The chase

The Running Man Challenge

If Jonghyun's heart had been racing hard earlier then now it was performing some sort of acrobatic show. It took him ridiculously long time to form a simple word in his mouth.

"I-I don't- I- uh... I have my w- hey!" Jonghyun's wallet was trapped in Minho's tight grip before he could say knife. The younger one raised it above his head and swung it between his thumb and index finger.

"G-give it back", Jonghyun demanded and didn't even try to catch it. Minho whined that he was no fun but kept holding the wallet up.

"Try at least. Once."


"Do it for me."


"So, that's how it is", Minho said and a grin raised the corners of his mouth. He just couldn't let this opportunity to bully the older one go. Jonghyun saw what was coming.


"You know you won't..."

"Say it and I'll hit you."

"...reach it..."

"I'll seriously hit you."


Before Minho could finish Jonghyun's right cross hit him in the stomach and send him crouching on the floor holding his midriff. Jonghyun had been play fighting with Minho so many times he knew that the only thing that really took damage was Minho's pride and that he would pay for it later. The wallet fell on the floor but was soon picked up by Jonghyun. Not to miss his probably only chance, he also stole the keys from the pocket of Minho's jacket. The younger one recovered fast from the punch and Jonghyun yelped as he felt Minho grab the leg of his jeans just as he was about to sprint for his life. Jonghyun was however able to pull himself free before Minho could get a better hold and headed running towards the escalator, stumbling his way down to the third floor. The rest of the keys were now least of Jonghyun's worries. It was up to finding a good place to hide if he wanted to have any chance at all since when Minho was back on his two long legs a short-limbed creature like Jonghyun was helplessly doomed when it came to a chase. Fortunately, unlike on the second floor, there was a clothing store a few meters away from where Jonghyun was. He had taken an U-turn after the escalator and when he entered the shop he could see Minho running down the escalator and yelling his name in not so nice tone. Jonghyun cursed under his breath as he kept turning around and tried to decide where to hide. There was a couple of fitting rooms but they had too much space between the floor and the door that even a half blind person could notice that there was somebody inside. So Jonghyun headed for the door at the back of the shop but halted when he heard rattle coming from the corridor behind him. Turning around, he saw Minho standing by the door and the security shutter closing.

"Now, now what do we have here", Minho said, stepping into the shop with his hands behind his back and watched the older one with a gloat grin. "Let's just say you're not the first or the last one whose game ends here."

"That's- that's not fair!" Jonghyun whined, taking a step back every time the younger one moved closer. Minho's calmness made him feel uneasy.

" Hmm, what was the proverb I heard a couple of days earlier? Oh, right! Don't bite the hand that feeds you."

"There's no such thing as a free lunch. I had nothing for you, okay?"

"No, you didn't heard my proposition."

"Yeah well it's a bit late now, don't you think?"

Minho shrugged. "Might be. But do they let off all the thieves in the court?"

They both stared at each other for a brief moment before Jonghyun turned over and rushed for the door, Minho just at his heels. He hit the door with his shoulder first, pressing the handle down with his both hands and used more force than necessary only to find out that the door was locked. A few more tries proved it true and made Jonghyun's blood run cold as he raised his face towards Minho. The man was just meters away from him but the distance gave just enough time for Jonghyun to jump aside and run behind the first table he came across. But Minho was tired of playing the which-side-should-I-go-around and casually jumped over the whole thing and caused an almost heart attack to Jonghyun who now weaved between the tables trying not to slip and cursed the day Minho became an athlete. Jonghyun was driven by the primitive instinct that forced him to run even faster and the longer it last the more he panicked and made mistakes. The game had gotten very serious and was no fun anymore as Jonghyun desperately tried to evade Minho's hands that had almost caught him a few times but then slipped when Jonghyun had tugged himself free. Escaping Minho in that little shop was an impossibility but still Jonghyun tried, scared of what might happen if he didn't.

"Stop, stop, stop! Minho let's talk this over! Please!" he cried out in despair.

"Well stop and we'll see about the talking", Minho yelled back at him.

"Really! I am being serious, stop!" Jonghyun continued to plead but it had no effect and the chase continued. After a few randomly picked turns they ended up near the fitting rooms. Jonghyun, noticing his chance, took all of a sudden turn to the last one of them and locked the door just as Minho grabbed the handle on the other side.

"Get out!" The younger one yelled and tried to pull the door open.

"No, you open the security shutter first!" Jonghyun answered and leaned against the back wall.


Jonghyun said nothing back but listened. It was quiet and Minho kept waiting by the door but after a while he seemed to get bored and walked away. Jonghyun let out a deep sigh and thanked all the gods he knew. He expected to hear rattle of the security shutter but instead he heard and saw Minho walking back to the door. The man put a hanger between the door and the front wall of the fitting room and lift the latch up.

"What... No, no, no, no!" Jonghyun shrieked and rushed to lock it again but as he was about to grab the handle Minho pulled the door open. The younger one grabbed his collar and pushed him roughly against the back wall.

"Any last words?!"


A/N: Ohh boy Jonghyun you're so screwed! Anyway look forward to the weekend for I will update the last chapter! (Is this over already? TT--TT ...maybe not!)

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Next chap. will probably be updated in October. School's keeping me really busy TT-TT


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Chapter 5: I can't wait sequel *^* I need more XD
I'll be watching you o(`ω´*)o
Chapter 1: Ahahahaha so funny. I can actually imagine Jonghyun begging for his "life". So cute
solar_ #3
Chapter 4: UPDATE U P D A T E
Chapter 4:
Chapter 4: And now in this glorious moment Minho Jonghyun.
Lol, nope XD Although...
Kyaaa, update *^* I'm soooo happy!
Rerehehe #6
Chapter 3: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa shall we discuss the price ;D omoooo cant wait for more
Chapter 3: I love this soooo much!
Chapter 3: HOW YOU CAN FINISH THIS CHAPTER IN THAT MOMENT?! OTL I have millions ideas what is Minho's price. You don't like me, right? T^T Update soon ♥