check it out; they saw a slightly chubby faced  boy come out of the room with a few books and papers in his hands. He had no lenses in his glasses and he's quite skinny.

The boy looked up and saw both Jongup and Junhong peeking around the corner. The boy walked up to them, "H-Hello, I'm Y-Yoo Youngjae. A-Are you two l-lost?"


There he is!! He has finally come!!

What will happen now that Youngjae is here?

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 13: Awwww they are so cute kekkeke
Please update soon!
JulyChans #3
Chapter 13: BangHim are very cute <3 Omg, i need more DaeJae, its first meeting was really embarrassing :D
Gukie_Chanie #4
Chapter 13: Omg! I was craving banghim so much right now and your update just made me super giggly!! Soo super adorable!! Banghim are sooo cute!! Aww they are going to get married!! Haha cute!! :D
Chapter 13: Yes DaeJae 4 lyfe. Thanks for the update!!! :))
Chapter 13: and beautiful story and beautiful chapter
Chapter 13: Yes, yes, yes DAEJAE, DAEJAE, DAEJAE .... please :D
J-hopearmy #8
Chapter 13: Wowwwww!!!
Let dajae be!!!!!
eternalpain #9
Chapter 13: DAEJAE
vero0703 #10